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/fa/ - Fashion

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6592577 No.6592577 [Reply] [Original]

what's a /fa/ way to order coffee

>> No.6592622

with your words you piece of shit

>> No.6592623


>> No.6592668

5 shot venti, 2/5th decaf, ristretto shot, 1pump Vanilla, 1pump Hazelnut, breve,1 sugar in the raw, with whip, carmel drizzle on top, free poured, 4 pump mocha brewed at precisely 160 degrees or no tip.

>> No.6592678

>lemme get a coffee, black

>> No.6592692

Venti quad w/ half-soy half half-and-half John Wayne hazel undertow w/ double foam

>> No.6592703

I work at a franchise Starbucks in a grocery store. Been here for 3 months, ask me anything... if you want.

>> No.6592712

Medium red eye

>> No.6592715

Are you at a Stop 'n Shop next to a defunct Hollywood Video?

>> No.6592718

tell me about phase 2

>> No.6592722


>> No.6592729

>tall, black, double expresso on ice.
>larger size depending on length of day

>> No.6592747

I'm not allowed to discuss our classified operations with civilians. It's company policy and I signed a full non disclosure disagreement. I'm risking a court-martial just by talking about it now.

>> No.6592754

what's the 'default' number of espresso shots in tall, grande and venti cappucinos?

>> No.6592757

1 in T
2 in G,V

>> No.6592788

wow the niggs at my starbucks fucking lied to me.

they said it was one per size- tall is 1, grande is 2, venti is 3

>> No.6592791

A grande extra hot soy with extra foam, split shot with a half squirt of sugar-free vanilla and a half squirt of sugar-free cinnamon, a half packet of splenda, oh and put that in a venti cup and fill up the "room" with extra whipped cream with carmel and chocolate sauce drizzled on top

>> No.6592821
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>> No.6592834

An iced latte/macchiato gets 3 shots of espresso but hot ones only get 2.

I googled it and found out why.

The big difference between the Venti Hot and the Venti Cold (aside from temperature) is actually the size!

A Venti Hot is 20 ounces (hence the name.)
A Venti Iced is actually 24 ounces, to make sure there's enough room for the actual drink despite the ice.

Since it's more ounces, we give it 3 shots, and we actually give it more flavor syrups too: 6 pumps standard.

However, since we have those extra 4 ounces and since the ice does eventually become liquid, everything is increased by 1 in an Iced Venti.

>> No.6593030


top kek u white peice of shit

3 shot tulip flat white is the only effay answer

>> No.6593266

1. Do it somewhere local. Choose more on atmosphere than taste, and this is coming from a coffee nerd, although in any major city there usually won't be a conflict.

Starbucks is the Zara of coffee.

Try to become a regular.

2. Keep your order simple and clear.

Simple: Not only are coffee drinks more /fa/ the less adulterated they are, I promise you any decent place will serve a cup with better flavor than whatever Torani bullshit you want to add.

Plus, somehow, randoms get impressed by drinking coffee or espresso without adulterants. And liquid calories will get you fat.

Treat milk drinks like dessert.

Clear: Even if you have an absurdly precise preference - and do you really, have you earned it? - you can state it briefly and clearly if you've bothered to know the vocabulary.

"Lungo soy latte con panna" can be dropped in a second, and should be universally understood immediately, the look being one of disbelief rather than confusion.

Similarly, you should order a "large drip," not a "venti coffee." If the place does the dairy behind the counter, ask for a "large drip. Black."

3. If you order something as ass stupid as a Lungo soy latte con panna, tip. Tip as much as possible, unconditionally for a milk drink, usually (though a lapse is excusable) if they have to go to the espresso machine, do a pour, or french press it. Intermittently tipping for standard drip coffee is acceptable.

4. Show some interest in the coffee, at least sometimes, when it's slow. It's appreciated.

5. Unless there's one of those snarky little signs up, you can order an iced espresso, but you're, well, treading on thin ice. They have their place, really, but somehow they became such a marker of the clueless that you'll get looked at funny.

