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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 474 KB, 804x544, bank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6540934 No.6540934 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /fa/.

I originally posted this in /b/ but I found that there's this board as well so... I guess I'll have 2 topics to monitor.

Ask a multi-million dollar clothing-brand owner anything. Tips, tricks, etc. whatever comes to mind. Why? It's Sunday, my lazy day, and I have nothing better to do. I found the site from one of my models (19) and so I decided to check it out.

Here's proof since it was requested in the other topic.

Here's other topic on /b/.


>> No.6540950

do you sell rick owens?

>> No.6540954

a-are you Raphael Simpsons???

>> No.6540955

what are you usually dressed in?

>> No.6540957

that's easy af to photoshop

>> No.6540956

Please don't ask me who I am, the guy who told me about this site said not to give out too much information or I could get 'raided' or in some trouble, I just came here to answer some questions for I am bored.

>> No.6540959

post a pic of your clothing

>> No.6540960

Can I cop one of your 19 year old models?

>> No.6540965

would you say your success is related more to luck, hardwork, or connections?
any advice for someone looking to get into the creative industry?

>> No.6540961

Do you have a college/university degree?

>> No.6540962

>the guy who told me about this site said not to give out too much information or I could get 'raided' or in some trouble
that's just /b/

>> No.6540968

Post a fit, fuccboi.

>> No.6540971

Scooby just got his life ruined because of /fit/

>> No.6540970

are you the head of fabrixquare?

>> No.6540982

>OP only answers one question

>> No.6540978

because /fit/ is retarded
we would never harm rick

>> No.6540984

post a pic of your shoes

>> No.6540985

About 80% are female. The one I was talking about was actually a guy, so... Yeah.

Yes, but I started my company in HS once I turned 18.

Connections definitely. You have to know how to be likable, even if it forces you to put a fake smile on. I started knowing nobody and got myself to where I am now.

>> No.6540995


then we don't care, you're just another fuccboi.

please leave.

>> No.6540996

>Balance $141.24 CAD

>> No.6540990

did you start from the bottom to get there?

>> No.6540998

what are your favourite designers?

>> No.6540999

What degree do you hold?

>> No.6541003

What business knowledge did you have when you started the company? I mean one can't just start a profitable company without having an idea of how business works.

>> No.6541012

Are you happy?

>> No.6541013

>The one I was talking about was actually a guy.

Good ;)

>> No.6541019

are you matt kibancikik from street moda

>> No.6541028

Do you plan to use this money for some kind of charity project ?

>> No.6541037

Do you use RBC? It looks a lot like the RBC interface.

>> No.6541042

Can you give $1000 to the first person who gets dubs (the last 2 numbers in a post No. being the same)?

>> No.6541043

Started from the bottom, now I'm here. Yes.

I have no idea what a fuccboi is. Sounds like it has a negative connotation.

Used to be there. Actually, I had a 20k debt and had to live in a shitty apartment with bedbugs and no central heating. Hottest summers I remember were those.

I'm making a new brand for the new scene of party ravers and overall 'party generation'. Plenty of people are now turning to 'skaters', etc. Odd Future's Tyler is a pretty cool guy. His clothing has it's ups and downs though. Chanel and BVLGARI are both pretty high on my list. I could name millions more that I enjoy wearing/deconstructing.

3 years of marketing and 2 years of designing. Masters in marketing, designing I took online courses because for me it's mostly the same as wasting time in school (why not just do it at home or when I have nothing to do).

Yes. I don't think I would be if I always had this empire - but knowing that I built this from the bottom up (starting from nothing), I can feel like I accomplished something.

The last column in the picture I provided (the one with 500k+) is my savings account. I throw in some extra cash into there, and at the end of the year (near Christmas and New Years), I distribute donations across many hospitals and small charities that don't get much attention and have to do with young kids. They get to have a holiday for once at least.

No, it's Chase.

