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/fa/ - Fashion

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6634315 No.6634315 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 6 years ago
>need to buy my first suit for my older brother's wedding
>know nothing about suits
>ask my dad to go with me
>be very skinny
>looking for something that is slim and can later be tailored to my body
>everything is loose, Calvin Klein generic bullshit
>everything is oversized on me
>my dad gets impatient and says that's how it's "supposed" to look
>pants are ridiculously baggy
>looks like a fucking zoot suit
>My dad keeps saying suits aren't supposed to be "tight" and that I can't "have everything tight"
>tell him suits are supposed to fit
>he keeps telling me they're supposed to have "room"
>get really discouraged and just give up since I won't be able to find anything to my liking
>advises me to buy big oversized tie
>advises me to buy square toe shoes
>show up to wedding in big baggy pants, oversized jacket, big wide floppy tie past my belt, square toe shoes and ugly belt
>never wear suit again
>Dad says I have no clue how suits are supposed to fit and can't have everything "skin tight"

Why did I listen to my dad? This suit has been sitting in my closet for over 6 years. It only cost me a few hundred bucks but do you think I could sell it for like 75?

>> No.6634352

>zoot suit
this word everytime

>> No.6634375

lmao post your suit

>> No.6634385

I dont feel like digging it out but Ill post the pants, hold on

>> No.6634390

My first suit was like this as well. my dad has not a clue of fashion but that's ok, i ain't got no clue bout lifting

>> No.6634464
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more incoming

>> No.6634480

top lel

>> No.6634486

Meh. I still have my first suit, that I never wear. Baggy pleated pants, three buttons, doesn't look very modern at all.

It's a mistake you have to make.

>> No.6634516
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My roommate recently got a suit made to measure for him and the tailor was adamant that he should opt to have the suit wide and loose fitting in order to give the appearance of a larger frame.

So terrible. What's the point in having a 28" waist if you can't show it to people.

>> No.6634517
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>three buttons

OP here, forgot to mention that part too.

Meanwhile, ROOMY!!!!

>> No.6634523

Jesus, you could fit both of your legs in there

>> No.6634527

Yup, when I had my pants tailored I asked the local tailor if she could somehow make the suit any "slimmer" or more fitted.

She kind of snickered at me and said it sounded like I wanted a "Pee Wee Herman" suit. And that if she made it slim I wouldn't have any room in my pockets, and that I NEED my pockets!

She actually said this to me. A paying customer.

>> No.6634529

He'd have enough material left over for a whole other suit.

>> No.6634524

get em tailored

>> No.6634536

the fabric fucking sucks dick, its not even worth it.

Plus see here: >>6634527

I tried to save them before the wedding and was laughed at by the local tailor telling me suits aren't supposed to be "tight", only pee wee herman does that!

>> No.6634540
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Very similar experience. My dad is russian (eastern euro are notorious for their oversized pants) so that explains his insistence on the fucking pants. I ended upo spending a good bit on that fucking useless suit. I wish I could scrub it from my memory, it literally haunts me, the fucking suit...

This vid is pretty /fa/, some soviet surrealism cinema but it shows the fucking pants. The kid here that begs for a cigarette is basically my dad in his youth.

>> No.6634551

wow.. and these are people trusted with and allowed to work with clothes

>> No.6634568
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It's just such old fashioned fashion. What looks nice for them looks ill fitting for us.

You just wait, it'll happen to us too.

When your son goes out to buy his first suit, there will be a new fangled popular fit going around that will look plain retarded to us. Something like massive shoulder pads, or insane staxx in the trousers.

>> No.6634581

augh fuck first suits
my dad took me to a fucking mexican shop for a $100 suit when I was going to a hollywood first-showing event with him. The shoulders were like football shoulders and I could fit game-cases in the pant pockets
the mexicans wouldn't stop telling me how perfectly it fit me
then we followed it up with a haircut at sportsclips and off I went

the event itself was kind of funny though, it was some god awful horror film that just became humorous and I went into a minor rant about disney while talking with some guy who turned out to be a disney executive

>> No.6634598
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guys I found the jacket...

