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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 790 KB, 1280x853, levis-streetwear-2013-spring-summer-lookbook-11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6608356 No.6608356 [Reply] [Original]

Does streetwear work for short people?

I was thinking about expanding my wardrobe with something along the lines of the pic. My only worry is that I'm too short to pull it off.
I'm only about 170cm long weighing about 50kg.

So, can I pull it off? If not, what styles could I do? If I could pull it off, is there anything I can improve on the outfit or myself?

I bet you have figured that I'm pretty new to the whole fashion thing but I have now decided that I want to look good.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

>> No.6608384

I honestly think that the skateboarder look like ur pic op, works best for people of a short stature that was good facial hair.

>iam tall and can't grow facial hair so it is a miss for me, but when I would meet kids at college or high school that were the skaters, pot heads the ones who looked the best were the shorter ones.

(the facial hair bit isn't a neccesity but I think it flatters the look.

>> No.6608583

Brilliant! I can't really grow facial hair either though.
How much does face shape work into it though? I (at least think I) have an oblong face.

Also, is the whole cap thing required? Because I hate caps. It seems like a vital part of the outfit though.

>> No.6608708

Very shamefull self bump

>> No.6608714

lol nothing is required. dress how you feel like, obviously you need inspiration but I think you should avoid just copying exact outfits, especially if you don't like parts of them

>> No.6608724

I'm obviously not going to just copy the outfit. I was just wondering about how clothes like that (long slim shirt, slim/tight pants) would fit on a short person.

>> No.6608725

w2c boots for manlets

>> No.6608727

Just wear gym shorts and graphic t shirts

You'll never be truly fashionable

>> No.6608736
File: 1.72 MB, 3538x3424, 1344961866988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 165 cm

>> No.6608753
File: 133 KB, 640x963, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask the Japanese
They make it work

>> No.6608757

I know an asian guy who looks fly af and is like 5ft5

>> No.6608777

Shit OP,>>6608753 is right, the japs pretty much invented streetwear. Just make sure you're shit fits good and you feel comfortable with however experimental you're been with your look. Your pic is kind of basic and would look super plebby on anyone less attractive.

>> No.6608783

>i wont be the best in this thing
>there is no point in doing it
literally autistic

>> No.6608792

I have the same problem as op but I'm also babyfaced.
Kinda annoying to look like I'm 14.

>> No.6608796

If you don't act like a little bitch, you can make it work for your height.

>> No.6608899

I'm also pretty short (173cm) and I wear alot of hoodies.

>> No.6608908
File: 15 KB, 345x365, 1366891454857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'11

>> No.6608917

I'm about 185cm, is that tall enough to be /fa/?

>> No.6608934

That the shortest you can be for runway model.

You're fine.

>> No.6608940

no, get out manlet

>> No.6608944

yes, everything in the range of 183-188 is awesome. a little shorter or higher isnt that bad, but <180 and >190 usually gets weird

>> No.6608990

Wo, awesome.

>> No.6609000


except he is not a model you dumb shit lmao

>> No.6609014

God damn, I just want to get my dick wet.
Why is everything so complicated

>> No.6609027

Dude, you're not going to get anything other than dry fucking homosexuals by following /fa/ advice.

>> No.6609090

but effey dry fucking homosexuals

>> No.6609107

Maybe some tips. Correct me if i am wrong.

>Slightly baggier pants than normal fitting pants.
>plain t-shirts (this is where you can add your personal touch. Like with a skinny frame wear over sized tees, or wear slim fitting tees. Look at your posture and decide what looks best, else go lift)
>nice sneakers (also personal touch required, i prefer slimmer sneakers like air max, or new balance. But heck vans or chucks (low) also work)
>shorts that are above the knee but still leave room to skate (even though you aren't gonna skate)
>plaited shirts, like your pic. or Oxford BD.

Now personally i think you require a shorter posture to pull of street wear, but heck tall people flatter every fit so that is unfair.

