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/fa/ - Fashion

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6597944 No.6597944 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /fa/, what is your opinion on skateboards?

I just bough a churchill penny killer, mainly for riding it to school and then stashing it in my backpack. It's pretty tiny, only about 23" long.

Now, this is my first skateboard and I just want some advice on how to look good carrying it and how to look good riding it.

Any help is appreciated.
Pic related, it's the board.

>> No.6597974

>how to look good carrying it and how to look good riding it

god I hate what skateboarding has become

>> No.6597998

okay some serious advice

penny boards are lame as shit. only use em to get around. normal skate boards are where it's at.

but okay whatever penny boards aren't that bad. here is how to carry it: don't carry it when you are ground that you can skate on. here's how to look good riding on it: don't make those tiny little 'ahh i'm gonna fall' pushes. and go fast.

>> No.6598001

Yeah, sorry about that.
My main concern is of course riding it but I look stupid enough walking and skateboarding is not really a thing here.
I'm not gonna treat it as a fashion accessory, I just don't wanna look like an idiot on it.

>> No.6598008

I know penny boards are fucking shit, reason I got a wooden one.
Only using it as a means of transport and chose it because I can fit it in my backpack.

>> No.6598011

Skateboarding is fucking retarded. This isn't the the 90s/early 2000 anymore

>> No.6598027

Just get a normal skateboard, or a bike even.

Penny boards are 1) NOT skateboards and 2) for college freshmen.

>> No.6598037

They're p.fun. Looking forward to bombing parking garages when I go back to school.

>Look good carrying it
Put it in your backpack.

>Look good riding it
Don't suck. Learn to ride near/through foot traffic. Don't be a dick. Don't be a tryhard showoff unless you're practicing slides or something.


>> No.6598047

you should have bought a real board if you want to look good carrying it

penny boards and longboards are reserved for the fuccest of bois.

>> No.6598057

Unless OP is riding on awesome roads and sidewalks, skateboarding to class is gonna be pretty hard, dangerous, and noisy.

>> No.6598058

If I got a normal skateboard, where would I keep it? I can't be bothered to carry it around with me all day, there's no way to put it away in class and we don't have lockers.

>> No.6598060



just more proof the penny board crowd are gay as fuck

>> No.6598076

thats part of the culture of skateboarding

not giving a fuck

fuck lockers. take it with you to class, prop it up next to your desk

>> No.6598089

There's a dude in my class who does this and gotta be honest, he looks like a fucking idiot doing it. It falls down all the time and when he goes to the bathroom or something people kick it and ride it around.

>> No.6598093

baby miller Spanish brand master race reporting in.
Bro just carry it like a regular skateboard

>> No.6598095

yo ive been thinking of getting in skateboarding. not like i want to be a poser sk8rboi or anything, i just think its a convenient way to get around that happens to come across as looking cool too. however, ive never stood on one in my life, how easy is it to learn?

>> No.6598100

and I don't want to be a part of the culture of skateboarding.
I just want a neat and easy way to get from point A to point B.

>> No.6598121

That's called a bicycle.

>> No.6598132

I don't have a bike anymore because it got stolen. It always gets stolen.
I don't want to bring a lock with me and I want to be able to go with my friends home, a bike is just too fast, they can't keep up.

>> No.6598137

not easy. especially not on uneven surfaces, city streets with cracks and rocks and curbs and shit. it's easy to "move" on one, but to actually do it well and do it fast just comes with time.

>> No.6598165

why didn't you buy a normal skateboard

hipsters ruined skateboarding

and i hate calling people hipsters but forreal

just buy a blank deck, some venture trucks, some bones reds and some blank wheels and go learn to actually skateboard for like a hundred quid

>> No.6598169


>> No.6598173

get some rollerblades then my friend

you sound like the kind of guy who would really suit a pair.

>> No.6598185

i'm this guy >>6598095, how hard is it to get into roller blading? thanks to jet grind radio i think it could be /fa/ af but i've never ridden in those either. also im not sure if roller blades look out of place on streetwear or not

>> No.6598189

truth. if you're cruising just get like skinny 54mm shop/no-name wheels.