>> No.6541045

could you send so money to

justin_sommers@hotmail.co.uk on paypal

i am a starving child that has to work the streets at night-time, i parents kick me out, i am starving with no money, please

>> No.6541047


Can you tell us what the brand is?

also free clothes pls

>> No.6541049

huehuehue gibe moi pls

>> No.6541052

No, but my next brand opening is HCBA. Official release is June 2014. When you hear about that, you'll remember "hey, that was the guy from 4chan/fa/ that one time!" hopefully.

>> No.6541054
File: 30 KB, 300x250, dead show.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could u recommend sum business literature/media?

>> No.6541058

still not good enough proof

calling fake

inb4 rekt

>> No.6541059

How did you start marketing your products? Did you send samples to specific people? Did you set up a pop-up shop in some city of pretty-young-things?

>> No.6541065

In what price segment is your brand?

>> No.6541066

What do you enjoy doing the most?

>> No.6541070

are any of your clothes produced in italy, france, spain or japan?

can you post images of some of your designs?

>> No.6541067

HCBA makes me think of boston.

you from boston?

>> No.6541068

>thread where anon is successful
>people start begging for money

>> No.6541073

What do you usually wear? Casual, formal, and everything in between

>> No.6541074

no ones begging pls leave.

>> No.6541076

what exactly do you mean by marketing?

how old were you when you began? how old are you now?

did you network? as in meet certain people who were beneficial to you?

also, as for advice what would you advise a young teen who is interested in this business
and this

>> No.6541080


holy fuckking shittt

op just sent me £1000

holy fucking shit wow

what the fuck

>> No.6541084

Lol, source?

>> No.6541085

Does your girlfriend worship Kate Upton?

>> No.6541086

I took out a loan after I built my credit up. I had about 4-5 credit cards - when I look back, I cringe. I started with 20k debt and bought inventory after I got requests from local venues (I showed them prototypes). I got picked up by TJ Max after 3 weeks and then came Nordstrom. Now, I mostly sell clothing at Nordstrom whilst selling accessories and etc at smaller places like TJMax and Marshalls. I also do a lot of online selling.

Shirts typically go for 60-70, tank tops go for 50-60, shorts/pants go for 130-150, booty shorts for girls go for 30-40, full-bras go for 20-30.

Interacting with new people every day. I'm a really big people guy.


Yes for all except Spain. I also produce in China. I do have a chain that is only produced in America (for those who only buy American for some reason).

Before I opened my nightclubs I wore formal suits and stuff. Once you get big (at least a million), you can pretty much do whatever you want to do. I turned to casual but nice attire.

>> No.6541092



>> No.6541091

holy shit i think i know who this ugy is
oh my god

>> No.6541099

Am I a fuccboi?

>> No.6541100

do you higher people with no work experience but multiple degrees?

>tfw MBA 3.5GPA and can't get a job at mcdonalds

>> No.6541097

How exactly does one "network"? I hear it get thrown out a lot but I don't really get how one does it. Suck up to successful people and pretend to be their friend and then meet their friends and friend friends and so on?

>> No.6541098
File: 38 KB, 300x250, ihearu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us

>> No.6541095

its waldo i bet

>> No.6541096

>Shirts typically go for 60-70, tank tops go for 50-60, shorts/pants go for 130-150, booty shorts for girls go for 30-40, full-bras go for 20-30.
my sides

>> No.6541103


what parts of your brand are produced in italy, france, and japan?

where are your cut and sew knits done?

where are your tailored/woven garments done?

where are your leathergoods done?

where are your machine knitted garments done?

thanks in advance

>> No.6541104

rick owens?

>> No.6541106

Maybe its cause you can't spell hire.

>> No.6541107

>3 years of marketing and 2 years of designing. Masters in marketing, designing I took online courses because for me it's mostly the same as wasting time in school (why not just do it at home or when I have nothing to do).

>> No.6541108

wouldn't be believable even if you got the currency right.


>> No.6541109


>> No.6541112


they are scared u might eat the burgers :DDDD

>> No.6541113

but im hire than you rrite now

>> No.6541114


>> No.6541115

We already know who it is, starts with an R.

