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/fa/ - Fashion

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6568107 No.6568107 [Reply] [Original]

>waiting for package to arrive for weeks
>scheduled to arrive today
>wait around at home all day to sign
>leave house at 5 to go see family, leave note on the door authorizing them to drop it off
>come home excited to open it up
>nothing at the door, check parcel locker
>"sorry we missed you!"
>he didn't even go to my house and for who the fuck knows why didn't leave it in the parcel locker
>tfw lazy fuck delivery person

tell me your feels /fa/

>> No.6568193

>Clothes come in 3 days.
>Everything fits wonderfully.

>> No.6568243
File: 4 KB, 185x82, 1359063629205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order a pair of Doc Martens
>free 2/3-day shipping

>> No.6568262

This will be me in a few weeks when my Roshe Runs are due to show up.

>> No.6568297
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I don't think I've ever signed for any clothes I've ordered.

Is that a bad thing?

>> No.6568294

probs had sig comf

>> No.6568307

I never have either, but that's probably because I live next to a bunch of old people.

>> No.6568344
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hurry the fuck up DHL

>> No.6568358

why do you order online?? i know that going out in public can be daunting but at least you get to try the clothes on that way and you dont have to deal with shit like this

>> No.6568373

The shoes I ordered are some obscure German brand, there's nowhere I could buy them except online

>> No.6568376

because usually stores only have pleb shit or don't stock in your size.

>> No.6568397

they dont have xxl cos its not normal to be that fat, LOSE SOME WEIGHT FATASS
fair point

>> No.6568413

nah brah, too tall and lanky.

>> No.6568417
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>tfw there are these two asian guys at my uni that are failing so hard a gothninja
>tfw they are still wearing pieces you cant afford
>tfw have to volunteer at a home for the disabled instead of making 100% disposable income

At least my parents pay for my tuition

pic related, rich asians with no taste

>> No.6568425


>failing so hard a gothninja
>posting picture of a white kid


>> No.6568426
File: 73 KB, 750x562, feelsgood1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i bought doc martens recently
i can't wait for the weather to stop being so balls hot so i can wear them more

>> No.6568541

Dat some Hood By Air?

>> No.6568587

>talking to friend who (used to) go to /fa/
>get on the topic of shoes, I tell him I'm looking to cop a pair of cp's or similar looking sneakers
>he smirks and I ask him what's up
>"sneakers? really?"
>I say yeah and ask why he's got a problems with common projects and that shit
>"Well, I wear BIG BOY shoes so I don't have or need any sneakers"

I mean jesus christ

I used to look up to this guy for being /fa/ before I came here

now he is exposed for the dadcore pleb he is

>> No.6568609

>live in a six flat building
>put notes up at every possible door telling mailman to put my packages in the back of the building and knock on the back door when he come so i can hear it
>tfw find my packages right out in front of my building on a busy street

fucc nigga i spent lots of $$$ on dat shit, dont just leave it out in front

usually they just leave a note and i go to the post office or ups warehouse n pick it up myself

>> No.6568617

he probably browsed /fa/ before the streetwear/goof phase happened
either that or he said what everyone wants to say about your shoes

>> No.6568677

specialty boutiques usually charge you up the rear with full price and sometimes even more than what you can get online with s+h.

>> No.6568792

yeah man that kid is white

>> No.6568877

i hate how this is never right
sometimes things arrive fitting better than i expected and shit like that, but still, there's just always this huge level of uncertainty when it comes to buying stuff online unless it's a bag

and on that note:
>no cool places to shop for clothes where i live
>the best store within 50 miles of my home is a men's dillards
if you're unfamiliar with dillard's, it's very literally dadcore, the styles/fits/brand names they carry only appeal to overweight men who think they're rich because they wear 80 dollar shirts by completely unheard of names

>> No.6568906

because i'm not going to fly from california to germany to buy some fucking shirt

>> No.6568899

left a signed note out front with order details and everything. they didn't even come up to the house and see it. on top of that, the time that they left the note i was actually at home

means that they literally just went to the parcel locker (where there was room to put it) and left the note without ever even trying to deliver it.

>> No.6568939

which site mang

>> No.6568949

>drop off clothes at tailor
>2-3 week wait
>omfg i'll look perf

>> No.6568963
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>shoes arrive
>fits fine without socks, very snug with socks
>would prefer roomier, but shoes aren't exactly uncomfortable
>don't know how much larger 1 size up is
>keep shoes

Buying shoes online, above all else, is suffering.

>> No.6568965
File: 29 KB, 319x165, bboooorrrriiinnggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this feel all too well

thank god for internet

>> No.6568969

Doing the math in that thread from yesterday where we total up our favorite outfits, I realized I saved about $3000 by buying online. Also, got stuff that isn't available in stores anymore.

If you know your measurements there is no reason to go to stores unless you just want to handle something before you buy it.

>> No.6569258

I don't get why /fa/ generally dislikes Docs, they're cool as hell.

>> No.6569320

what fucking socks are you wearing

just get some thin ass socks you smf

>> No.6569332


just bought 1914s :D

>> No.6569337

shoe tree with extending/push/enlarge spring

>> No.6569350 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 111x557, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boxes the size of tv's. lel if i was ever lame enough to do those "unboxing" threads

>> No.6569353
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>bought docs
>don't know if they're too big or if my ankles are tiny as fuck

>order package
>scheduled delivery was yesterday
>still hasn't come
th-thanks usps

>order vans
>ships 3 days later
>scheduled delivery is august 1st
>shipped using fedex smartpost
>my fucking face when

>> No.6569358
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deleted text :-3

>> No.6570041

where u from? it happens a lot too here in germany. motherfucker told he came on said date but on that day I was stayed at my home 24/7.

theres special place in hell for that kind of person who keeps my ebay shit off me

>> No.6570096

>tfw 1461 made in england on sale
>tfw they're navy

>> No.6570284
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>tfw someone else's shoe bumps into your brand new sneakers.

>> No.6570369

>tfw buy duffle coat for winter
>tfw winter is still months away

>> No.6570374

I don't really understand this feel

>> No.6570380

>tfw your ahoge twitches when senpai notices you

>> No.6570386
File: 194 KB, 500x288, whydorado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing white high-top Chucks (going for a neo-80s look at the time... don't ask)
>female friend sees them
>"Hey, those are pretty cool!"
>"Thanks, I just got th-"
>tries to step on my shoes intentionally
>"Oh, they'll look better once you dirty them up and add some character"

I know there are some people on /fa/ that believe that white shoes look better when distressed, but I'm a bit more conservative.

>> No.6570391
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>go out with new shoes
>some drunk douche spills beer on them

>> No.6570396
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>wear new raw jeans
>forget they're new and let out a nasty fart

>> No.6570400

>wearing nice clothes when alcohol is involved

Unless I'm at a black tie event (which is basically never), I never wear anything that I can't wash/replace when there will be people and alcohol.