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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 359 KB, 1200x900, Philippines_flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6557801 No.6557801 [Reply] [Original]

Is dating Filipino girls /fa/ if you're a white guy?

>> No.6557803


get a jap

>> No.6557811

Most pure 100% Filipina girls are fucking disgusting, what you wanna do is find some mix of Korean/Jap/Chink-Filipina.

>> No.6557818

not 100% flip no never
mixes are okay if they're conventionally qt

>> No.6557823



stopped reading there.

People will think you're a weeaboo faggot.

>> No.6557828
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OP here. Is pic related pure Filipina? Also, would you?

>> No.6557856
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>dis bitch is filipina who used to date a white dude but cheated on him with a filipino dude for like a year and ultimately left him for the filipino

yeah she hangs around comic con basking at the nerds and betas attention

>> No.6557863
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Moar you say?

>> No.6557861

filipinos are gross

>> No.6557865

probably and never
>that chub

>> No.6557873

Some filipino girls are qt but white people only pick the easy and therefore ugly ones so no

>> No.6557874
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aaaannnndddd thats all I am dumping because I am paranoid when I am on facebook that somehow they know that I am watching

>> No.6557868
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Yeah she says she is a "gamer" too

>> No.6557888

were you the guy you were talking about bc you seem very hostile m8

>> No.6557902


>> No.6557908


No, I just have principles and I was very verbal and loud to disagree with her, but she hit me with "if you cant handle me....blah blah blah"

Jesus, why am I friends with her?

>> No.6557910

Vietnam fucking shots get a Irish redheaded fuccboi

>> No.6557913

bretty good`

>> No.6557928

One thing I noticed about people's opinions on Filipino's is that they either love them or they hate them. Intredasting.

>> No.6557944

Where do you think you are?

Of course not! Stay the hell away from Filipinos. I would say that prejudice against Flips is the only thing that /fa/ got right. Filipinos are the equivalent of humanoid shit, they are in the same league as niggers. Burn them all, I say.

Also, why the hell would you race-mix, you fucking piece of shit race traitor!? You disgust me. Go kill yourself.

>> No.6557963
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White girls are boring as shit m7+1

>muh nasi hurritage
>muh purebreaded chrillden

>> No.6557972

>against Flips

Filipino trolling as a white guy detected, nobody else calls Filipinos "Flips" but themselves. And by the looks of it, you are FOB as well. Next time misspell "Filipino" to "Philippino" makes it more believable, see?

>> No.6557974

Why are you into female monkeys? You are disgusting. Also, I'm not racist or a monkey. I just fucking hate brown people. Respect my opinion, faggot.

>> No.6557987

Are you actually calling me Filipino? Fuck you, faggot. I'm a full-blooded Irish American.

>> No.6557995
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SE Asians aren't really "brown", unless you're referring to aboriginals. They're just a darker tint of Asian.

Also because it's something new and exciting. Filipino girls know how to suck a good dick too.

>> No.6558002

now you are just not trying anymore

apply yourself

>> No.6558017

Pinoys are terrible. They're literally terrible. Looks and attitude. It's almost like their culture was built around selfishness

>> No.6558019

You know, this thread was about Filipino women. I gave my opinion on them, alright? Why don't you respect my opinion instead of ranting, "You're a troll. Apply yourself!"

You're a faggot and you act like one. I can see why nobody wants to be your friend.

>> No.6558026

thats the spirit!

>> No.6558077

Dating? Yeah sure why not.
Marrying? Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6558078

Kek no it's like saying "I'm a weaboo but wasn't food enough to get a real Asian" the fact you even have to ask proves you already know how lame it is.

>> No.6558080

Good enough

Ffs anyone know how to take off autocorrect on droid?

>> No.6558085

I don't know who you've met but all the ones I've met were friendly and family-oriented.

Captcha: FASHION dsetjun

>> No.6558093

I agree. I think you should only marry and reproduce with your own race.
>tfw people think this is racist

>> No.6558096


>> No.6558102

Why? May I ask.

