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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 110 KB, 500x385, 1373946315944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6530988 No.6530988 [Reply] [Original]

What other boards does /fa/ post on?

Obviously there's a lot of cross-posting from /fit/ and /mu/. Where else?

>> No.6531012

>/fit/ and /mu

Nailed it. The holy trinity.

>> No.6531021

/int/ and /tv/ here

>> No.6531027


>> No.6531025

/soc/ to maximize being an attention whore

>> No.6531029

/g/ /mu/ /x/

>> No.6531032

/x/ & /lgbt/

>> No.6531035
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>> No.6531037
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Who /a/ here

>> No.6531031

/fa/, /fit/, /mu/, /v/, /tv/..... /pol/...... and /b/
Basically all the shittiest boards

>> No.6531047

/mu/ /gd/ /vp/

>> No.6531052

/soc/ /pol/ /k/

>> No.6531059

pol, tv, sp.


Fuck off neckbeard.

>> No.6531062


>> No.6531063
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who /sp/ here

>> No.6531064
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I mostly visit /fa/, /vr/, and /ck/ at this point.

I used to only post on /ck/, /fit/, and /fa/. Self improvement is prey baller.

>> No.6531066
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talk shit post fit

>> No.6531067

/tv/, /fit, /vg, /p/, /fa/

/lgbt/ sometimes

>> No.6531078

/sci/, /s4s/

>> No.6531079

None every board sucks.
Sometimes i'll go on /mu/ and HOPE to find some new music, and sometimes I'll check /v/ and HOPE there is some GTAV leaks but that's it.

>> No.6531086

Post a /fit/ fuccboi

>> No.6531099

KTT, /mu/, /x/, /s4s/. Used to go to /b/

>> No.6531102
File: 266 KB, 240x127, O6qEtoy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I made OP's pic
I love you OP

I lurk and occasionally post on /p/

>> No.6531105
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just embarrassing urself now b

>> No.6531112

/mu/ and /fa/ are the only ones I use. I should really check out some of the other ones I guess

>> No.6531113

Based /a/

anyone who disagrees with me obviously has shit taste

>> No.6531135

/mu/ for more music
/x/ for muh spookys

>> No.6531153
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>> No.6531156

/fa/ /sp/ mu/ and /tv/ and I lurk /int/ but never post

>> No.6531163

/r9k/, /trv/, /sp/, /asp/, I like to read /v/ but I don't play games really anymore, although I just bought Arkham Asylum from Target yesterday, I also read /fit/ a lot but I don't lift anymore so it's mostly for lulz along with misc, I also read /pol/ because it's absurdly awesome

weird combination with /fa/ but oh well

>> No.6531172

/pol/ and /fa/ is all I need.

>> No.6531184
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/a/, /fa/, /sp/

>> No.6531186
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> implying there are any other boards worth posting on besides based s4s
Kek in all fields

>> No.6531230
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/a/, /lit/, /cm/.
Hard to confess.

>> No.6531244

I only visit /fa/ and /adv/, used to visit fit but I've learnt all I need to from them and I also used to visit /mu/ but the shit they fan boy over is too mainstream for me#demedges

>> No.6531253

/fit/ and /mu/

>> No.6531258
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>> No.6531270

/fit/, /a/, /u/ and /diy/ and /ck/ from time to time.

>> No.6531302
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/a/ & /mu/

>> No.6531329

/mu/ /tv/ /fit/
/lit/ /soc/ /fa/
/b/ /sp/ /adv/

>> No.6531359
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/o/ /cgl/ /trv/ /vp/

>> No.6531405

Only /jp/ and /lounge/.

>> No.6531442

/mu/ and /a/ are mostly filled with dumb insecure teenagers so now the attitudes of many posters on this board make a little more sense B^)

>> No.6531450


>> No.6531467
File: 38 KB, 300x250, Science is bananas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/s4s/ and /sci/

>> No.6531474

Just /p/

my niggas

>> No.6531479


>> No.6531485

/p/ has too much gear talk. Not fun.

>> No.6531490

/mu/ and /lit/

>> No.6531495

I'm probably an exception here but /mu/, /co/ and /tg/

>> No.6531497
File: 154 KB, 540x888, Snapchat-1236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be on /mu/ day in day out running huge mediafires and making charts and doing community shit until I realized that the board was horrendous and I only cared about a small population on the board that had some marginal knowledge of music

I try to lurk /pol/ sometimes but about 99% of the threads are /b/ shit with about 1% of them being decent discussion on social/political/economic issues

Most of my interests come separate of 4chan now ie fitness, music, politics, literature, film, and even humor.

>> No.6531512

r u making these urself

>> No.6531532
File: 608 KB, 1190x1024, project1 compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i pathetically dabble in glitch art
pic related is the only thing I've made that I really love

>> No.6531546

I pass by different boards occasionally. sometimes I shitpost. I used to go to /a/, /m/, /v/, /mu/ and /lit/ regularely.

