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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 15 KB, 560x390, 07-19-13-placement-01-cid071913873-anniversary-hp-headline-7-adam-b8ad22da-e53e-4c0c-85ba-a1f8014c62aa-fil-file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6537964 No.6537964 [Reply] [Original]

anyone cop anything at nordstrom yet?

>red wing beckman $200
>allen edmonds strand $230

>> No.6537971

Get the fuck outta here with this sale shit

Its disgusting

>> No.6537979
File: 168 KB, 375x375, mfw poorfags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for sales

>> No.6537996

but in all seriousness though I've never heard much dissapointment with anyone buying RW or AE. If you really want some real savings maybe you should scour for seconds. I waited forever and picked up a pair of Wolverine 1KM seconds for $135

>> No.6538007
File: 50 KB, 266x349, 1372922278152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying full retail

>> No.6538010

lol newtrip please go.

>> No.6538008
File: 676 KB, 245x170, s201wSy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beating me to making fun of poor people in a sale thread

>> No.6538027

i always try to tell people that things on sale are things that nobody wanted
plus it feels so fucking good when you have something that sells out and people whine

>> No.6538070

Whenever I hear about sales, I think of this:


Buying without worrying about your size selling out is a luxury. Couple that with not dealing with hordes of people grabbing at everything, and I'll gladly play retail for pretty much everything.

>> No.6538077
File: 80 KB, 900x900, allenedmonds_shoes_dalton_walnut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Copped daltons

>> No.6538084

Ditto, much better than Beckmans in terms of fit too.

>> No.6538098

grandpa pls staph ur embarssing me in front of my internet friends :(((

>> No.6538095


What are you? 50 years old?

>> No.6538108

fuck you it matches my fedora

>> No.6538102

What are you? A faggot?

Not the guy who posted them, but I have a pair and they work with everything.

>yfw zero girls worth dating or fucking will ever care about your streetwear

>> No.6538120

What are you gay flaming cowboy?

Get the fuck out of here with this dad-core bullshit.

>> No.6538128

Quiet down kiddo, the adults are talking here. Go find another thread to discuss your Soup-pream and Gif-un-chee.

>> No.6538134

but seriously if you have a problem with wingtips you're probably fucking 12

>> No.6538138

Yeah and my wingtips go very well with my Men's Factory suit thank you very much.

>> No.6538144
File: 73 KB, 388x304, 50s father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

son, when you're done dressing up in skirts and window drapes, we'll find you a set of men's clothes

>> No.6538151
File: 1.24 MB, 3266x2177, 1370236203626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol u dress like old guys

>> No.6538157
File: 35 KB, 360x360, outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi since you seem to be a avid owner of dadcore stuff and I am trying to break into it. Please advise me, do you think those wingtip boots will go well with these chino's I just bought?

>> No.6538165

>work at nordstroms
>order all the shirts, make everything nice looking
>5 minutes into the sale
>18 1/2's with 15's
>colors in the wrong places
>nothing good goes on sale anyway

>> No.6538167
File: 27 KB, 320x480, trying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I too have been looking into buying some wingtip shoes. What color would go well with my outfit here?

>> No.6538170

>work at Nordstrom
>don't get fired for calling in Nordstroms

>> No.6538184

are people really this anal about it?
No one seems to care, where I'm from

>> No.6538191

did i hear somebody say... WINGTIPS????

>> No.6538188

you seem like the fuccboi who would wear vans to prom and think he's progressive as fuck

>> No.6538194

I work at Starbucks and they make us say Frappuccino. Not Frap or Frappe. It depends on your boss just like anything else if they will do anything.

>> No.6538210

switch current jacket to a navy one
get darker wash jeans/raws/chinos
allen edmonds mcallisters in walnut

>> No.6538216

but i thought yoshi llamamoto and anti fit was all the rage this season???

>> No.6538225

Oops, forgot how easy it was to start a shit storm on /fa

>> No.6538239

>dadcore term troll confirmed for going strong one year after release

Go ahead and keep thinking that's a thing, faggot.

>> No.6538252

Just ordered some edmond's park avenue shoes. thanks for turning me onto the sale anon


>> No.6538282
File: 105 KB, 432x432, marty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would the wingtips go with my outfit?

>> No.6538311


np homey :) nice choice

>> No.6538327

enjoy clicking and clacking everywhere

sound like Julia Roberts in pretty woman walking downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnthe streeeeeeettttttttt

just gop your ass some new balances bitch

>> No.6538336

it's funny how out of place you dumbasses will look

>> No.6538352


hey man, you don't have any idea how I spend my days or when/where I choose to wear my shoes

>> No.6538365

> gop your ass some new balances
> confirmed for white suburbfag

Lol get the fuck out, you pleb. Yeah it might be out of place if you live in a shitty flyover state in which the inhabitants think roshe runs are s00per/fa/. I go to an Ivy League college and have a summer internship at Morgan Stanley. How mad, fuccboi?

