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File: 1.27 MB, 1024x768, mattEDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6529933 No.6529933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw matt helders was at an EDL rally

>> No.6529939

the uwotm8 guy is on the left

>> No.6529942


holy fucking shit thats him

what the fuck matt

>> No.6529943

that's some really shitt photoshop

you could at least have blurred the edge of his cutout face

also shit like this doesnt work anymore when google has reverse image search

>> No.6529947
File: 161 KB, 143x525, asdasdda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nxt lvl shit m8

>> No.6529960

>leaving the house

top laughter

>> No.6529961

>all that fucking scum in one picture

>> No.6529979

whats EDL

>american here

>> No.6529981


Like the KKK but for English people

>> No.6529986

excellent shooping skills

>> No.6529988

i fell for it man

am i dumb

>> No.6529996
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>> No.6530007


>> No.6530010


except the kkk do not have black members and kill black members

the edl hate islam and muslims

>> No.6530017

EDL Supporter is basically another way of saying "illiterate degenerate"
The "u wot m8" thing was perpetuated by this kind of filth, rest of the world, be thankful that these people do not plague your nation as they do ours.

>> No.6530032
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>> No.6530050

I can honestly say I don't agree with a lot of what the the EDL does. On the other hand, I don't think that the concept of islam and quite a few of it's adherents here don't respect English society and are not doing much positive for us. I'll go on to say I don't have the same feelings for hindus and the more extreme christians.

>> No.6530069

Get back to us when your country is so racist that a guy can 1) not even think of himself as racist, just protecting muh property 2) follow a teenager for being black and wearing a hoody in the gated community where the teen's stepmother owns property 3) shoot him dead and 4) get away with it and 5) receive donations to support him for the rest of his life, because isn't it so sad for him.

>> No.6530078
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oh boy here we go.png

Even black people agree Ty was a thug

>> No.6530104
File: 138 KB, 463x634, lolololol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off
>He didn't kill trayvon because he hates black people. He Followed him because his environment has conditioned him to be suspicious of young black men with their hoods up. Upon getting into a fight with him, this environment conditioned FEAR made it's play and he fired his weapon.

The trayvon case is only a representation of our society and it's portrayal of young black kids like trayvon. It's music which glorifies killing or movies or the news reporting inner city murders. These kind of things all affected Zimmermans preconceptions of trayvon. They influenced his suspicion as well as his fear.

This should really be about gun control, since a society which instills all this fear in it's populace shouldn't expect them to be competent with a murder weapon.

>I don't go on /pol/
>I haven't been following the case. Only heard when it happened and heard the verdict.
>I DO believe he should have gotten manslaughter for killing a person, whether it was about race or what.

>> No.6530130

>I DO believe he should have gotten manslaughter for killing a person

oh god this

>> No.6530133

what is self defense you liberal degenerate scum

>> No.6530134

>for selfdefense

I wanna see you faggots get mugged and punched to death without doing anything against it.

>> No.6530137

who cares fkin nerds gtfo

>> No.6530139

>murder for a bloody nose

>> No.6530142

>gunshot fired at intermediate range
>straight through the chest
>not intent to murder


>> No.6530145

because self defense means you must be dead to defend yourself right?

because black people have some hidden on/off switch that makes them stop like magic

>> No.6530146

Wasn't he holding a packet of skittles and a pepsi?

>> No.6530148


you should study law you're so good at it

>> No.6530152

Go away.

>> No.6530155


come back home

>> No.6530169

I'm in my apartment
The basement is a parking garage
step up nerdo

>> No.6530170


they do, it's called the trigger of your gun

>> No.6530173

>neighbourhood watch security guard
>gets beaten up by a teenager

top lel

>> No.6530177

>those inbred british faces

>> No.6530181

5'7 manlet guard
6'2 "teenager"

>> No.6530201

To put it into perspective, even the average British person thinks the EDL are scum sacks.

>> No.6530390

I agree with you on all that but he should've gotten involuntary manslaughter

>> No.6530394

I agree with you on all that but he should've gotten involuntary manslaughter.

