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6600115 No.6600115[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how can i have a lucid dream tonight?

i want to fuck cara in my dreams

>> No.6600127

I got into it a little while ago, gave up pretty quickly though. What helped me is a simple dream journal. You don't really need much else. Force yourself to remember dreams and log every one as you wake up.

I did this for only about a week and had my first lucid dream. I was on a bus and absolutely everyone on there was staring straight at me. It was weird enough for me to realise and go and fuck the 10/10s in the back row.

Also write on your hand if you think it will help.

>> No.6600135

oh fuck i just remembered i had a crazy one like a week ago. i was consciously meditating in the dream, it was crazy! then i summoned a woman and fucked her. i'm sure you could try this with cara.
im not sure if any of the methods to induce it you read online work, i've found whenever i have them, and its quite rare unfortunately, they just spontaneously happen. good luck op, and i'm sure >>>/x/ will be happy to help too

>> No.6600139

6 year expert here, will answer questions for next 5 minutes

to op, do a quick search for the FILD method, it holds the highest success rates and is a newer method, forget all the dream journal stuff, it doesn't really help

if the FILD method doesn't suit you, the runner up is the WBTB method

>> No.6600148

is it true trying to induce lucid dreaming can lead to sleep paralysis b/c that sounds so fucking scary

>> No.6600151

The dream journal does help. I don't remember dreams since I stopped bothering with it, and I didn't really remember them beforehand but having them on our mind all the time allows you to become conscious pretty quickly.

After only a couple of weeks of dream journal I could recognise strange things easily.

>> No.6600153
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>a simple dream journal
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

lucid dreams are bullshit OP

it is a collective, elaborate troll

nobody can actually lucid dream because that shit is impossible and breaks our barrier on reality

listen to this fucking shit man, "look at your hand" wow what the fuck
dreams are like 10-15 second colored movies that you cant interact with, you just watch yourself/watch the visuals

and fuck you again pal

>> No.6600159

had my first lucid dream a while ago. But I got so excited realizing I was lucid dreaming that I woke up.

>> No.6600156


>am i going to sleep paralysis

Whatever article you read, try reading it again.


>> No.6600160

Please stop you're making a fool of yourself.

>> No.6600162

i started doing that yesterday too because of the cara post lol
look at your hands through out the day and after you wake up in the morning don't move and remember exactly what you were dreaming

i didn't think it would go that fast but i was aware that i was sleeping last night so i was laying flat on the ground(some girl on youtube said you have to do that so you don't wake up) somehow i didn't wake up but also wasn't able to control the dream
i think my sleep wasn't deep enough

>> No.6600165

I have no actual interest in lucid dreaming
I read that on 4chan and my friend experienced it while trying to lucid dream

>> No.6600167

the WILD method uses sleep paralysis to induce a lucid dream. if you don't want sleep paralysis, don't use the WILDs method,

No, a dream journal ONLY helps with dream recall, not lucidity

>> No.6600178
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please teach me then oh so wise master

how the FUCK am i supposed to look at my fucking hand or "turn a light on" during a dream

i set my alarm, go to bed, i see weird shit happening that i cant control, and then my alarm goes off

i have no say in anything, i just dream and wake up, no idea how the fuck you guys look at your hands and shit

>> No.6600183

Wow, you aren't smart. The point of reality checks is to do it enough times that it becomes natural, something you do without even thinking, so it becomes a subconscious thing. Then it crosses over to your dreams, and you'll just randomly look at your hand because its what you always do. Just because you can't do something the first try doesn't mean its all a lie.

>> No.6600185

watch this and ask me if you have anymore questions

>> No.6600187


i've done it unintentionally before, it's possible. The amount of control people claim you have may or not be true.

>> No.6600191

if you do it for years obviously you will have more control

>> No.6600198

>tfw have a roommate and don't want to make sounds or have a boner while sleeping

>> No.6600209

while i don't think it's really possible to get to the point where you can make anything happen in your dreams like you're god of that reality or whatever, lucid dreaming is possible.

I started being able to recognize when i was dreaming a couple of years ago, and now i'm always aware when I'm dreaming except for the occasional bizarrely intense dream, I can completely control my action, and I can sort of will other people and elements in my dream to do and happen as I want them to (generally it gets turned around on it head and goes wrong, though).

>> No.6600210


you do realize you probably rip mad farts and talk in your sleep, right?

don't worry about it, everyone is a disgusting sleeper.

(except Ann D)

>> No.6600217

there's a very good lucid dreaming app on android. It will remind you to do reality checks throughout the day and will also play an alert noise in your sleep so that you can do the same.

>> No.6600240

>everyone is a disgusting sleeper.
mouth breather detected

>> No.6600242

that must be annoying as fuck

>> No.6600272


...do people not mostly breathe through their mouths when sleeping?

>> No.6600275


>> No.6600279

ahahhahaahahah mouth breather
enjoy your recessive chin

>> No.6600286

sleep paralysis is only scary if you have your eyes open. otherwise, as long as you are good at letting go, its just relaxing as fuck and really nice.

>> No.6600292

is there a way of intentionally getting sleep paralysis?

