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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 159 KB, 1285x726, Screen Shot 2013-07-28 at 9.20.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6585507 No.6585507 [Reply] [Original]

wtf r u guys doing

"fuccboi" is dead

we need a new word

>> No.6585514

I declare that we all should switch to cakeboi.

>> No.6585522

>implying r/mfa isn't riddled with /fa/ regulars

>> No.6585523


>> No.6585533


>> No.6585539

yeah, its nerd..
been like that for a while you fucking nerd
(ever since nerd started trending on shirts ect.)

>> No.6585541

that site is for fat children

>> No.6585542

Seriously? How do people even use reddit.

The system is so complicated. I went once, never came back, felt 50x more confused than my first day on 4chan.

>> No.6585543


>> No.6585548



>> No.6585550

means metrosexual, which is kinda odd on a fashion forum so eh ;/

>> No.6585559

like the designers we worship? huh no

>> No.6585557


>> No.6585563

Mfa is like that "hipster" guy who has just walked out of topman where as /fa/ is like that junkie thats just fallen out of the bins behind Hermes. We can't let them have our sayings, that shit is just wrong.

>> No.6585564

I was the one who started the general use of this fucking word on /fa/ after I ethered that one tripfaggot about his Yeezy's, I forgot his name lol.

>> No.6585560

oh yeah u wot m80 say that to my face
>2008 core

>> No.6585570


u herd me u lil battyboi, get that cakehole of urs stuffed with muslim dikk


>> No.6585575

>reddit is just shit


>> No.6585577

Ask /b/ to go all "le anonymous" on their ass

>> No.6585585


>> No.6585594

Fuck /b/.

Also, Reddit hates us. I have a friend who uses Reddit (really cool kid though, not a faggot), and he says there are people on there who hate 4channers.

>> No.6585593


It was last summer. Some mexican faggot from /mu/.

I don't even care anymore though this board is so shit

>> No.6585604

so is this place

>> No.6585611

Lol, I made you mad didn't I?

>> No.6585617


>> No.6585613

Name a better site than 4chan, which as many or more features.

>> No.6585665

durr hurr their autistic fashion forum is worse then our autistic fashion forum. le 4chan and le reddit are le enemies!! xDD. You guys look retarded.

>> No.6585668
File: 246 KB, 1200x1600, lzCzGzY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god they all dress like shit, like 0 creativity.

>> No.6585695

you act like /fa/ is any different...

>> No.6585709



>> No.6585821

oh god. just had a lil tear

>> No.6585916

it is lol exciting shit u just don't lurk hard

>> No.6585924

I can't read this.

>> No.6585936


>> No.6585941
File: 14 KB, 400x279, 1372310182358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these fooch bwahs in this thread

>> No.6585948

how do you even dress that bad? How do you wear basic essentials and still make it look like absolute shit. Like wow.

>> No.6585958

dad core as fuck

>> No.6585966

fuck off newegg