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6615406 No.6615406 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you can always see my cock when I'm wearing sweat pants

Is it the sweat pants I buy?
Is it my underwear?
Am I just hung like a horse?

What do?

>> No.6615417

need better underwear
im 6" and if i wear sweatpants with certain or no underwear, you can see it

my friend is 8" and he has nice underwear and you wouldnt even notice bulge

>> No.6615413


>> No.6615422


Okay, I'll cop some better underwear

>> No.6615419

its related to posture, i have this problem, just wear longer tee shirts

>> No.6615426


Yeah, that's pretty much how I've been coping with it so far

>> No.6615552

w2c good sweat pants?

>> No.6615591
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>> No.6615615

Wear more fitted briefs or boxer briefs. Clamp dat shit down.

Or don't I like seeing the bulges but I clamp my own shit down.

>> No.6616514

head of penis goes over*

>> No.6616510

Sounds like you need to try
The Double Waistband Boner Erase Plan

Head over penis goes over the waist of your pants and under the waistband of your boxers so your boxer's waistband is above your pant's waistband. You don't need to be hard to do this. Or at least I don't. Idk different cocks might not work.

>> No.6616567


Dont you look goofy with your underwear and pants so high up?

>> No.6616592

Idk I never do it with jeans. Either way i've never felt I was pulling my pants up higher to do this. Really only fidget with the boxers and the pants function for this where they already rest. Is your soft cock 7 inches long? How much higher do you need to take your waistband to do this?

>> No.6616608 [DELETED] 

The sweatpants you made me make my ass look nice thanks brah

and I also wear longer teeshirts to hide my dickbulge but sometimes I just say fuck it and keep it visible

>> No.6616630

It's like the male equivalent of hard nipples.

Rock that shit.

>> No.6616637

males also get hard nipples doe

>> No.6616653

I'm about 7.5 inches, and I've never had that problem. Are you wearing boxers?

Boxer briefs are the best.

>> No.6616671

I'm aware of this mate.

>> No.6616683

>7.5 inches
Nigger detected

Also OP, I stopped wearing sweat pants for this exact reason. I also can't wear those thin sport shorts because my cock clearly bounces up and down in them :(

>> No.6616694

What's with this monster penis shit? Or are you trying to boost your ego? I'm 6 inches when I'm hard! Lel

(7 if I cheat and measure from the side, ego boost)

>> No.6616707


my penis is 8 inch and I'm wearing tight-ish boxers.

I've lost weight recently though

>> No.6616708

why are you bragging about your average penis?

>> No.6616729

most of my guy friends have huge dicks.
also we're straight.
and that's what bothers me.
how many guys know how big their freinds dicks are?

my friends always talk about it, and do stuff like strip down to their underwear at parties that don't even have girls there.

i have an average size dick, and one guy in particular (he has like nine inches) is obsessed with finding out how big my dick is.
i know it's his own insecurity, but it makes me insecure too.

and it's funny because around girls i never feel insecure.

does anyones friends act like this?

>> No.6616724

How am I bragging? I'm saying this thread makes me feel insecure because apparently everyone has a 6inch+ floppy cock... I mean, two guys with 8 inches? Is it nigger in this thread or what?

>> No.6616738


>> No.6616750

fuck no. are you in a frat or something?

>> No.6616763

hahaha! nigga you gay

>> No.6616765

no. and it's guys ages like 22-24

>> No.6616773
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My one particular friend acts like too.
He's got a pretty big ego for a 6.5" and I'm just sitting there with a 6" dick.

"Hey, why don't you show me? Are you insecure?"

>> No.6616772

I have one mate who did put me in that situation when we were drunk.

It was me, him, his gf at the time and some fat chick who was fucking my not present friend sat at his house drinking when he started the convo.

His gf was all like "His cock is 9"" and I was like, "is that a fucking joke? I'm 6" and thought that was quite big". Then fatty who was fucking my other mate said that he, my friend, had an 11" dick.

Idk if they were just trying to big my mates up because they both secretly had micro-penises but I still feel insecure and curious to wether or not they really do.

Also, all the girls I've slept with seemed more than happy with my penis which is weird if so 8" is the real norm and 5" average is all just a ruse.

>> No.6616777

>gays ages like 22-24

>> No.6616783

Rock that bulge anon. If you don't care enough to wear proper clothing out in public, why do you care about showing some dick?

