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6575110 No.6575110 [Reply] [Original]

Hey fellow aussies. can you recommend some online stores that ship to AU? menswear general.

stores like asos. free shipping a bonus.


>> No.6575119

gtfo m8

>> No.6575124

urban outfitters

american store, american prices. is great for converse shoes. doesn't ship levis or vans tho
free shipping over $50

>> No.6575126

and who the fuck are you?

>> No.6575149


>> No.6575162

>Hey fellow aussies
stopped reading there

>> No.6575173
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>> No.6575179


>> No.6575183

gtfo dumb cunt if you dont want to post related to the topic. and see >>6575162 for proper way of saging.

>> No.6575235

>not realising it was a joke

do you even /q/

>> No.6575239

Aussie thread?

W2c cheap scoop necks?

Got one from asos coming in next week but want some others to try.

Factorie any good?

>> No.6575245

i dont like being australian


read the sticky

sage sage

>> No.6575256

Oh look, Australian thread.

Holy shit dudes I went to Melbourne shopping and whatnot (also for PAX) last week from Perth, I couldn't believe the difference.

Checked out so many places, and tried on so much amazing stuff not anywhere in Perth. We've pretty much only got Zekka and Dilettante, so it was a bit of a headspin once I started looking and found no end to the nice stores.

Eastern Market (Lt. Collins? There's two) was probably my favourite, totally rad next-level ladies there, almost broke my own bank accounts on Paul Harnden and MA+ but managed to stop myself.

Marais, Harrolds and Assin were all pretty tops too, but I came a bit late for the best parts of sales and my size was gone most everywhere. Ended up with some new pants, jeans and some Rick shoes though so all good.

Now back in pleb city, the land of the expensive everything. At least now I understand the reasoning behind the shopping trips some people I know make, save up for dem sales and catch a $300 return flight to Melb to go nuts.


>> No.6575282

yeah melb is much better for shopping. post pics of your cop.
we had good EOFY sales here.

>> No.6575290

Factories great for cheap plain shit, just don't rely on it for everyday wear as the material is pretty shit.

>> No.6575323

There's a pick of the Ricks in the shoe thread if you can find it.

It's the standard black leather hightops, I prefer them to most geos, and fat luck for me finding dunks. Also got some black Nudie High Kai's because they're an awesome fit for go-to jeans, and a pair of paneled jeans by Gareth Pugh that I might crop, if I get sick of the insane stacks.

Defs coming back next year, especially if PAX is on again and The Protomen come back, they were awesome live.

>> No.6575367

You going to the Zekka sale m9? I want someone to go shopping with

>> No.6575370

Zekka sale? Elaborate?

>> No.6575374


Nobody even questions this image when it's so badly MS Painted - moot didn't say that shit look how the g from 'hurting' is cut off - someone pasted the bottom part into one of moot's answers on /q/

>> No.6575403

>ausfag thread

i went into jay jays yesterday just for a look hahaha

they have those tshirts now like justin bieber was rocking at one stage. those sort of semi-oversized ones with the longer back that sits over your butt like a butt flap.

with like those shitty jay jayz prints on the front.

top kek

>> No.6575411

moot can't handle the banter

>> No.6575415

>tfw I used to think jay jays was super cool and shopped there all the time.

>> No.6575433

i know your pain bro

we were all teens once though

>> No.6575440

Where do you shop now?

>> No.6575458


>> No.6575465

hahahaha no

>> No.6575468
File: 643 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2013-07-27-15-50-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its from Monday.

>> No.6575482

not that dude, but i do about 75% of my shopping online.

then occasionally brick and mortar shops, general pants, roger david, sometimes myer if they have some decent shit in. i bought an expensive suit and had it tailored at a more up market place that i forget the name of in sydney. i have 2 other cheaper suits from tarocash, and some plain dress shirts from there. when they have my size, it fits perfectly without any tailoring needed which is why i like them over other similar brands here.

shoes is something i very rarely buy online. i need to feel them on my stupid, odd-sized feet before i throw money down the toilet on a pair that doesnt fit right. learned the hard way on that.

>> No.6575513
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fallow.com.au, i'm waiting for some stuff from there atm

>> No.6575535

Online mostly. I do like wandering around brick&mortar stores though.

>> No.6575554
File: 54 KB, 404x147, shibbydibby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to explain the hate for Australians on effay?
how could this be fake?

>> No.6575616

>Zekka having big end of season sale
>After my trip
>No tax return or spending money left
>Need money for rent and whatnot
>Haven't even had a job for a month since my store closed, still looking


>> No.6575915
File: 135 KB, 382x438, 1370503403961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... Did you check the sticky?

>> No.6575935

I did actually. didn't navigate to this though. thanks