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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 38 KB, 480x640, dfhfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6515481 No.6515481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can i into model? that's what some grills tell me

i'm 185cm

>> No.6515482

only for runway

>> No.6515497

>implying grills know shit about the fashion industry and what it takes to be a model

If you have no connections, just give up now

>> No.6515505

im ok with that
but i'm not a grill, it's not nearly as competitive for men as it is for girls, or?

i just turned 18, so of course i won't have connections now. and i've lived in south korea for the past few months and i get 'modeling offers' almost on the daily, however i think most are scams or some stupid bullshit simply because i'm a foreigner.

i want to send my pictures to a real agency here, but i feel like i don't look good enough

>> No.6515508

your face ain't pretty

if you wear a mask maybe

>> No.6515514

you have the unique features they would want

you might be able to, but it's getting p.late for a career

>> No.6515517

Then do it you retard, the worse that can happen is they say no and everythings no different from how it is now, sitting and talking about it on fa just looks like you're gagging for attention

>> No.6515518

how is 18 too late? most agencies i looked at only allow 18+ men to apply, for girls a bit younger

>> No.6515521

no hate but you're pretty ugly, you have great bone structure though and you have that weird face that some models have, i could see it happen

>> No.6515526
File: 57 KB, 640x441, ere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, i'm about a 7 or 8/10 . i don't think there has ever been a normal girl to consider me average or below average

it's not just for attention, looking for some advice, i'm guessing you guys are more knowledgeable.. first i make this thread, i'm just curious. i'll try it for sure though

>> No.6515537

6.5/10 in my book

you're ugly, but not refined ugly for modeling

nose too wide, face too narrow, lips don't look sensual big but comically big

if you weren't attention whoring you would just take polaroids and send them to an agency like any normal human being that wants to model does

>> No.6515545

but how is 6.5 ugly?

and like i said, i'm not trying attention whore, it's the first time you see my picture. i want just want opinions from anons

>> No.6515547

youve made this thread at least twice every month
sage, report etc etc

>> No.6515549

no, your nose is too bulbous, your chin is too round, your eyes too small and your lips poorly shaped, sorry.

>> No.6515554
File: 457 KB, 1166x1695, 5378436894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you'll never be able to model because dat nose and thin dubsman lips

;__; m-maybe after rhinoplasty?

>> No.6515556
File: 19 KB, 399x376, valuev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6515559

It's ugly to me.

>I'm not trying attention whore
>i want just want opinions from anons

Which is attention whoring. You got my opinion, I think you're ugly. Your jaw looks wonky as fuck since your chin is a lot bigger than your jawline and the gauntness with your low cheekbones makes it look even worse. Someone who never really looks at human faces like half the anons here will go "ooooh such nice bonestructure" even though what they mean is your gauntness and not your actual bonestructure.

I also like how you want the opinions from anons just to get buttmad about it when you get anything that isn't 10/10

If you would want to know if you can model you'd ask an agency not fucking 4chan.

>> No.6515563


Oh fuck off, you're perfect and could be stood outside a fucking Hollister you cunt

You should see what I have to deal with

>> No.6515568

but.. i'm not mad at all. however, saying i'm ugly or less than a 6/10 is almost certainly trolling

i also don't think you understand how rates work. it's not possible for someone to be a 6.5 and ugly. this would mean the average person is what, an 8/10? statistically, the average-looking guy has to be 5/10

>> No.6515571

I guess you're a 4/10 then.

>> No.6515580

See, you're doing it again

>saying I'm ugly is certainly trolling

It isn't. I think you're ugly. Your face does not look good.

It seems you don't understand that 'rates' don't mean anything. I consider people 'above average' to still be ugly.

You're not a 8/10 to me.

Your eyes are beady and sunken, your forehead has a cromagnon thing going on, your ears look lumpy and monk like, as I said before your lips are too big even for 'model' aesthetics, chin too big, jawline too small, general proportions are bad. Mouth too big, nose too wide, eyes too small.

I thought you wanted an opinion?

>> No.6515588

>I consider people 'above average' to still be ugly.
that doesn't make any sense.. at all

if you want to say i don't have what it takes for any kind of modeling, that's a valid opinion. however, saying i'm ugly is not a reasonable opinion. i mean, you can say it all you want, doesn't make it any less of bullshit

>> No.6515599

>saying i'm ugly is not a reasonable opinion. i mean, you can say it all you want, doesn't make it any less of bullshit


Someone doesn't understand how other people s opinions can differ from yours.

I don't think you can model, I think you're ugly.

Your face is so undefined it makes me cringe. Your lips have no shape, it just looks like two sausages hotglued to that oversized chin.
Your nose is the real problem though. It looks like a micheal jackson nose on steroids.

Above average just means exactly that.

Above average.

Above average does not mean good looking. It means you're above the average of a demographic.

Anything under a 7.5 (in your retarded 'rate' system) is ugly to me. My average cutoff starts at a 7

>> No.6515606
File: 268 KB, 737x617, pictriev, face search engine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you're 50.

>> No.6515608
File: 5 KB, 245x206, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a grill who knows a lot about the fashion industry and model requirements, no.

>> No.6515609

I love how he looks like total trash compared to Simon Nessman

>> No.6515610
File: 118 KB, 228x210, hahahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not a shitty nose

>> No.6515612

similar noses are really all they have at common and even then it's a stretch

>> No.6515616


How about you take a picture without these stupid fucking faces and maxiumum lighting? huh?

Like a default picture standing infront of your computer with a neutral fucking expression

oh wait you won't, because you are obviously manipulating shit you fucker what is the point of these threads

>> No.6515617

Actually, you don't have to have a button nose to be a model.

>> No.6515618


you need help

>> No.6515619
File: 110 KB, 830x549, 1374048291473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah he's pretty ugly compared to an actual model

both in proportions and individual features

>> No.6515621

But it can't be a bulb either :/

>> No.6515622

i tried making the picture as neutral as possible. it was taken just before i made the thread sitting in front of the computer and looking at my phone's camera. no flash or anything

the picture you linked to, however, was taken the same way but with the webcam, which is much shittier and lower quality than the phone camera

>> No.6515623

Why are you getting so defense when YOU started a thread asking how you looked looked.
You look unique enough for large a runway show for rick owens, but not nearly good enough for a stable career. I'm not entirely sure where runway models are found though because they often only do one show.

>> No.6515624

He actually looks pretty similar. He just has a different jaw structure and his eyebrows are not as good.

>> No.6515625

Actually, I work with this. It's my job. But you know nobody on /fa/ works in the industry. I'm just a troll, right?

OP needs another hobby or source for his attention whoring

>> No.6515626


Holy fucking shit, im not even op but if i was OP i would be seriously fucknig angry

i want to punch you in your ugly nerd head so much you annoying little shit

>> No.6515627

Woah there. Passive aggressive much?

>> No.6515628

so he doesn't look similar at all?

There's not one feature that looks similar. Not a single one.

>> No.6515629

it makes how low his cheekbones are really obvious

>> No.6515630

well, let's be honest, his photo was photoshopped and taken by professionals with expensive equipment.. mine was not.

his lips and chin and ears are even worse than mine.. and dark/brown eyes aren't very unique. but his face is over-all better looking

>> No.6515632

Man, if he's a 6.5/10, you can't be more than a three. Post a picture, or get the fuck out.

>> No.6515634

Passive aggressive? You what mate? I just states that bulbous nose tips are not aesthetic.