The ice simplifies the flavor and makes it more bitter, both of which are cardinal sins in contemporary coffee culture, in the same way /fa/ hates boat shoes or pale denim.

>> No.6593307

Black or Black with a shot of espresso.

>> No.6593309
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>> No.6593316

>not sending a carrier pigeon to get your order

>> No.6593348
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>calling me a fedora-wearer and not a hipster

Step up your game.

>> No.6593362

Hawaii-fag here. You can get Kona or Ka'u coffee at most of the local coffee shops here. Even McDonalds used to serve a Kona blend.

>> No.6593392

Small, black.

Anything else is decadence.

>> No.6593432

even espresso is too much
the blacker and nastier the better

>> No.6593453

Nothing is more /fa/ than staring into the barista's eyes when she asks you "Milk and sugar?" and replying with one word.


>> No.6593459

2 shots or 4 shots over ice.

Don't ever order an iced caramel machiatto or a frappuchino if you are a male fuccbo dick smoking faggot.

The only things you should get from a coffee place are espresso shots or a latte

>Starbucks employee, if you order a doppio espresso and a water I wont charge you because why the hell not. If you get a frappuchino I will charge you for every single modifier under the sun.

>> No.6593465


*tips fedora*

>> No.6593469

At gunpoint

>> No.6593471

adding light roast beans for more caffeine

>> No.6593479


>> No.6593487

would post this pic >>6593309
but its already been posted

>> No.6593526

Once someone at a Starbucks spilled my tea on me and I had to fill out one billion forms, so for a while I was a "regular." Also, for a while when I didn't have Internet and one of the other Starbucks locations became 24 hours. Somehow it was just expensive enough to keep most homeless people out.

You should know how to order in Starbucks. You'll encounter one in a bookstore or an airport and end up embarrassing yourself. It's pretentious to just pretend that you don't know that they use the basic sizes are short, tall (12 oz), grande (16) and venti (20). It's not condescending to say medium or small, you just sound like an ignorant idiot who can't read a menu board. It's the equivalent of ordering "a burger" at McDonalds. You should know that they have (in order of strength): blonde, decaf (pike), pike, bold roasts for drip coffee.

At real cafes, you should try their espresso. However you like. Milk isn't a bad thing, especially since the treatment of the milk can make or break a drink like a cappuccino, a latte or a cortado. Find friends who are interested in coffee. When you go to cafes alone, sit at those big tables. You'll be surprised at the people you can meet. If you hate them, just wear headphones.

Drip coffee is generally horrible. If you like you don't like espresso drinks, at least spring for French press.

>> No.6593529

She's not a real barista if she asked you that.

>> No.6593569

I work at a Peet's, if you want to be /fa/ as fuck get behind a group of suburban rich kids ordering the fuck huge mochafrappelattechocowhips and in a low voice order a medium black coffee. If there's an exotic roast that doesnt sound faggy get that.

>> No.6593601

do yall niggas put butter in your coffee
pls respond

>> No.6593605

Drip coffee isn't always horrible. It is going to be nasty at a starbucks chain where that same coffees been sitting for an hour or more.

At my store I think it's pretty dam good because we make it fresh every 30 minutes. Also the quality of the beans is obviously very important to it.

>> No.6593625

no. we do not put butter in our coffee. Why would you even think that?

>> No.6593628

I walk in there head to toe in Jill Sanders and order my coffee simple and black.

>> No.6593629

well peets does something to it
and I wanna know what

>> No.6593634
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lol what a fag! asking how to order coffee indeed everyday /fa/ is more autistic.

>> No.6593637

> Also, for a while when I didn't have Internet and one of the other Starbucks locations became 24 hours. Somehow it was just expensive enough to keep most homeless people out.