>> No.6598195

i brought mine to school sometimes, but my bag had a thing for holding it, just put it on the floor and the bag rested on it

you guys would have liked the bag actually, very techninja

>> No.6598214

what the fuck is wrong with you people

do things out of genuinely wanting to do them, not because you think you will look cool

if you actually think like this, you will not look cool

I want to be nice but I cant, I just cant. You are such a fuckboy

>> No.6598221

Would but I've kinda decided on some kind of skateboard.
They seem fun to ride.

>> No.6598233


> fuckboy

> not fukboi

ur such a fucboj

>> No.6598250

i was only asking because ive never done either so i need an idea on which one to go for, calm down

>> No.6598269


>thanks to jet grind radio i think it could be /fa/ af but i've never ridden in those either. also im not sure if roller blades look out of place on streetwear or not

you should do neither.

>> No.6598274

fuccboi was too mild

>> No.6598281

Keks check out this foobsjack

>> No.6598291


u facbru

>> No.6598306

okay better answer. People don't think skaters are cool, and think rollerbladers are gay af. So normal people will think you are a fag, and skaters will think you are a massive fag.

Skating isn't a form of transport, and neither is rollerblading. Have you ever done either? It's a lot more tiring than just walking and not all that much faster. Both subcultures are centred around tricks.

Skating just to cruise around is basically identifying yourself as a trendhopper.

This is the most irate I will ever be because you are butt

>> No.6598343

if aren't gonna be learning tricks OP then just get a normal skateboard (and a decent one) and don't skate mongo. that should be enough.

skateboarding for going point A to B isn't very effective though, its much better to get a bike for that. if its short distance (like around college or something) then I guess skateboarding is ok.

>> No.6598415

Aren't cruisers better at, ya know, cruising?

>> No.6598428

it's a piece of wood with wheels on it, they are all basically the same in that regard

may as well get one that isn't useless otherwise

>> No.6598460

you can't fake skating; you'll look like a fuqboi until you aren't
get off my blog mom.

>> No.6598478

I'm the newest of fags to /fa/ so I don't know what a fuqboi or fuccboi ir but I'll try my best to not be one.
I will learn to ride it.

>> No.6598495

who would you learn from?

>> No.6598517

a skater or the internet

i dunno, if you didn't get into it organically you are probably not going to get into it properly

>> No.6598546

Worth mentioning that I'm not a big person, I'm like 175cm and my shoe size is 8.

>> No.6598609

this guys go the right idea, but get independents for trucks. also get wheels in the 80a durometer range which translates to a medium soft wheel. Hard wheels are more technical and good for reverts etc., but are also louder and attention grabbing so if your not good you'll be a slow grumbling dolt. Go to youtube search "trick tips", go to a a skatepark, eat shit, learn how to fall, get over the initial fear. It's gonna take awhile until you'll natural on a board. If your not willing to commit a minimum of 1.5 years then i wouldn't even bother.

>> No.6598637


I skated from eight until eighteen religiously, and still do occasionally now, and I'm average to good at best

you will be shit for a long time

>> No.6598647


trick tip on how to power-slide

>> No.6598662
File: 19 KB, 640x346, square_tail[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this board?
It's made by the same company as the penny killer and is a proper cruiser although only about 28" long.
It's called the Square Tail and you can check it out here http://churchillmfg.com/store/boards/

>> No.6598677

by a normal skateboard and stop being a cultural leech

>> No.6598702
File: 2.41 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_2072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not a proper cruiser. Zip Zingers are proper cruisers. Don't get a complete any board that comes complete is guaranteed shit. Get a 7.5 zip zinger. 139 indy highs with 1/4 inch riser pads and 70ish mm wheels. also bones swiss bearings. Picture's my set up.

>> No.6598707

im also buying my first skateboard and i have a really stupid question
what colour do you reccomend for the wheels?

>> No.6598717

white.....always white unless your good enough to get colored, and are a monster on tranny. Bones stf, best wheels.

>> No.6598720

I'm a first time buyer, this is all a bit too much for me. I'll just get a complete board for like, 80 bucks, and maybe expand later.

>> No.6598722

>Implying bone swiss bearings would have any real benefit on a cruiser or really anything that isn't meant to be used in downhill races on boards that can go 30+ mph

Dont be mean. Bones Reds are more than good enough.

