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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 44 KB, 498x644, tumblr_ly2no7f0JD1r2li7ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6566919 No.6566919 [Reply] [Original]

how does your gf dress?

post fits if possible

>> No.6566934

Kinda Tumblrcore -not in the cat sweaters, inverted crossed kinda way- But she recently started buying most of her stuff at Jil Sander, Acne & Cos and is mimicking me in the way i dress. Kinda cute and finally some good company to go shopping with.

>> No.6566942

but you don't dress in jil sander or acne

all of your fits have been shitty actual pain type stuff

>> No.6566954


>> No.6566951


fuck off

>> No.6566964

I have a few pieces here and there. I haven't worn any tumblr-esque Actual pain stuff in many months.

>> No.6566976

thats good to hear

>> No.6566987

you mean my bitch?
i don't really care how she dresses, the more skimpy the better i suppose

>> No.6566995

guess youll never be a glassy gentleman

>> No.6567006
File: 51 KB, 500x375, 87576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a gentleman

>pic related, it's you

>> No.6567004

*tips fedora*
*turns and disappears into the night*

>> No.6567008

is this the fabled post-irony?

>> No.6567016

he didn't even use commas correctly

*le sigh*

>> No.6567013

It's summer, so she wears mostly Lily Pulitzer tablecloths and Vineyard Vines shit. She's more refined in the winter.

>> No.6567014

I've had almost two hundred different girls in the past year and I'm twice as classy as you'll ever be, m8.

>> No.6567022


british girls don't count lol them bitches fugly

>> No.6567024

which sorority?

>> No.6567031

Young-business-woman-casual/like her mother/Kate Middleton but on the cheap/Housewife-magazine-core.

Plain tshirts, leggings and boots, that sort of shit. Mostly it's just boring, especially cause she's 19. I want a tumblrcore gf please.

>> No.6567038


>> No.6567040

post a fit fuccboi

>> No.6567051
File: 58 KB, 600x898, BPsly8_CYAAUe6h.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no gf

>> No.6567047

i don't care i just don't want to be alone anymore ;_;

>> No.6567057

fg on wft<

>> No.6567052


>> No.6567061

I wish I had a full blooded asian gf, like i see in animes, not like these ugly american-asian mutts

>> No.6567064

i wouldn't care about how a gf dressed becaus e i'm desperately afraid of dying alone

>> No.6567072

why are you dying alone

>> No.6567073

White-asian mix is the masterace and this is coming from an asian.

>> No.6567074

don't you have parents?
and you're never alone you have 3 people who will always love you and be with your: you, yourself and i

>> No.6567080

Funny, she was in AOII, but left because of bitches.

>> No.6567085

she's a dyke? u score a 3way fam?

>> No.6567088


wow you're a fucking whore
enjoy your diseases, fucc

>> No.6567095

I had myself checked recently and I'm clean. I'm looking for a proper relationship now.

>> No.6567106

i can't sleep becaise i constantly feel liek i'll die if i fall asleep like i'll just cave in if im not awkae and aware fuck i dont know
fuck if i need a split personlaity man and my parents cant be with me like t hta i cnat share stuff with the m and they live so far way anyway i coudl be dead for probk like a week before theyikd find otu

>> No.6567108

y-you mean a g-gf?

>> No.6567116
File: 27 KB, 310x310, whatfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had a japanese gf for 6 months
>she broke up with me while in japan for summer
>claimed it was because she needed to study a lot next year
>wow so believable
>noticed she tried to block me on twitter
>checked her twitter and saw a pic she put up of her with some guy
>asked her about it
>admitted she cheated on me and tried to cover it up
>she seemed pretty sorry about it
>told that bitch to never talk to me again

still miss her though and feel like shit every day

>> No.6567111

>i can't sleep becaise i constantly feel liek i'll die if i fall asleep like i'll just cave in if im not awkae and aware fuck i dont know
oh then stop doing that

>> No.6567114

Yeah, mang. Preferably a kindly virgin, because all the whores I've fucked have given me a complex.

>> No.6567117

im to afriad man i need sokmeon to wtch over me that woukd know wht to do if i died or could save me if id was dying

>> No.6567118

why ar u typing lke ths i cnt understnd what youre saying

>> No.6567123

out of the original 250 how many were virgins?

>> No.6567126

>Cheated on you, lied to you and tried to cut off contact with you
>Seemed pretty sorry about it
Anyway, you're beta as fuck for being cheated on. It means you weren't good enough to wait a few months for.

