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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 40 KB, 901x616, shut-the-fuck-up-and-train-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6525092 No.6525092 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /fa/gs, /fit/ here

Considering I'm a weightlifter, I snowboard, I box and shave my head...I'd say I'm pretty manly. I fix shit, I build shit, I'm also studying to be an engineer.

What ever happened to /fa/ being a man? You mean, there are billions of men left, why is it that you and all your friends are faggy? Its because youre pussies. I'm not. My friends arent. We avoid people like you because you arent worth our time.

We dont wear skinny jeans, we dont have a fringe. We don't dress in skirts and "goof ninja" robes.

What annoys me about this board is that half of it is hilarious. The other half is full of faggy, underdeveloped snivveling kids who dont know what the fuck being a man is about because you live in your bedrooms watching anime, jacking off to the latest skinny as fuck fashion models and shopping for $1000 cock sleeves on the internet. Sort your own lives out. Wars are still being fought by men. I like a fight in a ring, I like fucking women, I like lifting weights, I like pushing my limits by jumping off cliffs with my feet strapped to a board.

What did you do with your day? I rebuilt my friends computer, asked a girl out and went boarding. Now I've made a manwich and I'm about to go socialise with my friends. Get a life and you'll one day look at yourself in the mirror that all the character building you did by challenging yourself turned you into a man without you even noticing.

Fuck. This board is a magnet for fags

>> No.6525098

Thanks for defining manhood for me, but you're clearly a child. You aren't really qualified to speak on the matter.

>> No.6525103
File: 30 KB, 468x450, 1373914438265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you making such an obvious bait thread
you're a teenage troll wannabe /fa/ggot

I browse /fit/ btw

>> No.6525104

>OP is manly
>doesn't post picture
I'd kick your ass anyway

>> No.6525110
File: 40 KB, 300x292, fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.6525111

>/fit/ here
Aaaaaand i'm out

>> No.6525117

these threads are funny cause you just know that op is some chubby dude whos been doing curls for a week

>> No.6525126

I like how the autistic op took the time to type up this troll and no one even fell for it

>> No.6525167

epik new coopyprasta?

>> No.6525223

I'm a weightlifter, I fingerboard, I get into fights IRL (boxing is for pussies who need rules + ref) and shave my head...I'd say I'm pretty manly. I fix shit, I build shit, I'm also studying to be an engineer.

What ever happened to /fit/ being open minded? You mean, there are billions of men left, why is it that you and all your friends are homophobic?? Its because youre pussies. I'm not. My friends arent. We avoid people like you because you arent worth our time.

What annoys me about your board is that half of it is hilarious. The other half is full of faggy, underdeveloped snivveling kids who dont know what the fuck being a man is about because you live in your bedrooms watching anime, jacking off to the latest bodybuilders/mr.olympia and shopping for $1000 supplements on the internet. Sort your own lives out. Wars are still being fought by men. I like a fight in the projects, I like fucking women, I like lifting weights, I like pushing my limits by jumping off cliffs into a lake without any lame ass boards strapped onto my feet

What did you do with your day? I rebuilt my friends computer, asked a girl out and went to go smoke. Now I've made a cup of coffee and I'm about to go socialise with my friends. Get a life and you'll one day look at yourself in the mirror that all the character building you did by challenging yourself turned you into a man without you even noticing.

>> No.6525239

Being /fit/ and /fa/ is possible.
Autists these days.

>> No.6525262

>I like fucking women
Gl, getting any you jacked up fuccboi

>> No.6525272

you know OP, insecurity isn't very manly

>> No.6525273

>op pretending to fall for his own troll

>> No.6525277


>> No.6525282

>seeing a big dude wih dick ovens

I shall laugh heartily when that day appears.

OP is trolling but he is kinda right, /fa/ has a very faggy taste

>> No.6525286

Is it also manly to whine on 4chan?

>> No.6525283

very good B)) post on fit

>> No.6525285

>"I'm a man guys!"
>Talks like a child
>Acts childish
>Extremely insecure and delusional
Gr8 thread /fit/

>> No.6525303

please go to google and search for a picture of mr. owens himself.

>> No.6525306

>tfw miss doing deadlifts

>> No.6525319

it's more like required

"Working out is modern couture"
-Slick Rick Owens

>> No.6525333

>What did you do with your day?
wore pearl rick owens tank, generic black jeans and black raf velcros
lifted, today was arm day
practiced my french, learning it for fun, not for school
read some of Swann's Way by Marcel Proust
hung out with friends at a record store
came home listened to some of the records I bought, took a few samples for this production project I'm working on lowkey
just got on 4chan for a minute to see whats up
will probably either watch some anime or an architecture documentary i downloaded, haven't decided yet
fixing to make a huge spinach salad covered in strawberries and blueberries and cook a chicken breast with carrots and bananas on the side and half gallon of milk

will probably do most of it again tomorrow except i need to work legs :shrug:

>> No.6525378
File: 2.79 MB, 2218x598, fukoffm8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asked a girl out
>my faces when


>> No.6525382

what architecture documentary?

>> No.6525387

you also need a fresh cut, because he also said

"You need a nice haircut and fresh kicks, you can half ass everything else" -Richard Saturnino Owens

>> No.6525391

a buzz is p. effay doe.

>> No.6525394

you're right I have a buzz right now

>> No.6525392

It's called The Shock of the New

its broken up into like 8 different videos though which is why I'm hesitant to start it now, will probably just wait till the weekend and watch 2 or 3 a night

>> No.6525402
File: 790 KB, 967x963, 1332784289507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like an insecure cunt.

>> No.6525581

I love small girls with huge purses

>> No.6527483
File: 157 KB, 900x1200, DSCN0725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6527537

OP nice copypasta, but if you really did make this, I saw the /fit/ faces thread.

You're all 30 year olds, fucking pathetic considering how you treat eachother. Atleast we're not in our fucking 30s and can still be mean to eachother and can use our youth as an excuse.

>> No.6527556

>single-entendre "fag"
>Jüngerite bullshit


Are we seriously going to have this fucking thread every single goddamn day?

>> No.6527604

>from /fit/

pick one, /fit/ is the gayest place on 4chan, full of insecure pussies who spend their day 'mirin' on other men's body. "HURR DURR FUCKIN MANLETS, SQUATZ AND OATZ GUISE, LMAO5PLAETS"

>> No.6527783


>lol u liek mans das grose