>> No.6541116

ppl save my pics

>> No.6541119

how do i get started? i got designs, sketches, toiles, and no money or idea of what to do next

>> No.6541120

lmao i know who this is

not gonna say cause op seems like cool guy

>> No.6541122

pic pls

>> No.6541123
File: 43 KB, 524x329, 1373561694525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6541124

yeah I went to high school with him
no worries man i hope your business is success

>> No.6541127


post pics of your toiles

>> No.6541128

You're a cool guy, lets hang out sometime.

>> No.6541130


hey riff raff

>> No.6541131

No but I have worked with Kate many, many times.

Marketing for me was simply making sure that I had everything organized, in order, presentable and looking like eye-candy. People love first impressions and that's what I based most of my work on - making sure that it catches a person's eye and that they think about where this/these product(s) can go in the future. I started with top venues. They declined buying stock. I then started selling to medium vendors. After a couple months there, the top ones came back and said "HEYYYY, remember us? How's it goin? Hows the family? Want to work with us?"

I began when I was 18. Now I'm 25-28.

Yes, that's the most important part when you want to make it anywhere where there is plenty of 'fame'. Show business, fashion... same ballpark; meet people, kiss their ass, get up high and then let others kiss your ass.

Advice? Fuck everyone. That's how I made it now. Everyone I knew wanted to either be rappers or professional NBA players. I wanted to design shit.

If you guess right, I won't say. The topic of this post wasn't "guess who I am", it was "AMA" to help out future designers or business owners.

It was a while ago, yet I still sell accessories there.

For any of you who 'know' who I am, please don't spread it too much. I came here to help out, not get raided. I read up on some of the things 4chan is capable of, so...

>> No.6541132
File: 94 KB, 900x690, BAZAAR12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your face when this asian manlet has dated Kiko

>> No.6541134

yo yo yo op du chicaz try 2 leech on 2 u nw bcz u rich n bllin??? du pppple ty n knw u now

fk da hoes n leechjes brv gv monzyzz to ur fam noly u hear

>> No.6541136

What is the process of starting up a clothing company? Have you ever doubted if anyone wanted to buy your stuff? My father plans on starting a jewelry company and I'm planning on starting a fashion house/ clothing company myself. What's the process like?

>> No.6541135


>> No.6541143

we won't raid you mate, /fa/ is a pretty normal place, that's /b/

>> No.6541137

I'll put it this way, if you don't upload any harmful information, you have nothing to fear. The problem only arises when you think you are anonymous, but then post your nude pictures of w/e.

I seriously think you'd do us all a favor if you just tell us who you are, and then we can ask you more specific questions. It would really be interesting if we could ask you questions about your brand, your business, etc.

>> No.6541139


or ur bananas

>> No.6541146

I thought it was beautiful

>> No.6541145

Yeah, nah. Rich people are rich for a reason.

>> No.6541150

I don't think /fa/ cares enough lol.

>> No.6541152
File: 39 KB, 485x443, GUCCI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is jay z

>> No.6541156


what would you say a good budget to start with? what did you begin with?

I'm in HS, and IK this is the MOST cliche thing next to most young kids who are aspiring musicians and athletes, but I love the business.

I just started working so I'll be saving up over the years.

Are there any free material I can read on marketing? or should I wait till I graduate?

>> No.6541157

>implying /b/ can do shit

we're no different than Facebook

>> No.6541158

Hey op if you're feeling charitable you should drop some money on my Paypal


I'm struggling on rent trying to work full time and be a full time student, shits rough.

>> No.6541155


but that's pusha t

>> No.6541164

car u drive?

how big is your dick?

how many bitches you fuck?

whats the worst attention whoring thing a woman has done to you for ur attention and moneyz?

how has ur view on women changed now that ur rich?

are women whores?

are you close to your friends and family?

how big is your house?

where do you live?

>> No.6541159

Normal, unorganized, slow, small, weak, and chronically disinterested.

>> No.6541160

sounds black or shit tier Asian, like Korean or flip

I bet he sells some street wear bullshit

>made in china

>accessories in TJMAXX
>highest end store is Nordstrom

nothing I wear,
and starts with an R....onl;y person who I wear that I can think of is raf simons, but his shirts don't go for $60...

