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6612738 No.6612738 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't know where else to post this so I'll cut to the chase; what e-cig does /fa/ use?

>> No.6612746

Just copped an E-roll.
It doesn't leak, awesome.

>> No.6612782
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Ah, that's the kind of aesthetic I was looking for but how strong is it? I'm a noob on these things but basically I want something that is as close to the real thing in terms of effect while hopefully looking good at the same time.

>> No.6612819

It's not as strong as the more autistic looking ones, but I don't feel as bad using it.
It's great for maintenance, you know? You can have the little charger case in your pocket, kill a craving with it and go about your day.

>> No.6612841

smoking is for plebs, enjoy your cancer fags

>> No.6612847

>trolled softly

>> No.6612855

enjoy your completely unregulated chinese chemicals

>> No.6612857

e cigs are for sperglords

>> No.6612858
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>> No.6612863

Which other ones that you've used do you recommend?

>> No.6612864

>not knowing how nicotine works

>> No.6612865

>implying I don't buy unregulated American chemicals exclusively
>implying PG is even on the same planet as actual smoke

>> No.6612880

Are you trying to trick me again?
Nicotine is about as dangerous as caffeine. It's the delivery method that kills you.

I used a ego-t for a while, that was just fine for starting. The ones that give the biggest hits look like a big box of tic-tacs or portable breathalyzers. They're called drippers, I think.

>> No.6612884

>implying you have any fucking idea what you're talking about
>implying you're a scientist
>implying just because you bought your cartridges from an american company that the glycol mix didn't come from china
>implying even the chinese aren't afraid to ingest chinese manufactured goods hence why everyone there imports

might not be as bad, but it's not proven any better. not until someone starts regulating this shit. enjoy your placebo.

>> No.6612897

Smoke is what kills you, they've known this for years now. No one is saying that E-Cigs are healthy for you but they are a hell of alot better for you than cigarettes simply based off the lack of smoke alone.

>> No.6612899

... and people who want to use nicotine to help focus.
... and people who can't/are kicking an addiction to nicotine.
... and people who enjoy nicotine but enjoy being athletic with full lung capacity
... or living without emphysema, or not dying of cancer, or continuing to look younger longer

Seriously, with no other drug do people insist you consume it in the least healthy, trashiest manner.

Nah, man, fuck that molly straight from the lab! Let's use these pills my cousin bought for $90 each from a real rave kid outside the 7/11!

>> No.6612927
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>> No.6613012

because you're not supposed to go outside alone for a "smoke break" holding an e-cig in one hand like a fucking aspie

you are just supposed to vape casually when doing things/out with friends, just take quick puffs and dont draw attention to it

>> No.6613016

I just want something strong.

>> No.6613039

yeah nah, I'm gonna have to agree with him. vapes are for fuckin nerds. either quit or smoke. you just look retarded - singed the world

>> No.6613046
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The psychotropic profile of an E-cig is so much cleaner, it astonishes me. It's bright, and clear. Smoking tobacco is torpid, yellow and opaque. such a dirty way to get at the chemical, if you think about it.

What's most important to me about the E-cig is the revolution it represents in the way we comprehend addiction. There's this notion in a lot of people that you simply can not have your fix and live your life with no strings attached, it's moralizing masquerading as concern. It's Puritan.
Let's face it - the global tobacco addiction is the most widespread drug problem in human history, killing hundreds of thousands every year. We now have a tool that can reverse that tide, one user at a time. People can have their drug and live their life. Think of all the hospital beds and resources that suddenly become available.
It's such a revolution because we've been told otherwise for so long - that pain MUST accompany pleasure on account of the inherent sinfulness of sating one's appetites. That's a fundamental concept that's been screwing with people's heads for far too long. The virgin/whore complex, the absurdity of "Just Say No", the success of the E-cig represents a step away from that mindset in a very fundamental way.
I would go as far as to posit that most critics of the E-cig who aren't puppets of big pharma are just stodgy old Calvinists and hate seeing a brother get over.

By the way, guess what's not selling as well? Nicorette. Do we label nicotine as a food or a drug? Why are some producers already putting "nutrition facts" on their nicotine juice? To grandfather them in as foods, obviously. These are nascent, billion dollar markets. The e-cig is also a perfect drug delivery vehicle, but that's another post altogether.
I really believe that some big social and legal changes are gonna come about as a result of these little buggers. Especially when we start exploring space in a large civilian capacity.