>> No.6530408

but that's not matt helders you fucking retard

>> No.6530467

you fucking retard

>> No.6530476

>mosque command and control center

>Captcha: Kalb ofEmpi

>> No.6530595

all dis arguing about me B)

>> No.6530633

do you not know how law works

you can't say "uhh i think he did something wrong but not as bad as murder so lets just give him a slightly lesser sentence XD"

they couldn't fucking prove that he committed manslaughter either (because theres a 99% chance he didn't)

>> No.6530660

why don't Americans understand how inbreeding works?

low population density low immigration = inbreeding because no choice

high poplatuion density (like in England) and high immigration (like in Englnad) makes inbreeding actively difficult

inbreeding is more likely in the deep south or scandinavia orrrrr almost anywhere else

>> No.6530668


how american are you

>> No.6530672

These blue eyes tho

>> No.6530675

so what if they're not? as long as their not actually causing trouble (and if they are, they should be dealt with as individuals, not as a group) who gives a fuck if they're not doing positive stuff for you. they're not your bitch, m8.

>> No.6530688

nah because EDL twats are exactly the sort that have lived in some little shithole for generations and never left.

>> No.6530689

Yeah! How dare they want to prevent the islamification of the UK! Muslims should be able to suck the welfare system dry all while spitting on Western culture and self segregating and enforcing Sharia Law within their communities!

The only major downside of the EDL is that they suck Israeli dick, who are the ones that are responsible for the massive influx of Muslims in the first place.

>> No.6530700

Where did I say he hated black people? Of course it's about conditioned fear.

Gun control is a joke, doesn't work, certainly is long past the point where it could work in the US, and evinces way too great a trust of the state. No stupid uprising fantasy; that shit would get smacked down immediately. It's the principle of the thing.

Also, as ridiculous as it sounds, I'd rather disarm cops than civilians. They're the ones actually, routinely enforcing white supremacy with reasonless violence against black people. Zimmerman was a problem because he was a cop wannabe.

In any objective definition, he slaughtered a man.

Legally, it seems like the sick fuck is clear because of the stupidness of the law. Since his nutso head thought he was in danger, he could kill!

Fucking hell. And now, until someone does something, every redneck POS cop wannabe (and I come from the South; there's a fuckton of them) knows they can kill a black guy and get away with it.

>> No.6530711

lol you're getting angry about problems that literally do not exist

>> No.6530725

How in the hell is the State of Israel responsible for Pakistanis moving to the UK?

Also, see every study done ever about Muslim assimilation in Western European countries.

>> No.6530735



>> No.6530739
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, white_pride_world_wide_by_14wpww88d49ah78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck Lelders turned out to be fucking cool

>> No.6530743

>doesn't work
which is why there's been so many mass shootings in the UK
can't go anywhere without getting shot up right??

>> No.6530752


Yeah.. you know what? Jeeze, you're so right! Things here in Sweden are just wonderful!

>> No.6530749

yep i'm sure themuslimissue.wordpress.com is a completely legitimate source

>> No.6530755
File: 48 KB, 647x821, blk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u-u-u-u dislike me hamtai?

damn it

>> No.6530759

All claims verifiable on website. But keep living in your delusional world because it makes you happy to be willingly ignorant.

>> No.6530774
File: 48 KB, 663x477, behead those who insult islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy I'm sure glad I gave up my ability to defend my family for a fleeting sense of security!
No one ever kills anyone in the UK any more!
White Nationalism has nothing to do with disliking other groups. But flooding white countries with non-white immigrants is the exact opposite of what Western Civilization needs right now.

>> No.6530784

1) And why there's been so many mass shooting in Switzerland, right?

You have to look locally at this kind of stuff.

2) Like I said, it's impossible to implement in the US. Too many guns out there already. Try to take them? Enjoy your clusterfuck.

FWIW, I've never even touched a gun, but anti-fetishizing them is stupid.

