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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 44 KB, 265x442, heyimfat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6583705 No.6583705 [Reply] [Original]

This is what I looked like.

>> No.6583719
File: 143 KB, 764x1023, 2013-02-20_15-40-36_665_zpse08b87e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is what I look like now.

>> No.6583713

average /v/ user

>> No.6583731

afatx twin

>> No.6583739

>srs being this fat

>> No.6583754
File: 63 KB, 154x247, plsno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realised this is a troll thread but I'm gonna post transformation anyway

from this

>> No.6583759

How2become black in two years?

>> No.6583766
File: 320 KB, 375x575, soho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to this

>> No.6583778
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x1600, now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I lost weight you jerks.

naw, still workin on turning black

>> No.6583811

is easy
i can make u into one in a day
just a few easy steps
>shit on your hands
>rub all over yourself
now you got 2options here m8
either you
>wash yourself daily
>apply a new layer of shit every morning
>never wash yourself
>be black even when sleeping
>bonuspoints for even smelling like one all the damn time

>> No.6583824

now youre an asshole lol

>> No.6583821
File: 2.24 MB, 1318x2315, burgundy mothafuckin pants-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trolling, that's what I looked like two years ago. So, I lost some weight and went to goodwill. So I look like this now.

>> No.6583830


>> No.6583840

lmfao saved

>> No.6583849

mmm! Do you have any other photos in better lighting? I'd love to see what your hair looks like a bit better.

>> No.6583862

how much did you lose? props, etc

>> No.6583851

naw, just enjoying life more ;)

>> No.6583856

How long have you been on /fa/? Just curious.

>> No.6583858

So you curled your hair back and put on a shirt with ugly stitching?

>> No.6583864
File: 663 KB, 568x534, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better? my hair changes all the time cause of shoots

>> No.6583875

lol those lips

>> No.6583883 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 960x720, barcelona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait nvm i read ur question wrong

here is a similar hair pic

>> No.6583885

Racism xdddd

>> No.6583895

please dude, shave then but better clothes. you're on a fashion board you have to know that shirt tie pant combo is awful. But congrats on the weight loss! thats great!

>> No.6583900

How the fuck can I get your cheeks?

>> No.6583911
File: 48 KB, 720x480, shoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back however many years till you aren't born and pray you come out my mum's vagina?

>> No.6583923

No, I don't dress for anyone but myself. I don't even give no fucks if it looks like shit. I'll learn as I go, and figure out what I like as I go, and I'll look better and better. I have no reason to rush my own style, nor care. I don't even care how harshly all of these people will judge my clothes. ;)

>> No.6583940

>i dont care about fashion
>posts on a fashion board

>> No.6583948

Except it looks like ur trying and you're just failing.
Stop I guess?

>> No.6583946
File: 795 KB, 953x599, Screen Shot 2013-07-28 at 17.23.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well better in the sense of wanted to get a better idea of how it looks.

Shoots? Modeling?

But yeah, your hair looks pretty damn wonderful. For so many years now I've been trying to come up with what to do with mine - I think I may as well do that.

Think I can pull it off with this head/face?

>> No.6583961


Damn, that is just beautiful!

>> No.6583959

to honest mate you'd look better in well fitting tees/jeans/sneakers. well-executed simplicity is better than badly executed ambition.

>> No.6583968
File: 25 KB, 301x375, storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, modelling.

I reckon you can, how thick is your hair? mine's really thick and naturally wavy so it's kinda easy mode for me

>> No.6583970
File: 1.33 MB, 200x200, 1369149786797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so weight wasn't the only thing you lost?

>> No.6583972


I'm sorry man but that beard mades you look like a middle school assistant principal. Not a good look...

>> No.6583986


Years back when I had it short it was pretty good in terms of thickness and how well it stood up on it's own - but more recently it always being in a bun or ponytail it has been getting crappier from constantly being pulled. But I reckon after cutting it, a bit of oil pulling over a few months and frequent massages I can easily get it back to where it used to be and better.

>> No.6584008

you have a strong jaw, i reckon you can pull it off. good luck on your hair ventures!

>> No.6584017

total fucking faggot
and you seem to be like a fucking asshole, too, but im just judging by how you reply.
either way, why the fuck are you on a fucking fashion board when you say that you dont give a shit about fashion, or dont care about it?
why wont you just get the fuck >>>/out/ then?