>> No.6613059

no you dont look retarded you fucking idiot

do you not have any friends

one of my friends just carries it around in his pocket and takes puffs anywhere at all, even indoors, he just ghosts his vapor

fucking dumb schizoid

>> No.6613071
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>> No.6613077

>no pls im cool pls i swear
ya nah ur a fag lmao

>> No.6613091

enjoy cancer dumb fuck

this is coming from someone who doesnt even consume nicotine, e-cigs are fine you paranoid autistic spazzatron

fucking idiot

>> No.6613098

>guys check out my cool technology h-hey would y-you wanna go out w/ me sometime oh no ok
LOL i bet you get all the ladies with ur sick vaporizer LMAO

>> No.6613119

>heh heh hehh heh
>hehe hehh hehh
>heheh heh hehehe
>hehheheeh XD
>heheheheheheheh... HEHEHEHEHEHxD
epic, simply epic

toplelmao m8 comedy gold

>> No.6613129

get trolled you fucking ecig pussy

back 2 >>>/g/ !11

>> No.6615039
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I've been trying to figure out what exactly e-cigs *are*, not psychotropically or anything, but what they are as cultural objects, signs, etc. We have cigarettes pretty well figured out, pic related, but beyond catalysts for the death of puritanism (great thesis; I agree wholeheartedly) do you have any thoughts? What is a cigarette - a nicotine delivery device imitating a cigarette - without the negative pleasure and hint of death? What's the new thing they put in place of the old puritan/decadent complex?

>Especially when we start exploring space in a large civilian capacity.

How do you think this is going to affect it?

>> No.6615050


>> No.6615104
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x1255, SpaceWays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cigarette is a microcosmic model of appetite and satiety. I don't think it's the drug that's the issue so much as it is the simple intrinsic pleasure of having a deep urge and being able to immediately satisfy that urge. The psychotropic profile of the drug itself is unique as well, acting as both sedative and stimulant depending on the user's brain chemistry.
What this means is that it's impossible to really quantify what a good drug quintessentially "is", because a good drug wears different hats depending upon the needs of its user.
I'm not exactly sure what goes in place of the old puritan dichotomy, but I think that by tearing them out we accept the first threads of true transhumanism! Seriously, this is the root of something big, because it's the start of a culture that doesn't attach shame to using drugs or prosthesis to extend your natural ability to inhuman levels, to live in whatever reality you see fit, to have your cake and eat it too. It's not what we put in place of the old ways that matters so much as the rejection of that ancient mode. We'll probably see parallels all throughout society as this wave of humanism progresses. The stodgiest of institutions will move a few inches forward for the first time in a thousand or more years simply because they're faced with extinction if they don't adapt. The Church comes to mind, of course.

>Especially when we start exploring space in a large civilian capacity.

First off, you really can't have flame in an oxygen rich environment. Even if you lit them with coils, you're playing with fire. Cigarettes turn to ash and in a station or a ship every particle of dust adds up. They air filters would be working overdrive and there would be no way to carry enough of the things, either. A year's worth of cigarettes is huge, and by the time you're 6 months in they're all stale anyway.
I could definitely see their use being enforced by law in certain environments, the risk is simply too great.
Read Schismatrix.

>> No.6615109

>e cig
hahahaha enjoy looking like dorky ass motherfuckers

>> No.6615118

I don't care, I can run, dance and fuck for respectable lengths of time and I don't smell homeless. Nobody even has to know you have it. With a higher concentration of nicotine, I can have the equivalent of an entire cigarette in one quick puff if I want. It's about maintaining the drug in your system at most times and having a small edge from the stimulant effect.

>> No.6615170

>It's not what we put in place of the old ways that matters so much as the rejection of that ancient mode.

But doesn't it, though? Obviously the rejection comes first, but it needs to be rejected because the structure and values of a society make or ruin lives, and this one isn't working so well.

For one, there's of course the old trope of addiction as social control.

