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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.6669357

fail on trip, kinda buzzed right now...

>> No.6669371

you should put them all in a single picture so people will actually look at them.

i didn't look at any of them btw.

>> No.6669376

also, what about these?


>> No.6669384

thanks, on it

>> No.6669389

Out of those, I only like the cdbs.

>> No.6669435

are the rest THAT bad?

>> No.6669443
File: 195 KB, 3000x1960, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is a photo of each, some come in other colors but im asking about basic design and comfort level (if you know of) of these. also, please make suggestions of other boots/shoes in the sub 200 that look good, not just a general link to redwings etc but actual specific shoe models please

>> No.6669456

do you like armani exchange?

>> No.6669476

not much of an opinion, still new here and trying to figure this fashion thing out... shoes are proving to be my weekpoint

>> No.6669492

I feel like 1 is overdone. The contrast stitching + the branding + the light distressing + the moc toe + the lug sole is overwhelming, and would be hard to pull off.
Something about the shape of 2 seems off to me. The toe box looks so flat and long compared to the rest of the shoe.
The distressing on 3 just looks cheap and ugly.
I really dislike the distressing on 4 too, it just doesn't look natural enough.
5 looks cheap (cause it is).
I find the burnishing on 6 ugly.
7 is pretty inoffensive.
9 is a fucking abomination, jesus. Brogued captoed chelsea boots with weird boat shoe lacing throughout and ugly stitching and paneling.

>> No.6669505


Pretty much agree with this guy.

Bump your price up and buy a pair of Wolverine 1000 Miles, Iron Rangers, or another good quality boot.

>> No.6669510

Read the reviews closely and critically, find a specific style you want and go with that. Pay attention to brand quality and dress to your style. The goal is to look good without trying, if it suits your needs perfectly then fuck everyone else.

tldr: fuck /fa/ be fashion

>> No.6669529

i like the style of 7, but hear bad things about steve madden

>> No.6669532

meant 5

>> No.6669536
File: 93 KB, 1024x519, 1375906775896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so 9 and 8 are good looking? do you guys have pictures/specific models of shoes that resemble the ones i posted but look better?

what are these fit called?

also, are shades of brown the best for boots? if not what are some other colors i should consider? I have Mediterranean/olive color skin with wavy dark brown hair and brown eyes if that helps

>> No.6669550

are these any good? how do you guys distinguish something that looks good or ugly? some things may look good to me but you will consider ugly and vice a versa no?


>> No.6669561


>> No.6669567

but they look nice no? someone posted them on here the other day and i clicked on thread as it was 404'd so didnt get to read reviews

>> No.6669568

>how do you guys distinguish something that looks good or ugly
Experience and personal preference.

>> No.6669569

Some leathers look cheap, some designs you can tell little thought went into them. The shape of these is fine, but it just looks like garbage quality. Seriously, up your shoe budget, cheap leather is extremely noticeable.

>> No.6669572

these are all fucking hideous

i see what you are trying to achieve and i recommend clarks desert malis

>> No.6669581
File: 267 KB, 816x612, 20130801_181109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this guy, Malis are pretty good for the price. Sole construction is shit, though.
Pic related is my pair.

>> No.6669584

what is a price range for boots then? 200-400? how many pairs should i own? im trying to put together a basic wardrobe and need to figure out how many shoes and boots to own and of which styles



BTW thanks for all the help i really do appreciate it!

>> No.6669596

$300 is a good starting point for real quality, but it depends on the brand. I'd say start out with one pair of brown boots. As for brands, try checking out:
Red Wing
White's Boots
Oak Street Bootmakers
Rancourt & Company
Allen Edmonds
Common Projects
William Lennon
Best of luck, brother.

>> No.6669602

that's just crepe soles mane

>> No.6669598

>I'd say start out with one pair of brown boots
Meant to add that this completely depends on your style. If you prefer to wear black boots, get a black pair, or a grey pair, or whatever. It's all up to you.

>> No.6669600


$300 up to over $1000 for high-end boots. You should probably start with just one pair you like and wear those. Brown or black are the most popular and brown tends to be more casual.

But don't go out and buy a pair of boots because some asshole on 4chan told you to buy Iron Rangers. Shop around, do your research, and find a boot that you like.

>> No.6669608

I meant the stitching, midsole, and all that jazz. I doubt I'll get another year of wear out of mine.

>> No.6669607


Can't go wrong with any of those brands, OP.

>> No.6669616
File: 111 KB, 500x750, 1375945539581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the list. what is a good starter shoe collection? do you wear one pair every day or switch up with different pairs? i want a desert boot like clarks desert boots #8 in my pic, and also another boot like the 1000 mile boot from wolverine but am i missing other styles in my collection? should i include any other shoe types? what about something more like pic related?

>> No.6669624


Don't buy both at the same time. Building a good wardrobe takes years.