>> No.6584035

Step 1: Loose over 50 pounds of weight - check
Step 2: Build up muscle and learn how to do handstand pushups - check
Step 3: Take care of the hair - within the next two weeks
Step 4: Toss all old clothes and get new nice fitting things: within the next month.

The metamorphosis is almost complete!

>> No.6584043
File: 275 KB, 1400x912, Andy-Sachs-the-devil-wears-prada-204938_1400_912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<<this no?

>> No.6584047
File: 133 KB, 442x366, hueuheue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transformation thread? Sure.

>> No.6584058

The hoodie is a bit meh, but the weight change, holy shit man, congrats!

>> No.6584065

Thanks anon! That ain't no hoodie yo, it's my ugly AF Humör jacket. Nothing I usually dress in :-)

>> No.6584069


>replying to myself

>> No.6584078

hoodies nice I thinks

>> No.6584088

OP -- fat guy here, did your stretchmarks dissapear?

saggy skin?

>> No.6584123

Not too much saggy skin, still 15lb to go. Stretchmarks are battle scars and something you have to deal with man. I can tell you that women don't care if that makes you feel better? They're the ones who see me naked. Uh, like seeing me naked.

>> No.6584116

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.6584134


Oh, I care. Just not about your opinions. :)

>> No.6584136


>tfw I will never be a ripped dude shirtless on the beach cause of stretch marks

how old are you btw

>> No.6584144

Then question still stands, why the fuck are you here?

>> No.6584149

yeah, why the fuck are you even here then?
fuck off already

>> No.6584151

not OP but, why the fuck not nigga, no one needs a reason to do anytihng.

>> No.6584161

Why do people still use smilies like it's an insult or personal jab or some shit?

>> No.6584163

You can be a ripped dude, you will look better than you do now. So stop thinking that way. :P

I went swimming at a birthday party at a public water park. Surprisingly no one laughed at me in shorts. And guess what? The chicks still talked to me, checked me out, and flirted. So what else does it matter, bro? Lose the weight.

>> No.6584181

Oh I'm not saying the motherfucker needs a reason, I'm just saying if he comes to a fashion board, posts his picture and then gets pissed when people comment on it?

I mean if you're going to be like that, then just stay in your man cave behind the glowing screen and no-one will critique you or for that matter even know of your existence.

>> No.6584186

I can't argue with that, thanks for the inspo. bro.

>> No.6584187

Because I don't give a fuck what you think, did you not get my memo? every single thing you think falls under the same filing cabinet. lol Zero fucks given about where, when, how, what I do with my life.
And you? think what you like. ;)

>> No.6584199

wow you became a douchebag congrats

>> No.6584207

Be hungry skeleton.
People get me in the gym.
Get addicted real quick.
Start looking hella good.
lats suddenly start growing at the speed of sound.
3 huge purple stretch marks on my back.
battle scar my ass fuck everything im done.

>> No.6584212
File: 81 KB, 266x317, Screen Shot 2013-07-28 at 18.07.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't figure out which fits better...

>> No.6584214

u need ta sort ya tude out if u wanna smash poon

>> No.6584216

Just what are you guys expecting from him lol?

>OP comes to talk about his progress
>people shit on him
>OP states he doesnt give a crap if people shit on him
>the people who were shitting on OP are suddenly butthurt cause OP doesn't care about their stupid opinions

t0p fucking lel

never change /fa/

>> No.6584219

shoot................... yourself......................

>> No.6584221

No problem and enjoy the weightloss, because it's seriously like living without another person on your back.

>> No.6584228

Goodness, with all those periods you must be PMSing...

>> No.6584230

we shit on him because his outfit was bad.
he could have a bit of humility

>please dude, shave then but better clothes. you're on a fashion board you have to know that shirt tie pant combo is awful. But congrats on the weight loss! thats great!

he even got props for the weight loss.

but this

>I don't even give no fucks if it looks like shit.

is a shitty attitude if you want to progress.

>> No.6584243

Too bad you're a total knob, you don't even look very good, its just impressive you lost that much weight. Leave this board if you dont care about fashion.

