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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 171 KB, 533x800, homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6652942 No.6652942 [Reply] [Original]

Are homeless people /fa/?

>> No.6652950

They have to layer to keep warm, and layering is effay.

>> No.6652952
File: 242 KB, 550x682, Brother Sharp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6652955

does homelesscore exist

>> No.6652961

Any 'core' exists. You just have to put 'core' after an appropriate word.

>> No.6652969

Yohji's F/W13 had a lot of layering inspired by vagrants and the way they have to wear all their clothes they own at once.

Check it out, it was fucking great

>> No.6652975


>> No.6652988


it was alright

>> No.6653014

One time I was walking down the street and I eyeballed this /fa/ as fuck homeless dude rocking some authentic distressed denim and just generally looking better than like half of the people on the street. When I walked past him he asked me for money and I handed him all the dollars and change I had in my pockets.

>> No.6653031
File: 77 KB, 500x412, mugatu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course they are

>> No.6653037

I believe it's because they reach a level of "don't give a fuck" that we can only imagine. Some of them are more /fa/ than others, of course.

>> No.6653292

The other day, about 3 weeks ago, I saw a bohemian girl.
I've not stopped thinking about her.
Yesterday I wandered for about 1 hour looking for a place I do not know if it even exists, on a town I don't know, looking for a girl I have only seen once.

>> No.6653344


>> No.6654460

Does corecore exist?

>> No.6654483

Probably, some crazy post-postmodern attempt to integrate by piling up all the cores.

Probably looks a bit like stereotypical homelesscore, consisting as it does of all the free refuse of late capitalism that gets passed out for free by social services groups.

>> No.6655717


>> No.6655739


he has an attractive face. that's all.

>> No.6657923
File: 117 KB, 361x470, tramp_master_361x470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no poo

>> No.6657935

That guy definitely isn't homeless.

How can you people be so sheltered as to not be able to tell the difference?

>> No.6658008
File: 162 KB, 636x521, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHOOPS turns out you're an asshole.

>> No.6658020

Holier than thou boi gets #nxtlvlrekt

>> No.6658027

>brand new boots
understandable mistake. If I saw a guy wearing brand new docs, I wouldn't think he was homeless either.

>> No.6658030

Wouldn't be a problem if the guy didn't say shit like "you people be so sheltered".

>> No.6658052

But it's true. /fa/ *is* sheltered. Mostly white upper middle class Americans living in white upper middle class suburbs, never having left the country, not even owning a passport. Only visiting major cities for shopping and entertainment and even then, only uptown, never anywhere that looks 'dirty'.

>> No.6658068
File: 176 KB, 982x1404, photo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this homeless guy the other day. His outfit had really great contrast in texture, and a very nice subtle color palette. He even had some layering and draping going on.

Best part was he totally pulled off that fedora.

wish i had a pic that did him justice.

>> No.6658073
File: 44 KB, 484x652, 1354226360-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people give new shoes to the homeless all the time bru, it's a simple act of kindness.

>> No.6658114

Nah nigga
I grew up in east Vancouver in a hooker-ridden apartment block and I visited my dad who lived in the downtown east side.
I'm not very sheltered

>> No.6658126

And I also have a passport... Who the hell doesn't have a passport nowadays?
So a white upper middle class suburban boy never got taken on a holiday? He never went anywhere?
What a dumb statement
Jesus man
I'm embarrassed for you

>> No.6658135
File: 134 KB, 484x750, hoboswag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the black smudges on his jacket look cool as hell

>> No.6658150

You people are seriously pathetic.

>> No.6658155

fuck me, that actually looks good

i might get into hobocore

>> No.6658163


>who doesn't have a passport

maybe in EU it's a thing but i'd say most americans don't have one. there's no need for it. People don't go to mexico unless they're on vacation and noone goes to canada unless.. well, idk. people don't seem to go to canada.

everything is really fucking far away so it's not like it's easy or cheap to go to different countries. so, no passports. not because we don't want to, but there's just no reason.