>> No.6531549

i agree this is the nicest 1 u've posted

>> No.6531550

I've always been like that. Came to 4chans /fa/ thinking that 4chan was just a general interests forum. I only recently found out that it was built upon anime enthusiasts.

>> No.6531552
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>> No.6531555

Kinda fun to do,

Convert image to tiff
Import into audacity (u-law, raw)
Dick around with effects
Export as raw.

In a nutshell.

>> No.6531559

Thanks doc

>> No.6531580

brb trying this

>> No.6531590
File: 29 KB, 320x253, 1372366280271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mu/, /p/ and /tv/ sometimes. Mostly /fa/.

>> No.6531594

you can also just edit hex values in an editor like notepad++

>> No.6531598

/co/, /fit/ and /gif/

>> No.6531600

/sci/, /sp/, occasionally /mu/ and /fit/. I tried /a/ once but the autism on that board is off the scale

>> No.6531619
File: 106 KB, 540x888, Snapchat-168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need any more doses?
These were made using a bug I found in an old version of Snapchat that was really fucking hard to exploit.
I used to send em to people on /fa/ all the time and it was probably annoying as fuck
I got some recognition in the glitch art community because of it. Felt good for a while :)
Pic related is the best one I made on snapchat, it was a closeup of a balled up fist with a little echo to it.

>> No.6531626

/mu/ /sp/ /ck/ /fit/ /n/

>> No.6531634
File: 1 KB, 392x640, attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6531639

can i post this on my glitch art blog

>> No.6531651

No please don't illegally profit off my art.

>> No.6531654
File: 168 KB, 548x618, euphoric compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link me your blog
i make it for fun repost it to hell

>> No.6531657

holy shit lel
this is perfect

>> No.6531660


Haha that one's awesome man

>> No.6531682

I go to /jp/, /ck/ and sometimes /k/.

>> No.6532178

/g/ /mu/ /fit/ /p/ occasionally /tv/

>> No.6532213
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/k/ , /o/ , sometimes /g/.

>> No.6532218

/v/, /r9k/, /adv/, sometimes /a/

>> No.6532215

/mu/ /fit/ /fa/; sometimes /ic/ /gd/ /lit/ /p/; rarely /sp/ only for the pre big game chats

>> No.6532601
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>> No.6532606

we really out here

>> No.6532607

/a/, /g/, /fa/, /fit/

Been going to /fit/ less and less over the years because it seemed like it's become more /b/ like since a year or two ago.

>> No.6532612
File: 372 KB, 1100x1470, Exit_Velocity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only /fa/.

>> No.6532623

what boards did you go on before?

>> No.6532630
File: 199 KB, 1271x692, effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ and /tv/

>> No.6532635

oh and /p/

>> No.6532639


>> No.6532640

/b/ in the very beginning, /v/ for a while. I lurked in /x/ a little bit but found it lacking.
Mostly I've just lurked here for a long time, and made occasional posts as anon during that nascent period where I was even more clueless than I am now.

>> No.6532647

/p/ sometimes, I had a /p/hotographer take interest in taking pictures of me a while back.

>> No.6532713
File: 11 KB, 317x357, 1371860192647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/mu/, /g/, /v/ and /x/ here.

I go to /o/, and /an/ sometimes. And /a/ too, because Watamote.

Anyways, I just started coming here looking to get pointed in the right direction for affordable but good clothes.

Almost a grand for shoes. What the fuck is wrong with you guys.

>> No.6532718

Actually they're 1.2K.

>> No.6532724


Just realized how far I've drifted since coming here from /b/.

>> No.6532725


>> No.6532726

>super expensive cars
no complaints
>super expensive houses
no complaints
>super expensive caviar food shit and wine
no complaints
>super expensive computer parts
no complaints
>super expensive clothes

stop it

>> No.6532732

/a/, /c/, /g/, /vr/, /w/, /ck/, /jp/, /mu/, and /sci/. This is my first time on /fa/.

>> No.6532734


i post just as lelders

>> No.6532739

>Implying you have to spend 1k for shoes.

You don't have to dress in high fashion, most people you'll meet think high fashion is clown shit. Read the sticky, and stay in your price range, really simple.

>> No.6532750

I post on /fit/ /mu/ /trv/ /sp/ /lit/
I lurk on /diy/ /ck/ /tv/ /an/

>> No.6532785

frequently /a/ and /w/ or /g/'s desktop threads and i lurk /lit/

>> No.6532787
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/b/, /adv/, /diy/, /fit/, /int/, /jp/, /lit/, /out/, /pol/, /sp/

>> No.6532793
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/fa/, /mu/, /tv/, /g/ and from time to time /b/ and /int/

>> No.6532791
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>> No.6532801
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To fap: /b/ and /gif/

To lurk: /fa/, /x/, /ck/ sometimes too.