>> No.6598732

Good enough? Is there some kind of martial arts ranking system I'm not familliar with?

>> No.6598728

man i used to skateboard a lot as a kid and everyone despised longboarders and shit and just went to skateparks to ride, what happened to where people actually think longboards and penny boards are cool?

>> No.6598735

Who said they were cool? I just want to ride

>> No.6598746

Or, maybe,, people who like to cruise around around on penny boards/skateboards/longboards/etc/ do it because they genuinely to cruise around, and has fuck-all to do with trends.

I know, a hard concept for your autistic brain to comprehend.

>> No.6598747

i sure am implying that. Reds are great, though, but swiss's are much faster when carving. Ceramics are unnecessary though. But your probably right, if your just starting just stick with reds. you won't need swiss bearings in the first few years.

>> No.6598755

in a way, yes.... your a white belt..a nugget

>> No.6598773

Well, there is no white wheels I can choose from.
Is smoke alright?

>> No.6598786

then why didnt you do it before it became tumblr popular

also how do you know if you like to do it if you havent before

ur butt

>> No.6598798

Sorry? I was unaware it was tumblr popular.
Possibly because I don't fucking use tumblr and no one in my area skates.

>> No.6598801


smoke? really, the color is a factor but secondary. get the wheels that suit you best. White wheels are just a standard. Watch skate videos and just see what type of people ride different setups.

>> No.6598807

how does nobody in ur area skate

are u going to ride round the sticks on a pennyboard

do u think r 2 urban for ur area

dos nobody understand

>> No.6598812

It was ment to be a stupid discussion, take it with a pint of humour.

>> No.6598835

I.. What are you even talking about?

>> No.6598840
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>> No.6598848

At my college (1st or 2nd largest in the US) everyone has longboards. A few plastic penny boards around too. My large Orangutan wheels are cushy as fuck and it's great to get around.

>> No.6598862

I bet all you fucking faggots mall grab too

>> No.6598867

i figured as much, but it was just plain unfunny

>> No.6598882


I heard about longboarding months before I made my tumblr.

I also bought my first longboard before I ever made my tumblr.

>How do you know if you like to do it if you haven't before.

How does ANYONE know they like ANYTHING before they've tried it?

>> No.6598900

look, you can do what you want

but skateboarding is a culture with standards

riding around on a penny board not knowing how to do anything with it is like riding around compton in a vauxhall nova wearing red rags with a plastic gun taped to your forehead

you are fully within your rights to do it, but you look a spastic and people who are actually in that culture will hate you

>> No.6598904

Geet peny feget

>> No.6598911

I'm not gonna fucking sit on it riding down the sidewalk. I'm gonna learn to ride it.

>> No.6598922
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durable as shit, tons of room, lots of colorways to choose from

>> No.6598925

like you're going to learn to skate properly or youre going to use it like a really inefficent bike?

>> No.6598939

I'm gonna fucking ride it.
Not going to do tricks or anything simply because I don't want to.

>> No.6598944

you can't carry your bike around with you

why are you so fucking hostile? sometimes people just want a way to get around

>skating isn't a form of transport

idk about pennyboards but longboards are great for getting around

and bombing a hill is totally different from skating at the skate park why are we even comparing it

and if some guy wants to take a tiny board around campus because it's a bit quicker why does that piss you off so much

>> No.6598946

take your dunks with you

>> No.6598947
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>using a skateboard for transport

What in the actual fuck

>> No.6598972

no, no theyre not

bombing a hill isn't really a thing, it's just going down a hill, its not comporable to proper skating

im hostile because im an actual skater and what you do is gay

this is how cultures react to shitty people trying to infiltrate their culture or adapt their accoutrements, why are you suprised


>> No.6598988

Look, let's just split the groups then.
You guys are skaters and the rest are cruisers.
Sounds ok to you, Hitler?

>> No.6598993


fuck off and buy a car

>> No.6599004

or do it and stop talking about it because you sound like someone on /fit/ trying to make a thread about walking

>> No.6599007

You know you're just the same as people bragging they're "hardcore" gamers and that casuals are filthy people who don't deserve to play videogames?

