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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 320 KB, 2304x1296, Picture-576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6513042 No.6513042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I need a new hairstyle, badly. My hair isn't too thick so I can't pull some styles off, but I will try what is posted as best I can. Tips, pictures, anything that would be helpful. Thanks!

>> No.6513082

don't wear those clothes or glasses again

>> No.6513093

buzz cut and loose the glasses
now gtfo

>> No.6513095

Are you Finnish?

>> No.6513109

>ask for hairstyle help
>get comment on everything but hairstyle
thanks! Unfortunately, I dont have a ton of money so glasses will stay for a while (until I can afford a new pair) and clothes will largely go unchanged.
i like being able to see and i cant put contacts in (i have a hard enough time getting eye drops)
no, american... with spanish/irish/french/native american/possibly some other blood

>> No.6513167

dont post here anymore

>> No.6513252

why not? wtf kind of board says no to somebody asking for help with something?

>> No.6513260

/fa/ doesn't put up with vain arguments

>> No.6513273

what is vain about my argument? I have no money. When I get money to afford new clothes/glasses I will ask for advice on those. For now, I am looking to change what costs nothing to change.

>> No.6513297

well for one you won't stop talking about yourself.

we're all at different steps in this journey. what costs nothing to change is your ego.

how about you calm down? before we make fun of you.

>> No.6513302

grow your hair out longer than you consider "too long". that'll help.

>> No.6513303

>thread asking for advice for improvement
>talking about self when related to self
ok? and where have i shown any kind of ego? does everybody troll like this in /fa/?

>> No.6513307

also, all of you are niggers

>> No.6513314

is that somebody trying to pose as me now?
ill try, what should i do with my hair when it starts to get long? ive never had it much longer than this

>> No.6513315

your hyper-defensiveness.

>post pic putting self on the line
>act like a total douche
>but I asked for advice

what the fuck do you want again?

>> No.6513321



No... ;p Fuck You HaHa Your The Nigger


>> No.6513326

I feel really bad for you. I think you should just not try at all, that way you don't feel bad about how ugly you look

>> No.6513327

how was that hyper-defensive? that comment literally told me everything i didn't ask to know. next time i want advice on my hair should i post shirtless without glasses? i dont think that is something you want to see from my pale ass

>> No.6513333

is /b/ down or something?

>> No.6513337

a board that discusses fashion
go to MFA for advice

>> No.6513345
File: 33 KB, 580x435, 1357961681400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever considered anyone else's perspective? why would someone want to say what they did to you?

You asked for free advice, so I advise you to get this lesson.

>> No.6513356

i dont even know what mfa is and /mfa/ doesnt exist, meanwhile a thread that was like 2 posts down

what lesson? all i have learned is that
1) I am apparently ugly
2) I have shitty glasses
3) I have shitty clothes
4) Everybody in /fa/ trolls if you arent a girl or a regular
Meanwhile, my original question goes unknown.

Thankfully, I don't give in to trolls so you can keep trolling if you want

>> No.6513359

No I'm serious, that is my advice to try to help you

>> No.6513361

no, this is a fashion board.
just look at what you're wearing, you're not even trying.
we just demand some commitment before you start asking about basic stuff like your hair.
all these people are giving advice to make your general appearance better.

>> No.6513364

and i cant afford to make my general appearance better, meanwhile changing a hairstyle is FREE

>> No.6513370

I am starting somewhere. We all have to. I am starting with hair. Next I may get glasses. Then I will look into getting a new wardrobe. I just want to START with hair. That is it. It is something I can possibly change NOW

>> No.6513375

1. You are ugly
2. You do have shitty glasses
3. HAHA, ha.
4. I hardly come on /fa/ and fit in fine.

>> No.6513378

fuck your original question. you got bigger issues.

do you honestly think I want to answer your original question? I'm more curious why you are so insecure & unfriendly.

Why do you want to look better? what do you think it will get you?

>> No.6513380
File: 1.73 MB, 2333x3500, hy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take this photo to your local barber
now gtfo

>> No.6513383

Man, thrift stores can get you really nice clothes for like 5 bucks a thing. Same thing with ASOS' marketplace (well that's like 15-40 bucks but you get the idea)

>> No.6513395

Go Christian Bale-mode. Grow your hair out some. Start using products.