>> No.6600300


i don't have a great jaw but im pretty sure it's not recessive, people wouldn't say "it looks good" otherwise. i don't breathe through my mouth normally, just when im sleeping. is this a thing i can fix?

>> No.6600309

yeah lay completely still with your arms and legs straight. do all your itching/scratching before this. then just lay there and refuse to move at all, dont scratch any itches, don't roll over if you feel like it. after a while (5 or 10 mins, be patient) your brain will assume you're asleep and start pumping whatever chemical makes you lay still throughout sleep. it feels pretty great just dont move your body and dont open your fucking eyes. there will be a moment where your breath kind of hiccups and it will switch over to automatic breathing (dunno if this happens to everyone.) dont get afraid, you can still manually breathe but this is just where your brain starts slowing your breathing.

the problem is maintaining it. if you alter the balance right, you can slip right into lucid dreaming, and then you kind of have to balance between sleepness and awakeness. or you could probably stay in sleep paralysis but i always just pass out after another moment

>> No.6600311

don't sleep on your back
create a vacuum in your mouth

>> No.6600317

sounds a lot like some magic trick "if you think this coin is really hot you're going to burn yourself when toughing it"
cool i will try this out

>> No.6600323


i sleep on my stomach.

whenever i fall asleep my jaw relaxes and i drool a bit and apparently i snore sometimes.

seriously, this doesn't happen to everyone?

>> No.6600326

if there's drool it's because your mouth relaxes, opens and saliva overflows

when you drool you still breathe through your nose

>> No.6600328
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nope just mouth breathers

>> No.6600329

kinda. you'll see what i mean when i talk about the balance. if you start letting yourself fall asleep too much you'll forget the dream and just wake up and itll be morning. unlike training yourself to catch yourself dreaming, where you usually are doing the lucid dreams at the end of the night right before waking up (so you remember them no matter what), this method you are lucid dreaming at the beginning of the night. so if you lose the balance your brain will just stop remembering that biz and you wont be lucid. but if you make yourself too awake, you'll wake up all the way

the reason you dont open your eyes is because you imagine scary shit in your room instead of just imagining comfy shapes in the noise of the back of your eyelids

>> No.6600334

when do i have to open my eyes to see the scary stuff?

>> No.6600335

sleep on your side and hold your mouth closed while you go to sleep, controlling your breathing through your nose. do this every night while falling asleep and your body should start doing it automatically

>> No.6600343

just keep em open the whole time if you really want to see the scary stuff. or if you cant relax enough with your eyes open, wait until that breath mode switch i talked about, then open them after that.

when you are in sleep paralysis you can still move your body willingly, you just don't feel like it and your arms and legs feel heavy as fuck, and it feels like a mattress is lying ontop of you pressing you into your bed and it feels great. but when you start hallucinating a giant fucking spider crawling out from under your bed, or an alien coming into the room, that feeling turns into being trapped.

>> No.6600355

sounds awesome thanks

>> No.6600359

tell me how it goes

>> No.6600361

omg why would that sound awesome it sounds horrific
my friend had a demon come in through his window

>> No.6600378

make sure to keep these threads going
this is exactly what i want
ever since i tried to kill myself i stopped being afraid of anything and i'm seeking that adrenaline
i live near a railway and walk around on really close to the tracks while trains rush by at full speed. the loud noise and closeness to death is amazing

>> No.6600391

Lol oh man so my room isnt haunted nor am i possessed by red and white faced little demon girls

>> No.6600395


>> No.6600425

shit does mouthbreathing only affect a person at child age? im 19 i shouldnt be worried right

>> No.6600435

not uncommon to see old witches/disfigured old women when it happens

called "old hag syndrome"

>> No.6600436

it's already too late but you should try to breath properly
it affects the time where your face is developing

>> No.6600459

How to replace demons with exotic succubus and all my bookmarked pornstars???

>> No.6600467

Man, fuck anything to do with sleep paralysis! I've had 3 episodes my whole life and all three were terrifying

>> No.6600483
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>tfw daphne groenveld will never be my qt gf.

At least I have my dreams

>> No.6600499

>when you are in sleep paralysis you can still move your body willingly, you just don't feel like it

no, sleep paralysis is
>shit, am i dreaming?
>i think im dreaming, yep, i feel myself waking up.
>wait, why can't i move?
>why didn't my mouth open when i said that?

then it breaks and you can move, but when you're in and aware of it it sucks. you're LITERALLY paralyzed, and aware of it, and unable to do anything about it.

>> No.6600507

>you're LITERALLY paralyzed, and aware of it, and unable to do anything about it.
what do you do if you want to move again?

>> No.6600516

This has nothing to do with this but.. Tell me more about the trick, i cant find anything about it.
How it works?

>> No.6600521

same way placebo pills work

>> No.6600524
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Night guys
Gonna go live out some /fa/ntasies

>> No.6600527


you just wait until your body is like "oh wait im awake" and turns on. It doesn't take real long, it doesn't hurt or anything. its just hella weird.