>> No.6541161

Don't do this.
The fitness board of 4chan ruined the lifeof a Internet fitness trainer who gave advice for free

>> No.6541167
File: 6 KB, 180x215, 162039_198661373567792_1824745155_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6541169

eblis gibe monies


>> No.6541170

expand more on your story, feelling generous 2day

>> No.6541174

sell your computer and cancel your internet

broplem solve!

>> No.6541178

Have you tried sucking dicks for cash?

>> No.6541181


actually this

>> No.6541183

a lot of talk for a guy that can't get a job at mcdonalds

>> No.6541184


i hates women and loves guns, i believe people should own guns and shoot soccer moms in gas stations if i am open carrying in public, fuck bitches

curgurl is ugly

but my paypal is justin_sommers@hotmail.co.uk

>> No.6541185

I didn't have home internet for a while in Toronto and felt a bit like a homeless person, walking around with my bluetooth keyboard hooked up to my phone, trying to find the cafes with the best 4G signal because I don't trust public wifi.

>> No.6541187

yes, learned the hard way, money first

>> No.6541188

sent 75

>> No.6541193

Any founding/business tips in general?

>> No.6541199

This is now a paypal begging thread

>> No.6541198

You dumb ass, what did I tell you.

>> No.6541201
File: 28 KB, 666x560, 1374256540452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nothings there

>> No.6541204

it takes a while
made it 200 for your troubles

>> No.6541205

get meme'd on fagtard

>> No.6541206

This is now a paypal begging thread: a-piece-of-shit@hotmail.de

>> No.6541210


shut the fuck up

>> No.6541215

sent 5 bucks b/c no story

>> No.6541218


Not hotmail


>> No.6541216


woow thanks i see it now christmas has come early

>> No.6541221

How to fake being a millionaire:

Go to your online bank account, go to the page where you can see your balance.
Save the page in html on your desktop
open said page on your desktop with a text editor
search for the numbers of your balance
edit them into some retarded number like 30million (nobody keeps that much in a normal bank account, waaay too dangerous)
save edited html file
open html file in offline mode
take screenshot
or photo (if you're retarded)

also works for paypal and anything else online

>> No.6541220

>buy an encrypted vpn ($3/month)
>connect to public wifi

>> No.6541229

lmao sieg you're the biggest faggot in the world

>> No.6541224 [DELETED] 

what do u think of raf semens and dick ovens?

>> No.6541226

Not true at all. /FA is full of the most vain racist piece of shit little children. That's not even the worst part. The worst part is that they can't dress to save their fucking lives.

>> No.6541227

Yeah dude I pay about $10 for each dick I suck but I'm only losing money

>> No.6541228

not a story

sent 5

>> No.6541235


post screenshot and sent money

>> No.6541236

What is the secret to your success? How do I get a lot of money easy?

>> No.6541238
File: 155 KB, 1914x456, sulli for peta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why r u so meen? ;_;

>> No.6541241

Why does this fat fuck insist on talking about the short comings of others. Aren't you like 5 feet tall and 250 lbs sieg? Don't you have mild down syndrome or something? Isn't Chris-Chan your brother? Why do you keep acting so siddity?

>> No.6541242


>> No.6541243

easy money = crime
every other way becomes fully saturated within 1-5 yrs
go rob a convenience store

>> No.6541250

alright, how about your way? or other ways?

>> No.6541247

fuck that, I don't wanna commit crimes

>> No.6541253

I really hate when these fags come here and they're like "lel it's my first time on fur chink don't raid me plz ;-)". Faggot bitch if you want to spend an afternoon here doing AMA why don't you google the site for 5 minutes? Why even bother AMAing at places you don't know?

And what's with "hurrr I won't say my company"? Why would we just raid a company for no reason? We can already go look up clothing companies on Wikipedia if we were desperate to find a target. If you confess to fucking your 4 year old niece in the AMA, then yeah you'll get "raided", but then you're also retarded.

