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/fa/ - Fashion

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6549384 No.6549384 [Reply] [Original]

>Morbidly Obese Guy Posts on MFA
>People give him genuine advice and help him out

>Someone on /fa/ asks for advice you isn't a hungry skeleton
>Gets shit on

Why are you guys so mean to each other.

>> No.6549410

Because fashion isn't for pussies.

>> No.6549415


because fat people don't understand anything other than getting verbally kicked in the teeth.

They think we can show them how to buy acceptance inexpensively, and you can't. Fatties are better off going to fit before coming here.

>> No.6549424

So, to sum it up, yes we're dicks.

>> No.6549428

Cause this isn't mfa, what's the point in two sites being exactly the same? If you want to shit post and give/take negative criticism go to /fa/, if not go circlejerk at mfa.

>> No.6549458

Because most fat people don't do heroine nor at least 5 lines a coke a day?

>> No.6549456
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Some fatty writes a fucking encyclopedia about how he doesn't give a shit about fashion, can't be assed to learn anything about fashion, and doesn't like anything he's seen. Also, he doesn't like to dress up and can't dress down, is proud of how much he doesn't give a shit about the subject matter of the board he's posting on, and despite all this, wants "advice,"

... which actually means he wants sympathy because his two foot monster wang is caught in a snafu of success.

To make it better / worse, he's a disgusting hamplanet. A variety of suicide orders and insults are the least I'd wish upon this whatever the fuck he is. It's so good / bad if it was on /fa/ I'd think it was a troll.

>> No.6549469

as someone who has lost 120 lbs, I can assure you this is true

>> No.6549463

>implying being overly positive is good

>> No.6549472

Also he didn't have pictures of his fatty fatness up initially, and it's fucking hilarious that he didn't feel it was important enough to mention in his autobiography. I think a lot of the comments were posted before that revelation.

>> No.6549488

based god would be dissapoint

>> No.6549489

it's a fuckin mess...
where the fuck is his fatty pics?

>> No.6549525

At the bottom of his autobiography.

>> No.6549533

>In college I started feeling more grown up and I bought some button up shirts
>Having grown up some recently I have realized that I am going to need a career if I wish to survive in this world. The problem is the career I want to pursue is very high profile, and centered in a city that is also a major hub for fashion. If I want to be successful I am going to have to start putting thought into what I wear

I wouldn't say anything because being an ass to strangers on the Internet isn't my M.O., but this stuff makes me cringe harder than anything. The seemingly total lack of an even slightly sensitive inner compass, the impression of someone continually dead-ending in worn out scripts like "growing up."

>Just to be clear, I do want to dress better and look better for reasons other than social necessity. Some where along the way I found my confidence, and I think it's time my outward appearance reflected that.

And this near-end disclaimer doesn't help anything.

I also can't shake the feeling that he's talking about going into finance. It's got to be finance (NYC) or filmmaking (LA), right?

>> No.6549555

Does he think clothes will make a difference?

>> No.6549563
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Inflated ego aside, I really hope that nobody involved in making films has such a dysfunctional aesthetic appreciation. He probably debugs code or works at the HEB deli though (no offense to my compsci bros).

>> No.6549565

Looking back through his post history, it seems it's probably the latter, but... where would he get the idea a filmmaker needs to dress well for their career? I can't even reach a full hand count of contemporary American directors known for the good quality of their style.

>> No.6549570

Basically this, I could've bought all the nice clothes I wanted when I was fat, but it wouldn't have even come close to me losing weight and discovering the 8/10 facial aesthetics buried beneath the fat. Fat people aren't good looking, except to fetishists.

>> No.6549571

>fatfuck wants to be a filmaker

>> No.6549572

People proclaiming that they don't care about how they look is a pretty obvious defense mechanism.

>> No.6549584
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Where are you getting this from? I refuse to believe he is competent to have any influence on creative output.

Reddit's so good for stalking people. Makes me feel kinda funny.