But I'm thinking more... this is actually coming from a comment I read on the Sartorialist once, and it's stuck with me, but think about how phones have replaced cigarettes as the default social and street prop and hand-busier. We've replaced the visceral and physical kick with an addiction/"addiction"/compulsion to the processing of abstract information. I see it in myself. There's a lot going on with that, and I think it's stupid and facile to class it as "good" or "bad," but it's significant. And we've done this in a society where a leading ideological catchphrase is "you can't manage what you can't measure," one where information is power more than anything except maybe still money, one also obsessed with health and happiness and their conversion to capital.

And here, unexpectedly and suddenly as the iPhone, which turned into the telescreen, we have a device that's straddling all this.

>I could definitely see their use being enforced by law in certain environments, the risk is simply too great.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if we come to see their use enforced by law in all environments, and I'm sure they'd be in space, but why expect people to still be taking up nicotine addictions in large numbers then? Or not, say, taking all drugs through a little IV augmentation device?

>> No.6615215
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Inhalers are minimally invasive, can be set to different temperatures for different drugs and there's no risk of infection through dirty needles.
I think injections will be slowly replaced with disposable nanotech-inspired dermal patches that push microscopic beads of drug through the skin in minutes. The tech already exists - 4,000 microscopic one-use needles on the sticky side of a disposable patch.

>phones have replaced cigarettes
You're very right. I'm approaching the cigarette as a drug addict, whereas you're looking at it as social lubrication, which it totally is. Besides, we need only look to a rock concert - people don't hold their lighters in the air anymore.
I've been reading a lot of underground comix from the 70's lately (Harold Hedd), and it seems so quaint and fascinating to me that there was this time when everyone smoked cigarettes and got high to some degree. What an odd time. But it only existed as a rebellion to the Calvinism or Puritanism that came before it. After Hunter S. Thompson's mythical 'wave' crested somewhere over the rockies, we realized that wretched excess was not the answer, either.
I think as a species we're working towards a balance.

Great post, I really enjoyed reading it.

>> No.6615300

Just chipping in to say I've enjoyed these posts.

>> No.6615323

>dem fingernails

>> No.6615541

>there's no risk of infection through dirty needles.

I did this medical study where I had an IV put in with an interchangeable other end for about 24 hours, nurses intermittently doing stuff with it. They alcohol swabbed down the open site whenever they took the bandage off, and flushed it every eight hours to keep it from clotting.

Infection wouldn't be an issue with something where it's entirely and permanently sealed to your body, over a vein on your neck or forearm, and you're feeding it sealed capsules. Some kind of disinfectant could be fed through it, with the port into the body blocked, like backflushing an espresso machine, if I'm wrong and it's necessary. Little saline packets for flushing to keep the port open.

But the dermal patches do sound superior just for delivery. So much waste, though. Maybe something like Star Trek's hypospray would be optimal. No, actually, definitely it would be, and that's why they wrote it like that.

Who knows?

>you're looking at it as social lubrication, which it totally is

Mmm, but we're getting the phone - the telephone, of all things! - turning into *antisocial* lubrication. People faking texting. Walking down the street closed off in the little aural thought-world of their headphones. The universal signal for "don't bug me on the subway / in this coffeeshop / whatever" being those headphones.

And you can't bum a phone, not for this.

I'm thinking of a Werner Herzog quote:

>It is my firm belief, and I say this as a dictum, that all these tools now at our disposal, these things part of of this explosive evolution of means of communication, mean we are now heading for an era of solitude. Along with this rapid growth of forms of communication at our disposal - be it fax, phone, email, internet or whatever - human solitude will increase in direct proportion.

>> No.6615558


>What an odd time

1) In the sense of being an exception, sure, but what's inherently abnormal about it? Humans hacking their bodies, trying to satisfy dopamine receptors, curiosity, or both. I don't think the problem was excess so much as a lack of appropriate context. It'd be like if you threw five year old children on an island with guns and candy: no one knew what the hell they were doing, c.f. all the talk about American kids' relationship to alcohol vs. European kids'. Not the amount, but the wretchedness, to compact it down to a phrase. (And for the record, I'm actually about the furthest thing from a druggie in practice.)

2a) Is it, though? Even in our safe, sane, sanitary, healthy present, most people get high on caffeine daily, alcohol is standard, virtually everyone under ~30 who works with their head uses stimulants at least occasionally. Again, we've replaced the body kick and the psychedelic dreaming with something designed to make the user's processing of information-capital more controllable, efficient, and productive. Hunter Thompson to Tao Lin. The kink in this is the continued pop-culture permeation and popularity among certain (often influential) sets of cannabis, and the rise of MDMA to similar status. I'm not sure where that figures in.