>> No.6515635


sure you do bruh, u totally don't sit in ur mothers basement eating cheetos and playing runescape

you are nothing but an insecure shit projecting his insecurities on good looking people

op is good looking and you are just a piece of shit, srs.

fucking die you horrible cunt

>> No.6515638

i'm not mad at all, i'm almost convinced he's just trolling at this point.

he's right though, i did ask for opinions. but his opinion of me being a 4/10 is very senseless and unreasonable

>> No.6515639

Dude can you calm the fuck down already.

>> No.6515640

Never mind. It was just the way you said it.

>> No.6515643

superiority complex, lel

>> No.6515644

>chin and ears are even worse than mine

>well, let's be honest, his photo was photoshopped and taken by professionals with expensive equipment.. mine was not.

Them excuses.

And yet, he got a contract and an agency job by sending in polaroids. That must mean he looks good without photoshop too.

Face it, you're not good looking.

>> No.6515645


i dont give a shit if you are not mad

i am fucking mad

>> No.6515647


>> No.6515649

>dark/brown eyes aren't very unique
You think you're special because of your eye color, don't you. Wow. I'm honestly kind of disgusted. Brown eyes are underrated.

>> No.6515652


Post a fucking 3/4 profile, and do it now.

>> No.6515653



That's such a juvenile insult. It makes your seem harmless.

That poster is being a baby about all this though. I'd like to see him rate a picture of himself.

>> No.6515654

don't be mad buddy, why be mad at a troll?
>And yet, he got a contract and an agency job by sending in polaroids.
maybe i could do the same, who knows? i still haven't sent any polaroids in

ah well.. maybe. like i said, he is better looking

>> No.6515655

you and I both know he'd give himself at least an eight.

>> No.6515657

>i still haven't sent any polaroids in

and you won't.

I'd really like to give you our address, but I already know you won't send shit

>> No.6515658


Projecting hard. Ad homs are cute as fuck too.

>> No.6515659
File: 532 KB, 1600x1145, van_gogh_potato_eaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is ugly as fuck. I'm not even trolling, you look like a potato eater.

>> No.6515660

I'd give myself a 7.

>> No.6515663
File: 25 KB, 640x436, hghgghgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, i wanted to take it with the camera on my phone.. but it's out of battery. will this do, for now? i know, this webcam is absolute shit

>> No.6515664


sorry dude but this is preston speaking aka a casting agent (hehe) and i work in the industry u dont LOL!

>> No.6515667
File: 23 KB, 640x432, ghghgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6515670

hahahaha that nose

did all the lightbulbs in your room commit collective suicide because of your nose?

turn on the light you dumb fag

>> No.6515671

give me a link to your homepage - big shot modeling agency
i think my green eyes are more unique than 95% of world population brown eyes

>> No.6515674

>that forced expression

yeah, no you'd get laughed at if you try that shit in tryouts

>> No.6515676


plz bone me preston

>> No.6515677

i don't have a working light in the room, except a small one and it's on. like i said, with the phone camera it would be better and more visible

>> No.6515679

Go in another room or the bathroom then.

>> No.6515680


I don't think you know how this works. You won't be able to send anything per mail.

If you're in paris you can come around to the office and bring a portfolio.

Don't forget your webcam pics.

>> No.6515681

OP looks like a parody of model.

I don't know what I mean by that exactly.

Guess you look good??

>> No.6515683

honestly not forcing anything i normally wouldn't do when walking around, i have it that way every second. so i guess it's a compliment

>> No.6515685

>inb4 all lights in the house broke

just let this shit thread die

op got complimented by some needy fat girl and is on top of the world now

>> No.6515686

your agency doesn't have a website? really?

link it

>> No.6515687

Yeah, that's why the shape of your face changed in every pic you posted.

You're one of the biggest canibeamuddel tryhards I've seen on here yet

>> No.6515690

nah, i got it sometimes from 7s-8s, even back when i lived in western part of the world. here i get it often but likely because i'm a foreigner

>> No.6515691

nope, my face shape is the same in every picture. brightness/contrast of the picture is different due to cameras, though

>> No.6515693


You do not work for an agency.

>> No.6515695

It does. Do you really think I'd post that here?

As I said, sending things by email is not going to get you an appointment.

I can give you an adress if you give me your email, but you're probably not in France sooo

>> No.6515698
File: 83 KB, 538x720, 1000475_488350597914393_854587294_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop sucking on ur cheeks u autist

>> No.6515700

lol, exactly why wouldn't you post the link here?

go away, troll

>> No.6515701

No OP you couldn't model

not because of your average face but because your personality as shown in the thread is total autistic shit

>> No.6515702

His lips make it look like he's sucking his cheeks in at all times so I get the same impression

>> No.6515703


>> No.6515705


There isn't any doubt in my mind that you aren't 3x more attractive then the average dude, you just aren't model materiel. Just be a pillow biting bottom in something

>> No.6515706

I dunno you're not good looking enough for photos and you didn't even bother posting a body shot for runway so probably not

>> No.6515707

autistic huh? i don't know man, it's hard to not sound stupid when replying to a troll most of the time

my jaw gets formed like that when i keep my mouth closed. if i clench my jaw and put more pressure, i can make it flaunt even more.. but it looks a bit silly then

>> No.6515708

the sucking in your cheeks look mostly comes from his weak jawline to chin ratio

>> No.6515709

> I guess it's a compliment
The face of delusion

>> No.6515711
File: 3 KB, 107x125, 1373400633581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this guy is actually pretending to work for a modelling agency

just stop....its ok

no one is going to laugh just stop posting

>> No.6515713

Your loss. :^)

>> No.6515714

No it won't do. If you hope to ever submit to a reputable agency (ie Ford, Elite, etc) you better learn how to take a good photo. It starts with turning the light on.
See >>>/p/

>implying people still do tryouts
The application to be a model is right here.
You don't need to even get your ass up.

>> No.6515715

if you're gay 7/10 if you're straight 4/10

>> No.6515716

>you just aren't model materiel
i think the same.. but i might as well try anyways, no?

there aren't many white teenagers in seoul.. and if there are, most are average looking or maybe below average

>> No.6515717


you could of pretended to be a model but you chose a scout instead


>> No.6515719

>implying OP would actually want to model and not just get a cheap ego boost on an anime imageboard

>> No.6515722

go here
then delete the thread

>> No.6515725


>could of
go eat a dick

>> No.6515726

i would have done that weeks ago..however i still haven't invested money into a nice camera. i don't think i'm going to send an application with pictures from a fucking phone

>> No.6515727

>could of

flyover state american detected

>> No.6515728

if excuses got you into modelling you'd be on all the magazine covers already

>> No.6515729


lol tricked!

>> No.6515734

I just think your jawline is too weak for modeling, maybe with a more rectangular head and maybe with lower korean standards but you also are a bit too masculine for it.
You need some androdgyny in a model.

>> No.6515735

i don't understand.. i mean, i suppose yeah, it is an excuse. but a valid one

>> No.6515739

i can change my a bit masculinity with my hairstyle easily

>> No.6515740

you're also dumb as a brick already

100% model material

>> No.6515743

you can't change your jaw unfortunately

>> No.6515747
File: 537 KB, 830x549, 1374051347103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your eyes look grey. They don't look the least bit green. Oh, and newsflash, pretty face are a dime a dozen. Oh wait, double fucking newsflash: the swedish standard of beauty (blue eyes and blonde hair) is no longer preferred in the beauty industry; all you have to be is be white, as that is pretty much the only standard- whiteness. Even if the Swedish standard of beauty was in place, your competition will definitely inlcude plenty of guys with green eyes, many of which, might I add, will probably be a lot less cocky (a trait agencies appreciate) and more attractive.