>> No.6658172

You can tell he probably is from other details, and Docs are cheap. Being unable to drop money on a room doesn't mean you can't scrounge up $100, or, like apparently happened, get them donated.

The idea that

>this is a very rare occasion where a homeless person was actually very happy

is kind of fucked, though, and suggests the photographer hasn't spent too much time with homeless people or is more interested in believing/peddling a narrative.

>> No.6658198

>suggests the photographer hasn't spent too much time with homeless people

like one third of his portfolio is homeless people, the rest being nature shots and people waiting around in public places.

>> No.6658235

you only need a passport for mexico if you're flying

>> No.6658249

Not anymore, they changed it like a year or two ago.

>> No.6658250

homeless people aren't happy you fucking retard.

>> No.6658266
File: 720 KB, 800x533, Fading-away_MG_0904-Edit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and they're going to trot out the happy face for a bougie photographer who comes around and points a camera at them.

I just went and looked at his site, and I could tell nearly straightaway he's the sort of photographer who is unable or unwilling to actually involve himself with anything or anyone he photographs, who stays distanced and alienated. There's a certain tell-tale lack of apparent craft or discernment that gives it away every time to anyone who's a serious photographer or probably who has spent a lot of time engaged with the art as a viewer, something in the way the pictures were taken that is literally careless, unconcerned, except about some cliched sign value whatever is in front of his lens holds.

And then I see this shit, pic related.

>Fading Away
>Fading Away I see this young man begging at the corner of George and Park Street quite often. He frustrates me. He frustrates me for he is young, capable and strong. And yet he chooses to beg over getting a job. Is it drugs, alcohol or lack of self respect. Do people who drop a coin, moved by his kneeling position, help him or quite the opposite enforce his hopeless, emphatic escapism? After all, if he can get money that way why work? Why better yourself? You know work is monotonous, requires discipline and it takes a largo portion of your time away.

Someone who was interested in seriously understanding the person and making serious work out of his life would've talked to him, established a rapport, and asked him these questions, instead of making fuckheaded assumptions from the dullest script of liberal patronizing there is.

>You know work is monotonous, requires discipline and it takes a largo portion of your time away.

This is also grimly hilarious, and makes it's obvious he's never even had to ask someone for a local bus fare because he lost his wallet or something, let alone actually sat on a sidewalk begging.

>> No.6658309
File: 89 KB, 1062x704, NYC28594[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how do you know?

It's as varied a population as mainstream society, and however miserable someone's life overall is, to talk like they never have any reason for a transient happy mood beyond some guy buying them a pair of Oxblood Docs is dehumanizing.

You want to know what actual good, empathetic photography of people who are homeless looks like? Check out "Raised by Wolves," a book by Jim Goldberg on LA street kids in the '80s.

>USA. Venice Beach, California. 1986. "Blade and Tank at the Beach." Blade and Tank and their other friend at Venice Beach. Blade and Tank were in love and their friend was jealous. He wanted to be big and strong like Tank and he wanted to be the one dating a pretty girl. One year later, Blade left the streets and moved back with her father who then molested her.

>> No.6658332

because some of us actually leave our houses instead of reading shit on our kindle you fucking autist

almost all homeless people have a shit ton of mental problems, the "happy" ones you see are the suburban kids who think its cool and edgy to panhandle and jump on the back of trains for a couple months of the year

>> No.6658359

i second this

>> No.6658367

Right, and people with a shit ton of mental problems only are happy when rich people buy then things.

>are the suburban kids who think its cool and edgy to panhandle and jump on the back of trains for a couple months of the year

Some of these types can be quite miserable.

>> No.6658377

theyre fucking miserable to be around if thats what you mean

and yeah what else do homeless people have to be happy about?

>> No.6658400

Literally anything that makes a person with a house happy that doesn't require having a house?

>> No.6658405

like having friends and family that care about them?

oh wait

>> No.6658418

Really? You think the world's that simple?

Even if it was, you don't think, I don't know, two people who are homeless couldn't be friends with each other?

