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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 19 KB, 380x269, 11646518-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6460223 No.6460223 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who's thought about becoming a Christian?

I mean damn, Catholicism is /fa/ as hell.

>> No.6460237

true dat, i bet the pope spends more on new duds than anyone else on this boars. tbh tho the new pope kinda sucks, benedict and john paul new how to dress a lot better

>> No.6460243

I can agree about it being /fa/, but adopting it as your religion just because it's fashionable makes you no better than dirty zen hippies.

Study it and build your own sense of morals based on it, but do not become a blind follower of every word in the Bible.

>> No.6460247
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1370025027229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a christian, and to be honest, dont join the church for some sort of superficial reason, like to meet women or because its "/fa/". if you're curious, absolutely come, but if it's just for ulterior motives you're better off staying home

also i go to a catholic uni (not catholic tho) and they're some of the nicest people ive met. just my two cents

>> No.6460256

I was raised Catholic, and honestly, cathedrals, weddings, and customs are mostly /fa/, but you must really believe. Right now I'm agnostic, and seriously, Catholicism is a really demanding religion. Also have fun finding a woman.

>> No.6460262

what the actual fuck are you talking about. the ppl i see at old country buffet around noontime on sundays are not /fa/.

>> No.6460258

>an actual believer

And if you're going to be Christian, at least be Catholic. You fail on all points.

>> No.6460269

catholic style is /fa/, catholic morals are shit tier sry

>> No.6460275

i was actually considering becoming catholic last year because i couldnt stand my current church but we moved to a different one so now its not really a big deal.

>> No.6460276
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>> No.6460271

Not really, but the King James Bible is a good read. Great poetry in it.

>> No.6460278
File: 171 KB, 950x664, The_young_Buddhist_monk_by_TyKKa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christian is pleb as fuck
we don't even need to talk about those subhuman jews and islam
atheism is autistic fedoracore

buddhism is the most /fa/ religion for sure

>> No.6460285
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>> No.6460287
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>wearing the same clothes every single day

>> No.6460292

i'm a christian.

>> No.6460300

>tumblr gifs

>> No.6460296

>implying Rick doesn't say to do this

>> No.6460303
File: 158 KB, 532x709, Kiko_Argüello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk to a member of the Neocatechumenal Way if you are interested in Catholicism.
They are a religious organization made by huge families, and they are pretty bro tier. Expect your children to be brainwashed, but at least it will result in a solid and happy family(I know many families from that organization, and they are all he stereotypical happy christian family.)
Also, it's initiator is a pretty /fa/ guy.

>> No.6460304
File: 56 KB, 533x800, 60438607.cambodia008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they think beyond your plebeian desires

>> No.6460309

>brown tie
Yeah not gonna happen

>> No.6460311

>atheism is autistic fedoracore
>implying not everyone here is an atheist and this thread isn't a troll

>> No.6460305

I'm becoming occult Gnostic
/fa/ as fuck

>> No.6460313
File: 66 KB, 513x599, 513px-Bust_of_Zeus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ancient greek religion pls

>> No.6460314

>>implying not everyone here is an atheist
I'm not, I'm agnostic faggot

>> No.6460315

Tumblr is /fa/
Deal with it

>> No.6460320

you are seriously unsure if there is a god or not?

>> No.6460325

It's impossible to know. And mostly I don't care.

>> No.6460329
File: 42 KB, 389x255, menno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Mennonite, we got this shit fucking locked down.

80 year-olds looking better than any of you faggots, on any day

>> No.6460330

that's why it's called belief.

>> No.6460343

it is impossible to know but i seriously fucking doubt the stories in the bible
i can't say god doesn't exist but i believe he doesn't

>> No.6460344

Right and your point? I was just clarifying my views when you asked if I was unsure

>> No.6460358

You know that's not the only religion in the world. Honestly I doubt there's a God too but I wouldn't go as far as to call myself an atheist because that's illogical as believing in a god too.

>> No.6460353

Catholic morals are the only morals

>> No.6460364


These guys are legit cray. A couple of my mates are in it and go church at weird times and blaze afterwards. Filled with some dodgy characters too.

>> No.6460371

i'm agnostic about not knowing if there is an almighty invisible creature that created the world but i'm an atheist because i believe that it is really really unlikely

>> No.6460377

Nobody cares

>> No.6460382
File: 67 KB, 720x720, 1372450055814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is is a thread about religion

>> No.6460389

Are your friends Spanish? And brothers?
plz respond

>> No.6460395

>pink floyd shirt guy wearing ramones

rick really is for autists

>> No.6460394

And it's devolving into discussion of the finer points of atheism.

One of them is English and one is Polish/Argentinian. They aren't brothers.

>> No.6460405
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>> No.6460406

>can't tell if sneakers are ricks
You new here?

>> No.6460410

youtube comments. go back to youtube

>> No.6460415

I don't believe in god and I "sin" all the time but I pretend to be Catholic because it's cool

catholic grills are also total sluts

>> No.6460421

Why do act like they are above it all?
That's how people who are living shit lives view everybody

>> No.6460422

you're aware that agnosticism and atheism are not mutually exclusive right.

an agnostic atheist believes there is no god, a gnostic atheist is sure there is no god

an agnostic theist believes there is a good, and a gnostic theist is sure there is a god

its real simple friendo

>> No.6460426

it's just an internet joke because a lot of atheists are autistic neck beards
he probably never said that

>> No.6460438
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, 1369813680023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this le tricked

>> No.6460443

being religious is only for weak, scared fools. christianity is certainly not /fa/ and holds dear the meek, poor and humble- which is of course a paradox considering the franchise is has become. Obviously no subscribers are following the rules and tweak the system to work for themselves

Don't be a pussy, there is no god. Fashion and science both promote mastery and control of systems for bettering ourselves- religion is cowardly and promotes retreat from intellect.