TFW someone calls you fat (BMI is just at 18) and needy (not interested in a relationship and a pretty independent and introverted person) just because you wanted someone else to have some sense of security. Faggot, can't you see I was trying to make him feel better? If you want me to point out all the things wrong with his face, here you go. This is coming from someone who actually knows what fashion agencies are looking for.


Agencies don't want you to submit photos taken with specialized cameras or pictures that have been edited. That's the first thing you should know if you actually want to sign up. Then again, this guy just wants attention, and he doesn't want to sign up for anything. As I was saying here >>6515714, all you need to do is turn the lights on and take a picture that's true to what you look like.

>> No.6515748

Not enough
And you can't change your jaw unfortunately

>> No.6515754


autism speaks

>> No.6515755


Wow what a post and I haven't even begun reading

>> No.6515758

oh but, my eyes are very green.

also, not sucking in my cheeks in the slightest, clearly showing me you don't know much

anyways, i'll give you a 5.5/10 for this one. you actually opened up paint and shit

>> No.6515763

It doesn't matter if you are sucking in your cheeks, it matters what it looks like. Your low jaw and lips just happens to make you look like that.

>> No.6515765

Literally everything I said is true. I am so sick of this guy. He so fucking full of himself. If you can't see that, then you're really, really confused.

>> No.6515767

>not sucking in my cheeks in the slightest
>looks like is sucking in cheeks
>clearly shows me this boy was not meant to be a model
A model doesn't have a perpetual expression of tryhard. It's like your default expression.

>> No.6515769

>Literally everything I said is true.
you don't seem to know what literally means, because calling me ugly is a subjective opinion you have that 99% of the world population would disagree with you on. sure, maybe i'm being arrogant, but also realistic

>> No.6515773


I hate how none of the text on the imagine you posted is justified left. Bad attitude comment made me chuckle/swoon though.

>> No.6515774

*image, not imagine. Fuck, I am tired.

>> No.6515775

I like how OP ignores all the "no" from unrelated posters but continues on battling with his autism ego

>> No.6515778

You're ugly and creepy.

>> No.6515781

that person literaly never called you ugly, where did you read that. He specifically said you looked fine just not good enough to model.

>> No.6515784

I'm not calling you ugly, hun. I'm calling you narcissistic and not model material. This is more like what you should be looking like.

>> No.6515787

You're so fucking full of yourself. I don't even care if you're ugly or not; you just seem like a horrible person.

>> No.6515788

read the earlier posts. could be a different guy and i lost track though

>> No.6515790

The retard thinks anonymous is one person it seems.

I'm the guy who called him ugly and I didn't even reply to the thread in about an hour

>> No.6515792

I think OP is ugly


>> No.6515796

I honestly think it's a possibility OP is a troll. I genuinely think so. No one can be this delusional and narcissistic.

>> No.6515797
File: 17 KB, 480x410, 17455932201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6515798

At what age do cheecks lose chubbyness?

>> No.6515799

pretty sure this is just because he's the white guy in korea which makes him feel more special than he is

>> No.6515800

look, in real life i wouldn't behave in such a way and claim i'm better looking than most guys. in fact, i don't even give a shit what other guys look like in a real-life scenario, whether they're better or worse than me

but that's not the point, calling me ugly is absolutely retarded. but i guess the more i respond to such a comment the more i'll get called ugly, i know how it works

i thought you were a different guy. and i don't understand the link you posted. it's a model, or not?

>> No.6515802


op can be narcissistic because he is good looking lmao shame for u as u are ugly ahhahaa

>> No.6515806


At the age you decide to start watching your diet and exercising.

>> No.6515808

Call me a retard but you're ugly. Your face IS ugly. Your proportions ARE ugly. Your individual features ARE ugly.


>> No.6515811

Actually, everything I said is pretty justified. Agencies are extremely picky about certain features. A model's face should PERFECTLY follow the proportions of phi and the golden ratio, and his face doesn't quite fit it. It's mainly his jawline and eyebrows. I can let the nose thing slide, but a sculpted nose is preferred.

>> No.6515812

OP isn't good looking enough to warrant narcism

>> No.6515813

You are objectively an ugly person at this point, doesn't matter how good you look.
Ladies are generally not assholes

>> No.6515814

nope, i've been aware i look a bit better than most guys since freshman year of high school. i'm still a kid though, so it's not like i know much. but i've always had girls talk about me and approach me, objectively pretty ones as well, and that's how i got laid a lot during high school. i'm aware my personality is shit, too

>> No.6515816


Why is this? My luck with Asians is flawless. Do they just love all white boys?

>> No.6515817

but I'm ottermode and people say my face makes me look 20

>> No.6515819

Meant to say models, typing from phone

>> No.6515821

doubt it, post a pic

youre probably skinnyfat

>> No.6515824

lel, like i said a few seconds ago..my personality is ugly, but that's simply how i am. and as i mentioned earlier as well, i don't even mention looks in real life or judge other guys by how they look. i'm just simply aware girls (and i mean girls, not mature women) have a preference toward me. am i a cocky idiot because i'm making awareness of this?

>> No.6515826

ok I lied im dyel

>> No.6515827

not with that nose your not.

>> No.6515828

You don't look a bit better than most guys though

youre scraping average if anything

>> No.6515829


I meant justified in the way the text on your image is. It looks sloppy. I agree with your points about this man though.

>> No.6515830

>my personality is ugly

the rest isnt something to write home about either

that nose is hilariously bad

>> No.6515832

then i guess my whole life is a lie huh? i've never heard of average and normal looking guys getting approached by 7s and 8s. but it's a pointless argument

>> No.6515836


You don't have a lot to work with in high school.

>> No.6515837

sounds like you're not only ugly but also retarded yeah

>> No.6515838

>that nose is hilariously bad
na, it's just average. but i don't mind it too much. if i could change something about myself it would be ears or maybe slightly larger eyes

>> No.6515845

7s and 8s cannot model

neither can you

get over it

>> No.6515846

It happens all the time. It's called being tall.

>> No.6515848

no man it's bad it looks like an inverted w

>> No.6515851

Look, learn to take an opinion. Some people think you're ugly. Nobody gives a shit that you get approached by "7-8" girls. If there's anything you need to work on, it's your personality, which you are already aware, it is shit. You'll only be "objectively good looking" for so long until you grow old and look like a wrinkly ass scrotum.

>> No.6515852

i think the rating scale is irrelevant when we're talking about modeling. aren't many male fashion models considered strange-looking by most grills?

>> No.6515854

I'm definitely getting frustrated. I hope this is just a troll. This is why: >>6515769.

Well said.

Oh yeah, I felt bad about that, but I didn't feel like fixing that. Sorry, it's sloppy and I own up to that.

>>6515800, >>6515788, >>6515790
,and possibly >>6515813

Umm...all of this is me. This is all I posted:

>> No.6515855

lol at everyone getting so fucking butthurt at OP

honestly, normal good looking people (like me) don't give a FUCK

obviously you are all troglodytes trying to put op down hahahahaa, this is gold.

