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/fa/ - Fashion

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6463780 No.6463780 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/, everything is boring today, can we get a /fa/ music thread going. What do you guys consider to be /fa/? Here's some of my suggestions if you guys want to have a listen.

>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcrl1UQ87wg Really like the clip for this

Tell me what you guys think/suggest some good music.

>> No.6463793

>/fa/ music
>no deep house

>> No.6463800


I've got some stuff I made here

>> No.6463816


>> No.6463830

listen to the king you plebs

>> No.6463849


>> No.6463892


>> No.6463928
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>mfw disclosure is not a discharge-worship band

>> No.6463940
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>> No.6463945

this music is all so bad lol

>> No.6463971

im gonna go thru my library and make a list of the most /fa/ music I have

Andy Stott
Blanck Mass
British Murder Boys
Boards Of Canada
Bruce Trail
Evian Christ
The Field
Gerry Read
Girl Unit
Jam City
John Talabot
Joy O
Ken Ishii
Kevin McPhee
Lando Kal
Nicolas Jaar
Terrence Dixon

and get ready for this one... Zomby

>> No.6464091


>> No.6464096

Post some of your own then.

>> No.6464786

One of my favs.


>> No.6464790


jazz is /fa/ but the musicians are rarely well-dressed

European jazzers (like the vid) are kinda /fa/ tho

see: hitler youth on the guitarist

>> No.6464791

hustle bones doing what

>> No.6464792

>no math/space/psych rock

>> No.6464810

mfw all this shit makes me wanna bash my head into concrete
the 80's music thread is better than this.

>> No.6464815
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>no lee gamble
>no pye corner audio
>no Instra:mental (boddika doesn't count)
>no shifted
>no vatican shadow
>no Delroy Edwards

Good job on the gerry read and kevin mcphee

>> No.6464818
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Talk shit post song fuccboi

>> No.6464824


>> No.6464826

>opinion on music

>> No.6464834

don't start w me stance im trying to be nice to all the freaks and geeks from now on

aren't you in a band? what kind of music you guys make?

>> No.6464843

here's our old stuff,
we're going in a completely different direction now tho

>> No.6464854

holy shit. respect.
idk what direction you guys are going now but these "jams" are great totally up my ally. totally would get wasted and groove/10

>> No.6464875
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You are a cancer to this board.

>> No.6464888

we're still trying to find our 'sound',
and im still trying to find my 'voice',
overall we want to be less generic and more technical

>> No.6464893

Holy shit, the first time someone has actually started one of these threads with decent music.
Chick in the incest video is hot as fuck btw

>> No.6464907

im well aware that more people dislike me than not and quite frankly I couldnt care less....however I do hope you realize that post was a fucking joke...either way you sound like a lame dweeb so fuck off

>> No.6464908


/fa/ as fuck

>> No.6464921
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9/10 would bang

>> No.6464925


stance confirmed for underageb&

>> No.6464930

omg I kinda hate you right now. that's one of those songs you wanna erase from your memory forever

>> No.6464937

>I'm the same guy that made you listen to "turning japanese"

>> No.6464940


>> No.6464938

fucking DICK

>> No.6464944

Hey mang, since you're from Aus, you heard of CHON, pretty sick instrumental group who are quite technical.

>> No.6464947


>That nostalgia-as-fuck intro

>> No.6464958


>> No.6464967

that sounds sick,
they've definitely delved from a more metal based background tho

>> No.6464969
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>that feel when you will never be a backstreet boy

>> No.6464973


>> No.6464974

Yo guys for real though, Mickey Avalon is /fa/ as FUCK


>> No.6465005

never saw the official vid for that. pretty wild

>> No.6465022


move over plebs

>> No.6465026

Midnight Juggernauts
Acid Western
Vance Joy

>> No.6465033

>Midnight Juggernauts
saw these guys support tame

>> No.6465039

Was at melb and saw them. They've got a gig at The Corner 25th Aug.
So much fecking bass, body was shaking.

>> No.6465056

so 2006

not /fa/ anymore

>> No.6465064

>still listening to Tame Impala

I wish Australians would stop blindly listening to Triple J like a bunch of idiotic faggot bogans all the time

>> No.6465066

>not getting ridiculously high and flirting with the qt's in the crowd of a tame show
shut up moron

>> No.6465079

Your trip is shit and your taste in music is also shit

>> No.6465089

u seem pretty angry,
wanna talk abour ur day?

>> No.6465092

I have serotonin depletion from Saturday

But Tame Impala will always be mainstream shit

>> No.6465101

>mainstream shit
seriously though, appreciate good music.
tame impala are far from mainstream anyway.

>> No.6465107

>tracks with like 3Million views

>yeah nah

>> No.6465116

>not listening to the full album
their songs with the most views are their worst imo, it's just that they have the most commercial sound.

>> No.6465120

>girls at my school who like the xx and passion pit are listening to tame impala
>not mainstream

>> No.6465121

Having a commercial sound is mainstream man

anyone who listens to stuff on triple J is a hectic mainstream lamer who buys clothes from Big W and poops chiko rolls for a living

>> No.6465127

>implying bandwaggoning and mainstream are the same thing
this one made me laugh

>> No.6465143
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>> No.6465165

why would you even listen to tame impala when you can listen to dungen?

>> No.6465172


Is this /fa/

>> No.6465197

Faggots who think if music is mainstream it's shit ITT. Almost all classical/baroque/romantic composers were "mainstream" in their time. Fecking faggots.

>> No.6465203

hermergerd i lyk rec0rdeded a tr3e in tha fawrest fallin on mi vintej gramofone i so hipstR luuk at me n lyk me pls

>> No.6465207

almost all classical/baroque/romantic composers were shit tho

go be euphoric somewhere else autist

>> No.6465208


classical is shit anyway so um was there supposed 2 b a point of ur post lmao???

>> No.6465210

>the beatles are the best band ever i only listen to them and bands that sound exactly like them

>> No.6465214

>Tame Imp
>Sounding like beatles
>Well okay then
>Using greentext to prove points
>Fuck we're petty get back to thread topic
Van Myer if you can find any of their stuff on youtube/wherever. They broke up about a year ago.

>> No.6465217


>> No.6465220

>music is objective and my taste in music is superior


>> No.6465221

>beatles ripoff
>dont sound like the beatles

if that makes you feel better about your "eclectic" taste (dadrock + a nas album and wutang clan album) go ahead lmao
>baww he doesnt like mozart and beethoven he must be a plebian

fuck off with your shitty taste

>> No.6465225

>h-haha m-maybe if i post this no one will be allowed to make fun of my shitty taste

>> No.6465229

Hermergerd u haff sheety taest n similr sowndn bands muss be sheet.
What's the problem with liking two bands that sound similar? Also Tame's new album is far from Beatles in almost every way, first alb/their ep were similar though.

>> No.6465235

the problem is that both tame impala and the beatles are complete shit

>> No.6465240

>MJ yeah okay
>AW began 2011
>Vance Joy only released tunes 2012
Oh I see I've been trolled, how humerous.

>> No.6465241

That's not at all what my thought process was, but good projecting. That post was the first post in this thread.

>> No.6465242

See >>6465220

>> No.6465473
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