>> No.6616802

>Are you insecure?
yea, that's what he'd say.
well, more along the lines of "you must have a really small dick then"
he isn't gay, but he always acts like a woman in a man's body. he's really nice to your face, and gives a shitload of compliments, but as soon as you are doing better than him at something, he starts throwing insults so quick. and not even to my face.

well one thing is girls have no concept about actual measurements, and they'll lie about it too.

let's say your dick was 6"
the first time you hook up with a girl
>anons dick is 8 inches
when she falls in love with you
>he has the biggest dick i've ever seen.
after you break up
>his dick is 2". it's hilarious.

>> No.6616813
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>tfw 5 inch when flaccid, 7 when hard

dick doesn't show unless I have a boner

>> No.6616817

>well one thing is girls have no concept about actual measurements,
this is true but not due to reasons you posted

>Why do girls suck at measurements?
>because guys always tell them that this *distance between index and thumb* is 9 inches

>> No.6616819

>tfw my cock is bigger than all my friends' but I was last to say my dick size and got nervous because I didn't want to make them feel bad
>they probably think I'm small
>totally cool with this

>> No.6616820

What a cockmonger.

>> No.6616827

When they pull that "your scared to show your small dick" card, reveal to them the harsh truth.

It would be beautiful for mental development.

>> No.6616829

post dick pics

>> No.6616833

This threads got me thinking way too much about dick... Particularly those of my friends

>> No.6616838

this seems pretty normal for guys to me.

but im a grill so my opinions may be invalid.

but if women can compare tit sizes and how big of a dick they can take, and run around drunk on "girls night" half naked i don't see why men can't do their respective version of that.

>> No.6616845

wtf is with all you people comparing dicks with your freinds

stop /fa/ das gay

>> No.6616842

Oh my god that gif is vile

>> No.6616848

how big is ur dick

>> No.6616849

I dunno. I know a lot of pretty uninhibited guys, but I can't imagine any of them just whipping their cocks out and comparing them, no matter how drunk they were.

>> No.6616851

Talk shit post dick

>> No.6616852

Except they never would because we are a loving family :3
My friends are p cool

>> No.6616854
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>have large penis
>make jokes about having a small dick
>never boast about your actual size

Mfw girls see my dick for the first time.

Oh and everyone's right about girls being horrible judges. My ex was convinced I was 12 inches (lol) when I'm actually 8 inches.

>> No.6616858

This. I've got about 5 groups of lad mates, 3 of these groups I'm extremely close to, like brothers, but I still can't imagine measuring my dick with them. Like I said, the only time it happened was when my mate said it to me in front of his then gf and she and her fat mate got really into it.

>> No.6616863

>as soon as you are doing better than him at something, he starts throwing insults so quick. and not even to my face.
What a piece of shit. Be very cautious. Seriously though. Fuck people who can't handle others' success.

>> No.6616879
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I disagree with your methods and this is not video games.

>> No.6616926

is 5in considered small? obviously its not big but it seems alright

>> No.6616980

5 inches hard is the average

>> No.6617020
File: 30 KB, 640x470, 1370766756677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s...s..should I just purposefully buy loose light grey sweat pants and wear no boxers in the gym?

o..oh wait working out drains the blood from the penis, oh man i'm high

>> No.6617039

bro why do you know your friend's dick size?

>> No.6617463

>others' success.
it's not even success, it's just any compliment i receive and he doesn't
>it's close to Halloween
>need costume cuz participation
>hate dressing up crazy
>dress like Dexter with cargo pants, henley, gloves and boots
>friend shows up as a zombie (wow how unique) with full makeup
>walk into party
>"hey you're Dexter that's awesome"
>friend responds like a try bro
>"what the fuck? no it's not! that took him like 1 minute to make. i spent 3 hours on my makeup"

also the classic time he cocked blocked me because the girl wasn't into him. later in the night i was laying on the couch and he thought i was asleep. i heard him talking shit like 2 feet from where i was laying
"yea anon has a terrible drug problem. i'm glad you didn't hook up with him. i feel really bad for him. i try to be a good friend because i know things are really hard"
>tfw the only time i did drugs was with him and it was shrooms

>> No.6619608

>tfw I found out 6" is the average when hard, not soft