>> No.6515856

Sorry, I didn't mean to put these two in >>6515854

>> No.6515857


Maybe you should find something better to do with your life. stopping getting so ass pained on a fashion forum, you are quite literally the definition of a loser

op is a winner

>> No.6515858

the only one getting butthurt itt is the op and you though

>> No.6515861

i already clarified this earlier; an opinion like "you can't be a model" is a very valid opinion, it's the kind of opinion i'm asking for. however, calling me ugly, as i mentioned, is just trolling and senseless since i can say with certainty most girls would rate me higher than other average guys

also, i got 20-30 years of being good looking, maybe longer if i take care of myself, i'm ok with it

i was below average height freshman-junior year of high school, face didn't change too much though

>> No.6515863

Samefagging. lel.
It's not about me putting OP down, it's about me telling him that he isn't as attractive as he thinks he is. He has this terrible attitude and he really does have flaws in his facial structure. It has nothing to do with anyone here wanting to make him feel like shit, and it has everything to do with an arrogant man getting told he isn't "above average", and that his features are actually quite remarkably average. He isn't ugly, but his personality sure makes it seem like he is.

>> No.6515864

believe me, there isn't a gram of butthurt in me

>> No.6515865

man this fucking thread and the OP isnt even good looking so it cant be jealous neckbeards only

>> No.6515866


do some deep breathe exercises

>> No.6515869


>> No.6515870

sounds like you're so rectal ragnaröked you started to use the metric system to measure your anal armageddon

>> No.6515871

**mom walks into room**




>> No.6515874


I think it's around 3 posters

>> No.6515875


op dont delete it

they are cowards

op is currently the best looking poster on /fa/

>prove me wrong

oh wait you can't...

>> No.6515877


all look better than OP

>> No.6515878

You are one dense individual. People thinking you're ugly is a valid opinion. There is no one that is objectively good looking; even if there was, it's definitely not you. Whatever man, in a way I'm trying to help you. You've lost all my respect.

>> No.6515881


im sick of this shit

ok yes mike and sulli are good looking

but fucking dr cum stain isnt fucking good looking for fuck sake fuck off

>> No.6515882
File: 888 KB, 300x139, 1372567427029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you offended? Would you like a cookie? Would that make you feel better?

Seriously, who care if he used metrics; so did OP,and of course, you don't give a shit about that, do you? You're just interested in defended the honour (or lack thereof) of a egocentric aspiring model.


>> No.6515884

He is though. You mad?

>> No.6515888


ok OP is the best looking anon prove me wrong

>oh wait you can't

>> No.6515889

>People thinking you're ugly is a valid opinion.
but it's not. it may be an opinion, but not a reasonable or valid one

>You've lost all my respect.
since when did i have it or need it? come on bro

>> No.6515890


>> No.6515892


nice rebbid gifs u lonely vergan :DDDDD

>> No.6515894
File: 31 KB, 413x342, 1367367176870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all trips start as anon you retard

>> No.6515901

At first glance you looked average; not ugly but not attractive either. But after looking at more photos and reading this thread I've come to the conclusion that you're well in the ugly zone.

>> No.6515905

do you have autism? Really, I'm literally concerned at this point that you're either a troll or you've got blatant autism.

My opinion on you being ugly is just as valid as my opinion on this thread being useless and shitposting

>> No.6515908


uir stupid

>> No.6515916

neanderthal looking motherfucker

>> No.6515918

look, you can have any opinion you want. but you don't seem to understand a difference between a reasonable opinion and just a stupid batshit opinion

ugliness implies i'm below a 5/10. and sure, you may think that. fuck, even a couple people on /fa/ may think that - but it's simply not reality

>> No.6515927
File: 493 KB, 500x246, goodone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God help the school children finding 4chan for the first time.

>> No.6515928

You should have noticed by now that I'm not the only one who thinks you're ugly. My opinion on you being ugly is more reasonable than your autistic number rating system.

I am real. This is reality. I'm typing this just now and I think you're ugly.

>> No.6515935

nah, you're not the only one, it's 2-3 more, but they might be trolling

>> No.6515936

Ugliness does not imply you're under some number on a rating scale. It means you're unattractive aesthetically to the individual stating that you're ugly. You're delusional. That's really all there is to it.

>> No.6515937

Oh my fucking God. I can't believe I'm reading this. Wow.

>> No.6515942

I'm definitely not trolling.
I agree with >>6515928.

>> No.6515943

Better than average does not mean not ugly.
One third of Americans are obese, so just about everyone here who isn't fat is probably "above average"
doesn't mean they all look good.

>> No.6515944

Stay delusional, maybe that will help your modeling career

>> No.6515951

being below a 5 under this rating scale would mean you're aesthetically unattractive to the individual

and in reality, there aren't too many people (specifically girls) that would consider me less than a 5. only one being delusional is you

>> No.6515952

oh wow hahaha

>> No.6515957

You should seek a therapist or something because you have genuine communication problems.
I'm not entirely sure if you have too low self esteem or too high.

>> No.6515959

The amount of attractiveness a person has cannot simply be rated by way of numerical system; you look interesting, certainly very unique, and that is good. The problem is that there's just too much going on, and it doesn't work . You can't rate that kind of a look by way of number because there are two opposing issues: the uniqueness and interesting features that don't look half bad and the total and utter disgusting overall look.

>> No.6515960

Okay then let me put it this way to you:

On MY rating scale you're a 3/10

A 4/10 for looks
A 3/10 for personality

got it yet?

This is also reality.

>> No.6515963

well, all i can really say is if an individual truly was ugly, and he was claiming otherwise, most people would completely ignore him; especially here on 4chan. this doesn't seem to be the case

>> No.6515965

Femanon here; no.

>> No.6515966

>ITT: Try to make OP cry by calling him ugly long enough until he leaves.

This is /fa/'s agenda.

>> No.6515970

Okay then lets all agree that the OP is ugly and let the thread die.

Bye guys!

>> No.6515973

>well, all i can really say is if an individual truly was ugly, and he was claiming otherwise, most people would completely ignore him; especially here on 4chan.

hows your first day m8?

>> No.6515976

i'm aware
pic with timestamp, be more than 3.5/10, and i'll go away and delude myself into thinking i'm ugly

>> No.6515977

ITT: people like you keep talking.
Have you seen this? >>6515918
Asinine. There are so many delusional people. C'est la vie.

>> No.6515978


fucking summer fag

nice tumblr gifs you piece of shit

>> No.6515980

How do I know that no matter what I post, you won't rate me low?

>> No.6515982

I just got to this thread. Dont imply Im someone else.

>> No.6515984

I got the gif from someone else on 4chan, deal with it.

>> No.6515985


Can we just reduce the rating scale to 1-3.

1 is ugly
2 is meh
3 is model

k, I'm assuming most of these posters think you're a 1.

These systems aren't set and stone. Subjectivity is a huge factor as you've stated but saying it isn't possible for you too be considered ugly due to an arbitrary rating system is just... stupid

>> No.6515986


>> No.6515989

you don't, but i'll be honest

>> No.6515990

I'm just going to end this thread here.

OP, this is coming from someone who doesn't give a shit about this thread. I don't have dislike OR like you.

Original poster. You are attractive. You are above average. Please do not listen to anyone posting in this thread. You have to realise that these are some of the most jealous and most disgusting people that exist. Fucking scum trying desperately to bring you down to their horrible levels.

You are good looking OP.

>> No.6515991


>> No.6515993


>> No.6515994

hair looks p. nice.

>> No.6515996

1 but after the thread 0

>> No.6515998

i dont like this system, there's too much of a gap between meh and model

>> No.6516002

troll don't reply

the only disgusting and jealous person in here is the OP

he's delusional and narcisstic

fucking scum

>> No.6516005

thanks mate, but no worries i'm not brought down whatsoever. the couple of guys trying to convince me that i'm ugly is the same as a couple of guys trying to convince me the world is flat

>> No.6516006

I say 1.5, 0 if I have to actually meet him because he seems like a dick.
He's about average, not really ugly and with unique enough features that there can be different opinions.

