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File: 25 KB, 361x584, good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6649593 No.6649593[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please convince me this faggot isn't good looking...

>> No.6649600

Convince yourself, weakling. Use some of that free will I hear so much about.

>> No.6649603

If you need convincing try looking at him

>> No.6649613

This is the fucking guy I lost to. HOW.

>> No.6649644

i dont know what youre talking about, but he probably has a better personality, or more friends and is a lot more social than you so therefore more people voted for him.

im assuming this is something like "best looking" in a year book or something.

btw i lost mine the same way.
hard to believe guys actually campaign to win that shit.
but then again, since you made a thread you probably really wanted it.

>> No.6649647

hes pretty good looking m8

>> No.6649654

With the right hair, the right picture looks like he could model

>> No.6649662

He's a fucking douche. Scum of the earth. Treats people, ESPECIALLY women, like absolute shit, and yet any girl he wants falls into his lap. He's a short little manlet fuck too.

>> No.6649675
File: 52 KB, 497x314, 398462_340640019293284_100000418676220_1198514_2038768556_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls want the dark triad,
>someone needs the redpill

>> No.6649684

so i was right.
he has a better personality and a better social life then you.

you realize you're crying over losing a beauty contest with a man, right?

>> No.6649707

It's not a beauty contest. I've been laying groundwork with a girl for MONTHS and then after she drunkenly hooks up with this peasant the ONE NIGHT IM NOT THERE, I'm effectively out of the picture. Seriously I know I'm not articulating myself right but this kid is not only A) trouble hes B) short and C) not rich or any sort of extra characteristic that I could say "oh shes with him for xyz"

>> No.6649741

>not rich
>short little manlet fuck

I realize you're in pain, but seriously, hating this guy for being a

>scum of the earth
>treats people, ESPECIALLY women, like absolute shit

Is more than enough to build you resentment of him on without any collateral damage.

Sounds like you know it

>Seriously I know I'm not articulating myself right but this kid

But practice working against it instead of just acknowledging it. It'll help you.

>> No.6649776

it's your fault.
here is a cliche expression that holds true, whether you like it or not, "don't hate the player, hate the game"

whether or not you look better than him plays NO role in him getting the girl over you.

>I've been laying groundwork with a girl for MONTHS
there is your problem.
why? do you think she's gonna wait for you?

>she drunkenly hooks up with this peasant
says a lot about her character. doesn't sound like a quality girl to me.
and i'm not saying that like i wouldn't hook up with her. hard to know. i've never seen her.
but i wouldn't date her, and you would. that's why you spent months of "preparation" like an idiot.

ha. i wonder if she's been thinking "damnit when will this faggot just go away so i can fuck this much better looking peasant?"

>I'm effectively out of the picture.
im sure you can still fuck her.
but no, you want to make her your girlfriend. and you probably still would consider it, despite seeing how she acts.

>I know I'm not articulating myself right
no, you are. you are speaking like most unaware guys, with no idea about females. some would call you "beta" others an AFC, but i won't call you anything. you are just a "nice guy" and will remain that way until you can acknowledge why guys like this fuck bitches and you can't.

>> No.6649873
File: 28 KB, 768x432, Custers_Revenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she just wasn't the person you thought she was? It's easy to project non-existent good traits on a person you're infatuated with.
How much of your attraction was physical? If you can look in your heart and say that there was something unique and special about this girl, that you understood each other or shared something, well... Then you have something to complain about.
But if it was a largely physical thing that wasn't reciprocated? You don't really have any say in the matter. Neither does she, if you think about it. Do YOU have control over who you're attracted to or do you just feel it?

>> No.6649919

>I've been laying groundwork with a girl for MONTHS

were you fucking her? if you did nothing for months you are not only A) naive about women and dating, you're B) a beta and c) probably autistic

>> No.6649924

damn its adv in here

tbh tho he has a nice clean face even though hes an middle eastie. kinda looks like xerxes without the piercings

>> No.6649938

>Maybe she just wasn't the person you thought she was? It's easy to project non-existent good traits on a person you're infatuated with.
very well said.

>If you can look in your heart and say that there was something unique and special about this girl, that you understood each other or shared something, well... Then you have something to complain about.
i disagree with this.
poet is right, but the problems is this guy probably did feel a special connection for no reason, other than the fact she allowed him to give her attention. maybe she gave some attention back, and there's the special bond.

OP, from now on when you are interested in a girl, act quickly so stuff like this doesn't happen.

>> No.6650020

Height isn't as big a deal as the internet makes it
God forbid the internet be wrong

She obviously isn't a great piece of art to take down, there shouldn't be any ground work (and even if she was top tier, that's only more reason to avoid "groundwork". my grandpa always tells me treat a ho like a princess and a princess like a ho, he's on his fifth wife and still gets laid on the side)
In one day:
>hang out with her in a group setting regularly
>let it be clearly known you want to fuck (actions>words)
>continue hanging out regularly

From there as soon as you get her alone, continue to be regular and as soon as you have one decent flirt: kiss her

A lot of times I'll even secretly grope a girl in a group setting. Rarely I get rejected (if I do, we're usually cuddling later that day) and I've never been called on it