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File: 39 KB, 400x600, camel-long-uggs-boots-black-tight-topshop-leggings-white-french-connection-t_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6594644 No.6594644 [Reply] [Original]

Britfag transplant living in LA reporting in.

Why does every American college girl dress like this? Is there something in the water that compels American females to wear this shit, and is there something that compels American males to wear athletic wear everywhere?

>> No.6594664

Maybe our natural athleticism? Not that you tolly tosh lobster backs would understand; our athletic Abilities allowed us to trample you biscuit eating garden dwellers during our nations creation

>> No.6594677

>Implying British women don't dress like this

When they're not wearing high-waisted jean shorts.

>> No.6594679

exactly this. I live in a small town and when I go out near half of girls will wear the Uggs, leggings and large tee outfit

>> No.6594680
File: 232 KB, 908x874, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Maybe our natural athleticism?

>> No.6594690

This is a typical outfit in Australia, too. Pretty trashy, but at least we get to enjoy dat ass...

>> No.6594704

nearly 70% of your population is overweight

>> No.6594730

>Maybe our natural athleticism?
Obvious troll, but American football barely falls short of sumo for the largest collection of fat 'athletes' in the world. Sometimes I think handegg is a societal coping mechanism for all these fatties.

>> No.6594731

Yet we still kick your ass. Enjoy your slurred accents and pandering for Americas attention. Enjoy browsing 4Chan, an American site.

>> No.6594737

an AMURIKAN site dedicated to chinese cartoons lel

have fun being fat

>> No.6594744

What made you move to LA out of curiosity? How many years have you been living there? Planning on moving there a couple years after I finish uni.

>> No.6594747

England's even fatter than the US, can we just accept that both our countries are shit full of fat people

>> No.6594749

its not tho

all first world countries are fat but murika is the worst

>> No.6594752

>2012 Olympics medal count
> U.S Population 316,000,000 = 104 medals
> U.K. Population 63,000,000 = 65 medals

The numbers speak for themselves. Enjoy being quantity, rather than quality.

>> No.6594753

At least it doesn't pander to English cartoons. or do you feel,bad that the future power houses of China+US doesn't include your crisp munching little island?

>> No.6594761


>> No.6594766

yo at least america is only like 65% fat, ugly white ppl

>> No.6594768

i don't eat crisps u fucking nigger :)

>> No.6594772

I'm living with my aunt's family and will be attending USC next month.

>> No.6594773

power houses meaning retards who wast a bjillion dollars on the military every year so they can talk shit on the internet while having fucking awful living standards?

>> No.6594775

what's wrong with that, u gay?

>> No.6594776

You'll be eating my crispy dried cum, lapping lap dog :)

>> No.6594778

>future powerhouse
>amerifat in denial of his country's rapid decline

>> No.6594784

Turns out you're right, we still beat you by 1%
25% obese to 26% obese isn't great for either country tho

>> No.6594785

Don't you mean "nigga"? Your people can't pronounce "er" sounds

>> No.6594788

You guys made reddit aswell, I suppose we should be thanking you for that aswell?

>> No.6594799

oh and america has the biggest collection of:
>fedora wearers
>fat people
>neck beards
>corrupt politicians

>> No.6594816


However, in the "overweight" category you're up by 7%

>> No.6594827
File: 351 KB, 897x1200, 1k4kq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average american woman
>average american fashion

>> No.6594831

Yes. What have your people contributed to the Web? Or computers in general?

>> No.6594838

>Or computers in general?
Are you some kind of uneducated redneck?

>> No.6594845

>why do American's always wear athletic wear?!

>throws on rick owens clothes

the average brit dresses like horse trash

it's not all burberry prorsum coupled with vintage Thomas burberry and kate middleton fits 24-7

>> No.6594847

looks like that fat psycho bitch from girls

>> No.6594849

>sieg heil

stopped reading right there

>> No.6594861

www and HTTP

>> No.6594868

yes we can. we just don't overemphasis the r in that disgusting way that americans do.

i don't mind hearing american accents in films and tv shows but when i hear an american speaking in real life it is unbearable. quite often i'm forced to leave the room

>> No.6594874

does this song piss you off?

after jay-z emphasizes the "R" in the English language to string together rhymes

>> No.6594883
File: 680 KB, 980x616, K9CRz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle Tom blacks are Americans. Nigger blacks are not Americans.

>> No.6594884

is there any place in the world where people dress good?

i dont think so

>> No.6594889

are you going to at least post the song in question u fucking ugly spastic ? :DD

>> No.6594900


>> No.6594909

You live in the valley, stop trying to pretend you're in LA. Go back to UK transplant scum.

>> No.6594916


>> No.6594927

ebin trol op xdd!1

>> No.6596129

I didn't realize that people this dumb existed

>> No.6596148

lol why would you choose to live in LA

dat cultural conditioning

>> No.6596302
File: 144 KB, 401x243, 91864301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attend college in the UK
>Take English history class
>Professor starts talking about the American Revolution
>Says England won that war because their per-capita kill count was better
>I start objecting to this
>Professor takes a closer look at me
>He notices I have a ham sandwich next to me
>I am immediately arrested by british authorities under Sharia Law for possessing unclean meat
>They search my dorm room
>Find a toothbrush
>Having never seen such a device before, they assume it to be a magic wand
>They insist on putting me on a train to Hogwarts
>Train just runs in to the ocean
>All the british kids drown
>I swim back to America using superior American swimming genetics

>> No.6598024

wp murica confirmed for stronk fight the AY-RABS now please m80

insurrec reekyg

>> No.6599017

India - 1.2billion - 5

>> No.6599068
File: 465 KB, 1200x1845, map_LA_city_neighborhoods[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the valley is part of LA fuccboi

pretty fucking big chunk of it too

>> No.6601482

College girl? That's the shit I was seeing in high school

>> No.6601489

I went to uni in the midwestern US, then a masters at Cardiff. I feel like people at Cardiff in general dressed better although still not particularly well in general

>> No.6601526

it's the other way around. All I have to do is speak and you start clawing at each other to get to me

>> No.6601529

Leave them alone you fat American fuck