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/fa/ - Fashion

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6658433 No.6658433 [Reply] [Original]

just coming back from the gym, I have a question for you, /fa/:
Why are you interested in fashion? In which category do you RATHER fit:
a- because I want to look good whenever I go out
b- because I see it as an art form and a hobby, as a means to express myself

I know that for most of you it's gonna be a mix of both (for me it is), but which one is dominant?

I started working out again some time ago and realized how changing your body also completely changes your wardrobe opportunities. I bought a couple $3 t-shirts from Woolworth and a couple $7 pants, intended to be worn only while working out. But as my body developed, simple tees and shorts just make me look fantastic - ever since I realized that Givenchy has been locked in my wardrobe.

How do you feel about this?

>> No.6658443

omg who cares

>> No.6658450

I do. That''s why I created this thread, obviously.

>> No.6658457
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If you choose be you're a pretentious faggot who is obviously holier than I.

>> No.6658458


>> No.6658463

what exactly do you mean?

>> No.6658476


well no one else does

go do something else

>> No.6658488
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that's not how saging works newfriend.

>> No.6658490


we are better than you, though.

in every way. just kill yourself already kid, you're never going to be anything.

>> No.6658503
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Patrick ur edges r showing.

>> No.6658515

you seem rather butthurt. why is that?

>> No.6658530

I think B predominates my blend, because I have no problem wearing things that your average American wouldn't touch so long as I genuinely like their look and construction.
I will gladly sacrifice A for B if i like a piece enough.
I'm very grateful I have the luxury to do this.

>> No.6658631

B, definitely, right now. For as long as I can remember I was a B, with strong aesthetic opinions about everything - I hated jeans in elementary school because of the "little white spots." ~18-21, I went over to being more of an A, out of insecurity, out of wanting "in" to whatever. I'm grateful for that, because trying to look good and impress other people (worked, kind of worked) meant I actually learned WTF I was doing, and when that all finally started to recede, I could dress myself in a way that actually worked to embody the aesthetic I wanted and the ideas I had.

And, in a happy surprise that shouldn't be one, people like the more unusual way I dress now more than when I was dressing for other people.

>> No.6658645


what edges?

kill yourself man. right fucking now.
you're nothing to anyone.

>> No.6658648

interesting development. how were you dressing when you tried to be "in", and how are you dressing now?

>> No.6658693

Both. A, because if I don't look good, I don't feel good. B, because I don't want to dress like mainstream faggots. There's just something so lazy about high-street fashion, like they're being dressed by the store rather than dressing themselves.

>> No.6658724

Yep. I have a friend who's a male model (Adidas and Nike). He and I can wear the same exact thing and he would look 10x better in it because he's /fit/ as fuck.

>> No.6658734

God damn, I wish I had the hair to pull off that look.

>> No.6658738

B is far dominant

>> No.6658753

what's keeping you from it? I have about that haircut.. Just id a HY about 3 months ago and then grew it out. Nothing special to it.

you know what's funny is that a /fit/ter body not only gives you new chances - it can also limit you in some ways. Some fits only look good on very skinny people, or at least better - this holds true especially for designer wear.
The simpler the style is, the better it looks with a /fit/ body though, usually. At least that's my impression.

Of course, ottermode is never wrong.

>> No.6659932

does this also translate directly into your wardrobe, i.e. would you wear something that is fascinatingly cut and/or made from an interesting fabric if it doesn't suit you well or you look - as normal people would say - silly? Like one of those Prorsum tin foil silk trenchcoats.