>> No.6549598


Seems like most of his activity is on gaming, ask reddit, and Stephen King (lol)

he's an anti feminist warrior so he'd fit right in on /v/

and nothing about film.

>> No.6549600

Well, like I said, the list of careers that are "very high profile" and "centered in a city that is also a major hub for fashion" is pretty small. Finance/NYC and filmmaking/LA are what first comes to mind, in that order.

I guess he could also want to work in some other media field or in law, but considering his post history seems to pretty much be shitting on feminism and stuff to do with movies, I think my second guess was right.

>> No.6549606

because Leldit has a hugbox mentality where any sort of comment that forces someone to face reality (fat shaming, racial realism, men's rights, etc) are met with the downvote brigade because they've been told their whole life that you can ignore your problems and it makes you feel just as good as facing them head on.

>> No.6549615


Not at all. His only film related posts are about Star Wars. Also, I'd be willing to bet that he actually got an internship at Best Buy or something. Notice he said "the field he's planning on going into" or something.

>> No.6549611

It keeps us sharp so either climb up on our ivory tower with us or get the fuck out

>> No.6549610


Being a boom operator doesn't count as filmmaking.

>> No.6549623

So, I don't feel like reading all of the thread. How fat is this guy?

>> No.6549629


>> No.6549631
File: 262 KB, 900x1200, DDoA81x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


could be worse, heart disease and open sores wise

anyway reddit's not that hard to use, just click on the hyperlinks

>> No.6549632

Page 3, stuff about new Star Wars script, Harmony Korine. Page 4, more on Korine, actor worship (comment about the sex partner lists of Taylor Swift versus "EDM girls"), Pacific Rim the movie, Hunger Games, Selena Gomez, Aisha Taylor, James Cameron's thoughts on 3D filmmaking, "George RR Martin on writing women."

>> No.6549638

So fat he's got that ham neck. He's dressed like a general manager at a bowling alley.

>> No.6549642

Yeah, but you can live on the Nebraska-Kansas border and work at a Best Buy, and no matter how delusional you are, it's not "high profile." Also, Best Buy has a uniform polo.

>> No.6549644


I missed a lot but nothing I've seen isn't consistent with a regular neckbeard's interest in scifi.

>> No.6549653


Why doesn't someone ask him what he does? Say it'll help you determine the best style to express his inner confidence. I'm curious now. And I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to let us know what this high profile job is.

>> No.6549664



>the career I want to pursue is very high profile

he never said anything about the career he HAS. he wants to dress better so he can apply for a job in star wars or something.

or like, legal internship?

>> No.6549676

No; there's no point in interacting with or being cruel to him or whatever. Everyone ITT, including me, has spent too much time on him already.

Yes, but that's exactly it. He seems to have no interests beyond misogyny and movies. Why would be deciding to work in finance, or law, or journalism, or whatever?

>> No.6549687
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>Everyone ITT, including me, has spent too much time on him already.

Can't argue with that.

>> No.6549703

Because we're not /adv/

Being in alright shape is a prerequisite to look best in whatever clothes you wear; while a whale might be able pull to pull off a few things, most everything will look like shit on them.

Second of all, fashion (from what I've seen) is largely based on confidence—something that most fat people don't have.

>> No.6549715

>something that most fat people don't have

Really? I haven't noticed any correlation between weight and confidence. And this guy doesn't seem to be lacking any. Then again I live in burgerland so it's not so uncommon.

>> No.6549744

The fat people who have confidence don't seem to care about how they look.

>> No.6549758

Reddit encourages people to be nice and helpful because you can amass points for doing so, but fat people aren't always spurred in the direction by "nice" and "helpful" responses. When it comes to your image, nothing is better than brutal honesty.

>> No.6549763

it's possible to be fat and post on this board. I'm fat. sometimes the opinion of fat people on this board doesn't sit with me well, but I can take it, and frankly, if you can't handle other people's opinions, your confidence level is probably hurting you socially more than your clothing is.