>> No.6599024

dont care

if you made a thread on /v/ asking if you should play farmville I'd be mad too

in fact, if you made a thread asking if farmville was /fa/ id be p annoyed

>> No.6599035

thanks for the tips. how would i learn to fall? thats whats holding me back really

>> No.6599070

why did i laugh at this lol

>> No.6599088
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>skateboarding is a culture with standards"

Yeah, it has pretty low (Almost nonexistant) standards


I don't ride a penny board, nor do I want to.

>> No.6599117
File: 2.90 MB, 3264x2448, 20130730_221932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw my bike is broken so I had to take my board

>> No.6599126


Yeah, do you need a reminder that you're on 4chan?

You'd get the same response if you went to /fit/ and asked if you could replace squats with legpress.

You'd get the same response if you went to /lit/ asking if you should read Chuck Palahniuk.

You'd get the same response if you went to /v/ and asked if people prefer Skyrim or Oblivion.


>> No.6599139
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>> No.6599173

I rock an old 8" Foundation with Krux and it's the best board ever. I need a new one though.

so much hate for penny boards and long boards.

>> No.6599198

>implying legpresses aren't better than squats
>implying squats don't suck

enjoy your 1-way ticket to snap city

>> No.6599206

scoobi pls

>> No.6599229
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>> No.6599250
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Question for you skateboarders:

How do you avoid looking like a fucking dumbass with your one inch wheels making a SCHRRRRRRRR sound everywhere you go not to mention being thrown off and possibly dying when reaching any obstruction over a couple mm?


Why is it socially unacceptable to roller blade everywhere? I see shit tons of plebes at my university on mini longboards, regular longboards, boards of all shapes and sizes, bikes with various numbers of wheels up to and including one, but never any roller blades.

>> No.6599279

>Why is it socially unacceptable to roller blade everywhere?
because there aren't any Rick Owens x Heelys yet

>> No.6599312

Avid skater here. Penny boards are gay as hell. At least get a cruiser. Check out "CREATURE" CRUISERS. I have one for when I'm hurt and can't skate

>> No.6599324

hey guys so i've never skateboarded, is it very hard? i feel like i'd be scared of it

i got pretty good at this thing called the bongo board, the thing thats got one big wheel and the board rolls across the wheel and you have to keep your balance, does this mean i can skateboard

i'd like to skateboard maybe but its really hilly where i live and i dont think i'd want to go down some of these hills

>> No.6599479
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More like Acronym x Heelys, those things have the potential to be functional as fuck.


I don't know if you're joking but I feel like skating is this cultural thing and I'd look like a huge poser if I tried, especially since I didn't spend a significant part of my childhood learning how to do flips and shit. I played with Legos instead. It would be somehow fake, because skateboards have more cultural baggage than bikes or whatever (but I can replace the ball bearings tho).

>> No.6599504
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On a somewhat unrelated note, I saw some lady wearing those individual split skateboard thingies one time. To accelerate you have to pretty much wave your legs back and forth like the qwop man and it was pretty much the most funny/stupid thing I've ever seen in my entire life. I felt really bad for laughing so hard. It was actually really awkward because she saw me and had to pass right by. I would probably just have thrown them in the nearest trashcan. Takes a lot of mental character to look this dumb in public.

>> No.6599572

>up to and including one

>> No.6599581

The hell, are these new?

>> No.6599669


I actually don't do squats, I'm just not autistic enough to ask /fit/ about it

>> No.6599675

Everyone who rides one should be under the age of 15 unless they're a professional

>> No.6599676

>longboards are where it's at.


>> No.6600040
File: 44 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mqscydoXid1s1nptlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ride a penny, black deck, black trucks, black wheels, indie 7's and yellow hardware.
thinking of getting a churchill selma.
pennys are the superior cruiser, my only complaint is that the tail is too high, but who really gives a shit for cruising. i'm always getting people saying they don't like pennys cause of the wobble, but you only get wobble if you can't ride the board right. i've never had it.
i want the selma because penny tails are really high and i want to do tricks other than manuals.

>> No.6600049

the problem with what you're saying is that you don't say what's wrong with cruisers. and that's because there isn't anything wrong with cruisers. they're better for cruising. they don't exist just so people can have a skateboard thats different, they exist so you can have a smoother faster ride if you don't give a shit about tricks.

>> No.6600065

Fuckin' poser.