3) Gun control wouldn't really matter either way if it wasn't such a distraction, an excuse, a perfect example of American solutionism. White people don't have to confront and relinquish their privilege. Inner city communities don't have to build functional institutions. We can still pretend cops are the good guys. Rapacious capitalism and blithe, untroubled consumption can continue. All we have to do is ban the guns that look like the ones we see in the movies!

>> No.6530791

was a cool thread till fucking poltards arrived

>> No.6530788
File: 65 KB, 500x538, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i told u my ancestors were brought to my country by white people

im not about "muh slavery" bc my family is fairly well off thanks 2 previous generations

>> No.6530792

>No one ever kills anyone in the UK any more!
A lot less people do than in America. Check the stats, bro.

>> No.6530796
File: 124 KB, 480x532, top lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wats a poltard?

some sort of device?

>> No.6530794

I'm disappointed in you, Hamtai, seriously.

Anything but intense and uncompromising cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism is not /fa/. It's what drives everything awesome about post/modernity.

>> No.6530802


Uh oh... Do you have enough concentration to actually read about the perfection that is Muslim assimilation?

My guess is that you don't and would rather remain in your box.

>> No.6530813
File: 625 KB, 1303x670, Sistine Chapel4 Compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiculturalism is the worst blight on modern culture. It forces doublethink through indoctrination, ignores statistics, devalues the majority, and through constant assault from media, creates a generation of youth with no self-value. You're constantly told that being "ethnic" or "exotic" is everything but your own culture to the point of hatred of your history and ancestry.

>> No.6530836

>creates a generation of youth with no self-value
uh, Capitalism and mass media does a pretty great job of that already.

On the real tho, that make believe slave shit they make the kids do in school is just astoundingly dumb and I would hope there are some people without spinal problems who are down to tell their teacher to sit & spin when it's time to put on the chains.

>> No.6530838

the UK sux

all the white people are like the OP pic, while all the nonwhite people (pakis, slavs, etc) are absolute savages

in other words, nobody in the UK is civilized

I'm a French girl btw

>> No.6530840

Yes you must hate other cultures to love your own.

>> No.6530863

>im a girl btw

kk everything you say is the truth
lucky you told us you're a girl othewrwise we might have disagreed

>> No.6530876

fuck u matt
i was gonna say hi if i saw you around manc
but no more matt
no more

>> No.6530889

I had a lot of giggles my senior year of high school when my new literature teacher was a fresh outta college social justice warrior who hated oppressive europeans and the patriarchy. I had to take almost all of my essays to the administration to get the grade I deserved lol.

>> No.6530894

the mass media reports what the people want to hear. People don't choose CNN over MSNBC over Fox because they believe one has the objectively best coverage of the news (although they might well convince themselves that they do), they choose the one that echoes their own opinions back to them.

>> No.6530899
File: 15 KB, 300x303, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am german and live in uk. Glorious german master race, very much more civilised than you

>> No.6530903

Exactly, people aren't forming their own opinions, they're having them fed to them by carefully controlled media outlets. All ideology is being labeled, categorized, divided. The people remain more atomized and easier to control, this way.

>> No.6530922


>> No.6530936

Precisely. The people most susceptible to this mental programming are the poorest though, hence why if you ever get a manual labor/joinery kinda job all of colleagues are really racist and hateful (i.e. never had any non-white friends, read the sun, shout abuse at non-whites and act really hostile towards them) and you'll find some of those at EDL rallies.

If you look at media from the outside, you'll find that people of the UK are being trained to hate Muslims and have been since September 11 2001. It's fucking crazy. Who are these people and what kind of agenda do they have? Fuck I need to emigrate haha.

>> No.6530941

Lol what? Having different cultures interacting, in conversation, in one society does that how?

poet's right: it's capitalism and - hopefully not putting too much in your mouth, poet - the general terminal state of traditional Western culture

>in before muh Western culture

No one's seriously dissing Michelangelo, man. There's a lot of awesome stuff about Western culture, about Europe. But there were certain inherent contradictions in the project that made it bound it fail eventually. You can't blame the Pakis for the noxious, self-destroying bourgeois family finally breaking, and millennia of patriarchy along with it.

