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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.12 MB, 3500x2400, Smoking1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6645680 No.6645680 [Reply] [Original]

What's it with the board and smoking?

How on earth is smelling bad, trying to look edgy, having shitty health, and dying in your 50s fashionable?

>> No.6645688
File: 63 KB, 640x960, tumblr_mpth50tbxF1qip73co1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6645686
File: 73 KB, 500x750, mpnlm7RCy31rt5ktoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6645684

live fast, die young = fashionable

>> No.6645712

>*die young = retarded

>> No.6645716

Because /fa/ is the shallowest board.

>> No.6646819

i'll look more /fa/ in my casket at 54 than you will miserable and relying on painkillers at 76

>> No.6646851

cigars smell gud.

and smoking makes you look like your a cast member of mad men.

op you wouldnt understand being this good at looking

>> No.6646868

>and dying in your 50s fashionable?
>implying we aren't dying in our 20s

>> No.6646879
File: 78 KB, 600x762, rodehardandputawaywet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking like a beaten speedbag at 54

At least you'll have that legacy.

>> No.6646885

I think it's a disgusting habit and I'm glad I didn't do it as much as some of my friends when I was a kid

>> No.6646889

>implying I'm not miserable and relying on painkillers at 19 of my own initiative
>Implying this is not also /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6646892

because they see pics of fashionable people smoking and they think to themselves "wow I can be fashionable in my asos/zara and all I have to do is smoke!"

>> No.6646904

You sound like a right sad act

I would def not chill wit you

>> No.6646906

The only /fa/ people around me don't smoke and the only smokers around me are not /fa/. Smoking instantly makes someone less attractive.

I used to smoke

>> No.6646908

not fashionable just sad/pathetic/lame

>> No.6646915

being willing to take risks and not just do what everyone tells you to is always /fa/

>> No.6646942


The health risks of smoking have made it fashionable due to the message of nihilism it gives off.

The problem isn't smoking so much as the perception of carelessness as being positive.

>> No.6646948

People who smoke as a fashion statement are fucking retarded.
Smoke because you like the sensation nicotine brings you. Not because "wow I look cool".

>> No.6646960

You realize the whole "anti-smoking" thing pretty much only exists in America, right?

Everywhere else in the world they're fine with it, and in some countries in asia, you're a sissy if you dont smoke.

>> No.6646961

yeah... both reasons are pretty retarded tbh.

>> No.6646968
File: 114 KB, 348x475, 98415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646974

>You realize the whole "anti-smoking" thing pretty much only exists in America, right?
in western/central europe too. mostly losers and tryhards smoke here.

>> No.6646977

...because you would rather be old and not be able to go to the bathroom on your own?

>> No.6646983

There are western countries other than america, retard. Canada, Australia and most of western Europe have the same attitude towards smoking as the USA does.

>> No.6646987

unf dat camus

he was a very attractive man to put it mildly

>> No.6646988

You can smoke a pack or more a day for 20 years and get away with it. I'll quit when I'm 40.

>> No.6646998

more like /fa/ggy as fuck

>> No.6647002

i want to suck your sad and pathetic dick

>> No.6647003
File: 160 KB, 1321x900, Albert Camus - 74_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

camus was /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6647009

I stole a bunch of camus lit from a friend who stole it from a library and now i've lost them but have the suspicion someone stole them from me
anyways this nigga was a very handsome man. Not gay but I would suck him clean.

>> No.6647020


please suck me too!

>> No.6647024
File: 42 KB, 650x366, sartre2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not gay but I would suck him clean.

>> No.6647029

How many of /fa/ roll their own cigs? What tobacco do you use?

>> No.6647026

Fuck off sartre you commie fuck

>> No.6647042



>> No.6647044
File: 17 KB, 354x522, sartre[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6647054

I do

peter stokkebye b/c I like quality things

the people on this board who do RYO and wear mall garbage probably smoke something like bugler

>> No.6647065

http://www.asos.com/au/Reclaimed-Vintage/Reclaimed-Vintage-Paris-Baseball-T-Shirt/Prod/pgeproduct.aspx?iid=3116764&WT.ac=rec_viewed not sure yet

>> No.6647176

Amber leaf is muh baccy because its cheap and doesn't taste too bad. Do you guys use filters or not?