>> No.6600070

don't mall grab (grab it by the trucks).
and stop being a faggot.

>> No.6600080

I think he'd be better off though on some fat soft wheels, seems like he wants to cruise, but a regular looking skateboard is the most effay, just throw soft big wheels on it, I doubt he'll be turning hard enough to stop himself

>> No.6600090

wat shirt

>> No.6600095

>Now, this is my first skateboard and I just want some advice on how to look good carrying it and how to look good riding it

If you're using a skateboard as an accessory you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6600096

go to a skate shop
the thing he was talking about with wheels is that youll look like a total tool riding around with red wheels until you are good enough to impress the people who will silently give you shit

>> No.6600100


Agreed, OP is a poser faggot.

>> No.6600102

smashed to shit boards are effay as fuck unless youre riding some walmary poverty cardboard

>> No.6600103

we beat up kids riding those boards around my neighborhood. watch out bitch nigga

>> No.6600106

its just a uniqlo basic
i really like uniqlo basics

>> No.6600105

I think it's honestly to late for you because everybody that I know that skate boards started pretty young and I've been doing it for a while and it's really fun but not a good way for transportation honestly

>> No.6600110

wear some pads at first
you get used to it i guess
just wear a helmet if your that scared
but take it off when you arent anymore

>> No.6600118


>not exclusively riding walmart boards ironicly

seriously, walmart boards aren't even that bad these days, they're decently light, they have actual kicktails, a concave body and, well the wheels aren't that great but i assure you they're much better quality than 10 years ago by leaps and bounds.

i remember when i got one for christmas back in the day and it weighed like 20 lbs, the deck was flat as a pancake and it was about an inch thick and it was turned up at 10 degrees on either end. Did i mention the trucks were plastic? the trucks were plastic.

THAT was a shit board. god i loved that fucker.

>> No.6600133


>how do i fall

roll, don't try to catch yourself with your hands or else you'll break your wrists.

>> No.6602323

just fucking ride it and dont give a fuck

>> No.6602378

Just ride a fucking bike

>> No.6602574

I've actually seen a couple roller bladers on my campus. I think it just isn't /fa/ because you have to take them off to get up stairs etc. and taking them off takes forever. skating you just pop it up and start walking.

but dude the best part about skating is when you hit that one rock you didn't see and shoot forward and scrape up your hands and pants. you avoid being a dumbass because skating is fucking awesome, and everyone knows it.

>> No.6602675
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man now i want to get a skateboard again
btw i started thirteen years ago and i never heard any skateboarder hate on longboarders or cruisers. on pennys yea but only recently and only because of the association w/ "hipsters"

op get a cruiser

>> No.6602726


>skateboarding is associated with "hipsters"

are you like 17 fucking years old?

>> No.6602734
File: 266 KB, 500x750, tofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re-read my post for comprehension
pic unrelated i am hungry tho

>> No.6602958
File: 233 KB, 1280x960, skate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penny boards have been ruined forever by the people in my city.

Virtually only tumblrcore fliplets have them where I live and they look like massive dorks on them with their overweight

They ride for about 5 minutes from the subway to the nearest super market in their little neon boards, buy a few beers, sit down,listen to k-pop, waggle their butt to the music like they're part of some urban culture(as advertised on tumblr and MTVtm) and take their stupid SLR pictures and walk home on foot

When I do cross them they try to give me the narrowest leeway possible to ride through with my lonboard and I don't know if that's because they have some beef with me or because they just don't know how fat they are

tl;dr penny cruisers ruined forever for this one

>> No.6602990


>don't try to catch yourself with your hands

I think if I tried this I would smash my nose instead.

when they ask me in the ambulance why I didn't cover my face while they're suctioning the blood out of my esophagus I'd tell them

>> No.6603062

roll nigga, haven't you ever played legend of zelda?

>> No.6603082

god metal slug sprites are so fucking sexy

>> No.6603089

he's right, they do that in Judo too.

>> No.6603113


>> No.6603199

i always thought those vans looked wack as fuck but i have to admit they look pretty cool in this picture

>> No.6603248
File: 170 KB, 500x375, Kids Skateboard, Children Skateboard, Skateboard(Red)-2010042612475wN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think he means one of these, would be pretty funny seeing an adult on one considering all I see is 7 year olds with them sometimes at my skate park

>> No.6603250

Too expensive m8

>> No.6603279

Wait, they have free shipping to Norway?
This shit just got considered, it looks awesome.