Forget the cite, somehow, but one of the most potent ideas I've heard: the subjugation of women could've continued indefinitely, stably, but its days were numbered as soon as it was yoked to solid-melting capitalism. And now it's all ending, gloriously, at last. Make something new and not shitty. That's the project now.

>that make believe slave shit they make the kids do in school is just astoundingly dumb

What's this?

>> No.6530944

EDL/UKIP/BNP = Zionist shills

>> No.6530967


It's also such a bracingly narrow range of opinion.

>moar neoliberalism nao!
>no! same neoliberalism! just running better!
>it's okay if black teens die; they're doing it to themselves!

>oh, it's so sad, it's not okay, that's racist, but what can we do? It's not like we play an active role in upholding the system that makes it possible!

>shit needs to be made in Murrica!
>oh, for the workers, in a big, safe factory, sure, and it has to be organic!
>fuggin kale eater, but whatever

>> No.6530971

Western Civilization will never disappear completely. Just like the end of the Roman empire, once multiculturalism and feminism completely washes away the culture that built the empire in the first place, the land will become a land of barbarianism and economic disaster. Also like the Roman empire, and every major empire before it, it will always have a successor to restore the reigns of Western Civilization elsewhere, rebuild, and rise out of the ashes as the "greatest empire in the world."

>> No.6530972

Eh, fucked up line breaks, but you get it.

>> No.6530994

Kale is good; tastes like potato chips.

>> No.6531022

I love you guys. Wasn't expecting such an aware and cool crowd when I first came here.

You're like /jp/ but with only incredibly mild aspergers.

>> No.6531040
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 1372616372168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these people hating muslims

Lol have you even fucking met any? I have a pakistani friend and an idian friend, nice, hardworking people, the pakistani wants to become a pilot, the indian a doctor. Jesus, people, open your fucking eyes, would you rather be brown, or one of these >>6529933

>> No.6531043

its also v nutrient-rich.

>> No.6531038

Of course not, and I'd be very sad if it did.



>economic disaster

Maybe. It's avoidable, if we can get population under control through more sane means.

Also, economic history of medieval Europe is not my specialty *at all*, but I understand the darkness of the dark ages is rather overstated.

I was imitating a stereotypical Fox News watcher.

>> No.6531072

Oh, but I really doubt this idea of a new Byzantium. That was possible because of huge communication latency. As long as no one clips undersea cables capitalism, in one of its mercies, has left us all permanently connected.

We're going to have a new macrosociety, hopefully non-oppressive, built "out of what we put into it now." Some of that will be old and some will be new. But we get to choose.

I used to be all wishy about living when things first started to go, the '20s, or when it seemed to then-me we came closest to something new, the '60s. But now I'm incredibly gratified I get to be alive right now, the early 21st century, when we're really getting to build the foundation of a new world.

Just hopefully it won't be Mad Max, either in post-apocalypticness or violence or involving shitbags like Mel Gibson.

>> No.6531077

I don't think you've met any Muslims. The reality is that they all want to destroy our way of life. I mean ALL of them. They are all born terrorists hellbent on destroying our Christian country. What makes this worse is that the Muslims are recruiting blacks, Mexicans, and Asians to join their cause. There is an impending race war.

White Christianity vs. The Brown-Skinned Muslim Brotherhood.

Who will win?

>> No.6531087

I agree. Trayvon Martin is just the beginning, we need to kill ALL the brown people, it's what jesus would have wanted.

>> No.6531092

my best mate in college was kurdish guy who could speak fluent russian and swedish and was the most intelligent man ive met. him and all my ohter pakistani friends were the most generous and welcoming people ive seen; they would let you stay at there place, give you food and weed and be as friendly and accommodating as they can. If only all these guys had the same experience as me and the UK would be a much happier place.