>> No.6513396

I CANT CHANGE THE BIGGER ISSUES. You are asking me to change something that I can NOT change. I am insecure because I have major self-confidence issues (thanks for the help there). I am actually extremely friendly and saw nothing that was cruel or mean about my first response (the following responses are getting to be a bit more aggressive because you all wont let up)
Will give it a shot, thanks
I have $100 in my account, I am going to college, I have basically no life and dont go out much because I cant afford to (I go out like 2 times a month)

>> No.6513405

the only way you ill have better looking hair is if you stop being ugly

the only way you will stop being ugly is if you kill yourself


>> No.6513411

Get a job

>> No.6513416

I don't think you are friendly. I think you are resigned about your life. You're more likely to attack someone who would help you.

In fact, that's why this isn't working out. You can't take an inch of criticism. You are set in your ways & you just want a fucking haircut.

>> No.6513419

so, u a mexican basically
get a buzzcut and gtfo

>> No.6513424

he needs a job

>> No.6513427

I have 2 at the moment... medical is expensive
how have I not taken criticism? I have AGREED with you that I have bad style. That is the most accepting of criticism that you can get.

>> No.6513432

you think he could handle a job?

>> No.6513435

Save some money, get nice clothes and I assure you that you will feel confident for once in your life.
Repeat until alpha.

>> No.6513437

I hope so, I am a nice person and am giving him advice in a direct way, hope he takes it.

>> No.6513438

you're in your own world dude. go fuck yourself. i've drawn out who you are, and it's as ugly as your face.

>> No.6513441


You do NOT have two jobs with only 100 in the bank... How the hell.

>> No.6513447

i think the funniest part of this thread is that op actually thought his picture was /fa/ and we would embrace him and suggest him a haircut to fuck qts

>> No.6513458

i have 1 full time job and 1 part time job
i have to spend about 750-800 on medical expenses (including health insurance), 100 on car insurance, 150 on car loan, 50/month towards credit card, then there is food, gas and all the other expenses, on top of saving up anything i need to put towards college classes
ive never been to /fa/, i figured when asking about hair they would look at hair. when told that i cant afford to change everything else about me that they would advise me about hair anyway

thankfully, 2 nice people have popped in and given a bit of advice

>> No.6513467

R u disabled, is that what the medical expenses are?

Money management needs to be a class of yours

>> No.6513469
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1348529685461s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start sucking middle school dicks for money( kids wearing your type of shirt), then get a HY fuck boi

>> No.6513476

i have diabetes, and i dont see why money management needs to be a class when i am very clearly doing well on finances considering my pay

>> No.6513491


>mfw I have one job and am doing fine.

>> No.6513500

Oh, of course. We can all see you are a very important person. Sorry to mess with you sir.

>> No.6513511

Sorry that you think managing money is hard, but I am having no trouble despite enormous mandatory costs.

>> No.6513527

Congrats on either having
1) A high paying job
2) No monthly expenses
or 3) Rich parents that pay for everything for you

Meanwhile I have to spend $1500+/month, and low paying jobs while I seek my degree. Before you ask, I have low paying jobs because I need flexible hours. Before I came back to college I was doing fine with 1 full time job.

>> No.6513530

You must be very proud of yourself. I'm very thankful you can see my own money managing shortcomings.

I believe we have bent over backwards for you.

>> No.6513536

this is just awful

>> No.6513537

If this is bending over backwards, I would hate to see you on a normal day. I am going to come back to the thread later, when hopefully these trolls are in bed or something. They are bringing out the worst in me.

>> No.6513544

My job pays 11 bucks an hour, I live in a little apartment that's cutesy. I'm living pretty fine, I make some money on the side cause I make music/engineer.

But besides that, get a job.

>> No.6513548

We will be on better behavior by then. I'm sure the trolls will be gone by then. Can't wait to see you at your best sir.

>> No.6513555

>This mad
>The trolling hasn't even started yet

>> No.6513586
File: 28 KB, 600x593, badge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, congrats on having no payments. Fun fact, my medical alone is half of your paychecks. Maybe that should give some perspective.
Also, old job pic related (dont have the badge anymore because I quit), made it fine with just this job before. But it was boring and I wanted to do something else.
at least you admit it is in fact trolling

anyway, yea...