Oh, and shit, I'm not even thinking: everyone on some kind of antidepressent or other psychiatric prescription.

2b) Also, I wouldn't be surprised if drug use, even outside of caffeine and alcohol, was the norm across human history. Not daily, almost certainly, but in some sort of ritualized (social or religious) capacity.

>Great post, I really enjoyed reading it.

Thanks, and thanks for all your posts and
>Harold Hedd

Going to have to look into these.


And thanks; any thoughts?

>> No.6615585

Why don't you crack open a Zima too, OP. You fucking faggot.

>> No.6615838

>Also, I wouldn't be surprised if drug use, even outside of caffeine and alcohol, was the norm across human history. Not daily, almost certainly, but in some sort of ritualized (social or religious) capacity.

It totally is. Coffee fields, tobacco plantations, mountainside coca crops, wheat and rye and hops, factories distilling plant matter down to essence. Gnosis, meditation, transcendence. The history of consciousness is the history of subverting consciousness.

Again, thanks for more well thought out posts. Got me thinking.

>> No.6616372

Poet, have you looked into Nootropics at all? I ordered some piracetam and can't wait to start trying it

>> No.6616405
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I run through an L-huperzine/Aniracetam stack for a few months out of every year, and I enjoy the occasional hefty dose of phenibut, a tranquiliser developed for Soviet Cosmonauts that has the paradoxical effect of making you sharper and more focused!
You can only take it once in a while, though. Tolerance and addiction develops in a week and withdrawal is hell, or so I hear. It's still legal, probably because not enough people know about it. It's a very subtle drug and great for fireside chats.
I'm actually looking forward to an Aniracetam/Huperzine stack while working out, I imagine it would make the experience a bit brighter.

>> No.6616484

I'm going to be taking caffiene+L-Theanine+creatine+piracetam

I'm mainly doing it for the focus/energy/clarity. Gonna be doing it long enough so the effects can become permanent

>> No.6616512

There's still no evidence that nicotine is the cause of cancer, just the delivery of it (traditional cigarettes).

/g/ ecig threads are pretty great, a lot of info lying around.

>> No.6616557

If Piracetam isn't noticeable for you, try Aniracetam or... I think Oxyracetam. Oxy is usually the most expensive.
Aniracetam is very noticeable, and I sometimes use L-huperzine in a three day cycle to potentiate. It can make you sleepless, but I can't sleep anyway and racetams make songwriting easier without the horrible side effects of Adderall (they're not stupid fun though).

>> No.6616572

Silverbullet for tobacco, Trippy Stick for Hash.

Smoke all day everywhere. Blazin' at work. 420mynigga. black zulu moths protectin' us from popos for lyfe.

>> No.6616602

also nicotine has nothing to do with cancer.. in most cases anyway. It's the delivery and e-cigs are generally mild for the mod parts.

First off, you're a moron. Any reputable place will post exactly what's in it. It's literally nicotine, a diluents such as PG/VG, and flavoring (you know the kind you dye food with).

That's all it is.

>> No.6616650

some companies take that VERY seriously, and have graded lists of labs and suppliers, keep everything on a tight sell by date, make sure everything inside is sourced American and USDA tested.

>> No.6616682

yeah, it's become sort of classified as "unregulated" as of late, but that's simply not true at all for the most part, once again if you buy from reputable places.

Also I wanted to mention that people often say, "well you don't know the kind of damage it does over time, we still need to test long term effects".

We have. People with inhalers. They're fine.

>> No.6616692

Isn't Noopept stronger than piracetam?

>> No.6616711

I've never heard of that, is it a brand name for something? I know a lot of nootropics are sold OTC in europe.

The only people who spout that bullshit are, like I said, pharmaceutical industry plants who want the entire market to their cartel only and stodgy old calvinists in civilian clothing.

>> No.6616715

ETA - a few studies just came out of Greece & Germany, it doesn't damage the heart either.

>> No.6616762

No it's a nootropic.

I'm only a beginner, so I'm starting out with piracetam

>> No.6616786

lol you breathing chloroform

>> No.6616795

i'm taking a dump in a walmart bag and smacking you across the face with it as soon as I get your coordinates from the CIA.