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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 241 KB, 1128x752, 1374874812789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6573858 No.6573858 [Reply] [Original]

EDC Thread

>> No.6573904

Whats the watch.

>> No.6573994


>> No.6573997

You post this at least twice a day on /g/.

>> No.6574002


>> No.6574018

Oh god sauce/where to cop that wallet

>> No.6574021

>Nexus 4

OP, you have instantly earned my respect.

>> No.6574033

Pebble smartwatch

>> No.6574040

>nexus 4

Lovely phone, terrible battery.
Mirin dat wallet, watch and keychain set up

>> No.6574098


>> No.6574111
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Bump. (Not my pic- don't ask details).

>> No.6574120
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OP pls come back to answer our burning questions

>> No.6574121
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I feel like this isn't staged enough.

The lighting is all wrong.

>> No.6574122

OP here, pic is not mine ;~;

>> No.6574126

Sansa clip, Nexus 4, Pebble Smartwatch confirmed so far

>> No.6574127

OP here, pic is mine ;)

>> No.6574150
File: 836 KB, 895x626, Screen Shot 2013-07-26 at 7.06.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real quick one
minus school stuff

>> No.6574793
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>> No.6574800

>givenchy lanyard

>> No.6574806
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>> No.6574811
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aw man i thought that was a cassette player

>inb4 AJJ

>> No.6574822

W2C headphones?

>> No.6574828
File: 36 KB, 504x504, 504x_s4i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best pair of headphones for around $150? I got these Klipsch S4i earphones but I can't fucking stand the squishy in-ear shit.

>> No.6574845
File: 99 KB, 1415x1115, tma-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little more expensive but well worth the extra $

>> No.6574848

I (>>6574806) like the m50s. There are some sennheisers in that range that are pretty nice though

>> No.6574851

they're AIAIAI TMA-1s
good headphones i have a pair

>> No.6574916

i own these and they're p good. i got em on sale too, but they're nowhere near as durable as they're marketed to be

>> No.6574951

yeah what>>6574851 said

mine are specifically the beatport addition

>> No.6574953

do wear your m50's in public? i wear mine at home and sometimes i feel like they're too big to wear out

>> No.6574964

mine were always fine being tossed around a bit, but then one day i was just putting them on my head and the headband cracked.

aiaiai was super nice about it though- they let it slide as a factory defect and sent me a brand new pair complete with a new warranty.

>> No.6574965

Yes, i like the quality and the only headphones i have are over ear.

>> No.6574969

I fucking love it when companies are chill about replacing products.

>> No.6575058

>nexus 4
mein nerger

>> No.6575300

how bulky are your pockets with all that shit in there?

>> No.6575316

did you have to send it back?

>> No.6575385
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>the essentials

>> No.6575562
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>> No.6575567
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>> No.6575716


stonecold killa xDDD

>> No.6575724


i wish i was as cool as you

>> No.6575729


>> No.6575737
File: 378 KB, 1536x1069, o-KIM-JONG-UN-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Andrew Jackson Jihad

mah nigga

>> No.6575761

zimmerman plz

>> No.6575771
File: 1.31 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend a minimalistic MP3 player, this iPod is starting to go.

>> No.6575794

Sansa Clip

>> No.6575827

use yo phone

>> No.6575844


>> No.6575950

I did a double take there. My Nexus 4 is running the exact same setup.

>> No.6575965

/g/ pls go

>> No.6576032
File: 493 KB, 2560x1920, 1BLcdd4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add a HTC Desire used for the picture. Tablet is Nexus 7.

>> No.6576052

That's my pic I posted to EDC some time ago

>> No.6576069

>braun watch


>> No.6576073
File: 607 KB, 3088x2402, What's in my bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I take my bag.

>> No.6576074
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>> No.6576084
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>> No.6576089
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all those pens

>> No.6576121

tomato y u so cute and fruity

>> No.6576136

/k/ pls go

>> No.6576189
File: 2.64 MB, 320x240, 1356463644659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Wallet fit to burst

4/10 - nice photo

>> No.6576216

10/10 for Sansa Clip+
-999/10 for Pebble

>> No.6576237

am i the only one that absolutely hates stuff in my pockets? i usually bring a bookbag around.

>> No.6576258


>> No.6576268

I want to hate you but I can't

>> No.6576269
File: 141 KB, 1024x768, 20130727_155030 (Medium).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ my Galaxy S3 Mini (Grey)

>> No.6576281


Who even uses old shitty camera's like that you fucking hipster.

>> No.6576313
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 571688_02_cz_75_p_07_duty_9mm_2_mags_hol_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /k/
> Hi-Point pistol
As a /k/ommando myself, I can tell you he is not from /k/.

Pic is my CCW, a real mans side arm.

>> No.6576331

guns r kool

>> No.6576334

Why do you have a gun? Ever felt like you needed it for self protection or is it more for leisure shooting.

>> No.6576353
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i like these more than /g/ ones

>> No.6576358

those bracelets look great. where'd ya find 'em?

>> No.6576378

kensington market, toronto. bought both of them from some asian woman for $1.

>> No.6576386

Dem earphones are the best. Shure SE215, right?

>> No.6576392

>tfw as an asian seeing white guys wearing buddhist beads

white ppl smh

>> No.6576414

how do you know i'm not asian, hmm?

>> No.6576428

if you were asian my asian senses would be tingling

>> No.6576459

Both. I have myself and my faimly to protect. Cops are not obligated to protect citizens, that your responsibility. Police are always second to the action aswell.

>> No.6576465


>tfw as a mexican seeing asian guys eat mexican food

asian ppl smh

>> No.6576482
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Yeah they are. I've always found their history and mechanics so interesting. People just think because I have a passion for firearms and the like means I'm some un stable baby killer.

>> No.6576507
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>> No.6576509
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>> No.6576513
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>> No.6576529
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>> No.6576544


That wasn't a Hi-Point, but a Hi-Power.

And Hi-Powers are very /k/.

>> No.6576548


The fuck are you doing on /fa/ you spic

>> No.6576558

>tfw seeing anyone eating panda express
general population smh

>> No.6576565


>tfw the real owners of panda express franchise are white

asian ppl smh

>> No.6576611
File: 751 KB, 2356x1480, 1372903623375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, not seeing Browning on here

>> No.6576686
File: 205 KB, 888x500, WP_20130727_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and muh lumia 920

>> No.6576735

Cultural commodity, motherfucker. I smoke pot while wearing my Buddha t-shirt. This shirt, that has the image of Buddha on it makes me look culturally well rounded. You can buy these Buddha t shirts at Wal Mart for $8.

I also buy dream catchers at the local Third Planet chain. I wear Native American jewelry daily. I also have a large collection of Yoga DVDs, but I never actually practice it. It's all for looks.

I am a boring white man with no out-of-country experience. Wanna fight?

>> No.6576902

You sound pretty nextlvl in the justification of your deeds. Teach /fa/ how to do that.

>> No.6576907
File: 625 KB, 220x220, 1370989621145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you roll one right before you smoke it or something?

>not pre-rolling 5 cigs and buying a $1 cardholder from daiso japan to carry them in your right pocket

>> No.6576921

>addiction free tobacco

lmao what the fuck am I reading
niccotine is the main component that gives tobacco a reason to be smoked
does it have niccotine in it or not?

>> No.6576926


... it says additive free you moron.

>> No.6576943


>> No.6576954

You're all retards. You like the presentation of the photo, not the actual items in the photo.