>> No.6513615

>Reading comprehension

I said it hasn't started yet. No one here is trolling you, dumbass

>> No.6513681

the phrase "hasnt even started yet" in this scenario has an implied meaning, like in dragonball z where they "arent even using their full power". Even moreso because you said "this mad", meaning you think that I am upset and because "this mad" or "u mad" is trolling in and of itself seeking to get a further response.

if you were in fact not trolling, then why would you continually post along the same vein throughout the thread (even when you say you can tell that I am mad)? Why not just stop posting or try another method?

>> No.6513738
File: 61 KB, 481x468, 1370239178080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: egotistical dork is losing his shit

>> No.6513746

>i aint even mad

>> No.6514428


>> No.6514527

10/10 thread, had many lels

come back soon OP, don't forget to post in the WAYWT

>> No.6514624

ITT: OP gets mad when people on /fa/ tell him he's bad at /fa/
blind to the fact that he's getting mad
attacks other people on their income
a dozen people telling him he's making an ass of himself

OP when this many people are against you, it's not them, it's you.

>> No.6514629

you should try growing the top out longer and keeping the sides shorter or at their current length.
your hair is honestly not bad from what i can tell in the picture.

although some (most) of these responses are pretty asshole-ish, they carry a grain of truth. dont layer that black shirt under your button down and maybe roll the sleeves up just a bit.
theres no need to go and buy a whole new wardrobe but its just some little things to make you look a bit sharper.

also reconsider the contacts. you're face isnt too bad and theyd look better without those glasses, or at least just a different pair.

good luck

>> No.6514632

Had a quick glance around and I realized /fa/ trolls harder than /b/ (not that that is saying much these days). You guys would have a field day in /soc/ though. If you guys invaded /soc/ all hell would break loose there.

I also realized I probably won't get any more hair ideas aside from what was already posted (and I am lucky to get even those ideas). For some reason, hair in particular looks to be avoided like the plague unless it is a female asking for color advice. Maybe you guys just suck with hair or something so when somebody asks you don't know anything else but trolling.

>> No.6514650


>> No.6514656


>> No.6514658

>still trying to act like a badass

>> No.6514679
File: 30 KB, 776x353, glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill try it out, that pic was after work

the shirt underneath is actually blue, but lighting/camera sucks

I was thinking of getting glasses like these (pic), I think I look horrible without them. I also highly doubt I will be able to put contacts in. When I go to the optometrist, they have to put the eye drops in the corner of my eye and let it drip in from there, and I cant do the thing that gets close to your eye because I always blink. I hate when things get close to my eye for some reason, bit of a phobia I suppose.

point proven for the most part

>> No.6514684


>> No.6514686


glasses look like shit bro

>> No.6514690

you sound rly mad
it gets to a point where its EXTREMELY easy to tell

ur like fking see-through, chill the fuck out dude did someone assrape you today?

>> No.6514691

>claiming /fa/ sucks at something
>"b-b-b-but they have to b-b-be trolling r-r-right?
>looks at OP's pic

kek. This isn't a "help me" board. Lurk moar.

>> No.6514696

A hint for the next time op, only post your head, nothing more. and censor it, only leaving the hair and the face shape.

>> No.6514700

thank you basedprophet
if you have suggestions, let me know
now youre just trying too hard, you new to this?
>not a help me board
>90% of the threads asking for advice/opinions
will do, thanks.

>> No.6514704

>"hair in particular looks to be avoided like the plague"
>"you guys just suck with hair"

If you spent more than 5 minutes "glancing" around you'd realise /fa/ has a shit ton of hair threads regularly, so people get tired of them.
And seriously, coming here dressed like shit, acting like a cocky dick bag about money, your own attitude, and yelling buzzwords like "trolling" at everyone who says anything even slightly critical? Then you say we suck with hair yet you've never seen a hair inspo thread.
Also when you say stuff about /b/ like that it sounds like you act like one of those faggots claiming to be an oldfag back when /b/ used to be a super secret club for epic maymay trollers like yourself.

