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/fa/ - Fashion

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6547737 No.6547737 [Reply] [Original]

Every inspiration thread is way too generic, and as we all know, different situations require different clothes, so let's make a challenge-inspiration thread.

>9 PM, you're with your friends (use your imagination here) spending some nice holidays in the mediterraneum, Ibiza for example, 32ºC outside. Your friends decide to go get some drinks and later on hit the clubs. Consider the clubs have bouncers who require a certain type of clothes too, you don't want to wait outside while your friends have fun (you know pretty well they would do that).

>They tell you to shower and dress before drinking and you start thinking about what you'd wear

Post it here, and rate the already posted ones, perhaps discussing why it's not good for the situation.

My pick would be similar to pic related, probably with the sleeves rolled in case it gets colder later on. Your turn.

>> No.6547746

we aren't going to dress you for your magaluf club night

you'll have to manage on your own (somehow)

>> No.6547780

Isn't that pretty much what inspiration threads are about? I made it generic enough to be useful for many people.

>> No.6547784

Vans, tan chinos and a graphic landscape tee.

>> No.6547816

Why would hang with people who would ditch you for a club?

to answer your question I would wear what I want and find new friends.

>> No.6547823
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>> No.6547829
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>> No.6547840

would not go to a place where the dress code is anything like your pic

but to answer your question:
white yohji shirt, loose cropped yohji trou, low ann d ombre sneaks (no socks)

>> No.6547865
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something like this, but with plimsolls or some other minimal shoe

>> No.6547880

Yeah that's a pretty safe option, I like.

>> No.6548734

w2c shoes?
w2c shorts?

>> No.6548754
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Wear my suit because it's fucking totally sophisticated. Shows my class. Bandana lets people know i am NOT to be fucked with. My peace shirt to show my fun, loving side LOL i do tell the best jokes i make all girls laugh. and the shades NEVER come off. TOLD.