>> No.6603299

(spoiler)Skating is an expensive hobby(/spoiler)

But in all seriousness, I personally skate and you better be prepared to put money into it. You're going to need new bearings at least once a year and a couple sets of wheels every year, not to mention a new board if you snap yours.

>> No.6603459

>tfw skate for 2 months and already snapped my board
>tfw never buying a zero deck again

>> No.6603657

i replace my bearings like every three months, cause it's dirty in new mexico, and no matter how often i clean or oil them, they die.
part of the reason i have my penny is that it won't break though, when i started i just made my own boards out of 3/4 in plywood, they rode like shit and i managed to break them somehow. when i get a normal board i accept that i will probably break it

>> No.6603850

Dude, have you considered the churchill square tail?

>> No.6603867
File: 310 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mhemj0JbUd1r97wvio1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bmx will never be as fa as skating

i didn't ask for this feel

>> No.6603874

I get the bearings and the deck but several wheels? wat? what the livq are you doing to your wheels?

>> No.6603951

/fa/ what boards have you got?

>> No.6604031

>that happens to come across as looking cool
get a bike you filthy casual

>> No.6604067

>you filthy casual
get back to /v/

>> No.6604079

just walk, phaget.

>> No.6604080

Gold Cup Banana Board
Sector 9 Mini Shaka
Just sold my old Element board to my friend for 30 bucks

Next pickup is a Hook Ups board.

(Just got back into skating 3-4 months ago)

>> No.6604126

Have any of you got any experience with Z-Flex cruisers? They seem to be decent boards but a bit expensive and ugly.

>> No.6604131
File: 84 KB, 908x601, 407856_546228608739487_162292124_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy

>> No.6604139
File: 25 KB, 450x600, wmbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this enjoi complete
Just gotta buy new bearings
is it /fa/?

>> No.6604148

is it easy to convert from skateboards to longboards?

i would imagine it would be extremely easy but fill me in longboarders

>> No.6604150

How fucking vain/retarded are you to buy a skateboard and ask "durr how do i luk good wit it". You disappoint me.

>> No.6604156

like a really inefficient bike...

>> No.6604158
File: 58 KB, 391x356, src_1343504670047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How fucking vain

>> No.6604181

For fucks sake, /fa/ is vain.

>> No.6604190

sometimes pussy faggots practice falling on a mattress or grass.

>> No.6604247

my first board was cheap shit i got at k-mart for 13 bucks

>> No.6604276


>> No.6604282

why are you so upset by what people enjoy?

>> No.6604329

Any recommended longboards suitable for a complete beginner?

>> No.6604371

Have you owned a skateboard previously?

>> No.6604380
File: 1.17 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_20130621_181159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fuccboi is my current board

>> No.6604395

Fuck me that is awful.

>> No.6604401

man you must look like odd future pleb riding around on that stick

>> No.6604432

No boarding experience at all to be honest.
I wanted a longboard because I've heard that it's got a easier learning curve

>> No.6604443

How much are you willing to spend and what are you looking to do? Flatland cruising? Downhill? Tricks? Sliding?

>> No.6604464

Just go get a board at Big 5 and ride that for awhile to see if you really like it, and if you're still going a few months down the road, buy something nicer corresponding to what you enjoy doing on the board, which is generally either downhill, sliding, or freeride

>> No.6606055

I have a nickel and it has a way nicer feel than the penny. That's me doe.

>> No.6606086

it's like 5 times more expensive though

>> No.6606096

lol'd so fucking hard so fucking dumb

>> No.6606113

Should I be disturbed that 95% of the longboards on campus are made by Sector 9?

>> No.6606123

I longboard and skateboard. Skateboarding is fun when I'm farting around at a skate park or something. Or just messing around with friends. Longboard is fun when going long distances and going down hills. However if you're gonna be doing anything other than just riding around wear knee pads or pants you don't like. I was bombing a hill today on my longboard and fell off while doing a slide at like 20mph or something and ripped a hole in my favorite jeans. ;_; also got road rash on my ankle.