Basically everything about you sucks.
Please don't come back.

>> No.6514705


>> No.6514713

lmao u can pretend all you want to not be angry but i'll never be ugly and you'll never be not ugly

pce out cakeboi

>> No.6514715

>Basically everything about you sucks.

tru facts.

>> No.6514740
File: 1.33 MB, 355x200, 1373179985303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6514741

>dressed like shit
admitted i am, yet you keep bringing this up... did i make YOU mad by wearing this?
>cocky dick bag about money
oh, the money i dont have... how can you be cocky about a negative?
>my own attitude
>saying stuff about /b/, being an oldfag
I am an oldfag (been around 4chan for quite a few years now, dunno when I first visited though), also too old to really be asking for hair tips even (27 years old)... but im not that social or up to date styles so im sucking up my pride to put myself out there. Which I have learned is a horrible mistake on /fa/.

If you dont want me to come back, then you can stop bumping the thread and let it die.
huehue youre still trying too hard

>> No.6514746

Ikr, top lel

>> No.6514749

No one's trolling, ls stop

>> No.6514756

It's crazy that ppl in America have to pay for health care.
Why is it that you people don't want free health care again?

>> No.6514763
File: 4 KB, 639x27, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty classy button up. Almost matching undershirt seals it.

>> No.6514765


>> No.6514767

It's just the way you say things, and the way you turn any criticism into a personal attack. You're 27 but you have the personality traits of a 16 year old girl.

You're a shitty person with a shitty personality

>> No.6514778


As I said before, when this many people are telling you you're being a dickbag, they're probably right.
You're like that girl who can't understand why all her boyfriends leave her when she brings up kids after 2 weeks. IT'S BEEN 2 WEEKS ALREADY IT'S MEANT TO BE.

>> No.6514779
File: 966 KB, 500x281, 1362378967230.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

becuz so-shalizm :/

>> No.6514785


>yfw he's a troll

>> No.6514786

America subsidizes the rest of the worlds healthcare. We pay a shit ton for it so that the big pharms can research and do all their stuff to make even more money (and maybe cure some stuff along the way) while other countries force prices to be lower. Shitty system really, but without us paying ridiculous prices we may not have some treatments that we have today.
I sense.... sarcasm... maybe? Not sure, but thanks if serious. Rest of /fa/ seems to disagree though :(
The way I say things? How did I turn criticism into a personal attack? I think I agreed with the criticism, but told them I cant do anything about it for most of the time.

>> No.6514800

oh god I was being sarcastic I feel really bad now.

go without the undershirt.

your bone-structure isn't that bad either so maybe consider losing some weight and growing out your hair and using your spic genes to your tanvantage

Oh my god I'm so sorry fuck

>> No.6514815

Being stupid, ugly, and belligerent don't automatically make someone a troll.
Though claiming "I was trolling lel" is a pretty popular out for people who realize no one likes the way they're acting.
>autism is one hell of a drug

>> No.6514822

Like I said, you have a shitty personality and it shows when you talk. It's hard to explain how someone makes you feel but I feel like if I knew you, I wouldn't want to.

>How did I turn criticism into a personal attack?
You're on a fashion forum and when people tell you that you dress like shit you yell trolling

It's honestly making me sad at this point, you're 27 years old and you don't have the common sense to see how out of line you're acting. It's like you're too self absorbed to see it.

>> No.6514835

>inb4 medical expenses pay for autistic assisted living

>> No.6514851

aside from that shirt, I wear polo shirts (solid colors)... is that acceptable at least?

Also, not sure if losing weight is a great idea since I am already only 150lb at 6' tall
When so many people are aggressive like you, it tends to make more people act the same way.
You can have whatever opinion you want of my online personality when a bunch of anonymous people online aggressively troll me. I don't really care. I know how I am in real life and I have never had somebody dislike me.

Also, I didnt question trolling until my 4th response, after
1 person offered advice i didnt ask for
1 person told me to not post
1 person telling me my arguments were vain (how they were, still goes unexplained)
1 person telling me my ego needs to change and to calm down
I have enough experience on the interwebs to decipher trolling most of the time. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I dont know.

