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6625174 No.6625174 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys what's your go-to dance move when you go to parties/clubs?

>> No.6625182

Either a full upper body head bob, or shuffling.
or hardcore dance for the epik lelz

>> No.6625198

i do exactly the ... gif related ... but i take a quarter step to the left to spice up my clockwise rotation, also, it takes up more room on the dance floor to fuck with cunts who dont get out the way bitch,

>> No.6625206

Hakken, jumpstyle, techtonik or whatever it is that technoviking does

>or hardcore dance for the epik lelz
You sound like an immense faggot

>> No.6625209

sometimes I dance like a muzza

>> No.6625242

I'm with you there, OP.
Sigh. I wish I knew how to dance.

Currently looking up youtube vids to the ones listed by >>6625206

>> No.6625250


>> No.6625254
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>> No.6625278

I used to do something like this:


Except not as good. I never learned how to body wave. But boy I could swing my arms and slightly thrust my hips like a champ.

I was better at stuff like this:


Which is a harder style and people don't really appreciate it in clubs. It's more for something to do in the back of a rave.

Both videos are pretty shtity but I don't think club dancing is something that's really captured on professional film.

If all else fails just rock your body and do simple arm motions to the beat. THe "dolphin" wave arm thing has saved me many times.

And never, ever fist pump.

>> No.6625299

Thank you for those videos. I especially like the second one. They give me a good starting point to search for more stuff.

>> No.6625303

omg that video


>> No.6625307

Hey if you like that you might find these helpful

>> No.6625313

haha hows grade 9

>> No.6625312

fingerbang girls dancing on my dick. or the rick astley dance.

>> No.6625314

If you want something more subtle like the second one look into "rocking" or "capping." I can never find videos when I use those terms but they are mvoes you use in your dance. WEll rocking is a type of dance. It's basically like shuffling but a bit slower and more...flowy. Capping is when you do tricks with your hat. I saw a great video on a guy who does both those things a long time ago but every time I try and search for it, I can never find it.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure they both originate in Australia so itll be the Melbourne style.

They're many other subtle dances like tutting, gloving, and tricks with glowstringing (if you can call that dance? It's almost like a dance but more focused on the object than your body. It's like poi.

I see people breakdance a lot at raves too for whatever reason. I always thought of it as street dance, not something for indoors.

If you are nervous about what others thing of your dancing but come to a point where you want to be around others, go to music festivals. A lot of them are dying but there's still some large outdoor ones that travel around. Most people are on drugs/just don't give a shit so if you want to do your thing just find a nice spot and let loose. It's better than getting performance anxiety in front of a bunch of 8/10's at a party.

>> No.6625368

>melbourne shuffling
>not gay ass yurotrash shit
pick one

>> No.6625401


can i do this

i want to

>> No.6625417

Personally, I think it looks really nice if you don't go full retard and flail your limbs and shit. Something smooth like this:


or this:


That guy really shows how you can just enjoy yourself and do your own thing, which is the whole point of dance.

You, >>6625299 , might want to watch those videos too.

>> No.6625427

as a dancer, i've never cringed so hard before in my life.

when you're on the dance floor, for the love of god, please refrain from actually dancing. i know that sounds vague and redundant as fuck, but actually dancing - styles of dance that do not involve grinding or swanging - make you look like the biggest tryhard and a fucking herb.

who the fuck bboys at a rave wtf

>> No.6625429

I pop, tut, and wave. Actual dancing is very attractive to the bitches.

>> No.6625434

>not crip walking in the club, with bottle in hand doing the hammer dance


>> No.6625438

what's that music video again where some guy with glasses goes mental around the world. it's a popular song

>> No.6625439

He didn't say rave, he said club scene, theres usually dance circles and such there anyway. rave's a little different

>> No.6625440

>hey guys, be mediocre and do what everyone else does

>> No.6625465


>I see people breakdance a lot at raves too for whatever reason. I always thought of it as street dance, not something for indoors.
>breakdance a lot at raves

used to get all the bitches on my dick back in high school cause i was on adv dance. when you got a jawline and you're dancing in front of 3000 kids for a pep rally, you're gonna get a bunch of pussies wet.

>> No.6625495

you should know when it's appropriate.
enjoy looking like an autist while you fingertut and shuffle. shuffling in the dance world is the equivalent to fedoras. you're gonna look stupid no matter what.