>> No.6516009


>> No.6516015

Please leave. I believe you're delusional, but obviously you're going to disagree. What is the point of you still staying here? You've already shown how shitty of a person you are, and no one's really discussing your original "can I be a model" topic.

>> No.6516016

>D-d-dont reply f-fucking scum!

>> No.6516017

This guy is good looking, can you at least see that he looks better than you?

>> No.6516020


you must be female or a dumb faggot lgbt queer or something because no male is as gay/dumb as you

>> No.6516021

yea, i couldn't even rate myself on that system.

i don't think i'm 100% model material, but i'm certainly not ugly or average, so i'd have to be a decimal number somewhere between 2 and 3

>> No.6516022

he's just going to ignore you and reply to fake "oooh you look so good" shit

>> No.6516024


Holy shut you fucking samefag. That is you in the picture and you posted it originally. No one fuckign saves your pics bro, I've seen you posted it loads of times recently on /fit/ and /fa/.


>> No.6516027

he's definitely good looking, but i don't know if better than me. it depends on his height and shit, if he was my height i'd say he looks better than me, but i know there are girls out there that might still prefer me

>> No.6516028

True. It just saddens me to see that there's someone this delusional out there.

>> No.6516029


They aren't jealous, the just have very high standards and that's understandable with most peoples concentrated interests. I've told OP before he was an attractive dude and wasn't model materiel, not he's just here arguing for keks I guess.

>> No.6516035


Also, /fa/ will nitpick every little detail.

>> No.6516037

I didn't post it, it was just the only other picture in the thread that wasn't a model. I don't have any pictures of random people saved so I just linked to one.

>> No.6516038


i dont care

i dont see how telling op this will make ur life better, i don't know if it makes you happy (probably sociopath)

it makes me happy telling op the truth (that he is good looking)

>> No.6516041

You just agreed that looks are subjective. You're growing up a bit.

>> No.6516043

they're both objective and subjective. one can be objectively above average looking, but some girls will still prefer certain types of average guys over the above-average one due to subjective likes/dislikes

>> No.6516045

it might help us to judge if you were to take a normal photo that isn't covered in filters.

>> No.6516046

I can't tell what's going on with this post. I can't imagine an actual person posting that. Not because I think he us ugly but just because it's so autistic.

>> No.6516047

aaaand back to being a baby

>> No.6516051


This post is confusing. Reorganize your thought and present it again

>> No.6516052


ur mum is fat

>> No.6516055

shut ur cunt m8

>> No.6516078
File: 191 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 7-17-13 at 5.40 AM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. I don't want you to rate me. I just need you to know that I'm not lying when I say I'm not attracted to you and that it's not because I'm a straight guy.

Inb4: yes I did start that other thread.

>> No.6516081










>> No.6516084

pls be in london

>> No.6516086

not offended/10

>> No.6516090

Look better than prodigy, good job

>> No.6516094


thats what i expect from someone who must of constantly got called ugly in your life by your peers

you look like a down syndrome

>> No.6516096


Anyway, it's not like you are an attractive female. So why on earth would OP care?

>> No.6516099

Take care of your nails, it's never too late to clean those up.

>> No.6516103

>asks if he can be a model
>gets butthurt over everyone that says no
all this autism.

>> No.6516107

>being criticized by a mouthbreather

>> No.6516110

why don't you want me to rate you? but you are an unattractive girl.. therefore your opinion is almost invalid.. just like i thought..

also, my phone is charged now. any of you faggots still want a slightly better quality profile picture?

>> No.6516111


filtered already lol

>> No.6516113


you look like the kind of girl i would punch if i got drunk in the club

like the site of you would make me angry and i would punch you

>> No.6516115

I think the novelty has worn out, go ahead if you want but not many people will care.

>> No.6516118

weird because I actually agree.
she looks like a cunt.

>> No.6516119


>> No.6516123

more of your ugly face? no thanks

>> No.6516128
File: 192 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 7-17-13 at 5.56 AM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6516130

But you're not attractive either.

>> No.6516134

Cute as fuck. Are you Australian?

>> No.6516135

stop posting so many pictures of urself omg it's so obvious what ur doing
you've already posted like 20 pics of ur face, but i have not yet seen a fit
unless ur gonna post a fit or actually start contributing content about fashion, get back to /pol/ or wherever it is u came from

>> No.6516136

but i am

>> No.6516138

get to posting more aesthetic fits on the WAYWT threads girl.

You're beyond help. I honestly don't think you're ugly, but I have to agree with others, you're delusional. Why are you still here arguing?! Apparently we're all wrong and you're right. Are you getting a good laugh out of this?

>> No.6516140


>> No.6516141


social outcast looking for validation

doing this will not get you any friends

did daddy just stop sticking his dick in you or something?

hows that extra chromosome?

downy, ugly as fuck

>> No.6516143

tomorrow bb.

>> No.6516144
File: 1.08 MB, 276x260, 1373910675410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6516149
File: 124 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw model
Stay wishing faggots.

>> No.6516150

no offense OP but i think you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you want to be a model

>> No.6516151
File: 355 KB, 500x470, 1367726049454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6516155

I feel so confused. Maybe OP is samefagging? I don't know. I'm not haha. But I wish I was! I know a lot of really cool Aussies.

Well, the first time I posted a picture was earlier today on an /fa/ thread as OP. Most people told me that I was pretty decent looking, but that's not the point. The point is that people requested all kinds of different types of hai styles, and I did them. And now OP said he would believe me that he's not perfect if I post a picture, as long as I'm 3.5 out of ten. I mean, I didn't meet the requirements, but I tried. Oh well. He will only listen to the people who say good things to him.

Samefagging? samefagging.

>> No.6516156

what the shit

>> No.6516159

Oh, when I meant samefagging, I meant as all the people saying that I was all that awful looking.

>> No.6516168
File: 17 KB, 480x299, hghg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you getting a good laugh out of this?
yes. i don't have a chance to troll lesser-looking men in real life as i do here


>> No.6516169


but you are ugly

>> No.6516172


p.s. you are being complimented by beta virgin losers lol

>> No.6516173

I accept that and own up to that now that I have been told. Thank you for your honest opinion.

>> No.6516175

>implying you're not a virgin beta loser

>> No.6516176

You could say the same thing to all the people that thought you were good looking, but why would you ever let that come to your conceited mind, amirite?

>> No.6516177

Model for where? the fuccboi store?

>> No.6516179
File: 27 KB, 184x184, 1371622822985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set and stone

>> No.6516180

no. aside from your jaw you have nothing going on for you.

>> No.6516182

No, you're right. That's true. I should have considered that.

>> No.6516183

i'm op and you're not disgusting ugly. like, not less than 3.5 for sure

but around there, no sexual attraction at all

which should be fine ok for you, since i'm ugly to you, rite?

>> No.6516184


implying i am not a fucking alpha male who has better things to do right now that respond to nerd losers with massive ugly heads and buck teeth shut in loser NEETS faggot

i am a 10/10 with 8 pack abs genetically blessed not you skinny fat loser with tit acne and lactating titties fag boy and bone diseases so ur mum has to rub the ointment on your brittle legs everyday so you don't turn into a fucking cripple you malnourished lil faggot

>> No.6516186
File: 23 KB, 480x358, zszs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, but that's all i need to be numero uno troll, huehueheu

>> No.6516187
File: 384 KB, 500x358, OP is massive phaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6516189

LOOOOOL grind dem teeth a lil harder

>> No.6516191

If you saw me in a picture of a bikini, you would know what my body really looks like.