I have no sympathy for fat people who come to this board and get scared away.

and frankly, /fa/ isn't wrong about fat people on every point. it's true that certain levels of obesity are unpardonable. it's true that losing weight should always be a priority. it's true that being fat is symptomatic of a character flaw, and other people have every right to criticize you for it. the body positive movement, IMO, has achieved little other than making fat people seem self-righteous and delusional.

where I disagree with the board, the disagreement is over small but significant things. I do think knowledge of fashion and some entry-level spending on clothing can have a significant positive impact on a fat guy's life, socially and with regards to self-confidence. I think that fat people can't look great, but they can look better; they can look more self-aware, more hygienic, more interesting. so I think that when people dismiss fatsos asking for help with "don't bother" they're really not taking the question seriously. and I think the severity of the character flaws that cause fatness is exaggerated.

but there's no need for /fa/ to change, and certainly no need for /fa/ to be more polite.

>> No.6549783
File: 38 KB, 500x600, 2814444_B_01_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get some fatty-core in here?

>> No.6549790


because being fat is not healthy
because we do not want to enable fat people by pretending they are normal
because fat people can become skinnier by living a more regimented and controlled lifestyle
because 4chan never really cares about your feelings, and we care more about results

>> No.6549818
File: 36 KB, 187x313, feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6549833

None taken. You wouldn't believe how many fat fucks I go to college with, and am probably going to enter the workforce with. Oh well, it keeps me inspired to stay fit.

>> No.6549868

Any advice that isn't
>Lose weight
is telling the guy to waste money on nice clothes while he continues to look like shit and eat himself to death

>> No.6549865

>I'm fat
Now you realize it, why don't you fucking change?

>> No.6549874

Scooby is the best. I can't believe he stopped making videos.

>> No.6549879


I like how /fit/ made scooby quit

Fucking idiots

>> No.6549886

/mfa/ likes basic shit. Basic shit can be worn by everybody.

/fa/ atleast tries to lean more towards high fashion which absolutely will not work on shit bodies.

>> No.6549887
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>I think that fat people can't look great, but they can look better
Why don't you lose weight then?

>> No.6549892

It wasn't even fit, it was some piece of shit trip from /sp/

>> No.6549907

because change doesn't happen overnight. I never said I'm going to be fat forever. I've made plenty of lifestyle changes already. My most immediate goal IS to lose weight and get healthy.

and I've already watched plenty of videos from Scooby.

Really the only thing I don't like about /fa/'s attitude towards fat people is the condescension; I have to say "I know. I agree," too often. I'm fat, not stupid.

>> No.6549928

nice post

>> No.6549956

Please elaborate. I was watching his q&a stream when he was referring to /fit/ as 'special friends' lel. I knew he posted semi frequently on the board as well, what made him stop ?

>> No.6549972

Kevin smith

I just want to remind everyone that the only path to a good life is to live it positive. I love you guys.

>> No.6550002

Someone found out that he was a gay dude and a trip from /sp/ doxxed him then called up his house and his work and started to harass him. I don't frequent any boards besides /mu/ or /fa/ so I'm not totally sure what the whole story is.

>> No.6550003

This, I go on both reddit and 4chan, both has good and bad sides. but, jesus fuck, reddit stupid hive mind is retarded, not only does reality get voted down, fantasy gets voted up. Look at all the threads about the NSA and everyone thinks it's fucking 1984 or V for Vendetta.

Also, Losing weight is easier than putting it on. I've lost 20+ pounds in ~2 months just by not eating shit and running almost everyday (you just have to have drive).

>> No.6550014

>gay dude
I never knew

>> No.6550033

he can stand to lose some weight.
he looks way older with the weight alone.
He's not even morbidly obese. he probably level 1 obese or something.
Helping fat people is /fa/'s job, gotta be at a human weight to be /fa/ so lose weight and that's it, don't do it stupid, go to /fit/ or somewhere for it.
Misc is coming along with a real inspirational story about a real morbidly obese guy who's probably lost 80lbs these past couple of months.
shit was unseemly

>> No.6550181

A lot of people were telling him that he needs to loose weight before he could look good. Thats pretty much the same as here.