>> No.6658422

cause paranoid schizophrenics get along so well

>> No.6658466

Right, everyone who doesn't have a lease or property deed not only is psychotic, but schizophrenic, and not only is schizophrenic, but paranoid type.

Turn off your television and go volunteer at a service center of some kind.

>> No.6658483

Pretty typical America attitude. 'If it's not in my country it doesn't exist.'

There's a very general lack of curiosity or interest in the outside world. On top of that there's also a fear of being kidnapped/taken hostage / killed by suicide bombers/guerillas or whatever the fuck else they see on fox news.

Also they tend to be bad at geography. When you get down to it, Americans are really only interested in America.


>who doesn't have a passport.

I know it's hard to beleive, but there are ten times as many passports per captia in canada than in the united states. And before you say "shopping across the border" it's been like that decades, since way back when you didn't need a passport to visit the states.

On average, americans just don't leave america.

>> No.6658501

what the fuck, faget?
started from the bottom, fuccboi.

>> No.6658513

Where would we go? We're already there.

>> No.6658528


Well don't get it wrong man, the USA may be "one country" but it's fucking huge. FUCKING huge. There's a lot of shit to experience even if you never go beyond the border.

And i'd love to travel, but in europe and asia they have intricate and well funded and well maintained public transport. you can't just get on a train and go to the other side of the country , or the nearest coast, without taking a week off work. not to mention it's expensive as fuck and we don't have a system of hostels nearly on the level of other places around the world.

There's a reason we all have cars, because we're decentralized as fuck and we NEED them to go the distance.

People may criticize us for being xenophobic and closeminded, and id agree, that's true to an extent, but we're also geographically fucked.

>> No.6658572

Doesn't this suggest something negative about US culture - either as a cause (Americans are too whatever to properly urbanize) or as an effect (too much land incentivized Americans to act in long term foolish ways)?

>> No.6658599

[citation needed]

No, it's because they come to America to shop, period.

>> No.6658596

>never having left the country, not even owning a passport. Only visiting major cities for shopping and entertainment

lmao dude even the middle class goes on vacation.

You know if they're upper class then they go on frequent trips to europe...

>> No.6658605

That's cool. We still run the planet.

>> No.6658609

What the fuck are you blabbering about.

>> No.6658613

too bad your living standards are still shit and blowing 100 trillion a year on your military is only making them worse

>> No.6658620

Can't hear you over all this freedom

>> No.6658625


oh yeah man, we're fucked. community planning isn't a thing that ever comes up until there's a gas crisis. i'd never heard the term until 2006. The only way things are going to change is if young people start moving to cities and demanding high speed rails connecting them together. Small town america can go fuck itself. I love it, but it's a dead way of life.

>lmao dude even the middle class goes on vacation.

not really man. Sure, you might take a week off and go to the local beach or state park with the family, but americans aren't really taking vacations these days.

i don't know anyone that's left the state for more than 3 days the last couple years unless it was on business.

>> No.6658627

Lmao, are you fucking retarded? Stop the 14 year old philosophy.

and also this: >>6658332

>> No.6658639


>gays can't marry
>users still getting arrested for drugs and clogging the prison system
>minimum wage is half of what it should be
>PRISM is cataloging literally everything you do right now, it's even going to have a copy of this post

what freedom, man?

>> No.6658644

>you can be held in prison indefinitely without trial or evidence
>free country

oh america

>> No.6658650

Who cares if Americans don't leave their country? What the fuck does going on vacation have anything to do with anything? I've been to Europe.. I've been to Russia.. I've been all over the Caribbean and central America.. What did I learn? Nothing much other than they all have planes and cars and trains and buildings. Are they cool to see? Yeah.. and there's a lot of cool things to see in America too. Did they shape my personality? No. I live in Southern California - it's a paradise. I had to leave it for 4 years before I realized that. The fuck do I want to go anywhere else for?

>> No.6658663

im in cali, m8. the prison systems are beyond flooded tho.
also [spolr///i will fucking murderthepresident///splir]

>> No.6658664


don't think you're getting away with anything, PRISM is cataloging you too.

every phone you throw away? cataloged.
every computer you use? cataloged.
google maps satellite pics tracking you? you bet your ass.