>> No.6634614

>tfw I was the photo guy

Thank god

>> No.6634613

Well...the sleeves actually fit.

But yea, it's...bad. Hope they didn't take too much photos at the wedding.

>> No.6634624

>>6634598top haha, looks like leon the proffessional's coat

>> No.6634631

My grandmother was telling me about the tailor she used to go to. He would always make her dresses a bit too big so they weren't slutty.

>> No.6634634

How on earth do you get a 28" waist?

>> No.6634627

>mfw i will go to my first relevant wedding in couple of days
>mfw i don't know what to wear

I want to be as casual as i can
It will be hot as fuck, so i wouldn't like a suit
I'm just thinking of buying some shirt with some gray pants or some shit like that

>> No.6634643

hem the pants halfway up your shin and crop the jacket and wear them w/ some leather chelsea boots

do you even fashion

>> No.6634681

- Being short
- being really thin
- having small hips
dunno man, not everyone comes off a production line as you. everyone is different.

>> No.6634686

>mfw the dude who measured me for my first suit was a flaming faggot and made it super tight in the crotch

fucking legs are like tents tho - imma get it tailored at some point

>> No.6634690

I'm 187cm with a 30" waist, I'm pretty sure 28" is achievable, moreso for shorter people.

>> No.6634709

>tfw my tailor always accidentally brushes up against my dick and balls whenever he does my pants

>> No.6634736
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>tfw not gay but get turned on knowing flaming faggots want my dick

>> No.6634739
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>> No.6634760

I have a 28" waist. Down from 32 last year, and I wasn't trying to lose weight. It's actually pretty annoying as none of my trousers fit me any more.

>> No.6634768

He has to to know which "Direction" you dress in.
i.e. which way you hang your dick. Some taylors will ask you this.

>> No.6634782

I always prefer to the right

I have low hanging balls and this shit can actually be a problem

>> No.6634793

I'm 6' and have a 28" waist, what's wrong with that? (Other than it's impossible to find fitting trousers)

>> No.6634798

They factor that in?

>> No.6634808

90s dadcore suit, man

sell it to a funeral home so it can never see the light of day again

>> No.6634819

I think maybe poet's been going to some dodgy tailors.


>> No.6634834

Im 28" waist

>> No.6634897

ur grandma sounds hot
where she live?

>> No.6634986


>go to suit rental place tucked within a mall
>nobody there or behind the counter but I hear voices coming from the back
>with my dad because I've never ordered a suit before
>Mac Miller walks out from the stock room
>Oh god no
>He's wearing what look like polyester sweats a foot below his waist, apparently are dress pants
>Quickly come to terms with the fact that I will not look good on prom, adopt indifference
>Unfortunately proven right
>Stan eyeballs me, doesn't need to measure apparently because the in-store pants have adjustable waists
>Try them on, look like shit, accept fate
>Drive home

>> No.6634994


>> No.6636419

dem lapels...

My first suit was for debate when I was a freshman in High School. Pinstripe Black, 3 button, lapels wide as fuck, boxy as hell, and really shitty material and construction overall. also,
>square toes shoes
What the hell is up with everyone's first suit and square toed shoes?

>> No.6636448

Are those Yohji?

>> No.6636462

i want to put peanut butter in the nooks of your collarbone and lick it out

>> No.6637467

>brushes up against my dick and balls

aacidentally, he sayss..

>> No.6637508

my first suit was for junior prom. a blue topman skinny fit. fit well and I was the best looking guy at the prom.

>> No.6637528

Are topman suits worth it for how cheap they are?

>> No.6637523
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>What the hell is up with everyone's first suit and square toed shoes?

They don't seem as elvish as pointy....maybe it's an insecurity thing. "YEAH THESE SQAURE TOES LOOK NOT-GAY AND REAL MANLY"

I slight chuckled....maybe I should wear them casually with a button up or t-shirt or something and try and pull it off? They're pretty comfy.

uh....uh ok....is that a compliment? [sweating]

>> No.6637534

was fat when i was 15

>> No.6637551

ur dad sounds like a prick

>> No.6637582

I would say so. They look pretty good and are decent quality. I plan on continuing wearing it until it wears out. The materials/seams all seem pretty solid even after a night of dancing like a retard.

