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/fa/ - Fashion

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6579402 No.6579402 [Reply] [Original]

aesthetics are troubling
aesthetics are confusing
aesthetics aren't shallow, aesthetics are you

i can't do it
my entire social identity is based around a complete lack of identity
i can't build an aesthetic around this shit

aesthetics are too deep and personal

people say you feel good when you open up
i don't
opening up feels dirty b

they're not just clothes
they're an outward expression of whatever being is

are you happy with the identity you have crafted for yourself
are you happy with your place as a social actor
do you even believe in a true one self

i wish i could start again as a new character, far far away with new means and resources

wonder if it would all turn out the same

pic not really related but damn zarbon was hot as fuck
hate my straight male identity
i would marry a real life zarbon

>> No.6579414

I'd fuck a real life Zarbon tbh.

>> No.6579415
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sometimes i wish i was a pretty boy
do i even want to be a pretty boy
or do i want to fuck and marry one

i don't know

how do people even become socially honest

i don't get it

does social misery arise out of lack of honesty? or does honesty just lead to tribulation?

how can anyone view fashion as just clothes
it's beyond me

i wish i had had the confidence to get into visual expression earlier
i would have liked to have studied it

>> No.6579417
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android 17 too
even frieza

sometimes i feel like dragonball was just a huge homoerotic outlet

>> No.6579422
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very beautiful

>> No.6579423
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these guys are cool i wonder what their lives are like

do you ever look at someone cool and imagine their entire personality

and imagine yourself having conversations with that imaginary personality

>> No.6579424


>> No.6579429

wow i tried to read that thread and it made no sense to me

basically he fucked a trap andnow another? idk

traps are nice tbh

>> No.6579436

At least you know your life isn't as troubled as some peoples.

>> No.6579440

Part of the fun of dressing well is having those imaginary conversations with admirers and never even knowing it.

>> No.6579441

I'm not even sure what troubled means

Life is troubled

Not being a God is trouble

Every second breathing and withering away is pain and misery in our faces

Maybe we should be honest, yet somehow I can't
I lie so much, fuck

>> No.6579444

not /fa/

>> No.6579445

Holy fuck

You just blew my mind

I wonder if someone ever had an imaginary conversation with me

Probably not tbh I look like shit
Maybe some day I will be honest enough to look good

>> No.6579447

Sorry, I'm just having a hard time articulating myself

But I just can't see clothes as just clothes
They are so much more than that

They're you, or they should be

>> No.6579455

2 deep 4 m3 OP

This had me in tears haha. I'm remembering that trip and I'll tear him apart when he next posts 4sure.

>> No.6579468

>This had me in tears haha. I'm remembering that trip and I'll tear him apart when he next posts 4sure.

sounds like a cool story tbh
missing incest

incest sounds so powerful

>> No.6579470
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I do have a lot of resentment towards my physical looks, as a lot of people do.

I work on things I can, however there just are those things I can't help but accept.
I wish I looked a bit more like this model, don't need to be asain of anything (not btw) but my face is much 'less androgynous' I guess I would say.
I am told I have a anger, weathered look to my face, which I don't really like hearing.

Plus I always liked straight hair, and black hair.
>however I have wavy lightish brown hair.
Probaply the most distressing part is my hair line, despite my the colour and condition of my hair I do like how mine looks as it suits the face I have.
But I don't care for my hairline, mpb is in all the men in my fam and I am balding, sucks man, sucks real bad.

>> No.6579473
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I like how his gfs brother already knows about him fucking his sister before he contacts him haha. He could've known since the first date she had if she told him

>> No.6579478

I'm straight ugly, not even worth thinking about little details

I feel guilty for even liking beautiful things when I'm ugly

And I'm too ashamed to discuss beautiful things with beautiful people because I feel I'm not worthy

>> No.6579485
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That being said, aside from physical appearances I carry my self the way want to, and am comfortable with how I treat myself and others around me.

>> No.6579487

Why are you on /fa/ then?

>> No.6579488

that must feel very pure
being at one with one's self

>> No.6579498

on /fa/ i can discuss beautiful things and exchange ideas without the social humiliation of being seen as ugly

i can display my love for a pair of prada wingtops without being looked upon as too dirty to even consider them

>> No.6579503



>> No.6579508
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Oi m8ee, now u listen hear, if your just gonna beat urself up like that, then shut the fuck up.
You best tell yourself to quick talkin that shit and spout some positive shit at you or else.

You don't need to feel so down in this world.
Its only gonna hold you back in every other aspect of everything u try to do.

u are a beautiful unique person

>> No.6579513

lil b is such a good person

sometimes i wish he really is like that, and not just a character
i mean, even if he was a character the message remains, it's just a bit heartbreaking

but lil b is so positive... it's heart warming

>> No.6579548
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>if I were to ever meet him irl and he turned out to in fact be a rude dude it would be very disapointing.

>but the fact remains that his music, aside from any true personality traits he may have, has inspired me in various ways.
>by no means is it one of the biggest inspirations I've ever had, but one none the less, and I hope I would be able to realize that and carry myself, and said positivity through for the rest of my life.

keep the love, and stay positive

>> No.6579550


You cannot have just one identity. Your identity exists in several states depending on circumstances and context. That is not to say that your identity is not real or that it doesn't exist in an absolute state--there is a true identity, but it continuously changes. You can't be the real you all the time because the real you is a superposition of these states, only one of which (or perhaps a combination) you can be in at a time. Although you are only one person it is not the same you that exists with your parents as it does with your friends, with a loved one or a stranger.

