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6551176 No.6551176 [Reply] [Original]

>Need cash for jawnz
How do I get my first part-time job? 20 year old international student with no work experience whatsoever.

Should I put fake jobs in my resume?

All the other boards are too autistic to ask.

>> No.6551213

How the fuck did you make it to 20 without work experience lol

>> No.6551216

this. ur fukd

>> No.6551233

ur international, they're not going to check

>> No.6551238

source on that pic?

You should be able to get a job in retail etc if you present yourself decently.

I started casual work when i was like 15 so i've always had enough experience for shitty jobs. My brother has in the past got distant relatives who own businesses to be references though.

>> No.6551236

I know man but I'm trying to sort it out before I'm like 25 and even more fukd. I just need to get that first job then presumably getting subsequent jobs will be much easier.

>> No.6551239

I've spent 2 years in this place(Aus) so they might ask what I've been doing in that period.

>> No.6551242

Before you're 25? You should be trying to sort this out by the end of the month you lazy fuck, go to the job centre or whatever you have as equivalent in your country

>> No.6551249

Just stand on the street corner for a while at night, you'll get a job.
And it's easier to get a job if you know people.

>> No.6551256

I don't think the job centre helps non-citizens but I'll check

>> No.6551263

out of interest where are you from originally?

>> No.6551271

Botswana(srs). Just been living off my parents this whole while but I don't want to be about that life anymore

>> No.6551292

It's possible you know..casemods is 27 with no job experience other than working alongside mexicans outside of home depot

get on his lvl fag

>> No.6551342
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>Should I put fake jobs in my resume?

only way to do it tbh. When I was applying for jobs for an internship I had to made up 3 jobs (never worked before) and then I got hired by the chamber of commerce lol

>mfw it was unpaid internship

>> No.6551379

Ok, I'm going to find some random small restaurant and shop then put down two people I know as my references just in case anyone calls them.

>> No.6551390

this is how you do it:
think about what companies your family/friends work at in your country of origin and then say you work there.
Chances are no job is going to call another country just to check if X person who wants to work part time actually worked there
Bonus points if its in another language

>> No.6551425

Wouldn't they look for someone who at least has some degree of local experience? I think they are well aware that people can lie about their experience in their home countries.

Would having like 4 fake references from my home country and 2 fake references from here be a good approach?

>> No.6551429

Yeah youre right. Just put your friends phone numbers nd tell them to pay attention to when they get a phone call from whatever place youre applying to

>> No.6551448

Australia? Just go pick pineapples

>> No.6551466

I remember you, Botswanafag. Post a fit, please. You're starting to make me think niggers are actually people.

>> No.6551463

I have uni m9

>> No.6551471

wait, but if you're mooching off your parents that means they actually have money. which also means they're probably white. are there whites in botswana?

>> No.6551478

Definitely claim you did a working gap year, depending on what you're going for just list shit like "lift operator in Banff" or "head dish washer in some fancy restaurant."
It's not much, but if you put that you worked there for 3-5 months each it at least looks like something, and they'll never follow up on it.

>> No.6551480

put down fake jobs that are difficult to reseach like say you did building work and put down your mates as references

you should go get some experience though, volunteer somewhere

It looks really good on a cv if you are currently employed or volunteering

>> No.6551483

Go to a pretty successful restaurant and offer to wash dishes. They don't care about prior experience (after all, who the fuck needs experience to wash dishes). It's gonna suck, but it's a blissfully ignorant job and it's pretty much the bottom of the chain so there's room to move up (work your way into a bar shift, then as a waiter etc.)

You shouldn't be getting picky about which job you go for since you're desperate

>> No.6551484
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6551498
File: 115 KB, 397x969, 1369997472811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ooh, you're this dude, huh. Solid as fuck fit, bro.

I'm on your same boat. I'm 24 and only just finished school, been living off my dad the entire time. Landed a shitty job at a consultant firm doe, only work experience I can realistically list on my resume.

Meh. But yeah, like said above, I think volunteering actually helps a lot.

>> No.6552241

Not OP but I'm 24 and have never had a job before

How do I unfuck myself?

>> No.6552242


>> No.6552338

that was my first job - horrible, all that hot water and shit splashing around that will eventually hit your face sucks, in addition youre kind of the outcast. hopefully though within the few months you can ask to either work in the front or back house.

i did back as line cook and it was pretty fun, its self fulfilling since you learn how to cook but sucks when you see waiters bring in that tip

>> No.6552347

I am a dishwasher and it's chill af b/c it's a small place, although I do other stuff in the back as well like cut stuff/food prep

don't have a problem with hot water splashing over me you just suck. Although my hands have been kinda desensitized to hot water

>> No.6552375

dude doesnt your school have job placement, internship opportunities or work study?

those are by far the best options if you can take advantage of them instead of being a dishwasher or working at a convenience store.

also if youre good at something like adobe illustrator or photoshop or building websites or something start freelancing.

>> No.6552372

Finding a retail job whether it's sales or cashier is a million times better. My friend works at express and he wears pleb ass clothing. Tees and shorts.