>> No.6637589

my ifrst suit was square toe too

>> No.6637600

6' 28" waist masterrace reportin in.

>> No.6637607
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>> No.6637644

this hurts me because I am starting to bald in front...

>> No.6637702

>first attempt at fashion
>blue shirt
>orange corduroy pants
>green shoes


>> No.6637888

>always a skinny kid
>nothing ever fit
>family only shopped at jc penny and walmart (wtf my dad is a fucking doctor)
>wore gigantic arizona jeans made for kids three times my size
>wore them through middle school and highschool.
>bought some slim aeropostale jeans junior year, bought levi 510s a year later and finally had pants that fit.
>tfw when those huge arizona jeans still were too big two years and about 40lbs later.

>> No.6637933

IM 28

>> No.6637979

srs get these heavily tapered and they might look cool

>> No.6638046

>mom buys me baggy as shit clothes from age 8 to about 13
>tells me she buys them baggy so that they'll fit me in a few years
>mfw never wore any of it "a few years" later

there's a point where you realize that your parents really don't know what they're doing

just get it tailored/ buy your own shit op

also my dad has a fixation on stuff not being "tight" like yours does, i really don't get it because i generally wear slim straight jeans and athletic fits, which is in no way tight

>> No.6638064

Why didn't you go to Topman? They're amazing for skinny suits

>> No.6638085

I was sort of like this at age 15
>Self conscious because I didn't realise how beautiful skinny can be
>Wore oversize clothes to cover up the skinny
>Had baggy hoodies and t-shirts two sizes too big for me
>Wore baggy jeans and sweat pants with high tops all the time
Since three years ago when I turned 16 and got my dick sucked my wardrobe completely switched to tight tees and skinny jeans, even plimsoles just because they're so thin lel

>> No.6638125


>> No.6638133

i wear the baggy ass pants with my yohji shit though so i'm only half complaining

>> No.6638142
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>bought new jeans since middle school (age 18/senior)
>levis 514, baggy and long as fuck
>girl i liked said she liked my jeans
>wore stuff like that till I got to /fa/
>shes dating some hipster white boy now
>tfw no gf

>> No.6638155

> my dad has a fixation on stuff not being "tight" like yours does, i really don't get it

>It's because he doesn't want you to be a faggot and embarrass his name.

>> No.6638183

I would honestly be okay with insane trouser staxx, my main worry is looking like one of those 40-somethings trying to 'be hip' if I decide to go for mad staxx myself.

>> No.6638249


>> No.6638261

>tfw no older korean sugar momma gf to take me out to korean barbecue all the time

>> No.6638460


>> No.6638478

who the hell cares? dress how you want to man. hell, teens are dressing well above their age with dadcore these days so just go for it. remember, Rick designs his clothing for people like you.

>> No.6638506

>are you flirting with me

>> No.6638514

>hates baggy suits
>pretends to like yohji yamamoto and ann d

>> No.6638591

>not gay

>> No.6638605

op where u live

is it the midwest? or deep south? or some shit?

>> No.6638611

my parents still think i'm too particular about fit lol.
tried on a regular fit medium croft and barrow white shirt and a uniqlo slim fit small white shirt and they sai they both fit fine

>> No.6638615

Try a 26" waist. It's a curse and a blessing.

>> No.6638849
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>> No.6638943
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>Be poor-ish
>From about 2-17 all my clothes are...
>...clothes mum bought for me to grow into or stuff people gifted me stuff when they didn't know my size
>...hand-me-downs from "family friends" kids I've never met, who were always three or more years older than me
>...or hand-me-ups from my younger brother who is taller than me
>Whenever I tell Mum I want some new clothes, get told I can't have them
>Dress terribly, know I'm dressed terribly, and social anxiety builds as self-confidence suffers over years
>Wardrobe's still cluttered with bullshit from the dark ages

All I wanted was a gf...

>> No.6639379

New Jersey