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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 145 KB, 862x700, russian tooth fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6521889 No.6521889 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in the market for a new outfit for airsoft games, and this caught my eye.
Having passed the wow phase, I'm now reluctant to toss myself into another project that'll end up looking ridiculous.

Can a dude pull off something like this without heading into fedora territory, or should I drop the idea and look for new inspiration?

>> No.6521914

I don't really understand the question. That exact outfit?

>> No.6521931

Not exactly that, I understand the jacket is probably more fit for women. But something along those lines, yes.

Sorry if I wasn't specific enough, I've never posted on /fa/ before.

>> No.6521939

Sure, I don't see why not. Hiking boots, olive cargo pants, military slide canvas belt, black t-shirt, and M65 field jacket.

>> No.6521942

Military Surplus Jacket
Tight Fitting Dark Shirt (Underarmour or some sort of synthetic)
Camo Pants
Doc Martens/Clarks
Fingerless Gloves

It will look incredibly stupid as streetwear, but fairly functional for airsoft.

>> No.6521965
File: 59 KB, 300x380, M1943_Field_Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you both, I'll note this down.
This is definitely not for streetwear, that much I can figure.

Regarding the jacket. How much of a stretch woult an M43 Field Jacket be, as an alternative? Looks comfy as fuck.

>> No.6521988
File: 389 KB, 1499x1300, 1351849191791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get an M43 for spring/summer

only for fall/winter

for summer you want a brighter green

>> No.6521990


Depends on the street. I've seen people wearing a military jacket, black shirt, jeans and Chucks and it looks okay. Only thing is that it can't be oversized or bulky which usually means a fashion jacket instead of surplus. Alternatively you can substitute a long sleeve shirt with epaulets and flap pockets. The Converse One Star line has alot of stuff like that, the American Rag line at Macy's too. The look tends to show up more in rural areas.

>> No.6522014

A gorka jacket would be my choice.

>> No.6522018

If you buy a legit surplus jacket, it's going to have a lot of volume and be big as fuck because they're designed to fit over body armor.

I have a Marquardt and Schultz field coat and an M65 that I wear pretty regularly with skinny jeans and jump boots and they look okay, but I'm tall as fuck. If you're shorter, you might want to look for a slimmer cut coat, like Alpha Industries' Weston.

For airsoft, you're going to want something that offers mobility, so no excessively tight shirts, or skinny pants. Go for cargos or BDUs.

The biggest difference between looking pretty fucking neat on the field or like a chump will be whether or not you find shit that fits you nicely with coordinated colors.

>> No.6522019

If you're worrying about camoflage, don't. This is for indoor or urban games. I just want something that isn't T-Shirt+Jeans and facemask, or the usual Magpul Dynamics inspired outfits the people we play against wears.

I'm still searching, but I'm finding a lot of different M65 jackets that look promising. One with removable fleece padding looks really good, but costs nearly twice as much as those without, at about $150.

Like I said, this is definitely not streetwear. I do live in a rural area though.

>> No.6522030

I'm expecting it to be roomy, I'm 6'3" and 120lb. Most things I wear I could fit another person in, and nobody would notice.

Noted, I'll see if I can find any after I'm done with my little shopping list.

>> No.6522039

is airsoft paintball without the paint

>> No.6522040

Just with more autism. You'd fit right in.

>> No.6522046

doesnt appeal to me that much, i played some laser tag as a kid and it felt very lackluster

>> No.6522049
File: 35 KB, 460x496, Chris_Costa_notices_you_not_being_dynamic_enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alpha Industries makes the original M65 but there are a shitload of other brands that print the same pattern, usually with a slimmer fit.

But why don't you want to be dynamic, anon?

>> No.6522055
File: 84 KB, 985x700, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. The guns my people use are essentially milspec. Heavy as fuck metal and wood guns with proper magazine sizes, powered by the magic of propane.

Pretty much, yes. It's a fun activity though, and you meet lots of interesting people. Lots of millitary veterans play, fucking scary people to be up against.

Because T-Shirts and plate carriers are uncomfortable, and I can't grow a decent beard.
I also look terrible in those sunglases magpul-guy wears...

>> No.6522063
File: 72 KB, 720x479, chris_costa_performs_dynamic_entry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to pick up a slide belt or an H-rig pretty cheaply if you shop around. I don't know how much US mil-spec cartridge pouches/holsters from WWII go for, but soviet mosin nagant pouches and whatnot go pretty cheaply on ebay.

do u even opr8

>> No.6522074

Okay, here's what I have so far.

Looks omega-comfy, but will probably be large enough for me to fit a family of gypsies in there with me, if I remove the fleece padding.

Or http://www.garderoben.se/rothco-ultra-force-vintage-m65-faltjacka-p-768-c-416.aspx?externalsearch=1

Again, comfy factor.

Or http://www.garderoben.se/m65-byxa-kopia-p-1387-c-411.aspx
Because autism.


Boots I'm cheaping out on. I have a pair of indestructable steeltoe Caterpillar boots I've had for years, that I use for yard work, or general hick-wear. They should work well enough for this.

>> No.6522077

>do u even opr8

No, I think black metal guns are ugly. I only use glorious wood and laquer. And they are bulky as fuck to use in situations that demand operating.

>> No.6522082
File: 148 KB, 430x540, Varg_Vikernes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, I think black metal guns are ugly

try a black metal club

>> No.6522089

id like to see that bitch carry that around in my hood.
what the hell he gonna do against six niggas grippin nines?