>> No.6669633

There's no one size fits all advice for this sort of thing. Build your collection according to your needs and desires. I personally require a good pair of boots since I live in a very snowy area, but for someone in Florida that might not be a requirement.
>do you wear one pair every day
I've got multiple pairs, so why would I? Rotating your shoes helps them to last longer. At minimum, I'd have: one pair of casual shoes/boots, one pair of sneakers, and one pair of formal shoes/boots. Color is entirely up to you.

>> No.6669631

so what is the most essential shoe to buy first? something to replace my daily shoe which was those flat puma tae kwan do looking shoes because flat foot and comfortable

>> No.6669642


That depends on your lifestyle and where you live.

For example, I live in Texas. It's hot as fuck 6 months out of the year and only cold for maybe 4? My sneakers are more essential to me than my boots, which I only wear in the fall, winter, and early spring.

>> No.6669654

so how about Clarks Desert Mali Boot for starters? i live in chicago so decent snowfall yearly. i only own one other pair of shoes and they are a red/black puma which kinda look like link


if i only own one pair of boots is that ok to wear daily during winter/autumn/ as i build my collection or is it essential to buy another pair or two of other styles?

>> No.6669669

I wouldn't recommend Malis for wet weather, even with hefty amounts of Sno-Seal they let lots of moisture in.
How do you like these?

>> No.6669679

they're nice but i dont love them. they are too dull colored i guess. i dont like shiny leather but also not so dull. maybe its just the photo. got any others?

>> No.6669683

Crepe soles are slippery af, if you do get them for everyday wear take them to a cobbler and get them to add toe taps (? idk the name but it's an extra piece added at the heel to make it slip resistant/ not wear out the actual sole).

>> No.6669695
File: 409 KB, 1306x980, thorogood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about these? Pic is what the leather will look like after some wear.

>> No.6669698

so are the malis a no no for chicago weather? or just for winter months? i like how they look

>> No.6669712

looks nice in the original, is pic related washed out on color because camera or is that shade very lifelike? it looks slightly purple to me. also, can i wear those with jeans/chinos? got any inspo pics for boots like those?

>> No.6669713

They're fine for dry weather, but definitely not for wet. Tricker's makes some very nice boots in a similar style, if you're willing to put down a bit more money.

>> No.6669717

Crepe soles are not good for snow, or anything wet. Step on a wet leaf and your gonna slip.

>> No.6669723

link please to specific look alike?

>> No.6669733
File: 30 KB, 460x317, 1353187178890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shit phone camera picture, but it gives you an idea of how the patina and creasing will develop.

>> No.6669754

why do some boots have an inside looking padding to the area above the ankle while some others dont? your link has no padding or material besides leather while


look like they do? also, are these clarks any good?

>> No.6669764

Cheaper shoes tend to be lined with cotton or some other textile, while the pair I posted is lined with leather.
I can't say I'm a fan of non-Originals Clark's. The styling just isn't good enough to make up for the low quality.

>> No.6669788
File: 76 KB, 800x531, 1375908301105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for reference though i like the leather used in those clarks, the color/shine at least. it said oily brown leather so this is the type of leather i should be looking for? got any other links to some nice shoes i can take a look at?

again i genuinely appreciate the help and time you are taking to give me this info, its rather challenging starting from square 1...

i kind of like pic related, any idea what they are?

>> No.6669804

and what about these? am i getting closer to finding less and less ugly shoes? really like these


>> No.6669816

I'll just give you some links to the stores I usually window-shop at.
I understand how overwhelming this shit can be; we were all newbies once, remember.
The boots in that pic are from Julian, it's pretty damn hard to find a pair from what I understand. (just curious, did you save that pic from a boot thread the other night?)
You really can't go wrong with Red Wings.

>> No.6669836
File: 42 KB, 640x446, bootfitpic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is /fa/'s concensus on LL bean katahdins? i can get them for 168$. cop?

>> No.6669845

They're a good, basic boot. Not a whole lot to be said, really. Some people say they're Iron Ranger ripoffs, but those people are idiots.

>> No.6669855

yes i saved those from a thread the other day lol why did you post those? im still trying to figure out the clothing i can wear with these kinds of boots but so far im thinking like a dark burgundy, dark olive, or tan chino as my pants and for the tops something like a casual button down, maybe a linen shirt? need ideas for tops to wear with boots and chinos



>> No.6669860

Do they look less like clownshoes compared to Iron Rangers? Or pretty much the same?

>> No.6669865



only if you have a toothpick frame

>> No.6669871

Iron Rangers are clown shoes, my du.

>> No.6669872

Haha yeah, I posted most of the pics in that thread.
I'd stick to neutral colors when you're starting out. Grey, blue, brown, the like.
I don't think either look like clown shoes, but yeah. I think both are built on Munson lasts.

>> No.6669896

what about tops? this thread is extremely informational to me, i stayed up way past bedtime (i work at 4am) but learning>sleep

>> No.6669909

Wear whatever kind of top you want, so long as the colors work together. My favorite fit to wear with my Malis is a loose white tee and brown pants.

>> No.6670013

what about sweaters like something with a shawl neck? are boots ok with graphic t shirts, or mainly shirts with buttons, sweaters, and layers of clothing?

>> No.6670188

whats your monthpoint then