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/fa/ - Fashion

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6618292 No.6618292 [Reply] [Original]

This baord is gradually becoming a piece of shit
Not just because of the terrible taste and blind trend hopping insecure kids (which was always mostly the case), but because with the influx of new users, it's started to openly encourage fast fashion, rip offs and sweat shop made shit

There's literally discussion about Nike, H&M and Fabrixsquare in a fucking fashion board

It's disgusting

>> No.6618294

agreed, OP

i don't want to say summer is the problem, i think it is

>> No.6618299


also pleb /fit/ faggotry

>> No.6618302

s4s raid
someone under mats moniker went over there and threatened them and mentioned /fa/

>> No.6618322
File: 1013 KB, 500x325, bitch bye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's keeping you here then, op?

>> No.6618348

Since my first time here I have developed my own style and have a keen sense of what I like and don't like when it comes to clothing. I don't like Rick, I don't like Nike, I don't like black, and I don't like most of what /fa/ deems to be "fashionable". I like what I like and that's that.
You have to pay attention to trends if you want to stay recent though. You can work those things into your own outfits so you stay modern; that's what being fashionable is. You're a fuccboi though, and you expect this board to live up to some predetermined standards. If it has to do with clothing, it has to do with fashion. Not everyone is made of money and can afford a wardrobe of designer clothing. It's nice to own but it isn't necessary.

There is always someone on every board that complains about that board "turning to shit". No one likes those people. Ever.

post fit fuccboi
pls dont ever be in london

>> No.6618351

Oh, and I'm not twerk it. I was just impersonating that loon.

>> No.6618355

>I don't like Rick

So is this copy pasta?

>> No.6618358

>gradually becoming a piece of shit

oh wow where have you been

>> No.6618362

blame eeyore.

>> No.6618366
File: 191 KB, 1475x960, Cancer-insurance-policy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to pay attention to trends
> stay modern; that's what being fashionable is
>If it has to do with clothing, it has to do with fashion
>Not everyone is made of money and can afford a wardrobe of designer clothing

>> No.6618374

Post fit fuccboi.

>> No.6618816

Don't forget about dreamboxes! I see a fucking thread about that every week

>> No.6618830
File: 53 KB, 960x654, 385020_265132743535081_1892208578_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jesus christ how fucking new are you guys

>> No.6618840
File: 844 KB, 723x1024, Recalled_To_Life_Pulp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we have this thread all the time?
Why aren't you making prep threads, or workwear threads, or whatever? People are talking lunarcore all the time here now, and that's something we all just made up a few months back!
The thing is, I went out found all the images, and wrote all the text, and some people found it interesting, so they went and found images I never would have, and they started thinking about fits and beginning to make targeted cops, and now we have a style becoming.
You can do this too, OP. But there's a lot more work and love involved than posting Jason Alexander for the umpteenth time and wiping your ass on page zero.

>> No.6618843


>> No.6618877
File: 106 KB, 640x480, 1373351210556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because of all the girls on it Op

A bunch of hambeasts having their periods in one place combined is never a good thing