/fa/ is over critical at times but thats kind of what you need.

>> No.6550358

I mean if you're so fat you can't wash yourself properly you shouldn't be concerned about fashion. You're never going to "look good" or "look better" in clothes if you have fat spilling out of them. You're problem isn't that you don't have fashion sense, it's that you're a obese disgusting creature breathing up the healthy people's air.

>> No.6550395

Because why would anyone respect someone who can't even respect themselves?

>> No.6550434

>People give him genuine advice and help him out
because they want to get a karma jerk
>implying their advice is helpful
>implying i want to help people
>implying you're not a fat fuck who dresses like shit

>> No.6550451
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>breathing up the healthy people's air

>> No.6550460

Its true

>> No.6550461

>implying eating less than 1000 calories a day and taking adderall is healthy

>> No.6550474

It's not but it looks way better than your fat folds.

>> No.6550476

You'll pay for it later on.
I did.

>> No.6550484

>tfw don't need adderall to suppress appetite
feels gud men

>> No.6550506

Just get gud. I was 185 lbs a month ago, a chubby fucker. Now I'm 170 and people started to notice. I never really liked fast food, I just don't eat between meals, i'm not using sugar for tea and I'm doing 130h. rate cardio for hour a day. If you want to lose it, you will lose it.

>> No.6550512

Pay for what? I'm a /fit/izen

>> No.6550517

>pay for what? girl you better pay for this diiiiiiiick

>> No.6550625

This is why i fucking love this board man,when someone posts a shitty fit you guys call out on it,you tell him he looks dumb,that way he isnt going to wear that in public and make a fool of himself,on MFA you could post the shittiest fit ever and the only advice they would give you is to cuff your pants,cause no one would have the balls to be mean to you

>> No.6551723
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>> No.6551801

Pikachu on the floor, yo

>> No.6551835

>>Why are you guys so mean to each other.

Because it's funny.

>> No.6551864
File: 234 KB, 595x447, 2424_skinny_guy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looking like this
>Not a pussy

Yeah, no. I left /fit/ because it's a shithole (I actually started out on /fa/ a couple years ago when it was good, so keep your "lol newfag fuccboi" shit to yourself) but at least they have goal bodies that are worth striving for. Not to mention the fact that clothes look better on a fit body

tl;dr start squatting you scrawny pansies

>> No.6551898

>hey you guuuuuuuuuys!

>> No.6551928

There are plenty of things someone overweight can do to look better. There are tricks to make them look less heavy. What it won't do is make them look thin. It also isn't a magic brand of clothing or article of clothing, unless they are willing to change they can't except to have change.

>> No.6551927

not everyone on this board who likes fashion looks like this ffs, I know it's a convenient argument to make but it's just not true

It's like you see the "h-h-hey let's all jack each other off for not eating" threads and think all of /fa/ is participating

>from /fit/
>not a pussy
go cry yourself to sleep nerd

>> No.6551948

nobody here looks like that pic dude

even the bag of bones isn't that skinny

>> No.6552022


>> No.6552191
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>tfw used to weight 240lb 6'0 tall
>lose weight
>162lb but still fat :(

im still working on getting to 10% bf tho

>> No.6552199

Nice tits bb.

>> No.6552207

tfw have gyno too

pls kill me now

>> No.6552212
File: 107 KB, 640x480, gr9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro this isn't a fat help board.
I literally cant comprehend how someone can just not know how to lose weight.
That being said #fatchan where u @.

>> No.6552240
File: 1008 KB, 500x281, mrhumphries.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukken gross
absolutely disgusting in every way

>> No.6552252

u aware?

>> No.6552267

>tfw all my fat deposits are in my legs

>> No.6552282


it's an epidemic guys
fats are everywhere

>> No.6552339
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>> No.6552342

LFA is bad because people are too affraid to give good critics and say the truth because they are too much concern about their karmas so they have to blend with the mass and the plebs

they are affraid to be the nails who's longer than the other