OP asked about what the most /fa/ way to order coffee is, not how to utilize the world's greatest network of WiFi squats and public toilets.

> you just sound like an ignorant idiot who can't read a menu board

You shouldn't have to read a menu board at any coffeeshop, except to check prices. And I'm sorry, but baristas as Starbucks know what a "small dark roast" means just as well as anyone. There is nothing sacrosanct about some stupid company's marketing buzzwords.

>Milk isn't a bad thing, especially since the treatment of the milk can make or break a drink like a cappuccino, a latte or a cortado

Of course it can, but the real interest is always in the actual coffee. Again, milk drinks are like dessert. Nothing wrong with a pastry chef, but what they're doing is secondary in most food programs.

>Drip coffee is generally horrible

You're in Toronto, right? I refuse to believe Toronto doesn't have a single place that knows how to do it right. Find somewhere the uses good beans (Stumptown, Intelligentsia, etc.) and unless they're really stupid you'll get a good cup.

Stumptown House Blend is easily the best coffee to use for a general, basic black drip. It's got the perfect "this is really good *coffee*" balance of complexity and body, to the point where it doesn't even feel like a balance. And if you insist, it holds better through milk than a lot of other coffees.

Unfortunately, it's necessary at places that don't set it out.

The extra amount is really, really negligible, like .0x something percent.

Light roast coffee will, as a rule, have less body but more complex flavors. Most serious shops will be pouring at least fairly light roast coffee right now, and some are even using light roast beans for their espresso.

>> No.6593640

Obviously, this is at Tripskank in >>6593526.

>> No.6593643

>caring what some minimum wage barista thinks
tell that broke nigga to make it snappy or you gon throw that shit in his face

>> No.6593663

is it pretentious to order an iced coffee by calling it a "joe on the rocks"?

>> No.6593669

Not pretentious, just stupid

>> No.6593670
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fucking pleb

>> No.6593687

At this point it becomes so desperate, so obviously driven, so audacious and over the top that it becomes awesome.

A friend of mine's laptop broke, but he lived down the block from a coffeeshop, and every day he would tote his full ATX tower down, order a coffee, and go back up and get the peripherals.

Staff loved him.

>> No.6593703

what a fag

>> No.6593708

>phil fish's next masterpiece .jpg

>> No.6593783

>thinking you're a hipster
Confirmed fedora-wearer
Step down.

>> No.6593810

I had a friend who was really into coffee and he told me people often referred to the chain as Charbucks because all their beans have to be standardized in some way, and the only way to get them all level is to consistently burn the shit out of all of them.

>> No.6593820
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i work at a peets too. hate how i can tell just by looking at people who will have a complicated bitchy order and who will be alpha and order coffee black no room. i always make sure to tip my fedora to those people while i hand them their coffee

>> No.6593823

>I hate everyone I encounter at work.

>> No.6593836
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no just people that need to get a half-caf soy 2 pump "venti" frappachino with caramel drizzled on the side of the cup as well as the top, added 2 raw sugars and only 1 coffee bean as opposed to 3.
i mean jesus fuck walter white wouldnt make a drink so dickish

>> No.6593848

also, never get the dark roast unless you're in like italy

>> No.6593856

Oh gotcha. I thought you were being sarcastic about calling people who order black coffee alpha. Aren't you though?

>> No.6593859
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related, a reasonably /fa brewing technique

>> No.6593865
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>> No.6593869
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pour over is most /fa/... obviously
>pic related

lol not really i appreciate people who don't need to overload their drink on milk, sugars, etc. and can actually appreciate the taste of black coffee.

>> No.6593885
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man fuck that shitty little hario grinder he's using though. i used it for a while, but if you're a real coffee fiend it'll tear your fucking wrist off

this baby revolutionized my life

>> No.6594076

tfw when sister owns cafe so I get free coffee out of a la marzocco all day erryday

>> No.6594138

>tfw starbucks barista

>> No.6594616
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