>Judging my entire body based off of just my face.
>Judging your entire body based off of just your face.

I'm sorry, look, people have told me I'm really ugly, and I'm totally fine with that. For some reason, I don't feel bothered. In fact, I appreciate that people are being honest. Why would I want to live my life thinking I am hot stuff when I'm not?

>> No.6516192

lol what the fuck ur ugly you idiot. definition=/=good looking

>> No.6516195

i am a 10/10 with 8 pack abs genetically blessed
Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar. Liar.

>> No.6516196
File: 46 KB, 640x441, fgfgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasn't talking about your body at all, your face. even if you have a 10/10 body it would be hard to fug you

we've been over this for the past 3 hours, i'm at least a 7 or 8/10 objectively, come on buddy

>> No.6516200

fuck you asshole i opened ur thumbnail expecting you to be ugly af
it would have made me feel better about myself

>> No.6516201

damn buddy youre going to pull a muscle in that jaw if you keep going any longer

>> No.6516203

it's essentially like that perma. i used to sleep with a clenched jaw and the muscle grew and stayed that way

i like it

i number one /fa/ model now

i will not disappoint

>> No.6516206


you come to a fashion board to seek social validation to feel better about yourself. You know how fucked up that is? just think about it.
You are so insecure that you come to a 4chan fashion board to validate your insecurities of being good looking, honestly I wasn't going to say anything at first but this thread has been on the top page for a while now and all I see if you trying to prove to other posters how much of a fkn hotshot you are.

>> No.6516208

omg no i was there in that thread trying to give u advice
there were like maybe two pictures that were requested and then u kept posting pics of u just staring at the camera and trying to smile and idek
most of them were rly unnecessary, the ones in this thread are p unnecessary too
u don't have to prove ur a girl or show how attractive or unattractive u are
ur opinion doesn't matter more if ur a girl, we won't worship u here for being a female on the internet wow cos we're all totally lonely male virgins and it's a blessing that a girl posts here 'tis a truly awesome thing to see
also u don't seem to know a lot about fashion, u seem pretty new here, so u should probably just lurk for a while before u give opinions or advice on anything fashion related
even this, if someone asks if they can be a male model and u don't know shit about male modeling, then don't comment on it

ya, cos it's impossible for more than one person to find u unnattractive, and that one person was op right? because he was mad that ur not attracted to him

>> No.6516213

>"it would be hard to fug you"
> has erectile dyfunction

>> No.6516216

read the whole thread, people were desperately trying to troll me the entire time so it's my turn

i mean.. ok, maybe i'm not model material, that's ok.

but people were srsly saying i'm a 4/10

also, you only said 6/10 because i myself claimed i'm a 7-8, you didn't want to agree

just be honest and admit it, i'm about a 7-8/10

>> No.6516217

>no jaw
>wide pig nose
>big lips without wide mouth

u dont know what your talking about bro

>> No.6516218


>> No.6516220

>no jaw
i lel'd

>> No.6516221

wow you just dont get it do you?
How fucking much do you want people to tell you how attractive you are? how insecure are you? go outside and live your life and stop worrying about whether or not you will reach your model aspirations

>> No.6516223

>that black hair/green eyes combo
jelly af m8

>> No.6516226


The difference between you and the girl is that the girl is willing to accept that she isn't perfect and owns up to the fac that she is ugly, whereas you are convinced that you're a God. FUCK OFF

>> No.6516234

he's not convinced see, if he was then he wouldn't keep posting. He knows deep down he's wrong, but he will stay and put on his ego to hide this. He will hide his insecurities until he can feel validated again, but until then he will keep posting shitty selfies in the dark because he has shitty skin and a bad facial structure

>> No.6516236

>How fucking much do you want people to tell you how attractive you are?

i don't want people to tell me anything anymore. actually, it's funnier when they call me ugly

the original point of the thread was about me model nao, not whether or not i'm ugly or not

>> No.6516237

yes, now fucking jaw you idiot. do you know what a fucking jaw is.

look at the slope of the fucking jaw, fucking kids man

>> No.6516238

Samefagging. Hi, OP.

>because he was mad that ur not attracted to him
i wouldn't be surprised

>> No.6516240

omg the fucking samefagging in this thread is unreal

>> No.6516242

I'm not the only one who sees it, right?

>> No.6516245
File: 104 KB, 558x652, ghgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah my skin is bretty perfect bro, but that's a new one so i'm impressed

>> No.6516249
File: 78 KB, 855x222, rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6516250


>> No.6516254

it's ok to be jelly, really

>> No.6516255

You really have no jaw, it´s narrow and weak as fuck.

>> No.6516259

ugly and can't dress well

bad luck mang

>> No.6516264

holy shit, who is trolling who

>> No.6516266

But why is he not convinced? Why? Why does he need to be validated? Look, I know most everyone hate me, (I'm the girl), but I'm not the one trying to get into modeling, and I honestly can understand why people are telling me what they are. I'm glad people put me in my place because you pretty much saved me from ever becoming a narcissistic hoebag. But...this guy...>>6516245
I can't for a second believe that I look that bad. If I do, I will definitely not have kids.

>> No.6516268

I'd rate you as a 5.5. You're not really standing out as above average though. But hey, you're white and in Seoul so you might be getting some work as a model (because you're white and don't look like a total trainwreck). You'd never be successful though

So, 5.5/10 under regular circumstances and 7.5 in Seoul where white men are rare and desired (by Korean girls, they probably assume you're wealthy though)

>> No.6516270

Still OP trying to make himself feel better

>> No.6516271

>probably spends evenings playing with mangina

>> No.6516274

It's like when people tell Justin Bieber he's a shit singer, and he retaliates with, "you're just JEALOUS".

>> No.6516275

you look plain (and autistic), maybe it's because you don't wear make-up. 5/10

>> No.6516278

trust me.. you are much less attractive than me physically. i know i'm going to sound like such a massive troll by saying this, but i'm seriously 4-5 points ahead of you on the rating scale and since i'm so much more attractive, you cannot biologically find me attractive

however, suppose this thread was never made, i never posted any pictures, and never trolled as much as i am

and i met you in rl

at a party

gave you a couple drinks

you'd do anything to sleep with me - but since i already called you ugly, you can't really rationalize this in this very moment

ya, i know

i know how women think

>> No.6516283

ok man let's see

>probably the gayest haircut to ever exist
>looks like you have a jawbreaker in your mouth clenchjaw.jpg
>disgusting jeans
>pleb i heart t shirt that is too small for you
>gay earing
>shitty jaw in proportion to your nose

if you still think you're some model-tier kid (which you really know you're not), just know that you're genetically disadvantaged

I admit you could look decent (6/10) wearing some better clothing and a cleaner haircut, but still.

>> No.6516285

Why do I look autistic? Wait, no. Don't answer that. I know I look really stupid in the first picture, but I think the second one doesn't look aspie. Maybe kind of awkward, but not autistic.

>> No.6516289

his face isn't too much of a trainwreck (except the cro-mag look). He dresses like a total faggot though which would bring him down to a 4/10 irl, I'd also automatically assume white trash status

>> No.6516292

>you'd do anything to sleep with me
I'm not lying. I really wouldn't. I really, really wouldn't sleep with you.