Also, I would love to see you act this way in real life if you think I am out of line and you are not.

>> No.6514870

I'm making totally valid points about why you're a bad person, but you just keep piling on the shit about how everyone else is trolling and you're a golden god who can do no wrong.

You're a broke twenty-something with diabetes who's going back to college when everyone else your age finished years ago, an "oldfag" of 4chan, and self proclaimed expert troll decipherer. You need a harsh reality check, and I'm just trying to help you out with that.

>> No.6514876

you are 27 and look like you just graduated middle school.
i don't even believe youre 6 foot because you look too much of a bitch.

and polos are shit.

post nude pics with erect dick or stop trolling.

>> No.6514879
File: 4 KB, 210x229, man chek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread really fucking happening right now?

>> No.6514881

Also your only argument against me is basically "say that to my face fucker not online etc, etc"

I sure as hell don't need validation from someone like you, and I definitely won't seek it.

>> No.6514899

See, nowhere did I claim I was a golden god that can do no wrong. I have admitted to many wrongs already in this thread. But you ignore them because I chose to ignore advice about clothes that I cannot change.

I am a broke 27 year old because when I was 19 and diagnosed with diabetes I had to drop out of college because:
1) My eyes were swollen for a month and I literally was blind
2) I couldnt afford medical + college at the time

So I worked and studied on my own for a while, got a job at HP, decided I wanted more and went back to college.

I dont need a "harsh reality check" from an anonymous person online that doesnt know me in real life. That is the least useful thing possible from the least reliable person imaginable.

i might consider it if this werent work safe board. Just for you.

>> No.6514915

don't wear polos m8
it's pretty easy to build a non-autistic casual wardrobe
cheap skinny black jeans
plain tees in white/grey/black/earth tones
nike trainers

>> No.6514926

>i might consider it if this werent work safe board. Just for you.

i'm literally the only mod on here.
i promise not to ban you.

screencap this post and send it to moot if i ban you.

>> No.6514933

This is exactly what I mean though. No one on here gives a shit about your sob story, but whenever anyone offers criticism you say it's all out of your hands and pass your shortcomings off on things you can't control.

I didn't ask about your medical condition, and I didn't ask about your job history either. I'm just stating facts.

You're taking obvious exaggerations (the golden god bit) and putting them literally, telling me I'm wrong for saying it. That's just part of your shitty personality and you don't even realise you're doing it. You can do no wrong in your head so everyone else must be wrong.

>> No.6514954
File: 1016 KB, 500x281, croissants.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iam a god

hurry uo wtth tha damned crissants

>> No.6514958
File: 88 KB, 604x453, slav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFA = Mens Fashion Advice = Rebbit = Probably more your speed (more circle jerking, nice guys, classy gents etc)
I hope you've learned your lesson, this is fucking pathetic.
I can't believe an "oldfag" just went all out and posted his pleb fit before lurking.
Did you even read the sticky?

Anyways, every hair post is far from objectionable, but it's your personality that makes it.
If your health is up for the ride, slightly bulking up would help you look less gaunt.
If you have a Target in your area, just dress there. It's really cheap and they have decent basics.
Just please don't buy a bunch of graphic tees, you'll look even more pleb than before.

>> No.6514967

why do you just have a tripcode?
you need to follow the trail better...
somebody said to get a job
i told him i have 2, medical is expensive (to explain why im broke with 2 jobs)
he said i didnt, i further explained how i have little money with 2 jobs
somebody else asked what medical expenses were for, i clarified further with diabetes
you then told me i was a broke 27 year old, so i explained why im a broke 27 year old in an even more detailed story because you didnt get the hint
you are not stating facts, stating you are stating facts does not make them facts
Will check it out, thanks.

>> No.6514973

This pretty much, it's really simple to look okay.