To open up, to me, is to allow someone to see the state you are in when you are just you alone, uncolored by the context of other personalities. At the very least, to reveal how you view this state. Why do you find yourself unable to open up? Does the vulnerability scare you? Are you unable to share this most personal of states with them?

Whether you know it or not, your aesthetic is an extension of your personality. To change or build an aesthetic to reflect an image is to become that image or a projection of it. As your image exists in some way already, it must be in some way a reflection of how you view your identity.

Chaos is defined, in mathematics, as a changing system with great sensitivity to initial conditions. Research has shown that human experience is much like this. Opportunities and events at a very early level have far-reaching effects on an individuals future, even given similar socioeconomic, familial status etc. If you were to start as a different person in a different place, you would certainly manifest as a different person with a different identity. But would it be better? Is different really desirable? I find myself unhappy with some characteristics of my life as well, but the thought of being a different person is so repulsive and terrifying to me, maybe in some part due to an innate fear of the unknown and unknowable.

>> No.6579552

I, too, feel overwhelmed by visual expression. My upbringing was very much grounded in the language of words. My mother pushed me into literature, my father into the math and the sciences. Books were good. I didn't see much TV, or listen to much contemporary music. In fact, I was somewhat deprived of the "pleb" culture. I find that this has been somewhat crippling in a way, socially. To be from the same time yet be from a different world makes connection with others so difficult. Of course, through exposure in school and college, I became more familiar with these things, but there was a distinct handicap much of the time. It isn't always overt, but to lack the assumed . I suppose I'm straying from the topic, but I find myself less able to process images because of my lack of exposure to them. Art in particular--it was considered as somewhat culturally significant, but it wasn't for us, it was for other people. It wasn't practical. You may have already picked up on this, but the basis of my understanding of the world comes through these early experiences. Art and design remain somewhat elusive to me. Despite the intellectual approach I may be able to apply to the study of words, images were only something to be passively consumed in limited amounts, rejected as inferior. A child, born deaf, has a cochlear implant and can hear again as an adolescent. What does he make of his new sense? I feel as if this is a loosely applicable analogy to my experience.

Sorry, I'm not even sure if I actually contributed here

>> No.6579563

>Sorry, I'm not even sure if I actually contributed here

You did

I am saving this as a notepad

Thank you

>> No.6579581

*but to to lack the assumed bond of shared cultural understanding, even to a limited extent, changes relationship dynamics entirely. Non-cerebral interactions are a bit of a challenge because of a lot of "mindless fun" is based on these bonds, and it is alienating sometimes.

Didn't finish that sentence

Thanks, I'm glad you felt that way. Surprised, in a way, that this could be considered as relevant to another.

>> No.6579596
File: 81 KB, 500x694, tumblr_mmymsxVnFw1ruadito1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To open up, to me, is to allow someone to see the state you are in when you are just you alone, uncolored by the context of other personalities. At the very least, to reveal how you view this state.

not op, but I know what ur gettin at, however I personally aim to present outwardly, what I believe is my innermost self, naked and devoid of outside interference, first and foremost.

I prefer to find, and build the complexity of character on individual interactions and with different people/ environments.

Opening up for me is letting some grow with me as a person, leaning on me and letting me lean on them and what not. from friends to strangers I want to present who I am at my core, so that my experiences can help me grow and mature from there

>> No.6579607

please stop

>> No.6579613

you don't have to enter the thread you know.

>> No.6579615


>> No.6579624

bro this shit a song?
lets collab

>> No.6579638

look at this pleb
go listen to kenny west pleb u dont belong here

>> No.6579665

But do you really find that you can fully express yourself around all others? I understand that your persona grows and evolves with exposure (as I would hope it should), but aren't some facets of your personality not right for some situations or people? I am somewhat uncomfortable myself with exposing myself completely to others like OP, and I'm not sure it's always even necessary or good to do so. It is possible to be genuine, in my opinion, without being the same around everyone. The term "code-switching" refers to a person who speaks multiple languages, and their ability to seamlessly go between these in various situations. However, it has been also used to describe the switching of personalities in changing social situations. Is this not necessary for proper social functioning? I am not sure what you say is even entirely possible, but if you could elaborate, that would be nice.

Why do you object?

>> No.6579737

well I do use discretion. It depends on how I am engaged by others.

no one wants people to just walk around spouting all their innermost feelings at any given 'hello'

but if probed on a certain aspect of my life I aim to present my honest feelings and the characteristics that lay at my core that pertain to my interaction.

>> No.6579758

carles stop

>> No.6579772

Oh, I see.

I wish more people would get in here. It's more interesting than Cop or Not.

>> No.6579780


>> No.6579791

No, someone else.

>> No.6580486

There is no one true self. You have to act to socially succeed, but you can choose who you want to be (even that isn't really acting. it's being)

My hand in life isn't perfect, but it's good enough that I wouldn't want to use a lottery for a randomly selected new one. I feel like I could make something out of it if I tried (and I'm trying)

Average is synonymous with mediocre. Who would want to strive for mediocrity?

I'm willing to do grotesque things to succeed

I'd actually play as if I was all 3 of them when I was a kid. I guess it just gives you what you want out of it