>> No.6558107

Marrying a flip will make your son a midget

>> No.6558116

Correction: "Marrying a Flip will make your son (or daughter) short, ugly, and brown."

>> No.6558131
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Tell me about it. I'm half Filipino and only 5'9". All because my dad was so beta he had to marry a Filipino, who stole his money and divorced him. Then he married some mongrel Kazakh/Chinese bitch who stole his money and divorced him. Fuck you Dad.

At least I have some Caucasian genes.

>> No.6558129
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>Implying white-filipino children are not the most attractive beings to ever walk the earth

I seriously hope you guys are not as serious as you make yourselves seem to be

>> No.6558137

they are like asians but stout and have mustaches

why would you want that

>> No.6558140

Product of white x flip marriage here. My dad is the least /fa/ person in NYC, so it's not fashionable to date a flip.

>> No.6558143


through pre 1800 selective breeding

>> No.6558146

No, I wouldn't.

For the same reason as to why I wouldn't date a Hispanic chick unless she had enough Spanish blood to give her European features (face, skin), then yes.

>> No.6558148

dad hasn't remarried tho. He just spiraled into a forever depression.

(I look full Caucasian tho. There's only some doubts with my hair color.)

>> No.6558152

American white guy who's dated 2 filipino chicks before here

1st was really cultured, was very into her culture but also somewhat americanized. had a short, thick build (but not chubby or anything.) ended up cheating on me and tended to be a bit selfish.

2nd was tall, big tits & a nice ass, slim, etc. Very americanized and little involvement with Filipino culture. Really shy, quiet, reserved, took time to open up to me but was very cultured and nice when she finally did; also happened to be a mean fuck. Was one of my better relationships.

tl;dr westernized Filipino chicks aren't too bad

>> No.6558158

fucking gross

>> No.6558165

I think it's more a case of class. I would marry an upper class Filipino grill. But I'm guessing your Dad is working class?

>> No.6558184

Yeah, both my parents are parr of the working class

>> No.6558193
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>tfw half flip and 6 foot

though i agree with that one guy, pinoy culture is trash

>> No.6558280

ITT : Self-hating filipinos

I know you guys have a fucked up history of being raped by other countries and shit but if you guys continue this behavior you might as well go suicide


Accept the fact that you're filipino and try to change some shit

>> No.6558294 [DELETED] 

you too? whats your other half

>> No.6558309

>tfw half flip and tall gril.
ok I guess

>> No.6558329


Filipinos are like the second-highest earning Asian-American ethnicity in the US.

the moar you know

>> No.6558339

that race as a whole is wayyy worse than niggers, if you're a white guy with one as a gf people will think shes a mail order bride or some shit

>> No.6558356

>people will think she's a mail-order bride

maybe if you're 50 and she's years younger.

>> No.6558369
File: 49 KB, 450x450, 1658_10151599936868982_1377172133_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're going after the wrong Filipinos

>> No.6558402

No filipinos are an emasculated culture.

>Mothers are head of house holds.
>CFNM Culture
>Boys are circumcised at a certain age in public in a 'festival-like' way in front of many females.
>University students that are male parade around naked and give out roses to female spectators (girls from all ages attend to watch naked men)
>Before circumcision men used to sew beads into their dicks to please females better.
>the head politicians are female

Being part of a pussywhipped nation is not /fa/.

>> No.6558473

>Boys are circumcised at a certain age in public in a 'festival-like' way in front of many females.

I call bullshit. I am a FOB and I had to go through with the circumcision

Its a rite of passage, you aint a man unless you are cut. But it was not done in public in front of other people, maybe your dad who takes you to the shaman and then he will circumcise you.

With no anesthesia. Just leaves that you chew on and spit out at your dick.

The rest is true. Its a highly romantic society (read; feminized and beta society)

That and being Catholic, its a clusterfuck.