>> No.6531090

>shitbags like Mel Gibson

I actually met Mel Gibson in person after his anti-semitic and sexist controversy. He was a pretty cool guy, honestly, he was nice.

>this is my claim to fame

>> No.6531097

the muslims

Christians are too busy fucking little boys

>> No.6531101

Which is rather amusing considering that Jesus was brown himself, of course.

>> No.6531116

Which is rather amusing because jesus could not detect obvious sarcsam either.

>> No.6531110

Oh, I hear he's a quite personable guy, if you're the right kind of person. So are a lot of the type. They're also completely dysfunctional malefactors in a non-homogenous little village world without a stable patriarchy.

>> No.6531118

And then Jesus spake to his loved ones, "Alas, my disciples, it is our fate to fight the dark-skinned menace. Only then can we foster a haven for followers of Jehovah."

John 13:26.

>> No.6531121

You've never met any asian people have you? Get off /pol/ and stop listening to the media for gods sakes. The truth is out there in the real world if only you had the inclination to get out and look for it yourself.

>> No.6531130

I detected the sarcasm, but felt that the point needed to be drawn out into the open for some of /fa/'s less astute participants to chew on.

>> No.6531124

not every reply is an attack on your post

>> No.6531126


they're called curries

>> No.6531129

I dunno if I'm the right guy. I'm a brown-skinned mutt. Mel Gibson didn't have any qualms in drinking some beer with me.

>> No.6531133

It was part of the joke man come on now.

>> No.6531140

most muslims want it to be illegal to insult islam. a significant amount want sharia law. they all only eat meat which has undergone a barbaric and cruel religious ceremony

>> No.6531143

All LOLGENOCIDE aside, do you know anything about crime statistics from Arab/African immigrants? Or maybe the fact that at the core of the Muslim faith is the desire to conquer the world (originally through force, but when they were stopped permanently at the Battle of Vienna, Arab nations idled for a while outside of the areas they already controlled.) A quick search through other countries will show that Arabs of non-European descent see the easy immigration as a new form of conquering. Flood the country, eventually "phase out" the majority (By the later end of this century, this will have already happened in a few countries). And boom: Western countries now have a white minority while Arab, African, and Asian countries all maintain their 99% population of traditional ethnicities.
Jesus was a Jewish Semite; ie caucasian. He was about as brown as a saltine cracker. Maybe tanned from living in a shitty patch of desert though.

>> No.6531148

Halal butchering isn't that diff from Kosher butchering
please stow your fearmongering

>> No.6531151

I've met many Asians, and most of them were Chinese. The Chinese are a dangerous bunch hellbent on buying our country. It doesn't help that many Asians have indiscernible features that distinguish them from the rest.

>> No.6531158

why do you assume i have no problem with kosher?

>> No.6531160


It's barbaric to not eat meat performed under shariah law you filthy kaffir. I bet you're not even a Dhimmi, which leaves you as less than human.

>> No.6531170

>>most muslims want it to be illegal to insult islam.

Uh... really? Just think about where you got that information from. Was is personal experience? Was it formed from anecdotal evidince? Maybe it was just some bullshit thing you heard in the Daily Mail or on TV... just maybe.

>> No.6531165

Nah, jesus was brown and it's been proven.
sorry that your savior was the same color as those people you hate. Maybe that doesn't really matter though, because WHAT WAS IN HIS HEART WAS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERED.

>> No.6531167

Thank you for speaking the truth, brother. I have a feeling I've seen you around on stormfront.org.

>> No.6531175

I'm sorry to tell you, but race is all that matters in this world.

>> No.6531183
File: 283 KB, 992x1104, 1370233812309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been proven
fantastic someone took a time machine a couple thousand years back and proved that someone who was by all historical and genealogical accounts caucasian was magically brown? fucking lol

>> No.6531189

Uh, who told you that? Some guys on stormfront? These muslims sound so scary; those really nice asian people have been plotting my race's demise behind my back? Oh no, I better vote EDL and denigrate an entire race because of their culture to sub-human status.