>> No.6567140

lol he's not beta, a beta would've forgave her

>> No.6567135

forgive me im really tired

>> No.6567143

I once had a gf who I thought dressed really well, but whenever I see a pic of her now she dresses like shit. I think she only dressed well because she was with me. #women #allthingstoallmen

>> No.6567148

250? The total I fugged was between 190 and 195.

I know for certain that 16 were virgins, and I wouldn't be surprised if no others were.

>> No.6567151

she wasn't trying to cut off contact, just stop me from seeing the picture

there's more to the story and it's more complicated than it sounds but i won't bother going into it

>> No.6567154

oh my bad, i have this same thread on like 10 other boards and I can't keep up w/ the details

do you want her to dress skimpy too, or no?

>> No.6567164

diff guy but my girl told me she cheated on me with 2 of her exs and i still came crying back to her and said i'm sorry

>> No.6567171


>> No.6567180

*tips fedora*
you're a real man

>> No.6567189

she is very distant in responding to my texts and doesn't talk to me anymore, so oh well. tbh, I'm more attractive than her anyway. i just have issues with depression and stuff that lead me to do things such as what i described before, so i doubt any other girl will like me...

>> No.6567205

it's ok anon i believe in you

>> No.6567210

>how does your gf dress?

Not a single picture.

>> No.6567224

kinda rude to post another persons photos to 4chan

I dont have a gf, but the girl I'm in love with kinda dresses like a skinhead/tumblr bish

>> No.6567227


such a gentleman

>> No.6567235

ok you guys are all fucking sad. So you sad fucks that can't get a girl read
"The System: The Dating Dictionary" by Doc love
"The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists" by Neil Strauss
"Double your Dating" by David DeAngelo
"Art of Approaching" by someone who i forgot.
Read these 4 books and you guys might actually stand a chance in hell with girls

>> No.6567256
File: 137 KB, 453x668, 1368664903061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf

>> No.6567262

>needing a book

>> No.6567268

i'm not a fedora wearer, and that isn't how i intended my reaction to be... it's just taht i'm in a very difficult time of my life, and she helped me through it so much in the past... i think she just got bored of me and my problems, so i can't really blame her...
i'm not a fedora, but i'm not that kind of guy either...

>> No.6567276
File: 127 KB, 684x1024, the-pickup-artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le classy pickup autist

>> No.6567289 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 687x960, 303314_3960645554298_181805515_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of dresses with cardigans.

>> No.6567291

She's a hit and miss sometimes, but mostly dresses with cardigans, or skirts with blouses. It's the shoes that are a hit and miss for her, as well as her bags.

>> No.6567302

>dating a hippo

>> No.6567301

she's perfect

>> No.6567307

>you guys are all fucking sad
>not being a sadboi
*tips bucket hat

>> No.6567308

>cardigan puffy as fuck
no gf confirmed

>> No.6567310

i bet this creep goes around town randomly approaching people and everyone either ignores or runs away from him.

>> No.6567319

nah dud elook at those ham thighs

>> No.6567322

DYEL /fit/fag detected

*tips dumbbell*

>> No.6567323

sry i don't see the puffy cardigan shes wearing around her twin-sized mattress thighs

>> No.6567342
File: 125 KB, 687x960, 1374798829981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me i'm pretty

>> No.6567357
File: 131 KB, 640x854, 1371519774354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6567377
File: 262 KB, 920x612, 3032-Le-21eme-Adam-Katz-Sinding-Before-Rick-Owens-Paris-Mens-Fashion-Week-Spring-Summer-2013-France-New-York-City-Street-Style-Blog_D4A7632-920x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

/fa/ was built on bully culture

>> No.6567369

please no bully

>> No.6567382

Those shoes are gross looking... Are they just too big, or what?

>> No.6567380
File: 367 KB, 800x800, 1372461811779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IKTF, bro

>> No.6567384


like looking at a cow's back legs

>> No.6567389

I think she's cute.

>> No.6567403

Isn't it kind of obvious she's leaning down though?
So her legs would look larger

>> No.6570078

I don´t like willowtreetrunks as legs.

>> No.6570089

>like i see in animes

>> No.6570143

The girl I'm interested in is intimidated by my fits. I always judge her on how shitty she dresses but I act like an aspie around her.because she's hot.

>> No.6570162

how does ur bf dress trippy? how can i be ur bf?

>> No.6570160

that sucks. i love my sorority but I guess it's not for everyone