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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 445 KB, 1000x400, basedprophet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6487769 No.6487769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>He owns a pair of Prada creepers

>> No.6487787

get ur shit together son

>> No.6487794

I think the problem isn't really that he's ugly as shit, trashy and doesn't dress well but the fact that just like DenimDan, Zachhipster and all the other fags he thinks that having a bad attitude towards anybody better than him makes him some kind of rightous warrior for the trash humans

>> No.6487797


iirc he was bullied as a kid, i think he confided in some guy privately kek

>> No.6487802

I don't think he's serious about being /fa/. He looks like he lives in the swamps of Louisiana.

>> No.6487807
File: 5 KB, 200x194, 1364006353804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was there when basedprophet got ethered

>> No.6487815

so you've been on /fa/ anytime in the past 2 years

>> No.6487816

add to this that just like all the shit trips he thinks replying to every thread will make him look like someone knowledgeable

>> No.6487820


case in point


>> No.6487823
File: 442 KB, 1000x400, basedprophet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated cuz i misspelled embarrassed

and i never realized his fridge is a few feet away #lmao

>> No.6487829

and when he does post it's always of no value to the board or in any way a good contribution

it looks like he's so starved fro human interaction and communication

must be the inbreeding in the trailer park

>> No.6487833

case is in a different thread actually

but just to humor you i dont post in every thread to look knowledgable. i AM knowledgeable and one of the best posters on all of 4chan in general.

and not just 4chan also the SOAD, POD and KoRn message boards, the Animal Crossing New Leaf message board, both official and unofficial (and no you can't have my friend code even if my friends list wasnt already full).

I have way more online AND REAL LIFE experience than you EVER will so either stop hating or die or broke faggot.

your choice.

PS saged and reported for posting no fashion related shitposts.

>> No.6487834


*NON fashion related shitposts

>> No.6487840


if this wasn't pasta

u just harikiri'd my nigga

>> No.6487843

Have you ever had to smash a 2x4 over someone's face?

>> No.6487847

hell no i tote a burner im not a bitch.

>> No.6487849


you and dr mario are fucking faggots

screencap'd for shitty post

>> No.6487855
File: 954 KB, 400x300, 1361311489719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6487861
File: 14 KB, 291x256, 1366601768071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have way more online AND REAL LIFE experience than you EVER will so either stop hating or die or broke faggot.
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you actually spouting bullshit like this? You trying to be like Poet with his "I've seen some shit" act?

>i AM knowledgeable and one of the best posters on all of 4chan in general
Now that's just hilarious. Aren't you some cis-trans fucker from /adv/ and /r9k/?

>> No.6487864

me AND dr.mario?
you for real son? you slow as a motherfucker man.

damn peoples arrogance and sheer stupidity make me laugh sometimes.

>> No.6487869


why do bother coming here u useless piece of shit

>> No.6487871


what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.6487872

Why do people get angry at mario
he's a joke poster
he's trying to make you smile :)

>> No.6487873

i won't front i TRIED offering relationship advice to /adv/ and even though i know i helped a lot of guys out it isn't worth dealing with the feminists, white knights, and overall haters. i'd never even go close to /r9k/
if i even accidentally clicked the link to /r9k/ id throw my laptop away.

don't get it twisted, im having fun posting on /fa/.

>> No.6487881
File: 55 KB, 348x383, 1371354127788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my comment jingled Mario's jongles

>> No.6487885
File: 81 KB, 551x397, Screen shot 2013-07-12 at 1.55.12 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and oh yea one more thing for all you talking down.

Pic related

This extension is designed to give users more power over spam on the imageboard 4chan.org. You can specify multiple names, tripcodes, e-mail addresses, subjects and pieces of comments.

Upon loading a 4chan thread, it quickly searches through the thread to match against your specified fields and removes them as if they were never posted.


>> No.6487893

and fuck it man i'll take a ban if that's how it's got to be. i'll take it like a man.
i'll ride it out i aint crying bout shit.

and when i get back you know im gonna be shining twice as hard.
and hell yea ill pop this trip off analyze some handwriting and shit man you never know where i be lurking.

>> No.6487899

>"i'm very attractive and can get girls just on looks alone"
>"i'm only fucking hot girls in real life"
>"i date a lot of girls"
>"yea i met a lot of girls IRL from this game"
mario the alpha 2013

>> No.6487908

what are you talking about?
i don't fuck a lot of girls.

and what game are you talking about specifically?

>> No.6487913

saging to prevent your ether huh

>> No.6487923

saging on /fa/ is pointless because the board moves so slow.
i sage to show disrespect like a boss.


>> No.6487930


>> No.6487949


top lel

>> No.6487951

post fit with prada creeper