>> No.6532804

Only /fa/. I only use this website for this board, what are you guys, nerds? hehe

>> No.6532805

>going to /b/ to fap


>> No.6532825

A while back, /vg/.

>> No.6532827

same. /fa/ and /fit/ and i pretend the rest dont exist.

>> No.6532839


Please be gentle

>> No.6532840


>> No.6532855

The most expensive pair of shoes I own are $100 and they're dress shoes. I wear really casual clothes, and that's fine, because that's my niche.

>> No.6532926
File: 1.75 MB, 2816x2112, Sharingan_Contacts_by_reiyayru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official best boards:
Funny, quite skilled, produces OC all day, I browse just for the funnies
knows it's shit, meet interesting people, but it's slow as fuck
Bro community, funny kind of autistic, talks about DOOM
Hit and miss, but they generally have at least really funny thread per day
>/diy/ and /out/
Cool as fuck
not officially a best board, but a guilty pleasure

Official worst boards of 4chan:
bunch of plebs totally content with jumping on whatever bandwagon is bumping through the board but insists it's taste is paramount, worst board at arguing (relies heavily on memes), second worst 'feels' board (behind /fit/)
/fatties/. Bunch of depressing, obnoxious losers with laughably high standards looking for an e-gf/bf.
>/v/, /b/, /sp/
don't lie, you fucking hate it. degenerative memebox

>> No.6532979
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/b/, /v/ and /s/ when I was 13. They were all pretty different back then though 'cept /s/ (2006ish). later got into /mu/

/fa/ when it opened up, /sp/ around 2009, /g/ and /trv/ because I was on exchange in a foreign country. started contributing at /ic/. dumped /b/

outgrew /mu/, later found better music communities. dumped /v/. dumped /fa/ around this time after I realized it was a massive tripfag circlejerk and I was in on it. dumped /v/. picked up /fit/ briefly but once I actually started working out dumped it because it's literally a hugbox.

Now I post on /ck/ and /an/. Sometimes /o/. I'm here coincidentally.

>> No.6532984

/fit/ and /int/ sometimes /pol/

My progression seems pretty normal for a 4channer.

/b/ > /v/ > /fa/ > +/fit/ > +/int/

>> No.6532992

/fit/, /r9k/, /mlp/, and occasionaly /b/ for porn

>> No.6533012
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/o/ that's where i started (rarely go there now)
/lit/ lurker

>> No.6533033

>better music communities

>> No.6533054

/mu/ and /int/ occasionally /k/

>> No.6533058
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>and sometimes /v/, /hr/, /wg/

>> No.6533081

/a/, /v/, /pol/, /fit/, /g/, /prog/

>> No.6533086
File: 915 KB, 1280x853, Union_Fall_JakeDavis_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ stand up
/mu/ and /v/ when it's relevant to my interests

>> No.6533098

/mu/ /d/, ask /ck/ how to make something tasty if I'm not fasting, and i troll /pol/ if im bored out of my mind

>> No.6533106

Yes I want to know this too. A good online music community is like the holy grail.

>> No.6533116

>all these /a/ and /mu/ users
It all makes sense now

Also /pol/ is currently going through its Golden Era, it is indeed master race for the time being

>> No.6533126


other than that, /mu/. They understand my love of harsh noise and musique concrete

>> No.6533125













>> No.6533142

Are you a fellow Merzbow fan?

>> No.6533141

Lurk- /mu/, /diy/, /out/, /asp/, /trv/, occasionally /x/

Post- /lit/ and /ck/

>> No.6533154

of course~

although sissy spacek is my fave.

>> No.6533159

The only good place for music discussion is outiside of communities with intelligent and analyzing members of places like /mu/
For example, I love to talk with people like BTRL about music, but I avoid going to /mu/ to do so because almost no one there has any grasp on actual music history, theory, composition, etc.

>> No.6533167

Uh~ what?

>> No.6533175

talk shit post wip, nukka

>> No.6533185
File: 143 KB, 383x383, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the OTHER sissy spacek, man


>> No.6533194

Oh, sorry. I hadn't heard of that artist.

>> No.6533195

u sound pretty plen

>> No.6533230

Wow, it's like I'm on /mu/!

>> No.6533249

hate to say it but you really can't call yourself a harsh noise fan if you don't know who sissy spacek is

>> No.6533309

I've only listened to Merzbow before. I appreciate the suggestions though.

>> No.6533361
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Pretty much just /p/ and /fa/, with /diy/ occasionally

>> No.6533585

/fit/ /v/ /pol/ and /sci/

>> No.6533673


>> No.6533677

don't worry their lifestyle makes them crush themselves

>> No.6534162

/fa/ /cgl/ /mu/ /ic/

>> No.6534173
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Mainly /v/, sometimes /mu/.

>> No.6534188

/soc and sometimes /mu and /b if im really bored

yes i know... /b if for plebs