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6557797 No.6557797 [Reply] [Original]

>dating a girl taller than you
>putting her height in the description to show it off
>making her pose for 90% of your pics so people get that you have a gf

>> No.6557802

lel and that picture from his instagram lel

>> No.6557806
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>> No.6557831

sounds like a fag tbh

>> No.6557840

>Dating a girl shorter than you
>She's 6'1

>> No.6557846
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>tfw no 6'1'' gf

>> No.6557847

I wouldn't care either way really. Hard to find tall girls when you're 6'0" though

>> No.6557862

>tfw 5'10"
>tfw fuckbuddy is 6'1/2"

>> No.6557867

>tfw 5'3 qt
>tfw pick her up to kiss her
>tfw swing her around and kiss her if I haven't seen her for a while
>tfw 5'11 manlet

>> No.6557876

>tfw 5'7 and only being able to love a tall girl
hold me guys ;-;

>> No.6557892

This is my fetish, post pica fuccboi block her face of u want
w2c amazon fucbud

>> No.6557899

i know that feel bruh. im 177cm, and shes 185cm.
we all gonna make it

>> No.6557903

>be 6' masterrace
>have qt Asian 5'7'' gf

things are to perfect

>> No.6557914

I'm 5'11''

a 6'3'' chick wanted to bang once. I gave it a go but it was like slithering up and down a ladder laying on the ground.

>> No.6557925

>liking girls that are shorter than you
typical beta manlet faggot

>> No.6557939

Ur a fucking manlet
the current cutoff is at 6'2"

>> No.6557942

>tfw 6'4
>tfw ex was 5'10
>tfw her daddy was 6'4

>tfw I missed out on the perfect genetics for my offspring

>> No.6557951

>slithering up and down a ladder laying on the ground.
I... that's the wackiest analogy I've ever heard for sex. I can't even.

>> No.6557960

Are tall girl's vaginas bigger?
I don't know anatomy

>> No.6557957

>ways for men to look past their other insurmountable insecurities:

>brag online about their height
>brag online about their full head of hair
>brag online about their facial looks
>brag online about their penis size
>brag online about the contents of their bank account

>pick one or more

>> No.6557973

short balding ugly chode poorfag detected

>> No.6557977

Uhm brag about who wears nicer clothes while accusing the other guy of shopping at Zara/h&m duhhhh

>> No.6557979

I've never met a woman taller than me, let alone date her.

>> No.6557982

Its not our fault the matriarchy has wired us to show off our materialistic value and physical value only to be picked by a female that will casually reward us with cloitus. Read The Male Manipulation

>> No.6557990

I knew a girl who was like 6'5 or something. She looked like a fucking monster to me. She had such a weird built.

>> No.6557991

Cute response, but it's simply an unfortunate consequence of having a complex mammalian neocortex whilst having a decently sized reptilian brain.

>> No.6558006

Can you expand on that?

>> No.6558031

The former allows for the nuanced existence of societal minutia, while the latter works with some of that information and pushes us into a constant sense of avarice and jealousy in order to quell or otherwise handle predominately false requirements of 'survival'.