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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 80 KB, 569x608, Ryan-Gosling-1-e1351552408602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6651920 No.6651920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am a Hollywood stylist

AMA about trends, outfit recommendations; all that jazz

>> No.6651932

is anime /fa/??

>> No.6651936

When will this "hipster" look/trend die out? Kinda tired of the whole coffee slinger look.

>> No.6651940

what are you talking about
post pictures of your work or outfits you like

>> No.6651948
File: 18 KB, 300x250, B.anana D.etains S.ome M.uffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was the last dinner you got into

>> No.6651955

bit skeptical but w.e
what would you layer over a navy v-neck tee

>> No.6651956

each to their own
it will most likely continue for the rest of this decade, as it is seeping its way into the mainstream
OP pic is something i'd recommend for casual wear
wrap party for the wolverin

>> No.6651957

whats the best color shirt to go with maroon/ ox blood chinos

>> No.6651958
File: 3 KB, 89x124, 1375705097298s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the ideal body type for Hollywood actors?
Are clothes tailored for them?

>this resolution

>> No.6651961

whats hair trends for men like atm?

>> No.6651963


I thought dressing hipster was already dead. Unless we're talking about different types of hipster. I'm thinking the stereotypical thick rimmed glasses, some sort of tee, scarf, skinny jeans look

>> No.6651966

>Are clothes tailored for them?
I second this question.

>> No.6651974


Not OP but I know everything Gosling wears is tailored and put together by stylists. He dresses like shit on his own.

>> No.6651981

w2c affordable personal stylist?

>> No.6651979

>wrap party for the wolverine

no way
whut did u wear
also w2c stylist resources/literature

>> No.6651988

>wrap party for the wolverine
Who did you work with on that?

>> No.6651985

This troll is no stylist gtfo faggot

>> No.6651990

nigga r u fuckin srs? of course everything they wear is tailored.

>> No.6651997
File: 7 KB, 200x252, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally not the biggest fan of navy

something black or charcoal grey, whatever it is depends on the weather


it really depends on the roles you're going for

e.g. action star would require a fairly built frame -- people like channing tatum or mark wahlberg

all the clothes you see at events are definitely tailored, casual paparazzi shots are probably tailored as well unless its something really basic like a tee shirt and ordinary jeans

its a strange mix between combed, pomade induced shiny hairstyles synonymous with the 40s and 40s and also messy matte styles

pic related is very on trend, its basically a mix of these 2 trends

dressing very hipster is basically dead, but its made impacts on the mainstream (ironic huh)

>> No.6651998


>> No.6652015

basic suit

i got most of the knowledge just from reading magazines and stuff

if you have money and time study fashion but i personally think its a waste of time

where do you live

im not meant to say; but she has a long name ;)

>> No.6652024

>personally think its a waste of time

>> No.6652040
File: 16 KB, 600x600, ummmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic suit to a 70's themes party

>> No.6652042

fashion is very subjective; its like any sort of art e.g. acting - there isnt a right or wrong way to do it; its just using your personal instincts to deliver as best as possible

fashion schools cant teach you taste; you already have your own specific taste

>> No.6652046

im not a cast or crew member; i dont get to go all out

>> No.6652047

you don't need a citation is fucking common sense

>> No.6652050

oh lol okay
thanks for the info tho

>> No.6652053

>Implying being a stylist means you know anything about relevent fashion
top kek

>> No.6652060
File: 136 KB, 409x516, jonah-hill-watch-premiere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, jonah hill must have went to a bad tailor then

>> No.6652069

>jonah hill
lmao I could find a lot of examples of non tailored shit actors. im talking in high box office movies, as in, IN THE FILM, it's tailored.

>> No.6652075

idk he looked pretty bad in 21 jump street too

>> No.6652085

why wouldnt it?

>> No.6652139

>where do you live

>> No.6652169

Ok, here are some questions:
How much leeway do you get in dressing someone?
Are you set a budget?
Do you ever work outside the film industry?
Would it be much of a jump for you to become personal stylist to an A-list actor?

>> No.6652172

stop bumping your thread

>> No.6652180

What brands/stores do you recommend for talker men?

>> No.6652181


>> No.6652182

>Not taking advantage of this opportunity