>> No.6600536

anjelica ebbi is my cara slutstitute

>> No.6600551

haha I've done this before

>> No.6600555

You behave in your dreams as you do in real life. Dragon attacking you in real life? You fucking run. Dragon attacking you in your dream? You fucking run.

To change your behavior in your dreams you have to change your awoken behavior. Perform reality checks frequently in real life. They will all pass and seem immediately pointless, but the objective is to make reality checks so routine that you perform them in your dreams as well. This is where it gets interesting, when it fails.

>> No.6600577

>tfw in a lucid dream right now

>> No.6600616

>Mouth Breather Hysteria

Ladies and Gentleman, the FAS of this summer.

>> No.6600680

Sleep paralysis is a way to keep you from sleepwalking, embrace it as that.
Also, I find I can usually wiggle my toes when in sleep paralysis.
Have had 1 lucid dream in my entire life though :(.

>> No.6600681

yo just take like 3 or 4 benedryl before you go to sleep

that shit gives me wacky dreams m8

>> No.6600771

From my personal experience, just try to remember your dreams the moment you wake up. Keep telling yourself in your head that you will lucid dream and be in control of your dreams, it shouldn't take too long for your conscience to absorb this and give you what you want. Good luck and have fun, my favorite part of lucid dreams is that there's no temperature lmao, it's so weird but so cool.

>> No.6600953

I usually get lucid dreams when I take a nap like 1 hour after waking up.

Wake up at 8, smoke cig and drink coffee or chill out for about 1 hour, take a nap. Just try to focus on when you are in dream and when you are awake so you'll fade into lucid dream. It usually lasts for like 30 mins - 1 hour for me.. Maybe it'll get longer if I train hard enough

And yeah, good idea, will buttfuck Cara this saturday night >:)

>> No.6600971


ZMA brah


>> No.6601003

Last night I had a dream that I was kissing a girl from highschool. I woke up disappointed, and went back to bed, then dreamed I was getting a triple bj. I woke up again, then dreamed I was phucking little Lupe. I need to lay off the pom.

>> No.6601005
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I get them a few times a month, especially when I'm on no fap and my brain wants to fuck something. as soon as I start to jump some bitch I wake up with sticky pants though.

>> No.6601011
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>>I had a dream that I was kissing a girl from highschool.
I had such a dream before I got my first kiss irl and it felt exactly like it did in the dream, kind of spooky now that I think about it.

>> No.6601022

i once had a dream that i saw someone in the dopest fit ever and i walked up to the guy and it was kanye and he gave me his shoes
best dream ever

>> No.6601034

I tried this and after a while my face felt like there was something crawling on it. I guess that happens so your brain knows you're still awake. I however was unable to overcome this and ended up slapping my face as if a spider was crawling on me. If I didn't live in Australia where there are damn spiders and insects everywhere, I might have been able to succeed

>> No.6601088

The first lucid trip I had happened because I noticed people having too many nipples on one breast. I realized I was dreaming and yeah I fixed peoples' nips.

>> No.6601101

This works for me every time but it's really difficult to do. The way I do it, I set my alarm for 3 am and when I wake up to it, I slap my face and do the 'stay still' thing if you can keep awake for 15 minutes with your eyes closed, it will come. But the dreams you get don't last very long and you wake up pretty fast after realization.

>> No.6601105

Wow u r nipple jesus

>> No.6601298

>FILD method
searched on google and didnt find anything..

>> No.6601340

this is retarded m8. people invents things thats already invented.
if you faggots wanna lucid dream: dream journal and reality checks. also before sleep think in have a LD

>> No.6601488

Here's something that might dissapoint you virgins. You cannot have sex in a lucid dream without waking up, unless you've had sex irl. This happens because your brain will not now how it feels.

>> No.6601492

It causes sensations to see if you're actually asleep. Obviously someone who's asleep won't be slapping themselves because of a fake feeling.

>> No.6601806

My experience with sleep paralysis is pretty shitty and fairly regular.

>wake up feeling afraid
>can't move, can maybe twitch arm or leg at most no matter how hard I try
>try to speak or make noise but only low moans come out
>after a few seconds of terrified struggling I finally succeed and gasp and roll over
>pant for a few minutes and think hey that was neat and fall back asleep

The feeling afraid part just kind of comes with it, even though as soon as its over I remember its fine.

I also got interested in lucid dreaming years ago and tried the WILD method unsuccessfully a few times. I would get into the paralysis state but I would start hearing things like children laughing or women screaming and it would sound like it was in my room or right next to my head, I'd also get that fear again.

The most effective thing for me was writing dreams down AND most important, waking up in the middle of a REM cycle, going to the bathroom or something and then going back to bed. Almost guaranteed success.

In my experience though lucid dreaming does not offer the kind of control people claim. I mostly just realize and then start flying around. It feels like I'm totally in control for a few minutes but then I slip right back into a regular dream state without realizing. I tried the whole making someone appear so I can have sex with them thing too but couldn't make anyone appear, or change environments either. Only flying seems to work effectively and even then I tend to lose control mid flight.

>> No.6601816

oh man this shit explains a lot. I remember having these constant dreams in high school about being with some girl and always waking up right before we'd do it. That never happens anymore