Fuck this shit. Even if OP is real (doubtful) his faggot friend is probably some retarded newfag cancer scum (he's a model who goes to /b/, what the fuck do you expect) and OP is only here because he thinks it's some hip cool social networking site like fagbook or lebbit and he'll get publicity that helps his company. Why would a rich fuck come here and answer your retarded questions anyway? Out of the kindness of their heart? It's fucking viral, plain and simple.

>> No.6541257
File: 24 KB, 652x470, cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then keep letting everyone else commit crimes on you

it's your choice anon

>> No.6541259


Haha nigger that's Madlib holy shit this board is retarded

>> No.6541265

Tesla Model S.

Last time I measured was probably when I was a freshman in college, it was about 7".

Definately more than 200.

There was this one weird bitch who just kept asking me "is it okay if I touch your arm the whole time we talk" like when we were driving, etc. She was hot as fuck though.

It changed a lot. I can pretty much get anyone I want since I'm not only rich, but also 'hot', well dressed, confidence up the ass and yeah.

Pretty much anyone is a whore. It just takes people different stimulants.

I'm close to my mother and grandmother. No one else from my family. Friends are my family now.

Bigger than Kris Jenner's house.


Be good with people. No one likes a low-self-esteem kid. You can pretty much take over the world.

Books just provide the most cliche ways of learning. Apprenticeships made me who I am today.

>> No.6541269


I'm calling bullshit.

No actual important people AMA on 4chan besides Deadmau5 and he's not very important anyway.

>> No.6541271

>caring this much
hows your autism

>> No.6541273

How to market a clothing business?

>> No.6541274


>> No.6541275

andrew w k

>> No.6541276

pls send me money sieg

>> No.6541278

It's fine thank you.

How's yours, dicksuck?

>> No.6541282

hows school?

>> No.6541279

sent ;)

>> No.6541281

Why do you keep $30 million in one account even after Cyprus?

>> No.6541290

I am enjoying my doctoral studies very much.

>> No.6541291

I'm painful blunt and have alienated too many people to ask them for help with rent. Plus rick owens my wallet.

still_looking24@hotmail.co.uk- Paypal.

>> No.6541285

because he's some poorfag who thinks rich people keep their money around like that

>> No.6541286

My mom actually died last month and my dad lives somewhere in New York, haven't spoken to him since I was 10. I am struggling to pay the rent and buy food. Please send some money to timmollie@hotmail.com , any will do. Thanks

>> No.6541306

pls respond

>> No.6541313

Thanks OP for being helpful.

>> No.6541309
File: 123 KB, 960x716, 295403_106584149486133_809204096_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this doesn't look like new york

>> No.6541316

Can somebody dox OP please? Seriously, I want to know who he is and I need to study.

>> No.6541319 [DELETED] 

Rewriting the /fa/ sticky and other content about life, could use some green.


>> No.6541323

why dont you just study

>> No.6541324

he's nobody

>> No.6541325

He isn't really a millionaire.
He keeps $30 million in one domestic account, how retarded are you?

>> No.6541326



>> No.6541334

gonna need at least a paragraph before I drop bills

>> No.6541330

I have no clue where he lives at the moment

>> No.6541336

ask him on facebook
tell us about your story anon :)

>> No.6541339


u didnt send anything stop sieg stop

>> No.6541342

no one needs to prove anything to you

>> No.6541353


Let's be honest you don't have any money. Post Paypal balance.

>> No.6541358

fuck you i dont have to prove you anything

>> No.6541359

>inb4 30 million

>> No.6541360

Well, I live in the Netherlands. My mother divorced my father. He went to New York when I was 10. My mother died last month due to brainbleed? Dont know the english word for that.

>> No.6541361


faggot poor fag

>> No.6541365

sieg you're starting to be like denim dan
i think its time for you to leave

>> No.6541367



wer wer u when mum die

i was at home drinking brain fluids

when doctor jacobs phone

mum die


>> No.6541372

don't you know anyone in netherlands that can help you? do you have your own apartment?