>> No.6647184

Was that a genuine poster? If it's not what was the original

>> No.6647205

That is so contradictory.
>implying jimi hendrix isnt cool
>implying paul mcartney isnt cool

>> No.6647213

>being this bad at recognizing irony

>> No.6647223


why would there be an original poster?

>> No.6647249


You are so unbelievably stupid. You must be American.

>> No.6647262

Dunno pictures of disgusting looking people smoking with the same text. That looks like a poster the goverment would actually make is all.

>> No.6647290


>disgusting looking people
>poster full of attractive women and stylish men

lel, i can just imagine how you look like

>> No.6647302

all cool people smoke, so i guess i have to smoke also

>> No.6647306

ur a baka m8

>> No.6647312

no you tard I meant if they replaced the pictures of attractive people with ugly/dirty looking people that would look like a poster that would be used in an actual anti smoking campaign

>> No.6647316

>having reading comprehension that is this shitty

>> No.6647328

oh my god are you genuinely retarded?
the ORIGINAL was probably full of ugly smokers
the EDITED VERSION posted above is full of cool looking men and women because it is a PARODY of the ORIGINAL VERSION, for the sake of IRONICALLY PRESENTING AN ALTERNATIVE VIEW and PROVIDING HUMOUR
the tagline 'SMOKING IS NOT COOL' IRONICALLY CONTRASTS with the IMAGES showing people you would see as COOL

this is not a hard concept to grasp!!!!

>> No.6647336

someone remind me who top left is
he's an author, isn't he?

>> No.6647346

it is possible that there was actually not an original version, in which case the poster is a parody of the sort of poster that the government MIGHT THEORETICALLY MAKE regarding smoking to the same ends

>> No.6647349

Because smoking looks good.
Seriously, it doesn't even have to be tobacco. As long as you're smoking something (in the same shape as a cigarette) it looks good.

>> No.6647587

Smoking is only cool if you're smoking weed.

In which case, almost everything is cool.

>> No.6647627


weed is for losers

cocaine is the only /fa/ drug

>> No.6647629
File: 243 KB, 931x960, 176857486443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stoners fucking annoy me man

I smoke weed but the people who go around blasting anyone for not doing it and don't shut the fuck up about weed need to fuck off.

>tfw walking around smoking a joint in public

>> No.6647637

But everyone who smokes basically tells you to do smoking.

It's also a risk with no reward. What's the point then?

According to your logic, investment bankers are most /fa/.

>> No.6647646
File: 153 KB, 600x450, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only people that like stoners, are other stoners.

they're so fucking annoying, smell like shit, and try to be pseudo-intellectual by using words they don't fucking know

>> No.6647663
File: 61 KB, 453x600, anne-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L to R, T to B:

Humphrey Bogart, actor
Lauren Bacall, actress
Audrey Hepburn, actress
Paul McCartney, Beatle
Bob Dylan, singer-songwriter
Albert Camus, philosopher and fiction writer
Jimi Hendrix, rock guitarist
James Dean, actor
Marilyn Monroe, actress
Che Guevara, Stalinist guerrilla and bureaucrat
John Wayne, actor
Twiggy, model and actress
Kurt Cobain, singer-songwriter, Nirvana frontman
Robert de Niro, actor
Clint Eastwood, actor and director
Jonny Cash, singer-songwriter
Jim Morrison, singer-songwriter, Doors frontman
Ann Dvorak, actress

Can't place the last one. Kind of fucked that all the women are actresses, not even any musicians. Pic is Anne Sexton, poet.

>> No.6647673

I'm a stoner engineering major wearing raf simons

Get wrecked m8

>> No.6647676

Have you even done cocaine?
Weed is fine pairs up well with literally every drug.
I swear people on /fa/ only talk shit about it because of the 420 blaze it meme.
Caring about what other people think isn't /fa/.
And coke can and will fuck your life up if you aren't careful.

>> No.6647827

David Bowie, don't know the woman

>> No.6647834

Actually looking again it might not be

>> No.6648109

>Caring about what other people think isn't /fa/.
But you can't be /fa/ unless other people think you are /fa/.

There are little chances to becoming /fa/ purely on accident.

Usually, you have to be making some effort.

>> No.6649635

you people are seriously willing to lower your lifespan because a bunch of neckbeards on a japanese cartoon website told you to?

>> No.6649657

Because cigarette companies are fucking geniuses and have implanted the image of the 'cool smoker' through all types of media. It also gives a 'carefree' attitude - 'I'm killing myself and I don't care!' Believe me, they care a decade later.