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6523031 No.6523031 [Reply] [Original]

how much do I tip my barber

>> No.6523038

>barber charges £9
You can't not give him the £10 note. Round up to the nearest note.

>> No.6523052
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I'm in America. My barber charges like $25-$30... I'll tip him $5?

>> No.6523119

Well, 15% is the standard. 20% is max if you really like it.

>> No.6523136

isn't that normal?
I think my barber would think I want sexy time if I tip him 20€ extra

>> No.6523151
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>> No.6523155

you black?

>> No.6523157

Always 20%. I take pride in offering a generous tip to the working man, whether it's a barber, a barista or a waiter.

>> No.6523171

are you serious?
at least here in germany, barbers dont get nearly the money they deserve for their job. so not tipping them is only aceptable for jews

>> No.6523186

i pay 25 dollars for 15-20 minutes of work MAX, how the fuck is that not enough? if they want to raise the price then go ahead but im not going to fucking tip for a haircut unless they make a miracle happen

>> No.6523195

I don't understand tipping
why dont they just charge more instead if its seen as standard
is the option of tipping in order to deny a tip for bad service rather than give additional money for good service?

>> No.6523210

Because the tip goes directly into the worker's pocket while the price of the cut goes into the store coffers.

>> No.6523215

<i can only speak for germany here again>
we have so many big barber chains here who let their people work for 6-7€/hr that if one barber changes his pricing to be able to give their workers a good living, then most people wouldn't buy a haircut from them and instead run to these big chains.
maybe it's just here where the economy is so fucked up

>> No.6523221

oh ok
maybe i should ask why they dont pay the worker more
economics is confusing

>> No.6523240

its different customs in different countries im not convinced it makes that much of a difference either way because tips usually wind up being pretty dependable as regular pay

>> No.6523280

because if a restaurant raised prices and then raised their wages, people would complain that it was too expensive

>> No.6523286

people are retarded