>> No.6541379
File: 328 KB, 690x470, 1373909404530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was at home drinking brain fluids
oh my god i hate myself so much for laughing right now

>> No.6541383

A lot of friends are helping me. I am renting an appartment for 300 euros per month

>> No.6541404

>MBA 3.5 GPA
no one wants to hire people from University of Phoenix business school

>> No.6541412

>300 euros per months

downsize you idiot. don't beg for money. jesus..

>> No.6541413

Typical Dutch average income hhouse,

>> No.6541409

What's the story behind that

>> No.6541414

read the name of the pozt

>> No.6541418
File: 1.97 MB, 640x360, ku-xlarge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have rent money some guy stole my phone and my apartment got flooded.
Please help based Seig.
Paypal: hotfarzam@gmail.com

>> No.6541417

if you want to know go to /fit/. every other fucking thread is about scooby now.
been like this for five days straight.

>> No.6541424

This guy can get welfare easily in The Netherlands, don´t give this lazy fucker anything.

>> No.6541441

I get 500 euros per month. So i got a 300 euros appartment. Then the fixed costs count up. I am able to spare about 10 euros per month, so I dont really know if I am supposed to beg. oh well.

>> No.6541439

no paragraph no cash
75 words

>> No.6541447

my money hasnt come through yet

>> No.6541454

/fa/ almost had a decent resident. Really fucking sucks you retards ran him off.

>> No.6541458

1-3 business days

>> No.6541456

Start working?

>> No.6541468

Eh. I am too lazy.

>> No.6541463


can you post your sent history please

>> No.6541466

he's a student

>> No.6541491

I have worked 3 years at Albert Heijn, a supermarket. i didn't get a indefinitely contract and am looking for a job.

>> No.6541496

>Tesla Model S

Care to share anything about your experience with that? How well does the charge hold? Is the handling stiff as fuck? Do you have/had others?

>> No.6541500

I just made a thread asking what happened, nobody gives a fuck to explain the story, even scooby himself. And the thread don't exactly say what happened...

>> No.6541525

Since the recent events in Southern Ontario my apartment got over 2000$ in damages because of my shitty construction on the apartment, and I wish I knew about this because I'm not 2000$ in the hole. Not I need to buy a new phone, pay back the 2000$ and most importantly pay back rent, also to add on to that I still need to back student loans. Plus I need money for water, elecricity. Life is just depressing. Please Based Seig.

>> No.6541540


>> No.6541541

Scooby's last video explains everything that happened.
Were you too retarded to google Scooby and check his youtube?

>> No.6541565

Why the fuck did they fuck with him? I thought /fit/ loved scooby.

>> No.6541575

It only takes one person, neither /fit/ nor any other board has one person, besides it was /sp/ that doxed him.

>> No.6541580

Ja best wel

>> No.6541591

Why did everyone ask for money and not clothes?

>> No.6541601

fuck you faggot, aint gotta explain shit.

>> No.6541602

suck my dick

>> No.6541609

oi m8 say that 2 my face and not online and see what happens, fgt.
ill hook u in the gabber m8

>> No.6541610

I rather buy clothes with the money myself

>> No.6541616

will do that now

>> No.6541618

at least I know how to dress myself. suck that

>> No.6541644

fuck off

>> No.6541652
File: 26 KB, 600x449, Me_and_my_Fedora_by_sammytheconsumer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is he wearing on his goodbye video, is that a fedora? HAHAHAHAHAHA faggot

>> No.6541655

OP is a liar. Here's why.

No multimillion would have 30,000,000 in cash in their bank balance.

Anyone with more than a few million would have a financial adviser. They would have each of those millions invested in short, medium, and long term bonds, as well as other investments.

>> No.6541663

>it was /sp/ that doxed him
Why would /sp/ dox him? Is this some desperate attempt from /fit/ to exonerate themselves to Scooby so he comes back?

- He doesn't like/jealous of Scooby.
- Troll /fit/.
- Some men just want to watch the world burn.

>> No.6541668

top kek

>> No.6541676

hes always wearing that, also he sounds like a raging pedo

>> No.6541681

fight me fgt

>> No.6541688

pick on sum1 ur own size

>> No.6541703

Suck my dick, choke on it.