>> No.6522096

In addition to Aarseth’s murder, police found 150 kg of explosives and 3000 rounds of ammunition in Vikernes’ home during an in the early 90’s. While on prison leave in 2003, Vikernes hijacked a car at gunpoint, adding 13 months to his sentence upon arrest. He was later released on parole in 2009.

He'd probably kill all that human trash in sight

>> No.6522097

But wood is more heavier than polymer. You sound like a fudd.

>> No.6522106

If I ever get my hands on some Soviet era guns, I'll see about building a little Gurka wardrobe. Those looks really comfy.

>> No.6522114

I'm not! I just prefer the feel of wood, is all. Also heavy guns are toptier for when you're laying down outside. Keeps stable as a twig in water.

I have an M416 on backorder for indoor games, though. That's the one black rifle I could see myself use.

>> No.6522113

yea those guys were so fucking crazy.
it's ridiculous to think he's actually out of prison, and when he was in there they let him record music.

wtf is Norwegian prison like?

>> No.6522116
File: 74 KB, 761x863, 1362558787171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first jacket is a nice pattern but the camo kills the WWII/partisan vibe if that's what you're going for. The second one is pretty standard looking, the sleeves on the third look weird for some reason.

The first pants are neat.

As far as boots go, you could probably find a pair of Addisons on Etsy in the $50-$75 range. The seller VintageCombatBoots has a good selection.

>> No.6522117

comfiest prison on earth, they let you play vidya and watch TV all day and feed you subway

>> No.6522130
File: 169 KB, 1000x897, jinrohtroopers23ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6522133

I'm conflicted about the first jacket. It looks really fucking comfy, but the camo pattern does indeed ruin the olive drab thing. If I find it in olive drab, I'm definitely getting it. Otherwise I'm sacking it for one of the other jackets.

Furthermore, I have the urge to buy tons of Jeep caps to hand out at games. They looks ridiculously comfy.

>> No.6522134

>Can a dude pull off something like this without heading into fedora territory
>airsoft games

heading into fedora territory? m8 you play with toy guns, you have already settled Fedora Territory, raised a clutch of baby neckbeards and have been elected as chairperson of the local atheist superiority alliance.

>> No.6522138

>someone goes and does a physical activity that doesn't involve a fucking ball

oh no must be a faggot

do fencers play with toy swords?

>> No.6522149

I think you'd like it, if you ever try it. It's great for exercise. Most outdoor games we do we'll march for at least 20 kilometers before we see someone to shoot at.
One time at a massive game we got a lift from some people with a Dingy. Shit's fucking bananas.

Airshit isn't fashion though. We have /toy/ for that, I believe.

>> No.6522155

you can't buy fencing swords in a toy store.

>> No.6522156

actually, it's not /toy/ but /asp/

no, not /asp/ergers but alternative sports

>> No.6522163
File: 164 KB, 700x706, polarstar_HPA_02a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can't buy a polarstar in a toystore either you autist

>> No.6522165

oh, and fencing takes skill and years of training to actually be any good. it isnt just LARPing around a forest swinging the sword about and yelling "lightning bolt!", which is pretty similar to this pretending to be a soldier pew pew i shot you ur out bullshit.

besides, which ones in the olympics m8y?

>> No.6522166

Fuck it, I'll just go with the padded jacket. It'll break the look a good bit, but It'll be used mostly outdoors anyway. Warm and comfy goes over style in this case.

Thank you all for your assistance. I was sure I would've been booed out. I'm glad I was wrong.
I might come back one day and post pictures of how it turned out. Good day to you, gentlemen.

Oh dear, you're right. I haven't been to either, I just recall a sticky on /k/ saying something about it, a long while ago.

>> No.6522169

>which ones in the olympics m8y?

Certainly not shitposting on the fashion subforum of an anime image board

>> No.6522171

do they all come all scratched up like that, or do you autists take to it with a knife or some shit so it looks more "battle hardened"????

its fucking hilarious either way.

>> No.6522172

you're hilarious m8

I bet all the girls are over your dick for being such a clever comedian

>> No.6522173
File: 49 KB, 312x348, qfJUicC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can give you and another random sperg foils and hook you up to the buzzer, and you are going to be flailing around like fucking retards.

I can give you and another random sperg M4s and throw you into a CQB room against a team of ex-military players, and you are going to be flailing around like fucking retards.

hurr de fucking durr


you don't have a lot of fun do you?

>> No.6522176

Some manufacturers make paint them like that. It's not scratched, its painted to look like it is.

I spend a lot of time making sure my peashooters aren't too dented or scratched up.

>> No.6522182


Pretty much zero manufacturers do this.

>> No.6522186
File: 871 KB, 1086x1920, tumblr_mnxr4hqICr1rvhwhbo4_r1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6522189

I would pay him to suck his cock.

>> No.6522191

do you think he has the dexterity for that

>> No.6522192

shouldn't this be on /asp/. also $500 for an airsoft mosin? I could get an actual one and a few cans of ammo or even 3-4 mosins for that much.

>> No.6522195
File: 476 KB, 1000x1899, tumblr_mpy03j1ToC1rvhwhbo1_r6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c jacket

>> No.6522198

Yeah it's fucking hilarious how that works out.
All Airsoft Mosins I've found are way too shiny though. It's the roofless tractor of the firearm world. It should be worn and ugly, not brushed and shiny.

>> No.6522203