>> No.6516295

7-8/10, not 6/10, get it right holy shit
7.5 here? buddy, more like 9.5-10

>> No.6516301

as i earlier said, you can't rationalize it at this very moment since i insulted you - no shit you wouldn't sleep with me now that you know my personality and that i think you're ugly.

you have to think a bit more abstract, but then again, as a woman you're probably not very capable of that

>> No.6516304

I rated both of you and you're 0.5 points ahead of the girl. She'd probably be above you with make-up on though.
Btw; Are you drunk or just deluded due to living in Korea? The last time I visited asia the girls there took photographs with 5/10 white males just to show off. (you being "unique"/white raises you a few points in Asia)

>> No.6516305

I genuinely despise OP.

>> No.6516306

hahaha damn this shit it's getting better and better make a new thread OP pls

>> No.6516308

this doesn't seem like OP btw, I bet he's long gone

>> No.6516312

no, it's me
nah, getting kind of tired of this, but this was a bretty good thread
why tho?
nah, i'm about 4-5 points ahead of her. also, i was successful with good looking girls in europe and usa as well, some come @ at me bro

>> No.6516317

No really. I wouldn't fuck you. Ever. You look weird. Literally, the only good thing about you is your height.

>> No.6516319

how is it possible for you to think this, when i've slept with dozens of girls wayyyyyy better looking than you (objectively)?

i'm telling you, you are biologically unable to find me attractive due to the difference in physical looks

>> No.6516322

Your ego.
Kanye West's ego.

Tbh, the girl doesn't look that bad. She's like at least a 5. With makeup and a good outfit, she could easily be more attractive than you could.
Mainly because her nose isn't a lightbulb and her jaw doesn't look fucked up.

>> No.6516324

If we were at a party and I saw you without having seen this thread, I would probably avoid you, as it's really obvious you're a douchebag.
The haircut gives it away.

>> No.6516338

lol bitch shut up, you would have no idea how much of an asshole i really am if it wasn't for this thread

i'd smile at you, act friendly (like saying hello), and you'd instantly think i'm a nice and cute/attractive guy. however, if i do act like a douche bag, and do avoid you/laugh at you, you'd rant about how ugly i am myself and how weird my face is

trust me, i know how you ugly bitches think

what's it like living life never being able to acquire a 6/10 guy? let alone 7.5/10 as myself?

>> No.6516343

But don't you get it? I hate your facial structure.
I'm sorry. I'm not going to lie, I think it's attractive that you're tall, but you're delusional to think you're even a 4.

>> No.6516353
File: 94 KB, 477x511, yy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only one being delusional here is you. i can post as many pictures as you want of me kissing/cuddling/etc girls much prettier than you. girls that are about 6s/10 at worst, some go up to 8s-9s.

please, i ask you, explain to me how that's possible if i'm not even a 4/10

i know you might be trolling at this point, but for the slim chance that you aren't, i'm really interested as how your low iq brain functions

fun fact: most of them aren't even asian

>> No.6516364
File: 232 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 7-15-13 at 4.01 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I still don't think you're attractive.
Look, I'm really sorry I offended you. But you just haven't taken very good pictures if people really do tell you you're that great looking. I know you're going to continue hating me, but in the most sincere and earnest thing is about to happen: I'm am going to tell you what I really think.

1. I think you're haircut is bad, but you're hair has potential.
2. You don't dress well.
3. You're tall, and that's good.
4. You're arrogant, and that's a massive turn off.
5. You that just because a couple of women have told you they like you, every woman will like you.
6. I dislike your jaw line.
7. You're a liar.
8. No matter what I post, how attractive or unattractive I am in my photos, you'll tell me I'm ugly so that you don't feel so shitty.

>> No.6516368


*Just because

Oh, and my IQ is 112, which is average.

>> No.6516381


>7. You're a liar.

lying about what?

>4. You're arrogant, and that's a massive turn off.

i wouldn't behave this arrogant in real life, obviously

>5. You that just because a couple of women have told you they like you, every woman will like you.

nearly every woman i've been attracted to and wanted to pursue admitted their physical attraction to me

>8. No matter what I post, how attractive or unattractive I am in my photos, you'll tell me I'm ugly so that you don't feel so shitty.

look, i told you i'll rate you with 100% honesty and i'm sticking to my word. you are an objective 3.5-4.5 girl. there will be some guys who find you a bit more attractive, yes, the very lonely and unattractive guys. there will be guys who think you're a 0/10. but you are objectively and in general, around 3.5 to 4.5; assuming 5/10 is completely average.

all the other shit you mentioned in your list are bullshit/subjective things that i don't care about. actually, i don't care about your opinion at all since you're ugly, but still interesting to talk to you

also, you did not answer my question

if i'm a 4/10 in the pictures, (and the pictures do represent how i actually look fairly well), how could i possibly have the amount of qt girls i had?

you have to realize.. that you're the one being delusional

>> No.6516405

>lying about what?
You're lying to yourself.
>i wouldn't behave this arrogant in real life, obviously
I wouldn't behave like this IRL either.

>nearly every woman i've been attracted to and wanted to pursue admitted their physical attraction to me
When I go outside, I regularly get compliments. Yet, I still am not like you.

>you are an objective 3.5-4.5 girl.
No, I'm not. You're not more attractive than me. Do the numbers 35, 24, and 35 mean anything? I literally have perfect hourglass proportion.

>if i'm a 4/10 in the pictures, (and the pictures do represent how i actually look fairly well), how could i possibly have the amount of qt girls i had?

If I'm a 4/10, why is it that when I make a thread about my hair, I get over 250 responses, mainly from guys telling me I'm "hot". And the pictures I was posting was really, really not that great.

>> No.6516408

*were really, really not that great.
Sorry, I'm sleepy.

>> No.6516409

those girls either have low standards or white fever.

>> No.6516413
File: 86 KB, 435x480, Photo on 1-10-13 at 6.27 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the girls you were with are any different

>> No.6516423

>If I'm a 4/10, why is it that when I make a thread about my hair, I get over 250 responses, mainly from guys telling me I'm "hot". And the pictures I was posting was really, really not that great.

lol, the guys complimenting you are mostly ugly virgins, the same ones that would genuinely consider me to be unattractive. those opinions are worthless, just like yours. you don't have a good looking boyfriend, and you never will. also, you still didn't answer my question.

>When I go outside, I regularly get compliments. Yet, I still am not like you.

compliments? from fucking who? your face is really really terrible. you could have the body of paris hilton and your face still looks like an ugly 12 year old that was child-abused and most men would stay away from that. the face (specifically yours) shows more genetic impurities and fuck-ups than the body

>No, I'm not. You're not more attractive than me. Do the numbers 35, 24, and 35 mean anything? I literally have perfect hourglass proportion.
holy fuck, your body is irrelevant in this conversation. your face is a 3.5, what don't you get about this? as much as i dislike you, i'm doing you a favor by being 100% honest, and i have a good sense for these kinds of things. you're the LAST girl any drunk guy would hit on in any bar, excluding landwhales

>> No.6516428

>implying i was insulting you.
You can also stop posting photos of your face everywhere now.

>> No.6516430

i said most of my experiences with women are european or american girls.

>> No.6516436

Their nationality does not exclude them from having low standards.

>> No.6516445

yes, because 7s and 8s are well-known for having low standards

why is it so hard for you people to accept that i'm a 7-8/10? i mean, i'm not even directly saying that i'm better looking than anyone here.

statistically, i probably am better looking than you

but i'm not even mentioning it

what's causing all the butthurt?

>> No.6516464
File: 54 KB, 720x480, Photo on 3-21-13 at 8.11 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the guys complimenting you are mostly ugly virgin

They were really, really hot.

>the same ones that would genuinely consider me to be unattractive
But...but...but you're really not attractive.

