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6664154 No.6664154 [Reply] [Original]


How do I skincare?

My pores are all full of hardened comedones and physical exfoliation makes it worse because my skin becomes super shiny/reflective for the next 5 days and the problem comes back.

>> No.6664185

I second this request, I wash my skin all the time and it looks like absolute shit.

Dermatologists prescribe things that don't work, and I'm sick of looking like a greasepile.

>> No.6664194

From the research i've done, we aren't supposed to use a soap/cleanser on our face that is highly alkaline aka high on the P.H. scale as our skin is just below 7ph.

So hand soaps/foaming stuff should not be used...

Also I speculate on how cavemen used to do skincare and I think that it was a combination of naturally regulated oil glands from not using chemicals and a healthy diet with exercise.

>> No.6664207

avoid chemicals, just regular water should do.

>> No.6664220
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If yr skin is shiny using blotting paper u cheeky cunt

>> No.6664216

I've read that just the chemicals in the water of today can strip natural oils from your face, but this seems like a better method. It's just the adjustment period thats difficult.

>> No.6664227

What about blackheads?

>> No.6664232

it depends where you live to be honest. When I visit other countries and shower my hair doesn't dry up as fast and feels better. Still water should suffice. If you're going to use products use them in the morning/before you go to bed. Also change your pillow case often too.

>> No.6664236

Nose strips are good for minor cases. The quality really differs between brands and you need to get your face warm and wet enough for it to work, but it can't be too wet.

If you don't mind looking like a clown for the rest of the day, those blackhead wand things are awesome too. It's almost erotic watching all that gunk pour out of your face.

>> No.6664252

my cousin always took them out my face, some of those fuckers were painful to take out though

>> No.6664259

the 'wand' or comedone-extractor is dangerous to use on your own because the chances of causing scars are significant.

The thing is, I can use those strips, but the blackheads/sebum keeps coming back. So i think this is an issue with over drying/washing technique a.k.a i should just stick with water washing for the time being and see how it goes.

>> No.6664290

The blackheads will always come back. It's what's going on under your skin that causes them. Washing/using strips is just part of the day-to-day management of them.

>> No.6664296

I squeezed out a blackhead for the first time today, shit was great

then I used a porestrip that took out the rest

>> No.6664312

Don't use your fingers. They won't get all of it/it's bad for your skin/the grease on them might make things worse. Just stick with strips or use a wand. The best way to get healthy facial skin is by not fucking touching it.

>> No.6664347



But its hard when u have white shit falling out of your pores.

>> No.6666203

Anyone have any suggestions for pore strips? I have some Biore ones that don't do shit.

>> No.6666236

anyone tried acid face peels to clear up any small facial scarring/blotchiness from spots/blackheads?

>> No.6666257

I honestly don't know how effective a single thing is.

The best things you could possibly do is drink a lot of water, clean diet (low sugar/satfat) and use clean towels/pillows every day.

>> No.6666261

Oh and sunlight. Does wonders for me - plus it causes imperfections to be less noticeable.

>> No.6666270


Acid peels are pretty good. The problem is you look like a tomato for a few days and cant get any sunlight

>> No.6666287
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>can't get any sunlight

what does it actually do to the face?

>> No.6666297

it peels it

>> No.6666311

yeah but how does that help, do you get smooth even skintone or just a fresher version of your existing visage.

>> No.6666329

Keep it basic. Too much harsh treatment on your face will do more damage in the long run than it'll help.

I have had skin issues with my face for many years and am finally breaking away from it all. There's no simple "1 trick" win for skin care; like exercise, it takes consistency for results.

I keep it fairly basic, I use an exfoliating scrub at most 3 times a week (I like to keep it to twice a week but some weeks are rougher than others). After that I use a nice cooling facial wash (I use one with aloe and vitamin E; vitamin E is very good for your skin and aloe makes my face feel cool and refreshed). After I follow up with a nice light moisturizer to lock everything in my skin away. Always use warm water to open pores and end with cold to close them.

Be gentle with the skin on your face when washing it. It's nothing like scrubbing your body, you should be gliding your fingers across your skin, smoothly, not rough and hard, this will cause tearing in your pores and make more room for bacteria, dirt and the like to move in and cause problems. Keep your hands clean before you wash, use clean towels and PAT DRY GOD DAMMIT. Clean sheets and pillow cases will definitely help you too in the long run.

Eat healthy, leafy greens, exercise, what you put in your body, must go out. People often forget how much waste comes out through your pores; it's not just pissin' and shittin' that gets everything out.