>> No.6541700

seriously now scooby, not trolling or anything, if you lurked /fa/ for a few days you would realize that wearing a fedora is not cool unless you live in the 1940s. I'm not making fun of you, just giving an honest advice, just like you do in your videos. Don't wear that ugly hat man.

>> No.6541727

he gave his trip out idiot. he probably never even visited /fa/.

>> No.6541741

>Shirts typically go for 60-70, tank tops go for 50-60, shorts/pants go for 130-150, booty shorts for girls go for 30-40, full-bras go for 20-30.

sounds like pleb girl shit.

>> No.6541744

With how much money did you start tour company?

>> No.6541748

I thought he came here because I made a thread in /fit/ and he replied, didn't know he pulled a denim dan. I guess he's the dan of /fit/ now?

>> No.6541766

Why are you keeping 30m in liquid? Why aren't you investing most of it?

>> No.6541764

oh my god you actually came over here like I asked!

>> No.6541770

right click > inspect element > adjust values

Nice try OP, gonna have to do better than that.

>> No.6541772
File: 193 KB, 1280x770, picrelatedgofuckyourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related look op i edit 2!

>> No.6541778

Als je student bent, gewoon lenen. Je hebt meer kans met een studieschuld en een opleiding, dan zonder studieschuld en opleiding.

>> No.6541806

daar denk ik ook over na, maar gratis geld is ook cool.

>> No.6541816

why is your handwriting so terrible?

>> No.6541887

Dat geld wel ja.

jij niet

>> No.6541910

>tfw OP is the creator of everlane, who started their rise by spamming this board
>tfw OP must really be insecure about their substantial worth to post their bank account information on an anonymous board to feel better about their self

>> No.6541913

oh and
>having more than 250,000 in a single bank account

>> No.6542020

looks like a garden in Dutch suburbia

>> No.6542102

damn a lot of jealous haters ITT
not that i'm surprised since i knew yall some broke boys

OP isnt worth shit anyway.
30 mill
wow man. try 30 BILL and get back to me

>> No.6542577

>try 30 BIL and get back to me

Okay Evelyn Rothschild

>> No.6542658

What was your secret to your success and any tips you could give someone wanting to start a clothing line

>> No.6542731

So has OP been found out yet?

>> No.6542749
File: 38 KB, 500x653, 4371-500w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alber Elbaz

>> No.6542787

Yeah this is obviously fake. Even by the way this guy posts you can tell he's full of it. You dont even need photoshop, you can just edit the text of web pages by viewing the source or just copy and paste a javascript line in your browser and edit numbers around...

>> No.6542810

>Having millions of dollars in a single bank account
Whoops! You're retarded!

>> No.6542826

well hey, at least you'll have $250k left when your bank files for bankruptcy

>> No.6542923


>> No.6543003
File: 129 KB, 189x269, 4horseman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aint from my hood.

>> No.6543225


>this ritypip

>> No.6544626
File: 686 KB, 1920x2560, 194048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6547073

>Everyone I knew wanted to either be rappers or professional NBA players
must be a nigger

>> No.6547367

Honestly your profession is my dream. What clothes and accessories are most profitable? Purses? Shirts? Shoes? Also how do you market your clothing effectively. I have a logo but I want it to become popular so I can sell my products at ridiculously high prices. Also, how many designers do you employ and where are your clothes made?

>> No.6547495

lol no one is dumb enough to have that much money as a bank balance. be more believable next time OP - learn how rich ppl do things.

>> No.6547508

and half a mil in a 'savings account' what are you 12?

>> No.6550066


Are you happy with how your life has turned out?

>> No.6550157


Also, you might just respond and say eff the haters. But I'm really curious how you dealt with your own criticisms of yourself. Self doubt etc.

I have huge desires to design clothing, but there are so many reasons i'm held back from it. The primary one being that I don't know if people will like what i create for them, or what I create for myself.

>> No.6550190

Post a fit fuccboi.

It's fake you dumb niggers