>> No.6514981
File: 110 KB, 500x385, 1373946315944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it took this long for someone to tell OP to go to MFA

>> No.6514987

somebody mentioned it earlier, but didnt say it wasnt on 4chan... and nobody clarified on that until now

>> No.6515006

wow this board is filled with the most undesireable, and deluded people on 4chan, it's even worst than /b/

>> No.6515016


>> No.6515044

I read the thread though, along with everyone else telling you you're wrong. You started getting hostile at people right off the bat, telling people your problems no one asked about, blaming everything on this and that, leading to someone calling you vain, and it all went down hill from there. You just kept talking about your problems and saying the board sucks and everyone who has a contradictory opinion or criticism is trolling.
You sound like the average classy gentleman who would frequent reddit, and that's a pretty bad trait to have especially on this board.

In short you know nothing about this board, claim to be an "oldfag" even though you still somehow can't grasp the cynical nature of 4chan, and have been repeatedly told you fucking suck at being a person. If it really didn't bother you as much as you say, you could just delete the thread and be done with it and then move on to a more helpful forum without "trolls".

But you're still here though, cause you just can't grasp someone having a negative opinion of you. You're so narcissistic that even when a thread full of people tells you you're in the wrong, you pass it off as trolls.

>> No.6515073


omg, bwhahahaha

well arguments are vain in general. it's best to avoid them. In real life I'd think you were a clown. Do you ever check in with what your body is telling you?

>> No.6515094

I should link to that mob mentality wiki again... or I could restate what I have already said again... but you seem to lack the ability to read and take information in.

You are right, I know nothing about this board. Now I have learned a few things. For example, I now know to post a face picture with as much detail edited out as possible to get hair advice. I am an oldfag, because if I werent then either
1) I would be raging right now
2) I would be gone right now
3) The thread would be deleted by now
Or something else. I am used to the trolling on 4chan.

What YOU dont understand, is that when I get comments that arent about my hair and are from blatant trolls, I troll back.

>> No.6515115

>using the term oldfag unironically
please man u aint heling urself

>> No.6515116

That's like going to a doctor's office and asking if anything is wrong with your heart. You then find out it's fine but your kidneys are in terrible condition and then you get pissed off because you only wanted to know about your heart.

>> No.6515126

OR its like going into a hairstylist looking for a new hairstyle and them telling me im pale

its kinda like, "well no shit im pale, how about that hairstyle?"

>> No.6515143

it's not because /fa/ isn't just about hair, it's about fashion in general

>> No.6515147

You keep saying we're trolling, we're dead serious bro. It sounds harsh and mean but there's truth to it all, we don't just do it because it's fun (but it is fun)

>> No.6515155

I am so done with this

I don't need your pseudo psychology, and it's proving my point that you're saying I'm only criticising you because everyone else is. It's so impossible for me to not like you that is has to be mob mentality.

It's obvious that you're not getting the point, and now you're claiming to have been trolling.

I wasn't even trying to be hostile and definitely wasn't "trolling", I was just trying to help you see what other people were saying, but this is just getting too fucking sad. I honestly feel really bad for you.

>> No.6515157

no it's not because whoever responded to you also talked about your hair

>> No.6515171

thats deep, its a shame i already accepted and told everybody that i know i have shit fashion
Haha, one down. Honestly, this thread stopped being about my hair like 20 posts in once I realized I probably wasnt going to get any kind of advice for what I was asking for.
No, they didnt.
Post trail:
Hair not mentioned even once

>> No.6515181


>> No.6515183

Sleep time now.

Wish you all the best of luck in being dicks to other people down the line. I am sure not many stick around for as long as I did.
I expect them to give up after I tell them I cant currently afford to change my clothes. Or at least after I tell them 10 times.

>> No.6515192

oh my god this thread

>> No.6515202

>that entitlement


>> No.6515213

i dont think that word means what you think it means

>> No.6515237

"k" is short for "okay" I used it as a blank statement. The instance in which i used it signified disappointment and discontent.

>> No.6515239
File: 104 KB, 650x866, 1370241696425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

negative attention is better than no attention at all. i hear your spine will shrivel up if you don't get any.

>> No.6515240

oh, so you really dont know what entitlement means then

>> No.6515278

Entitlement. I used the term according to it's dictionary definition. "A notion where one is deserving of a reward or benefit" In the cognitive sense, i used it in reference to how OP (you) thinks he is immune to criticism, and plays the trolling card when people tell him that his shit stinks. He believes he is entitled to everyone's help, even though he did nothing to deserve it.

Now, go to bed, manchild.

