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6470430 No.6470430 [Reply] [Original]

>Look for work

>Don't have a vagina
>No engineering degree
>Don't have a relative that owns a small business
>Not attractive enough for something as simple as being a cashier, because competing with 7.5s or higher
>Considering cosmetic surgery just so I can work a 9-5 job.

Would it be a good idea to get facial augmentations just to get a job? Do people really care about looks that much, especially in retail or the food/bartending industry? Is this a good or bad idea?

>> No.6470435

>go to ruby tuesdays
>get taught to be bartender
>move to city and get bartending job
>live cool effay alcoholic lifestyle until you die

seriously, that's how it works.

>> No.6470434

stop being insecure

>> No.6470441

>engineering degree

I'm still looking too son, 3.6 gpa so not complete shit

>> No.6470443

See, I cant even start there. They want handsome chiseled men or cute girls to work the bars.

I really don't want to be an engineer.

>> No.6470492

Work at the grocery store. Shit. If you need a job I guarantee Walmart/Sams/Target/Kmart has some shitty ass job in the Backroom for you. I've lived in three cities of various sizes and I've always had a job the companies are shitty and it may not be a career but if you need your bills paid its the best bet

>> No.6470512

Im a little overqualified for stockroom.

>mfw stockroom positions are made to hide people

>> No.6470513

Get /fit/ and your job opportunities will increase.

You can become a gay stripper or prostitute. Maybe even a porn star, if your dick is big enough.

You could also sell supplements and roids because people will trust you to know what you're doing, since you'll be swole.

>> No.6470519

>online hiring servers die midway through at the questionnaire
>can't fucking complete it
>apply at ralphs and food4less
>no reply
>apply at home depot
>no reply
fuck me I just want some work experience

>> No.6470553

Hang in there bros, just takes time and commitment.

>worked anywhere from shitty dishwashing jobs, to laboring, to waiting tables and cashier, Office Assistant etc
>chatting with SA at boutique, tell him where I want to be and what I want to be etc
>buy him a coffee
>turns out hes the store owner and owns a few boutiques around the country
>his wife is a higher up for fast fashion chain
>says I can use him as a reference saying I work for him
>randomly show up at a store group interview without being invited
>ace interview, get job
>ugly as fuck

>> No.6470563

>tfw college freshman with no work experience
>tfw apply so a shitload of jobs
>tfw invited to only one interview
>tfw first interview ever
>tfw get offered a job right after interview

feels good man

>> No.6470583

>mfw want to work at a beer place but don't have a beard, as there seems to be a person in his 20s with a beard and tattoos.

Not joking. There's ALWAYS someone like this working at these places. Do they only like hipsters?

>> No.6470594

>tfw walked into a safeway to drop off my resume and they hired me on the spot

disposable income is nice but i hate working. my schedule does happens to interfere with all social events so i've pretty much spent all of my time not working playing vidya all day

>> No.6470598

Are you attractive with boyish good looks?

>> No.6470603

I do nothing but half ass my schoolwork and browse the internet while being miserable everyday

i need a job so I can drop out of college and get a shitty job so I can live by myself

>> No.6470621
File: 367 KB, 800x800, 1372461811779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what you must do then

>> No.6470627

>3-4-3 haiku

>> No.6470629

I dont want to kill myself. This is why I was wondering if cosmetic surgery is a good idea. I mean, fucking video stores like Hollywood Video only hire attractive people.

>> No.6470631

you mean 3 4 4

and its obvs not a haiku

>> No.6470634

>is too good for a job in the back of the store
>wants 10000 dollar surgery to work in the front of a shitty minimum wage store so he can spend the rest of his life working off his plastic surgery

kekekke good trooll

>> No.6470635

but this is the only option left. restore honor to your family

>> No.6470637

>Autumn has ended
>The frogs begin to settle
>down into the earth

>> No.6470639
File: 346 KB, 800x800, 1373357204502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6470640



>> No.6470646

t-thank you, baldchan for gracing my post

>> No.6470672

oi m8!
your frogs got no hair!

>> No.6470688

>Work back of store
>Get experience for more backs of stores

I want to progress

>> No.6470698

>They want handsome chiseled men or cute girls to work the bars.

Maybe bars, idk, but if you think everyone in customer service is pretty then you really gotta get out of the basement.

All you have to do is prove that you can smile at people for 8 hours and they'll hire you.

>> No.6470701

did you talk to the managers?

you have to harass them and if you can make them laugh they'll probably hire you

every time some kid comes into my work and hands me an app without asking for a manager I just want to smack him and tell him to get his shit together

>> No.6470702

>Try this
>They get annoyed

I got hung up on once, too.

>> No.6470705

that's weird

the only time that happened to me was when I accidentally called a Denny's in the middle of a huge rush (it was graduation weekend in a college town, I hadn't realized and she kind of shouted at me)

>> No.6470706

Sign up for FAS or whatever the equivalent is in your country if youre unemployed

You just give them a CV and they apply to jobs for you based on what you want

You have to do the interview but it's really helpful

I got a job at a factory that makes prosthetic limbs

>> No.6470849

Its not what you know its who you know fag, start networking.