>> No.6558482

No, it's all actually quite true.


>> No.6558492
File: 136 KB, 709x671, uniggasmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>University students that are male parade around naked and give out roses to female spectators (girls from all ages attend to watch naked men)

This is bullshit, too.

Unless you are talking about that one University (they are the liberals and hipsters of Filipino culture) but its more of a University tradition. Those people are fucking weird, man.

>dis bitch is filipina who used to date a white dude but cheated on him with a filipino dude for like a year and ultimately left him for the filipino

Because even our whores know Filipino men are the way to go

>> No.6558502


No thats one of those "charity events" and have actual medical people doing the circumcision for those that cannot afford medical care.

The one I had to go through was traditional.

>tfw I wish I didnt get cut
>tfw no more natural sex

>> No.6558503

Nope, it's not bullshit, it's true.


Make sure your safesearch is off on both links so you can see the actual pics.

>> No.6558510

Yes, I should have specified.

But as you can see, those Operacion Tuli events were described in a "festival-like" way as i said because there are no partitions and women often just walk around watching kids get their dicks snipped and post the pics on facebook etc.

After all it is a public event even if it's medical.

>> No.6558518
File: 78 KB, 640x427, IMG_1555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently, its effay for white women to marry Filipino men, tho.

Pic related; a Brazilian actress/model with her Filipino Senator husband, who is apparently a wife beater, too.

>> No.6558528


T0P fucking lel

No, that's just brown trash marrying darker brown trash.

>> No.6558536
File: 19 KB, 525x334, Do-not-want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah the oblation run is in the University of the Philippines

those fucking guys are weird,man

I havent been home ever since the war started, so I dont know if the oblation run thing also spread out in other university's

but back in my day it was a protest

>> No.6558537


>tfw you so mad that grill is a legit model

top kek

>> No.6558546
File: 71 KB, 960x637, 931327_481876391884481_652121072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had the same mentality (thought Filipinos were small brown people,) but I recently had to go there for work.

The Filipinos who immigrate are usually poor or lower class. The hot rich ones dont have a reason to immigrate, so they never leave. This quality of girl was pretty common at the club -

>> No.6558541

>dat hair

And that guy is a Senator? Christ...

>> No.6558554

Yep. Because of the beta society its soooo easy to pick up the girls as there is no real competition

>> No.6558557

It's spread into the city, look up some YT vids, guys literally walk through towns.

>thinking that means anything

I bet you would date the ugliest girl in the world if someone told you she were a model.

>> No.6558568
File: 44 KB, 250x250, 1361552967531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at the Philippines
>cousin trying to give this girl the D
>cousin is texting her if she had already eaten
>cuz, wtf are you doing?
>asking her if she had lunch yet
>coz I care about her, and I want her to know that
>mfw I gave that girl the D

Douche move, I know. But he has to learn.

>> No.6558565 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 604x453, 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw jap was the last word in the post
top lel

>> No.6558574

>It's spread into the city, look up some YT vids, guys literally walk through towns.

FUCK YES! Now I wanna go home and join them, but its gonna be obvious its me because I guarantee you, the rest of the Filipinos back home dont even lift.

>> No.6558582


But that one is a qt, so stay mad

captcha; cry jchpub

>> No.6558583

Haha, I made a thread about it on /pol/ one day. Everyone was saying how if they went people would think they're hung like a horse.

If you're big and packing heat if you know what i mean, you will steal the show.

A lot of them have baby dicks.

>> No.6558590


ur the only 1 who made mVIII

>> No.6558595

can he even see with those eyes?

I think that in general asian men are not /fa/ at all.

>> No.6558602
File: 37 KB, 300x300, thatfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baby dicks

>> No.6558619
File: 995 KB, 1313x1088, presskit_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats because the combination of skin tone and BLACK HAIR and facial features and western style clothing that is considered "effay" does not go well altogether.

They need to find their own style, Japanese men looks alright with the Rockabilly subculture.