>> No.6531193

>When asked if free speech should be protected, even if it offends religious groups, 62 percent of British Muslims say No, it should not.
>three percent of British Muslims "took a consistently pro-freedom of speech line on these questions."

>> No.6531202

It has. Several times over by archaeologists, biologists, geneticists and anthropologists working in the employ of National Geographic, various universities and even the Discovery Channel did one.

I'm sorry to break this to you, man. But all your conceptions about race are just a channel for your fears and insecurities to get the proverbial poison out.
You're living a white lie. Sorry.

No, i'm not a jew or an arab. I'm an upper middle class WASP. I don't support Israel either.

>> No.6531205

CBS News? Such a great source you supplied there, because it's not like there isn't an evil agenda behind all mainstream media or anything.

>> No.6531211


>implying that the mainstream media isn't pro islam

>> No.6531213

Maybe he's just antisemitic and misogynistic; IDK. Either way, guy's fucked up.

>> No.6531214

Beyond his being Jewish, there is no general scholarly agreement on the ethnicity of Jesus.[11]

>> No.6531231

He was a white Aryan. No doubt about it. Only a person with a straight and true moral compass has white skin and blonde hair.

>> No.6531234

i expected as much. i don't understand why people like you are so adamant to ignore anything suggestive of incompatibility between islam and the first world. acting as though anything reported by "the mainstream media" cannot ever be taken as fact

how about these, or are you going to dismiss them as biased as well?

it's an observable fact in many studies

>> No.6531235

Its true. It currently is against the law in most UN convention following nation-states to insult islam.

It is against the law to do it online in the US.

And if you depict an image of their god.and have it cause harm from the act then you can be asued and detained.

Popularized cases:
Guy who made youtube video that caused assualt on us embassy

>> No.6531254
File: 66 KB, 850x567, radhourani_aw09[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you think rad hourani is dangerous


>> No.6531252

That legislation was Co-Sponsored by Barack "Shah Emperor for Life" Obama

>> No.6531260

>beyond his being [an ethnicity], there is no general scholarly agreement on the ethnicity of Jesus

All of my wat.

There is literally no reason for him to have looked like anything other than any random Semite.

>> No.6531272

b-b-b-but muh white culture narrative!

>> No.6531275

Asia for the Asians.

Africa for the Africans.

Mexico for the Mexicans.

Pakistan for the Pakistanis.

Europe for the Europeans.

If we keep our respective lands in the hands of their traditional ethnicities, we can expect more peace. Multiracial countries are doomed to fail, it is best to keep them pure. There is nothing racist with this.

>> No.6531276
File: 365 KB, 1000x1409, Jesus vs. Jeezus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6531294


Asia for the Asians
Africa for the Asians
Mexico for the Asians
Pakistan for the Asians
Europe for the Muslims

I'm okay with this.

>> No.6531310

But people will always migrate. The only way to end all diaspora and migrant movements is with fascism, dictatorships and racism. Sorry.

The human experiment is about mixing and changing and evolving and you can't stop it. One day, we'll all be the same color. It's inevitable, it's what the universe always had in mind.

>> No.6531311

Your surveys mean nothing to me. I don't care that Islam and Christianity cannot coexist closely (religion is a form of mind control anyway) but what I am trying to say is that we are all human beings made out of the same stuff and united we could make a great society. What is happening to you (and all people caught up in the tide of anti-islamist, race-centric propaganda) is that you are being manipulated by an evil agenda and you are turning against your fellow man.

Your only motivation is your lack of happiness and that you think a bunch of brown people are partially responsible for that. Please just look within yourself because all of this media is a tool used by them to change your opinions and beliefs at their behest. In the 40's it was facists, in the 50's it was blacks and communists, in the 60s it was the hippies and demonstrators, it just goes on and on...