>> No.6538368
File: 41 KB, 500x750, 11510NWClubCollar_3227Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sucking dick like this faggot

>> No.6538370


>> No.6538371

so do i you faggot but i dont look like some faggot like you

>> No.6538375

and its funny cuz you prob go to cornell.

>> No.6538401


>> No.6538397

Hi my name is anon and I think wingtips are gay because I can't afford a decent pair. I also have no occasion to wear them since I'm a faggy fuccboi who is surrounded by plebs with similar taste.

>> No.6538412

Columbia 16 bitch. And judging by the way you type, you're a poor nigger who got in because of affirmative action. Which explains why you don't like wingtips and why you haven't seen them daily.

>> No.6538427

Sorry I buy the same or more expensive shoes except they're not ugly. And the rest of my school, while they might be pretty fratty, at least have enough taste to not fucking wear ugly ass shoes like yours.

I already have two pairs of John Lobbs except I don't purposely wear them around to attract a shit load of attention like you faggot.

>> No.6538436

but at the end of the end of the day your still a nigger B)


>> No.6538444

It's funny because if it wasn't for affirmative action some asianboi from China would be in your place at Columbia.

>> No.6538452
File: 61 KB, 480x380, 1361094076164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw AE mctavish isn't on sale

>> No.6538445 [DELETED] 

And you're also a faggoty freshman who thinks he's the shit.

No wonder you have such shitty taste in clothes.

>> No.6538455

>Columbia 16
And you're also a faggoty freshman who thinks he's the shit.

No wonder you have such shitty taste in clothes. Come back when your balls have dropped.

>> No.6538481

yeah i copped black park avenues

it's nice because I've been itching to get "formal event now i'm a mature adult" shoes for a while now, had been ambling about in florsheim previously.

shoutout to anyone in this thread trying to wear them casually and also people trying to insult people for wearing them casually because it's great fun to watch (both sides)

>> No.6538492
File: 385 KB, 2048x1529, uhyFTSc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying some strands and wearing them with chinos.
I don't give a fuck. Good luck to you.

>> No.6538496

Then you're hanging with poor fuccbois and I stick to my assertion. I don't think you understand the concept of taste. Hurrrdurrr broguing is ugly because I've never been in a professional environment and I grew up in a shitty suburb/slum and I haven't seen this shit before. Your nigger ass could buy nikes that cost three times as much as the daltons, it still doesn't mean your nikes would look any better. Cost and worth are two different things.

John Lobbs and Allen Edmonds produce the same styles of shoes, fuccboi. If you wear them and they attract attention, then you are sticking out. And if you choose to wear them despite knowing that they are not a normal sight, you too are an attention whore. Are you a fucking retard?

>> No.6538509


naw dude, strands would be perfectly kosher to go casual with. I was spreading ill will solely towards going casual in park avenues.

>> No.6538515

> pretty fratty
> confirmed for Cornell/Dartmouth
do you like getting your ass paddled by fellow fuccbois who thikn Sperry's are classy?

>> No.6538517

agreed then, PA are definitely pushing it.
They would be nice when you have to/want to wear a suit though.

>> No.6538524


Respectfully disagree due to cap toe and balmoral lacing. Try the mcallisters?

>> No.6538531

or the even more casual players shoe

>> No.6538533

I'll see how they go, if they don't work then I'll at least have something nice for the office/suit time.
I'd totally love the mcallisters but they only have them in black. Mctavish would be even better for a casual shoe, but those aren't even on sale.

>> No.6538540
File: 18 KB, 333x480, AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wat do you guys think of my new shoes guys?

>> No.6538549


I'm of the mind that the broguing is what brings it from formal immediately down into casual, and that while the balmoral lacing does make it more prim and proper it's a way more subtle detail and wouldn't necessitate scooching it back into the formal category

>> No.6538567


#nxtlevel buttoning and break, and the model's trendy "what i am i doing in a real job" posture speaks volumes about how millenials are going about the working world. It's as if the mirror is pointed back at ourselves, and Men's Wearhouse is to blame. Truly chilling, in a way that's less like looking at a scary picture and more like realizing that picture is of your mother fondling some man you've never seen

>> No.6538993

some n&f jeans if anyone is interested


>> No.6538998

nice to see people using the proper terminology for once. I always cringe when people take about brogues being "casual" wear though

>> No.6539004



>> No.6539265

not selvedge gtfo

>> No.6539312

that's funny. i work at an office, and granted, the dress code is business casual, but sometimes I'm just like... could some of you guys tuck your fucking shirt in? every guy over 30 years old tucks, and probably 50% of the guys under 30 do. the rest walk around in ok slacks and ok shoes but with untucked buttondowns. it's just... awkward looking