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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.31 MB, 2382x2398, FAQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6586641 No.6586641 [Reply] [Original]

OC for your perusal.

>> No.6586652

tbh all those pics are dadcore, just mislabeled

>> No.6586658

workwear and fratboy pretty dadcore :^)

>> No.6586677

good OC

>> No.6586680

buttom cut off.

>> No.6586686


>> No.6586683
File: 123 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mgrtxxijSW1qdyl58o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is actually labeled quite well. I'd rather have a more workwear workwear look, as that one isn't too workwardcore, but it does fit the title. The #menswear is off though, #menswear is required to have LAS in the, if it doesn't, I think it is against the law and you'll likely be slaughtered by the illuminate

>> No.6586684

I agree with OP, but imo this would be better as a venn diagram

>> No.6586694
File: 1.30 MB, 2382x2491, FAQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6586710

Eh, no. "Dadcore" seems to just be a floating signifier, but I suspect that it's more like "hipster," something that appears to just be one but actually can be pinned down to something quite precise with some observation and analysis.

Fuck if I've done it, though. It definitely has something to do with the declining fortunes of the traditionally privileged white American male, how his script no longer reigns quite as unflappably supreme as it once did, but past that IDK.

It's not just "shit that you'd call prep if it wasn't poorly executed."

>> No.6586708

do we include twee? Is twee still a thing?

>> No.6586716

good, but you need to 4chan it up if you know what I mean

>> No.6586725

dadcore is a term that people on this board use when someone is wearing anything other than stupid ass runway gimmicks like gothninja

>> No.6586734

I disagree and think you need to turn the 4chan down.
I don't think I've seen a macro with the word MOAR in it for five years

>> No.6586727

I was here for the entire dadcore spam fiasco. I saw it get forced into /fa/'s dictionary. It was never even said here prior to April.

But if I had never heard the term before, I would assume that it reffered to the first pic in OP's graphic.

You know: actually dressing like someone's dad.

>> No.6586730

all this shit is dadcore u idiot

>still not knowing what dadcore is

>> No.6586741
File: 2.16 MB, 2382x2398, 1375073214890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6586746

>But if I had never heard the term before, I would assume that it reffered to the first pic in OP's graphic.

Well, yeah, but there's obviously more going on with it at this point, and whatever the merits of throwing "dad" and "core" together, it's talking about something that's going on.

I could be reading too much into it and it could just be a floating pejorative, but that's still more than just "you look like a dad."

>> No.6586747

Then we need moar 'MOAR'

>> No.6586752

>It's not just "shit that you'd call prep if it wasn't poorly executed."
When dadcore originated here, that was essentially what it was. I mean, there were other variables to it, but if you wanted to boil it down that is exactly what it really meant.

The description does more justice to what Dadcore has become though. Which is essentially anything any one person could see their father wearing poorly in the same manner.

Overall I don't care for titles or give a shit about classifications. But I am happy everything not black and flowy isn't getting dadcore spammed anymore on here. Because that shit got annoying as fuck quite.

>> No.6586765

>Overall I don't care for titles or give a shit about classifications. But I am happy everything not black and flowy isn't getting dadcore spammed anymore on here. Because that shit got annoying as fuck quite.


And I'd like to thank anyone who stood up to it while it was the norm. Yes, even you dan.>>6586747

>> No.6586764

If it aint black white and grey its dadcore

>> No.6586799


-the retards of /fa/

>> No.6586804

dadcore refers to a certain phenotype of people who come /fa/. they are usually in their early twenties and are looking to reinvent their style. they have severe self-esteem issues about being a loser all through highschool and college. they feel like they lost their youth, so they decide to just skip over it and land right into adulthood -- hence why it is called dadhood -- because these kiddies wanted to dress so they would look mature and adult-like. it's like man-child complex thats's hitting kids younger than ever. the end result is that dadcore ends up looking tryhard. and all of ops pics are in fact different versions of dadcore. like i said, dadcore is a genetic phenotype that produces a psychological condition (let's just say that us bioligists call it a "recessive" trait) and it manifests itself materially in a variety of different clothing types

source: i have a b.s. in biology

>> No.6586806

Thanks, dan. But honestly, I'm pretty sure much of the anti-dad spam came from the same people as the anti-dan spam.