>> No.6531307

>Africa for the Asians
Funny thing, this may become true. The chinese are investing heavily into Africa

>> No.6531318

>Multiracial countries are doomed to fail, it is best to keep them pure.
[Citation Needed]

>> No.6531341

that guy posted his video traffic on /pol/ before getting deleted. 80-percent of the views were from israel and america, and Africa had about 100 views in total. Remember that tv footage they played and they said every muslim in Africa was outraged and rioting? It was all fake.

>> No.6531343

Are you actually promoting racemixing? Fucking interracial relationships!? How irresponsible can you be? Every race was meant to breed amongst itself. If everyone was the same skin color, how could you determine superiority over the other?

>> No.6531357

>this fucking liberal bullshit

>> No.6531369

brb miscegenation

>> No.6531371

The only actual accounts of Jesus are entirely biblical ones, where they call him ugly and describe his skin as "fairer than the children of men."
Historians at the time were indifferent to describing people's appearance
Semites, while not European, are white.
Those quotes don't say "go fuck and drink and be hedonistic" though, they say "Yeah you're bad people, but don't judge each other on that. Because I'm going to judge the fuck out of you when you die."
Also, almost all of those categories are outshined by tons of verses like "I destroyed a city because they had sex with everyone and everything" "No alcoholic will find his way into the kingdom of heaven" "Someone who kills a family member deserves to be punished with death" "Go forth and conquer all nations, you are God's chosen people" (Literally nobody wants America to be a fucking theocracy) "All you have to do is stop loving worldly pleasures (in reference to an aristocrat) and getting into heaven is the simplest thing you can do"
sorry for the paraphrasing
Great cognitive dissonance
>People are always evolving and changing
>So one day we'll magically stop being different and everyone will look identical
Evolution is not goal oriented. Divergent populations exist for a reason. I'm so sorry you flunked 3rd grade biology.
Look at every empire that has ever existed
>Conservative, male dominated, isolationist, citizenship only available to ethnically traditional population
Rules the world
>Women's right to vote, allow non-citizens citizenship, breakdown the nuclear family

>> No.6531393

Liberal/Conservative/Facist/Communist/Monarch/Labour/Democrat/Christian/Buddhist/Muslim - they're all ways to separate us and keeping fighting amongst ourselves. I'm sorry that you can't see that right now but if you open your mind you'll find out for yourself some day.

>> No.6531412

>be open minded by closing your mind to all the options
do you think or do you just type words hoping your pseudo-intellectual babble sticks

>> No.6531457


im a british boy and i love french girls

>> No.6531470

false dichotomy go home

>> No.6531471
File: 133 KB, 1198x898, 1373992896395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6531897

I'm so fucking tired of you ugly duel faggots talking shit and pretending to be lawyers. Motherfucker I'm taking law classes you mall cop fuck I know how the law works. Watch you be some dumb ass who's not even from the states trying to tell me how the law works. You're the type of dumb fuck who orders a fat ass meal with a diet coke. Why the fuck is your broke ass on fit if you've got such a vast understanding of the law.

>> No.6532139

>"fairer than the children of men."

That's from Tehillim, not the NT.

>Semites, while not European, are white.

"White" is an arbitrary social coding, not a fixed category.

>Divergent populations exist for a reason.

But the physical environment of someone in Moscow, Berlin, London, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, and developed Beijing and Mumbai is not notably different, in terms of the physiology needed to survive and reproduce there.

Try again.

Also, it's obvious from the way he was talking he wasn't subscribing to strict orthodox Darwinism. Probably some anthropic principle stuff. Which, criticize that if you want, but it's not something people who flunk 3rd grade biology say.

>rules the world

Who the fuck wants to rule the world? People want personal fulfillment and/or advancement. Collective domination is an ego salve when they're denied those things by others in their social order.

>> No.6532503


I hope you guys remember to prayer to allah at 12 o'bong today in respect to your beloved immigrants!

>> No.6532528

you guys should do what Australia does and ship all the immigrants we don't want to PNG.

thankyou based rudd

>> No.6532588
File: 4 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat Cara in the front row.

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