>> No.6558620

go back to /pol/

>> No.6558636


the fits at the bottom looks alright

the rest are fuccboi tier

>> No.6558631
File: 20 KB, 554x464, mister chinky eyes posts in a gook thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to feel that bro

>> No.6558650

It's not really a matter of style. Just a matter of fit and color coordination. I think simpler stuff works best for filipinos, and they can go for either really bright or really dark colors, but never anything dull.

>> No.6558656
File: 90 KB, 346x519, Megan Young 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half white Filipina qt reporting in

Wouldnt you want your daughter to look this good? But then the way things are going, she is just going to suck Jamal and/or Tyrone's dick.


>> No.6558669
File: 96 KB, 900x1180, Marian-Rivera-FHM-Philippines-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6558676


post feet pls

>> No.6558684
File: 12 KB, 250x400, angellocsin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh anon, why dont you like me?

>> No.6558686

Filipinos always look dirty like they just finished working in a field fuck that noise. Look like Mexicans but still have that horrible Asian dragon-breath. And if Asians are so attractive why are they constantly trying to look white (bleaching cream, round contacts, colored contacts etc.)

>> No.6558691
File: 81 KB, 500x418, routine-inspection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh anon dont like us? feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.6558712

>those hips
thanks, one of my testes just exploded.

>> No.6558737
File: 123 KB, 914x1224, moaryousay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6558804


except nothing will fit right because majority of the population dont lift

>> No.6558817

the majority of otr clothing is not tailored to fit #buffboi bodies

>> No.6558822

Nor is it to fit skinnyfat asians

>> No.6558855

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.6559213
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>> No.6559235
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>> No.6559245
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>> No.6559252
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>> No.6559270

if by "most powerful" you mean "conquered by every empire in the world" then maybe.

>> No.6559282
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>> No.6559296
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>> No.6559328

lold hard

>> No.6559368

>implying those aren't the filipinos that marry white people

>> No.6559383

is he like a pino choi siwon?

>> No.6559402

no shit SUPPREAM shit is overpriced nahsayin'

>> No.6559454

ha faggot, im 6 foot and half flip, suck my cock

>> No.6559505


Thats funny, I know that nigga in the green hat, he's a friend a mine from childhood

>> No.6559630

A small minority of flips defending their race because they're that self conscious.

>> No.6559644

> Manually entering the post number
>> Still doing it wrong

>> No.6559702

p-ppinoy pride y-you fuccboi

>> No.6560172


>> No.6561906

fuccboi baklings

>> No.6563038

flips are gross
source: im a flip

>> No.6563071
File: 267 KB, 1154x1166, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we're pretty cool.
You just have to find the right people, of course there are gonna be faggot Filipinos, but there are also dick heads in every race.
I also don't know why so many on 4chan are self-hating lol, I never understand it.
What the hell are you talking about, every statement is wrong, but I really don't know about that second to last one, maybe some abos do it, but not civilized people.

>> No.6563089

Are you in your 40s? People Power was in the 80's man.
If the titos and titas you grow up with are trash sure.

>> No.6563113

oh shit tim is that you where you been

>> No.6563136

Yeah hey man what's up?
I got tired of /fa/ a few months back and especially during the beginning of Summer but I'm here again, because if I leave a board I really like I always end up coming back. Also I'm back because I'm a bit bored with how I dress and /fa/ is good for inspiration.

>> No.6563183

yo i feel you except i only get tired of /fa/ for like a day or two i dont have the willpower to leave for any longer than that (cept when i got banned for a week lol)

tbh you kinda did always wear the same thing in your waywts but its cool that youre lookin for inspo btw you should start posting in the waywts again wanna see how freakin huge thick solid and tight you can get ;)

>> No.6563197

Yeah I don't know if I have the will power to set up my camera for WAYWTs again.

>> No.6563246


>> No.6564409

>why so many on 4chan are self-hating?

>what is tfw no gf