>> No.6666330
File: 445 KB, 1800x1200, Joker-You've got a little fight in you, i like that Enter Batma- then you're going to love me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sorta burns skin off

>> No.6666336

i've been washing my face with cold water all week and i've been looking better, is warm water really going to help?

>> No.6666345

>Warm water opens pores
>Cold water closes them

So much bro-science.

>> No.6666347

so this isn't legit?

>> No.6666350

you come across as an unintelligent person

>> No.6666356

Warm water will open up pores, allowing a broader and deeper cleansing, use cold water to close them to protect, it will certainly help. But don't use hot water, don't burn/hurt your face; it will cause irritation and your skin will be blotchy.

Use a warm wash cloth over your face for a minute or two then wash out your pores and end with cold water.

>> No.6666363

Here again.
Has the right idea imo.
Keep it basic, using too many different chemicals will fuck you over in the long run.
Use an exfolient.
After use a cleanser.
If you have oily skin, a toner will help. I use Witch Hazel.
Though you can use a toner anyway if you want, it is your skin.
Moisturize. Moisturize. Moisturize. I cannot stress this enough.
Oily free if oily skin.
From what I hear it doesn't.
I use a face steamer every other day. It definitely helps, so I am indecisive on what to think.

>> No.6666407

I use a Clarisonic 2-3 times a week and it has helped me clean my pores and reduce them in size significantly.

>> No.6667186

>tfw pore strips don't remove any of my blackheads
>tfw they remove hundreds of thousands of my sisters

>> No.6667204
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>Always use warm water to open pores and end with cold to close them.

>> No.6667221

they're not black heads

they're sebaceous filaments

you can try to empty them but they'll come right back, so don't bother

squeezing/using an extractor is the worst thing you can do, your pores will enlarge and your nose is going to be all red

keep everything simple

find a cleaner, I use a foaming baby wash

be very gentle with your skin, no scrubbing, ever, nothing with beads too. irritation is bad

let the cleaner sit for a min, rinse, pat dry with a clean towel

apple some benzyl peroxide, try to use 2.5-5% leave it on over night

again be gentle rubbing it in

in the morning wash it off with the cleanser


moisturize with sunscreen, try for at least spf 30

>> No.6667229

same cool water always ftw. just ask pharelle and naomi campbell

i have seen interviews and they say they use cool water

>> No.6667249

I don't trust any fucking skincare products because every week they tell me they have some new unpronounceable sea-creature extract that will revolutionize the world
I'd go with a warm towel, massage a bit for 2 min. then rinse with a cold towel. Maybe a little basic soap.

>> No.6667254

cetaphil products are good look it up

>> No.6668093 [DELETED] 


Tell me, if the works somehow lost all electricity and manufacturing companies were forced to stop production, what skincare products would we use?

How did people 10,000 years ago do skincare?

The answer: they didn't do anything but eat healthy and exercise because they had no choice but to eat healthy and exercise.

>> No.6668102 [DELETED] 

if the world somehow... ****

>> No.6668107


Tell me, if the world somehow lost all electricity and manufacturing companies were forced to stop production, what skincare products would we use?

How did people 10,000 years ago do skincare?

The answer: they didn't do anything but eat healthy and exercise because they had no choice but to eat healthy and exercise.

>> No.6668148

how do you know people 10,000 years ago didn't have acne have you mastered time travel?

>> No.6668165
File: 73 KB, 600x379, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cunt, I'm an endurance athlete and I still have shitty skin. Believe it or not being athletic can make your skin worse, because sweat makes your skin a great place for bacteria to live.

Acne is more a function of your genetics than your lifestyle. My advice to everyone: if you have more than just a few zits, and the radius of any of the nodules is bigger than a couple of millimeters, look into taking Accutane before you start scarring up. Everybody that just has bumpy skin and small zits, buy a bottle of benzoyl peroxide 5% wash, slather that shit all over your face, and wash it up after 2 minutes. You'll be tomato red for a little under an hour, but a few days of this can reduce acne very quickly. Incorporate it into your nightly routine. If you get any nasty zits, put a small bit of BP on it and let it sit over night. Be careful, that shit can bleach your clothes when it's wet.

>> No.6668243

They also have good genetics bruh burh

>> No.6668256

ancient man also had bad skin you moron
you have to realize that the paintings you see of classical times are idealized renditions of the person and not at all accurate to how they looked in person

>> No.6669400 [DELETED] 


Did they have refined sugars, glucose/fructose and ate grains back 10,000 years ago?