>> No.6625521

i never really got that vibe from the community but then again i never considered myself a dancer really. however i also believe the "fedora" shit is a little bloated and exaggerated on 4chan.

yes i know not to do it at parties but i don't see what's wrong with it at a rave. i don't fingertut but that seems like a rave activity as well alongside clubbing.

OP i don't recomend yo udo anything in these psots since u want the club/party scene.

follow this guys advice a ltitle bit >>6625427 he has a point. just do minimal dancing at parties and stuff. you should be drinking and talking to people mostly anyways

but it's also sad, is it really true people i nthe dance world see other dancers as autists? i get if you're bad or tryharding. . .but it's kind of like art. why are you judging other people just let them do there thing. i have a lot of respect for people who just dance by themselves doing whatever

>> No.6625536


>> No.6625553



>> No.6625560
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lots of hip movement w/ shoulder movement and limb movement, taking as much or as little space as the floor and crowd provide
ive gotten cruised on 4 muh dancin so im prob doin it rite (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.6625563

Also gliding & popping.

>> No.6625590

i apologize if i came off as extreme, i used the fedora analogy because it's something /fa/ would understand. modern day dancing (excluding ballet, jazz, contemporary, etc.) has it's roots from hip-hop. the modern-day shuffle, for example, came from the old-school running man. jerking's spongebob came from the party-machine of the 90's. i'm a hip-hop dancer, so when i see kids who call themselves dancers just because they shuffle, it just bugs me. yeah it's self-expression, but if dance is your passion, you should learn it's roots - otherwise you just seem ignorant and juvenile.

and i don't represent the whole of the dance community, i'm just expressing my thoughts on shuffling and whatnot. the dance community is actually really supportive and a lot less pedantic than i am.

old school running man:


old school party machine:
ignore the title, he's doing the party machine. the only difference between the spongebob and the party machine is their timings, spongebob goes inward, party machine goes outward.

>> No.6625600

also these videos suck shit, i just used them to get my point across. you can be a self-taught dancer, but it helps to get first hand experience from an actual dancer, not a video.

>> No.6625598

Dancing to music in a club/party/rave/concert is a lot like sex, If you try to do "moves" that you practice you are doing it entirely wrong. Let the music move you and do what feels right.

>> No.6625646
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Wait for it...

>> No.6625656

Hakken is pretty fun and looks quite funny too.

>> No.6625665

outdated as fuck but look at these fuckers go man

Looks like some sort of fast paced Damir Doma show with paint thrown over it.

>> No.6625699
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3:38...is that smeagol?

>> No.6625701
File: 205 KB, 500x500, 73e5e716-791a-4fd2-8da3-a066cc575308_XXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not jookin

>> No.6625706

I dance like this:


>> No.6625713

feed the chickens

>> No.6625714

Flailing around in a dorky yet endearing way
depends on how wasted I am

>> No.6625729

reminds me of this

fuck i wish i could dance.

>> No.6625738
File: 1008 KB, 160x120, nickjrdance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does the job

>> No.6625758

superior dance moves

>> No.6625832

>tfw when I watched this for 3 minutes because it goes well with the music I was listening to

>> No.6625866

Shuffling is uniquely Australian

>> No.6625868

It's either fistpumping or the chicken dance. Sometimes both

>> No.6625870

post .gif fuccboi

>> No.6625878

>tfw I began shuffling moments before it became youtube mainstream.
>tfw everyone I know thinks I was somehow one of the pioneers.
>tfw people still ask me to shuffle after 8-9 years.

>> No.6625921
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>> No.6625954
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>> No.6626007

>it's a melbourne thing, you wouldn't understand

>> No.6627528

I c-wal

>> No.6628664

Hey guys OP here thank you to all of the contributors in the thread. Love the discussion about styles of dance and appropriateness in different settings and I hope that there's more of that in this board.

The one thing that i'm taking with me after this thread dies is this post >>6625598 , which I already knew but needed to be told.

With that said, I can find the flow of beat and bob my upper body to it nicely, but getting up off my seat is where the flow stops and I feel like the rest of the posts in this thread (which includes but is not limited to >>6625307, >>6625314, >>6625417, and >>6625590) really cover what I was looking for.

Thanks again you guys, I really appreciate it.