Buy a hat and don't look up.

>> No.6658665

I know, but I still love my country and the principles it was founded upon, even if I don't agree with the way it's being run today. That's the difference between patriotism and jingoism, for me.

You were right about the homeless and mental problems. I blame Reagan's administration (he himself was senile) for sweeping funding cuts to mental health that turned countless mentally ill out into the street.

>> No.6658676

people really demonized asylums when really they were a lot better than the alternative for the most part

>> No.6658679


you love your country like a toddler loves a warm diaper, not in a proud way like we ought to.

>> No.6658688

You don't know anything about me or what I ought to do. There's no need to be confrontational.

>> No.6658699

Didn't say the US sucked or whatever, but you can't deny development's been a clusterfuck outside of major coastal cities, and it'd be really hard to say it's related to some flaw in the culture.

I didn't want to have to bring this in, but I actually was homeless for a few months once, and I've known personally people who were/are homeless before, during, and after. I maintained personal relationships with housed people during that time, part of the time held down a 40-hour-a-week, commission based job, while taking online classes, and had the usual ups and downs of life alongside that big down.

No diagnosed mental illness, no drug addiction beyond caffeine, never hopped a train.

>> No.6658720

wtf anon he just went and spent all that money on geobaskets and gothninja shit instead of food youre funding his rick owens addiction smh

>> No.6658726

That guy probably got robbed because of his boots unless he's living somewhere nice.

>> No.6658774

>For a few months

My point exactly. You were a hobo not a bum. I'm talking about career homeless people. People well past their eligibility to become normal functioning people again, a category of which the majority of homeless people fall into.

>> No.6658793

>career homeless people

Yeah, like I said, I know plenty of them. Knew some before I was, through different things. Virtually all of them have the same emotional range any normal person has. Not having a roof doesn't mean you're incapable of forming relationships of any and all kinds, being amused by stuff, happy at a good turn in your life or sad at a setback.

>a category of which the majority of homeless people fall into

No, they're just the most visible. Again, go volunteer at a service center of some kind. Even though there's a self-selection factor for the long term homeless you'll see plenty of poor but normally functional people there.

>> No.6658796

And I want to be clear - there's a lot of people whose lives and selves are just a complete and total mess out there, no doubt. Some of them, usually the addicts, are so far gone it's painful to even be in the same general area of them. But this idea that somehow being a wreck of a person means your emotional register goes from hell to anhedonia is just inaccurate.

And there's plenty of deeply fucked up people with money, too. And yes, I've known them, too.

>> No.6659671

oh wow because maybe some people actually leave the country for something more than a little vacation?

I've spent every summer since being a freshman in high school in Bangladesh, helping local organizations, using money I'd saved over the course of the year.

There's a little more to life to see than fucking "paradise". Which SoCal is not.

>> No.6659721

Do you honestly care about your country 'running the planet' and shit like that? Is that something that brings you pride? I'm not being sarcastic here, generally asking. My view is it's something I had no hand in whatsoever, thus I'd be incapable of feeling proud about it. Furthermore when it results in so much suffering and is driven by shady motives ($$$) I'm struggling to see how it can be a positive.

>> No.6659747

If you were jetting around living a very Western lifestyle then chances are you didn't really learn anything, as you're not really looking at anything different. The most valuable thing I've found from travelling is truly immersing myself in cultures far different to my own. You start to question why you do things in a certain way.

I'm European, and I haven't learnt much from travelling the rest of Europe. The cities are beautiful and there's a wide range of art but people tend to go about their lives in a similar way. I suppose most Americans live a similar life to most Europeans. Places like India, China, Morocco, Indonesia and Bali are the places that I feel truly changed me.

>> No.6659844

>the "happy" ones you see are the suburban kids who think its cool and edgy to panhandle and jump on the back of trains for a couple months of the year
I swear they only do that during the summer.
Never during winter. Never asking for handouts during winter.