When I gave up my trip and laid low for a while, they got bored and fucked off.

I think that's why board quality has improved somewhat. Shitposters got bored without the great DANIM DEN

>> No.6586815

>board quality has improved somewhat
The quality of posts on this board are worse than they've ever been, and I've browsed for four years. Surely you can't be this shortsighted.

>> No.6586817

Sounds legit bro. I'm sure you learn a fuckton about sociology in the biology wing.

>> No.6586832

I disagree.

It is likely that the people harassing you were also sloshing that shit around too. But I don't think it was 100%. I'd guess the majority of the people doing it were just fresh imports, and once they spent some time here they quieted down.

And also, you did act like a total jackass for some time on here, so naturally when you stopped acting that way people stopped reacting to you that way.

>> No.6586836

I'd say we are on an upswing, I don't know how great of an upswing, but things lately have been going quite well in comparison to how they were even earlier this year.

>> No.6586852

Of course it wasn't 100% but 'd guess that there was significant overlap though. No way to know for sure.
>I was a jackass
In my defence, they started it.

>> No.6586861


to be totally fair, you come off as obnoxious as fuck so im not really surprised.

>> No.6586865

god I remember that annoying copypasta showing up multiple times a day.

>> No.6586903

I don't think I'd rule it as a significant overlap, because the dadcore stuff was essentially a meme for newbies and started way before you went on your weird and fucked up tirade.

And who started it really doesn't matter. This is a fashion board on a website known for child porn and hacking, if you put yourself out there you should expect some harsh responses. Taking it and dealing with it are part of the tripgame, mental break downs and weird fake friends with you posting half naked pictures of yourself is extreme.

>> No.6586917

Believe it or not. I never once posted those on /fa/.

I defended myself when I got called out though; I won't deny that.

>> No.6586921

your degree sounds like b.s.

>> No.6586924

i dont understand who is daniel de nimes

>> No.6586944

if you don't know be thankful that you don't.

>> No.6586945
File: 112 KB, 480x640, 1-IMG_20130723_154702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on in this picture?

>> No.6586966
File: 36 KB, 570x460, dior-homme-sneakers-2010-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

denim dan how thick are you

>> No.6586974

Son, that's a republican. You can see his brood in the background.

>> No.6586986

Thick, solid and tight.

>> No.6586982

That brick pattern is atrocious. Also the telephone pole and kids look like they were added as new layers.

>> No.6586990

You were the one that originally posted one of them on /fa/ in order to get them to stop, you had some convoluted plan as to how it was going to work, and were utterly annoying about it for days.

If you wanna say that wasn't you, then that is fine, but I wont believe you at all.

If you know who I am, you are already too far gone though.

>> No.6586991

i dont pay attention to tripfag drama. the last good tripfag era was blah's era and that was a pretty shite time in /fa/ history.

>> No.6586993

Child abuse, that's what.

>> No.6587008

that is fucking deeply depressing, and it also gave me some shivers.


>> No.6587001

The pics were posted on /fit/ without a trip. They were found by an anon and crossposted here. The copypasta was added shortly afterwards.

I never once reposted them here. Why would I do that? That would be insane.

>> No.6587011

The kids seem to be pulling it off better than daddy.

>> No.6587015


That's a shoop

I can tell by the swapped colors

>> No.6587027

>Dem ties
>Dem shorts
>Dem baggyness

none of them are pulling anything off.

>> No.6587021

>That would be insane.
Acting like you are two people with one of them constantly hyping the other in order to show you have friends is also insane, but I remember you doing that as well.

>> No.6587043

is that a pig the kids are walking? or some weird looking dog

>> No.6587054

do you miss her? did you love her?

>> No.6587067

Damage control several months into the shitshow. I fought propaganda with propaganda. I apologize for nothing.

>> No.6587088

I meant relatively.

>> No.6587083

Unfortunately it's real. I caught it on the (mostly) respectable blog Daily Prep.


Pig. When you're in that deep, you might as well keep diving.

>> No.6587104

they do look much better that their father.

w2c pigdog?

