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File: 1.28 MB, 1296x1296, seven princes series.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6600711 No.6600711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

completed request of seven princes

any further requests are appreciated

>> No.6600718


>> No.6600731

sage, but the "seven princes" one should probably just be "princes." Writing 7 twice is a bit redundant.

>> No.6600733

thanks for the suggestion, if someone requests it i'll put that version up as well

>> No.6600741

Lucifer and Satan are the same so really there's 6 princes.

Make the seventh prince Prince Rogers Nelson.

>> No.6600742

fix the kanji ones, some people live in asian-infested areas and don't fancy getting laughed at

>> No.6600773

can you try and get non retarded shipping prices for international (Australians)?

>> No.6600776

wait wrong shop, ma bad

>> No.6600778

What happened to the yeezy shirts

>> No.6600809

ugh this team t-shirt design is so played out by now

might've been cool 7 months ago

>> No.6600817
File: 210 KB, 400x400, god prev front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6600829

which ones did you want this is pain.spreadshirt.com

>> No.6600832
File: 991 KB, 500x265, tumblr_m7aga59OKJ1qzzt3oo1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't be the only one that thinks this shit is mad retarded.

>> No.6600835


>> No.6600844
File: 498 KB, 460x260, tumblr_lrzfh9xcnZ1r22gpbo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he knows my name!!

>> No.6600867

Leviathan isn't a prince. Also, why include Leviathan but not Behemoth?

>> No.6600917


ur a faggot but this shit is retarded

i would NEVER waste money on one of these shitty tshirts

that is what seperates me from these pieces of shit who post shitty waywts

>> No.6600933

stop spamming your bullshit that no one will buy

>> No.6600978

people do buy though, why would i post lol

it was requested and i did some minor research and just went with that information given

>> No.6600985

yeah its the ultimate fuccboi gettup

>> No.6601001

can I get one that says

>> No.6601013

just a 9 or 09?

>> No.6601017

as many 9s as possible

>> No.6601098

just 9
idk howat that look like??

>> No.6601099

also nine cuz autistic (genuine fully autistic) people yell a lot and NYNANAN is most similar to NINE
I mean they don't yell TWOOO or FOOOOOOUR
or seven, obv not seven.

>> No.6601107
File: 6 KB, 224x200, 1361117899077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6601103
File: 534 KB, 250x144, 1353733281813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

them dubs

>> No.6601130

This is the fifth time I’ve seen this post on this board. Please if any of you people have any shed of decency please tag your post with trigger warnings. I may not be the “meat is murder” type of vegan but it’s still inconsiderate to not tag provocative things. It’s also disrespectful to people whose religion forbids them to consume pork or meat.

>> No.6601138

My trigger is pussies. You didn't tag.

>> No.6601160
File: 387 KB, 250x144, 1353733281813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6601184



>> No.6601191

What is the gif? I'm not clicking it either way.

>> No.6601203

Thinking about getting one of these with


>> No.6601222

please make this


>> No.6601226

what font is this and what program are u using for designing this tees?

>> No.6601239

i want something with moe in it
because being moe is kawai

>> No.6601254

or just do hedonism 01 ;)

>> No.6601267


there is a prince of hell called frothy?

>> No.6601297


if one of those was BELIAL i might think about copping

>> No.6601335

fuccboi's store is better

>> No.6601644

prince of wendy's?

>> No.6604119

will do those after gym
what number would you like?
it was the information i was given for the request ask that anon lol
(i knew something was odd when frothy is an extra)

>> No.6604130

No it's not, it's shit.

He has 10000 designs he just chucks out in 2 seconds.

>> No.6604155

where are these being sold

>> No.6604185


Would but i don't subscribe to modern hedonism however the actual greek word is something i can relate to.

>> No.6604207

They're all goetic demons, so it's more esoteric to use "72" as the number instead

>> No.6604223
File: 140 KB, 400x400, hedone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These will be sold at the spreadshirt in the op pic, uploading tonight.
I made this for you, is this what you had in mind?
could you elaborate i'd like to be more informed on what i was even working on

>> No.6604288

>not reppin' Epicurus' Aponia and Ataraxia

do you even hedonism

>> No.6604303

the guy mentioned about he relates to the term hedone (greek) rather then hedonism itself

did you want those on a shirt and if so what number?

>> No.6604333


was in the thread the other day, make a pullover or T

>> No.6604389

don't buy your spreadshirts from this dirty broad

>> No.6604440

can someone post a template for these black t-shirts in a high res?

>> No.6604442

would cop sweatshirt.
>death penis 00

>> No.6604473

you guys gotta be fucking kidding right?

>> No.6604483

>jew detected

>> No.6604489

why'd you post this?

>> No.6604499

Isn't it Asmodai? Pretty neat tho.

>> No.6604509

not even joking
would cop two. frame one wear the other
please make it, OP

>> No.6604561

also a t-shirt option for the framed one the one i would wear would have to be a sweatshirt

>> No.6604595

it doesn't take very long at all to make i'll do that for you in a bit

>> No.6604613

hitler was born on april 20th

lol it works on so many lvls lol

420 as in blaze it, 420 as in his birthday

op pull over would be dope asz

>> No.6604646

u have a dota1 design, can u make a dota 2 one as well?