>> No.6609121

lmao he thought he was too short to be /fa/ but he's fine

lol u rekt me

>> No.6609150

I'm not really a fan of baggy clothes of any kind.
I feel like I look good in slim clothes but I might look like a total prick.

>> No.6609165

>tfw 167cm and 46kg and everything is too big

>> No.6609228

Are you by any chance 14 years old?

>> No.6609667 [DELETED] 

16 and 42 kg 169

guess who won the genetic lottery

>> No.6609898 [DELETED] 

15 and 46 kg 172
I guess we can share the jackpot

>> No.6609908

pls, tell me where you fellow hobbits get shirts that can be worn untucked without hanging down past your ass

>> No.6609945

I live in Norway so I shop at a place called 'Boys of Europe'. Pretty good stuff.

>> No.6609946

>tfw 185 cm but fat as fugg

>> No.6609948
File: 427 KB, 526x700, bngbngpowpw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The raddlounge style sample models are like 5'5.

>> No.6609970

I quess I should try this streetwear thing then. Maybe that'd finally be something that can look atleast decent on my manlet ass.

>> No.6609981


Dem Henrik pants. UGH.

>> No.6609990

nah. going into my senior year in high school. I'm seriously just skin and bones with narrow shoulders. very diminutive stature. my dad was fucking 6'4" and my mom was 5'1". Fuck my dad for marrying a god damn midget plebeian.

>> No.6610000

enjoy b&
>inb4 but i actully kiddin

>> No.6610002

i haven't read this thread but your height doesn't affect your ability to pull off something so general such as a style, or even a single piece of clothing in most cases. do what you want.

i don't get what you mean is there anything you can do to "improve on the outfit", do you mean outfit in op? it's a style. it's not very conventionally 'fashionable'. if that's what you're interested in buy sneakers and slim fit (not skinny) jeans/chinos and buttons ups that are maybe a size too large if you're interested in a disheveled look

>> No.6610003

I kinda know the feeling. Both of my parents are about the same height, mom being a bit shorter and dad a cm or two taller. But the thing is my big bro is about 195 AND IM STUCK AT GOD DAMN 165. Not to mention I seemed to get the short stick in the whole genepool. All kinds of genetic health issues, allergies, atopy and asthma. It makes me angry at times.

>> No.6610054


>> No.6610068

Do you live in any part of scandinavia?

>> No.6610114

I'm not the intended reciever but I live in sweden

>> No.6610125

They don't have a webstore? I'm a fellow manlet from Finland.

>> No.6610138

No, they don't have a webstore. (at least not as far as I know)
So the tip is pretty shit unless you live in/close to Norway.

>> No.6610141

1m70, 42kg?
Dude, eat something, you're just skin and bones.

>> No.6610153

I quess I'll have to look elsewhere. Any certain brands you've noticed to be a good manlet fit?

>> No.6610167

Volcom is pretty good, at least in my experience.
I've also bought some WeSC stuff but they have a tendency to pu their branding on everything.

>> No.6610173

Forever sold de fucke out.

>> No.6610186
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 29750_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example, I bought this in dark blue and didn't notice the logo. Was a sale item as well so can't trade it.
So fucking ugly.

>> No.6610221

Thanks. I'll have to see if any local shop sells those volcom atleast so that I can go check the fit. I might just have to order stuff online hoping that it's a good fit so that I don't have to go through the return process.

>> No.6610249

I'm 5'7. There are two ways to do this:
- Be really slim, wear XS. Japanese style.
- Work out your chest and wear boxy cuts, e.g. military stuff like M65s and bombers. Engineered Garments has a lot of jackets that fit this way.

>> No.6610264
File: 980 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m7g00izbHf1rbv6tio1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh wear what you want fuck da h8rs

>> No.6610270

The real street wear mentality

>> No.6610341

waas that gif meant to come off so homo erotic?

>> No.6610708

>tfw shit mediterranean genetics
>tfw no one in my family is 6' or over
>tfw curly jew fro hair
>tfw bigass feet, so can't wear many boots