>> No.6587122 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 400x400, $T2eC16JHJHoE9n3Kd6iyBRR,ZQ6M0!~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /fa/, ausfag here.
In December last year I took a trip to Japan for shopping and whatnot, and ended up picking up a North Face Purple backpack in Aloha print from a North Face store near Nagano (pic related).
The thing is, I just don't use it. I brought it home in my suitcase and to this day I've never worn it. How can I get rid of it and for how much? I've seen a couple floating around ebay/amazon in the $200-300 range (the Japanese are lucky as fuck, I swear I only bought it for like $120 when converted). I've never entered into the whole reselling thing before so I'm clueless.
Anyone help me out?

>> No.6587144

>do you miss her?
>did you love her?

I can understand damage control, I've done my fair share. But you went buck wilde and likely caused more shit with it then you stopped.

Ultimately, you should have just taken the advice given and walked away for awhile or detripped for a little bit. Seemingly, in the end you did, and things ended up working out well.

This reminds me of all the new rich of nantucket trying to costume their way into the social circles or the area by pea-cocking like crazy.

>> No.6587149

why did you break up with her? do you still talk? do you miss her like you're not over her? would you love again? do you still love her?

>> No.6587187
File: 373 KB, 1200x1600, 1-IMG_20130723_154702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that girl with the tats


>> No.6587191

I've never understood why the answers to those questions were of interest to anyone here, and to be honest am happy they stopped being asked on a regular basis anytime I post.

We just grew apart. As far as the rest, we are still apart, and I don't really see that changing to be honest.

Don't take that as me saying "Never" It's just that I don't see it happening, but weirder stuff has happened.

>> No.6587206

>loved blah


>> No.6587207

Actually, now rereading the post, I think those are examples of the tourists she's warning against.

>> No.6587249

what did her pussy look like? do you have any pics? could u post em?

>> No.6587327

I browse /fa/ on and off, mostly off since golfmanger became the norm. But did this >>6587191 dude actually date some trip on this board? In real life?

>> No.6587349


She posts them herself bro. I jacked off to a picture of her spreading her asshole earlier today. No lie.

>> No.6587364

yea i also enjoy a more work wear style it's a little more rugged and masculine.

>> No.6587365

I guess I'm not alone when I say that workwear is the best looking thing on that graphic

>> No.6587381

How to into workwear style?

Also, is 70 degrees too hot to wear work wear?

>> No.6587408

Start with one pair of raws and one pair of boots.

Now add as much denim as you possibly can without crossing the double denim line.

>> No.6587414

Long Island here,
I've seen preps do some autistic shit but this is a whole new level.
Prep, if done correctly, doesn't make you look like a gay pastel rainbow

>> No.6587444

don't do workwear if you don't work outside

or you'll look like a huge fucking twat wearing a costume

>> No.6587443

dank u kindly

can u direct link spread asshole pic?

>> No.6587469

But actual manual labour people don't wear fashion workwear.

They wear dickies straight legs and carhartt active jacs.

>> No.6587476
File: 9 KB, 176x220, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My job requires me to wear a shirt and pants. Am i dadcore?

>> No.6587944

>Behind the scenes in Dr. Seuss's newest movie

>> No.6587990

I lold

>> No.6588051

Dadcore is anyone who dresses above their age, if you're 20 and you dress like you're 30, its dadcore. It doesn't matter how well you dress.

>> No.6588125

See this is where I get pissed off at you fucking kids for assuming that everyone on here is 16 like you.

Yeah. I'm 26. And I dress like I'm 26. So fuck off and stop raggin on my loafers.

>> No.6588126

u probs dont pull them off tho sry2say

>> No.6588131

eat shit nuggets you dumbass corn-pone son of a bitch

>> No.6588143

im alrdy eatin the shit nuggets comin outta ur mums bunghole gayguy

>> No.6588352

To evolve into what!? OP don't do this to me you are killing me

>> No.6588412

I mean, if you're 16 and dress prep. You're probably gonna get beat. Unless you're really rich or something.

Not saying that's a good or a bad thing. Just saying you're gonna get beat up.

>> No.6588425

they'll redirect you from there

>> No.6588459

Dadcore is just menswear/preppy done wrong.