>you don't have a good looking boyfriend, and you never will
You're NOT my definition of good looking. Saying I can't have you to me is like you being told that you can't have me. We obviously think the other person is genuinely unattractive, and we clearly like different types of features.

>from fucking who?

>your face is really really terrible.
I don't think so.

>like an ugly 12 year old that was child-abused and most men would stay away from that. the face (specifically yours) shows more genetic impurities and fuck-ups than the body
It's because no makeup. It makes me look younger. Here is a picture where I am wearing light makeup, which makes me look older.

>genetic impurities
Coming from a guy with a broken looking jaw and a lightbulb for a nose. See >>6515747 for more genetic imperfections.

> your face is a 3.5
You've not seen a 3.5 if you think I'm 3.5. At any rate, I don't care what you think because you're ugly as fuck and you're standard of beauty is modified so that the less a person looks like your Mr. Potato face, the uglier he or she is. In this way, you're giving me a great compliment.

>I'm doing you a favor by being 100% honest
You're doing me a disservice by being so narcissistic and ridiculously full of yourself.

>You can also stop posting photos of your face everywhere now.

My experiences were with mainly European and American guys. It doesn't matter though. The women that went for you obviously had low ass standards.

>> No.6516473

why are you so beautiful?
love me?

>> No.6516481

believe me, not a single objectively good-looking guy would EVER consider you, in any sense of the word, attractive

>My experiences were with mainly European and American guys.
let me see some pictures. i honestly cannot imagine you ever being having a guy better looking than 4/10.. ever.

>You've not seen a 3.5 if you think I'm 3.5.
no, believe me, i have. and you're exactly that. isn't it funny how i guessed your exact rating even before seeing your face, just by the way you were talking?

>Coming from a guy with a broken looking jaw and a lightbulb for a nose.
lel, dumb ugly bitch can't even come up with her own original insults. those were made by trolls, i could list 100 things about what makes your face ugly and manly looking, but i won't even dare to analyze your pictures for too long, because the longer i look the grosser you actually become

>You're NOT my definition of good looking.
but you dumb idiot, it doesn't matter. the point is i AM good looking, and although i don't meet your 'standards' or preferences, you would be able to accept the fact that i'm good-looking if you weren't a delusional moron; which you are, since i've insulted you since your first post

>> No.6516485

you look like quagmire's dad

give up

>> No.6516494
File: 114 KB, 720x960, 1016209_276692975805732_273516931_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believe me, not a single objectively good-looking guy would EVER consider you, in any sense of the word, attractive
Except that's not true.

>let me see some pictures. i honestly cannot imagine you ever being having a guy better looking than 4/10.. ever.
But why would I post a picture of a cute guy with me when I know regardless of how cute he is, you'll tell me he's ugly?

>you're exactly that
Yeah, no. I don't care what you think of me though because again, Jew nose and ugly jawline. You're really not attractive.

>can't even come up with her own original insults
That was my first thought when I saw your face.

>the longer i look the grosser you actually become
The same effect is true for your pictures.

>the point is i AM good looking.
No, you're not. It doesn't matter if you think you're good looking, you ARE average.

Pic related: A decent looking guy.

>> No.6516510

And the worst part is, this whole, I know you've samefagged a bunch of the posts. It's really obvious.

>> No.6516511

>Except that's not true.
oh really? prove it

>But why would I post a picture of a cute guy with me when I know regardless of how cute he is, you'll tell me he's ugly?
no, i won't. if he's good looking i'll say he's good looking. the thing is, he won't be good looking, because you're ugly. jesus christ

>That was my first thought when I saw your face.
no, it wasn't, you read that from some troll post

>No, you're not. It doesn't matter if you think you're good looking, you ARE average.
but i don't think i'm good looking. i KNOW with certainty that i'm above 6/10. also, first i was ugly and now i'm average?

please, let me see the best looking guy you ever had

>> No.6516521

i didn't samefag a single post in this thread.

but it's funny that you used the word "KNOW" when you're not actually 100% sure since you don't have an IP tracker, you're just guessing, and your guess is also wrong.

you also KNOW that i'm unattractive, right?

lel. i'm seriously about 4 points higher than you out of 10

>> No.6516537

>Oh really? prove it?
The guy in the last picture I posted has told me I'm cute, which is kind of amazing considering he literally looks like a god.

>no, it wasn't, you read that from some troll post
Actually, my first thought was something to the effect of "Why is his picture so dark?"

Do me a favor and take a picture with full lighting and neutral expression.

>i KNOW with certainty that i'm above 6/10.
You're not; I am.

> first i was ugly and now i'm average?
You're somewhere in between. Notice how many people rated you below a 2 on the scale from 1-3.
It's obvious you've been samfagging because you give yourself fake compliments that only you could think of.

>> No.6516539
File: 92 KB, 500x333, NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ you fucking people

both of you are kind of average, BUT there is no fucking "objective 5/10" so the people complimenting you two most likely meant it. chill the fuck out.

OP, you wouldn't be booked because regardless of your height/body, your face just doesn't cut it.

>> No.6516547

Thank you. Now I can go to sleep. I love you, Anon. OP has literally been fighting with me for hours on end, trying to convince me that he is an 8/10, and that I am a 3/10.

>> No.6516561

>It's obvious you've been samfagging because you give yourself fake compliments that only you could think of.
but you see, you're wrong, because i didn't samefag once in this thread

you're wrong about something that you're 100% sure of, just like my physical looks, lel

do you see how stupid and deluded you are?

>> No.6516563

>why is it so hard for you people to accept that i'm a 7-8/10?

>> No.6516567

Even if you didn't samefag, you're still not above average. Why don't you except it?

>> No.6516569

ok then answer my simple question; how have i attracted and been approached to many girls over 7/10? how is that possible?

don't give the stupid low standards argument, good looking girls don't have low standards

>> No.6516572


ps i get the feeling OP is just posting facebook pictures of some overconfident guy in his high school class ds

>> No.6516575

why don't i accept it? because i've went through my whole life as a good looking guy so far. i could almost with certainty sleep with a nice looking girl from any party without having a great personality, but by having them physically attracted to me

>> No.6516591

Egomaniacal OP confirmed. Your face is lumpy as shit bro. Asymmetrical.

>> No.6516600

Because the girls that you think are 7s are probably pretty average, like you. The ones that really were attractive probably dated you because their self esteem was too low for them to try to shoot for a guy that isn't out of their league.
I'm so done with you. You know what? I don't care. Sign up to be a model. Sign up, and watch them reject you. If they accept you, I'll give you 100 dollars.

You're a troll. This guy gets it: >>6516572. I can't believe it took me so long to figure out! 'm sorry about all the mean things I've said, but you shouldn't troll wymins. They don't get it as easily. If you're serious, if I were you, I'd consider doing research on NPD. You must be struggling.
HOW DO YOU NOT SEE HOW YOU SOUND? How do you not see that you're not that hot?
You're not God gift to women; you're God's curse upon humanity. I'm out. Before I go, I highly recommend you look into NPD.
Btw: >>6516591


>> No.6517090

This is the best thread I've ever seen on /fa/

>> No.6517098

This thread is an example of why you should never post your face.

Even if you're good looking mouthbreathers and jealous uggos will try and nitpick flaws when they themselves look like Susan Boyle without makeup

>> No.6517110

OP isn't good looking though

>> No.6517309

just saw this thread,in the first pick I though "hes ok, not really pretty but ok" but then I saw your other pics, grinding teeth and sucking cheeks everywhere and trying to look like a cool vampire and I realized how ugly you are.

Yo look like a plastic fantastic shemale