>> No.6584255

if you do NOT give a FUCK what any of us thinks, then why are you on a fucking board which is all ours?
there arent no rick owens and raf simons posting here, everything post posted here is another opinion by one of us.
and if you DONT give a FUCK about them, then why wont you just FUCK OFF?
what, are you showing your friends how effay you are by browsing a fucking imageboard which was based off anime?
whats your fucking point?
why the fuck are you here, faggot?

>> No.6584264


Seriously, OP, the only fucking reason 99% of us are on this board is to get the most blunt and honest opinion of total strangers on how we look so that we can better ourselves.

If you just wanted someone to compliment you and sugarcoat everything then why come here? Why not just ask your mom or grandma?

>> No.6584267
File: 627 KB, 1920x1080, 1279082592654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole thread

>> No.6584268

I've got two girlfriends. I just picked up the second girlfriend a month ago. I broke up with my "other second girlfriend" in February, the day before Valentine's day.

My attitude is fine with civil people. I do not tolerate whiney, negative people though. I didn't lose my weight for anyone but me. I'm not going to wear anything for anyone but me. So why would I listen to negativity that really doesn't affect me?

>> No.6584278

One question:
What do you like about the clothes you wear?
I'm just interested.

>> No.6584287

If you post your outfit on /fa/ you're inviting criticism; this is clear to anyone who's lurked for more than two seconds.

Assuming he was aware of this, his post only served to attention whore... if he really didn't give a fuck he wouldn't have posted it at all.

Great attitude assuming everything negative has no truth in it. I'm sure you'll continue to improve that way.

If you can't handle the atmosphere of 4chan why are you even here?

>> No.6584281

"two girlfriends"
You fucking miserable desperate faggot, stop trying so fucking hard to sound "cool".

>> No.6584282

jesus christ i hope this is a troll. If not you are a total tool

>> No.6584290

all you guys, tl;dr and I saw aggressive language so I didn't bother reading much more than a couple words
this guy, you get it lol

>> No.6584296

OP, what is your website of choice?

>> No.6584306

hoping you're a troll.

you've improved your looks somewhat now work on not being an idiot

>> No.6584331

fuck you, get the fuck out
you are nothing but cancer
go back to reddit or where ever the fuck you came from, you fucking nigger
/fa/ doesnt need more cunts like you in here

>> No.6584387

dadcore nigger

>> No.6584403


>> No.6584406

I like that they look better than the clothes I had a year ago after losing the 130lbs. I like that the ugly pants cost me 5$, the ugly tie cost me 1$, the shirt cost me 3$, and I really appreciate the fact that they won't fit next month. So, like I was trying to say before someone asked nicely, I don't care about opinions because the decisions all work for me.

>> No.6584455

Three years ago it was 4 chan. I started reading /fit/ and then started working out and losing weight. I haven't been on 4chan in a year. I'm just bored at a friend's apt, fucking around on 4 chan on my phone.

>> No.6584519
File: 141 KB, 480x356, notrolling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stating facts. Ugly, shitty stressed men, with bad attitudes can get laid by two chicks on a regular basis. Is that cool to you? You have me blushing, bro. ;)

>> No.6584528

>inb4 his mum and sister

>> No.6584529

You're still the same little bitch you was 2 years ago.

>> No.6584552

>Not even in the middle, fighting to even get his face in frame

Hahahahaha what a cuckold bitch.

>> No.6584577

so you became gay?

>> No.6584593
File: 175 KB, 500x375, 1375014143996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sunglasses in bed

>> No.6584601


>> No.6584623
File: 83 KB, 960x720, mugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you say so

>> No.6584843

Come on anon, don't be such a faggy jealous cunt, he looks great.

>> No.6585033

Don't even insult dadcore like that.

>> No.6585400

well, to be fair they were both wearing aviators too.

>> No.6585624

Nah you're a cocksucker. Not an asshole OP don't worry.

>> No.6586121

lmao op owned all the fuccbois itt, bravo op

>> No.6586159

Why did you get African?

>> No.6587827

>So meme le watch out we le have le meme le over here

>> No.6587895

neither you sack of shit.

>> No.6587973

can we keep up with the transformation pics? great inspo here.

>> No.6588038

how did you turn into a nigger?