>> No.6588509


Christ, she really has gone off the deep end.

>> No.6588858

smart casal

>> No.6588878

still looks like the offspring of a chipmunk + miss piggy

>> No.6589188

holy fuck i know the kid in the upper right pic in the pink shirt im not even kidding his name is parker

>> No.6590507
File: 441 KB, 980x652, 3011-Le-21eme-Adam-Katz-Sinding-Before-Thom-Browne-Paris-Mens-Fashion-Week-Spring-Summer-2013-France-New-York-City-Street-Style-Blog_D4A1333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel i didn't read the thread

>> No.6590643
File: 2 KB, 250x250, 4UdSN7o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy in the "fedoracore" picture looks good. his double breasted suit fits perfectly, the only thing that actally makes this "fedoracore" is the fedora. conclusion: he is not fedora core

>> No.6590652

you almost tricked me I almost thought you were serious

>double breasted coats

Good one anon

>> No.6590659


lel, didn't she spend thousands on getting her lips done?

>> No.6590657

suits* same applies

>> No.6590674
File: 300 KB, 2364x1296, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6590688

It's only about 500 per session. You go in like once a month to refill

>> No.6590689
File: 185 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mqcee5IDG91qfjc32o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im serious
DB jackets look good.

>> No.6590697

No they don't, they make you look wider. I can't believe this

>> No.6590694

gothninjas dress like 1000 year old ancient gooks. does that mean theyre dadcoring?

>> No.6590706

ok. go back to your converse and vans...

>> No.6590713

That's a modern cut DB. Note the waist suppresion and soft shoulders. It's also cut to be worn as a 6x2, where the fedoracore dork is wearing a 6x1 as if it were a 6x2. He actually has the wrong button buttoned for his jacket.

Not that anyone but rick astley circa 1986 should even consider wearing a 6x1 jacket anyway.

>> No.6590717
File: 353 KB, 1085x2500, Bull-Market-Double-Breasted-Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wide.. do you even into fits?
DB jackets look wide on YOU, because you dont know how to choose sizes. stop wearing your dads suits and go to a tailor

>> No.6590723


They have a widening effect, yes, but whether that has a positive or negative effect on the outfit depends on a ton of other things like the button stance, the fabric, the proportions in the outfit, the person's build, etc.

>> No.6590743

>if you have a differing opinion, you like vans regardless of the fact you haven't stated what you like
I'm actually trying to help you. Single breasted looks better every time.

>> No.6590740

average east coast white family

>> No.6590749


>> No.6590761
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>> No.6590779
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1310429820535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that too short jacket
>that button stance
>that tiny lapels
not sure if troll

>> No.6590788


What a horribly fitted suit.

>> No.6590791
File: 58 KB, 427x640, Alberto+Scaccioni001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking idiots spouting repeat advice from the internet without realizing there's more than one kind of DB jacket.

>> No.6590798

not really the best example to help me out

>> No.6590800

>Single breasted looks better every time

This is very much a function of your surroundings. In general, double-breasted doesn't get as much play in America as compared to Britain and Italy because of the history of sack suits by brands like Brooks Brothers and J Press and just the general American inclination towards simpler, less ostentatious suiting.

It's silly to say that A is better than B without context. A might be better than B for one guy, but another guy might have a body much better suited to B. Good style takes individual quirks, individual bodies, and individual lifestyles into account.

>> No.6590807

Oh god.
>that horibly short cropped jacket
>that awful high button stance
combined with
>those nasty, nasty low rise pants

Its like I'm looking at everything that was wrong with suiting circa 2009

>> No.6590813

srsly the fuck is up with that pole

>> No.6590819

god, fratboy makes me want to fucking shoot myself

>> No.6590838

>b-but it's jil sander. it's fashion. you wouldn't understand it.

>> No.6590847

Need one for ninja and stuff

>> No.6590860

But there is only one ninja.

>> No.6590954

Doesn't the same apply to faggots who think wearing monochrome robes make them look like a cool ninja and not some loser who missed the local Star Wars convention?

>> No.6593284
File: 356 KB, 720x1195, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le bump

>> No.6593334

>not OC
>not /fa/