>> No.6515292

Except nowhere do I indicate that I am deserving of a reward or benefit. I asked for advice, and if I get it then I get it. If not, then I dont. The only reason this thread continues is because you all continue to post. I dont think that I am immune to criticism (again, I have agreed with most of it), and there are in fact many trolls on /fa/. One even going as far as posing as a mod (isnt that bannable?) to try and get me to post dick on a worksafe board

>> No.6515298

>Sleep time now.

...still fucking here trying to prove you're right

>> No.6515299

I am addicted, I need help. Also can't sleep even though I should

>> No.6515301

calm down there chernobyl. don't overreact.

>> No.6515302

Why is that when the girl asks for advice for hair, no one tells her to gtfo and that she should go to the advice board?

Seriously, let him ask for fashion advice on /fa/. Don't be unnecessarily rude.

>> No.6515306

I like that one, its cute.

Really sleep this time though. Gotta get up in a few hours.

>> No.6515307

This is funny. There is no possible way i could have known you were OP in this post>>6515213.

Yet, here you are, low self esteem and all.


You can leave now, nobody is forcing you to stay. Get out if you hate it so much.

Nice try, by the way.

>> No.6515310

I'm just wondering because people are being kind of mean. When I was OP and I had shit hair and I asked for advice, people were really nice to me even after the thread was starting to lean toward the camwhore type of thread. Anyway, I'm reading more into this thread, and I'm sort of seeing why people aren't being very friendly. He's kind of acting like a dick. Never mind. I was just curious.

>> No.6515311
File: 6 KB, 127x127, 1372806640203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kill yourself

>> No.6515327

Thank you.

>> No.6515415

i fully admit that i began to be a dick, but there really isnt a way to respond to trolls kindly. I started to turn into a jerk around this post (imo):
and it is mostly because I began to be irritated at the number of people that jumped on the bandwagon

Everybody that responded nicely, I also treated nicely. Those that didn't, well I stopped trying to be kind.

If I responded harshly to anybody that was trying to give real, honest and good constructive criticism then I am sorry... but I didn't notice any constructive criticism in your post.

I mean, there have been like 4 positive things said in this thread, total (if that even). Meanwhile I have been called ugly, a douche, autistic, that I should give up, insecure, unfriendly, that I should kill myself, to go fuck myself, that I am disabled, that I am irresponsible, that everything about me sucks, and a lot more... thats not even halfway into the thread.

I suppose I can just not respond to the trolls, especially now that I am a bit adjusted to what they are like and what they say here...

Your original point is right though, people are rude when a guy that is not /fa/ asks for help on /fa/
they even went to the extent of exposing this guys facebook and such... how much of a dick do you need to be to do that?

>> No.6515416


>that fucking rick face


>> No.6515447

you're not gonna get any help anymore so you might as well leave now but for next time around lurk more before you post here it's a board on fashion so you will be judged on your clothes like it or not also people will try to help you out(like they did here) by telling you to change harshly because that's the only way people will notice shit about themselves that they haven't noticed for 27 years so when this happens you ask for a recommendation and then so thank you instead of responding like a dick to the first post in your thread. now apologize to everyone on this year and fuck off

>> No.6515451

>girl wears boring not particularly /fa/ v neck
> no fucks given

>guy wears awkward clothing
> all the fucks given

>> No.6515478


>> No.6516379

Fuck off to whatever board you came from. You're clearly not from around here.

>> No.6516412


>> No.6516421
File: 18 KB, 570x460, 2002-sept-dylan-moran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't even use the word trolling correctly and he thinks he's an oldfag.

Protip OP, no-one in this thread is trolling.

Unless you're only pretending to be a retard that is.

>> No.6516431

Well done OP you win! You may leave this thread with your dignity intact.

That sad thing is, you probably will.

>> No.6516435
File: 78 KB, 200x200, 1363735006001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but there really isnt a way to respond to trolls kindly
>Doesn't know how to respond to trolls.
>Claims he's an "oldfag".


>> No.6516467
File: 10 KB, 600x300, Club Master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6516507

dude , OP , you're a dick.
but thanks for all those giggles.

you remind me of a kid I once knew when I was like 15.