>> No.6460454

you're probably wearing fedoras and band tees

>> No.6460456


[Tips fedora euphorically]

>> No.6460465

If religion doesn't mean anything, it's perfectly acceptable to go through the motions for the sake of image. it's not like you're breaking some "atheist code" or something

>> No.6460472
File: 201 KB, 960x720, vPI7t5S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6460479

And you're aware that they're not the same right?

>> No.6460546

it is perfectly acceptable, you're just max beta

>> No.6460581
File: 20 KB, 560x400, 1286738170279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, /fa/ tumblrs are /fa/. But tumblr gifs made by teenage girls isnt.

>> No.6460595

I'm not an atheist.

>> No.6460639


I used to be an atheist, but here's the thing, there is a multiverse theory, one with each possible outcome, doesn't that prove that there must be a god? at least in one of the universes.

What I'm against is praying (because it's useless) and wars over god and all that bullshit because if there's a god, I doubt he even gives a fuck about gay people or condoms.

I guess I'm agnostic now, because I understand science but I also understand that there is the possibility of something bigger outside the realm of what we can perceive.

>> No.6460648


>> No.6460688

> gnostic
Gnosticism has nothing to do with anything, wish people would stop misusing that word
Look it up

>> No.6460695

no because god has to be 'above' that by definition, otherwise he's finite

>> No.6460698

Even if there isn't a God, praying is not useless.

>> No.6460704
File: 7 KB, 320x320, 11101036_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in England and when I started seeing the "edgy atheist" posts on the internet it really boggled my mind. Nobody here really cares what religion you are, most of the people I know are atheist/agnostic but whenever I have been around anyone that has said that they are religious around a large group of people the reaction is just "oh huh i never knew/do you go to church? etc.".

Is there really all this tension between religious people and atheists in America?

>> No.6460705

0/10 would not be euphoric with
just kidding anon, that was a nice read

>> No.6460712

you got the definitions wrong, dumbass

an agnostic atheist doesn't believe in god. That is absolutely not the same thing as believing there is no god.

as far as I can tell, being an agnostic atheist is really the only thing you can be if you're serious about truth. If you're not serious about truth, you can be whatever you want. The majority of people are not very serious about knowing what is true. Some of them write it off as fedoracore, well, I think that's a really silly reason to reject an idea, but that's people for you. Whatever they can come up with to justify believing what their parents taught them. Real fashionable, guys.

there are some people who think a little more emotionally that identify as pantheists or deists, and while I think they're wrong, it doesn't make me think less of them. The religious are different. I don't think they're 'stupid' but I do think a lot of them are not intellectually serious. That makes me think a little less of them.

It's hard to believe that in 2013 some people are still saying being an atheist is "just as bad" as being religious. It doesn't require any proof at all to NOT believe something. It's a common misconception that atheists believe there is no god; atheist means "not a theist". It's a statement of nonbelief. Of course nobody can prove that God does not exist, but that's no reason to believe there is one.

>> No.6460715

there really shouldnt be but there's a fringe groups on either side that are absolutely convinced the other people are wrong.

its too bad because im christian and i dont have a problem with anyone of any religion provided they're not insulting mine

>> No.6460716

in the south it kind of exists, yes

>> No.6460723

I live in Canada, and as far as I can tell it's only on the internet.

>> No.6460733
File: 120 KB, 558x743, coolstorybabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that sucks, I'd hate to have the fact that I didn't believe in god affect my relationships with people.

>> No.6460727

rick will wear the same outfit for years

>> No.6460732

youre right about everything you said. the only thing you need to realize now is how meaningless this topic was in the first place and that there is absolutely no reason to argue or even care about these matters. there are far more interesting questions out there.

>> No.6460794

I'm not especially interested in what the people around me believe, but what does seem to me very important is how people value thought. Religion is one ugly face of an attitude that is indifferent to thinking and reasoning. Intellectual laziness is a real problem.

Deep thought is often stigmatized. I may be the only person I know who is offended by the existence of a word like "overthinking", but does it really bother nobody else that there is an attitude that says less is more as far as thought is concerned? To me the attitude is no less hideous when it's called 'belief'.

>> No.6460805

but why do you care?

>> No.6460813

why not?

>> No.6460833

Because belief is our interface with the subconscious and the involuntary processes of the body.
Via faith, monks can survive in freezing temperatures wearing only a robe. With the help of faith, good humour and laughter, people are to beat back cancers and overcome great odds.
Whether or not your prayers reach a deity is really inconsequential when the ends justify the means.

>> No.6460862

I understand but it somehow makes me mad that I can't make myself believe in bullshit

>> No.6460875

> I can't make myself believe in bullshit

>> No.6460897

I don't see any reason why not. It affects my life as much as anything else, especially if you look at it as a root of other problems. I guess whether it's an interesting thing to care about is subjective.

I don't see how it's edgy to call religion bullshit

Would you prefer that he say it politely? Or is it more right to say that religion has some truth to it?

>> No.6460900

That difficulty you're facing in belief? It's known as a leap of faith, and it is an acquirable skill. Meditation can help make sense of all this and requires no belief whatsoever.

>> No.6460906

>Would you prefer that he say it politely
Being impolite is edgy

>> No.6460973

>happy catholics

catholicism is all about guilt and brooding, which is part of what makes it so fashionable.

>tfw you'll never be a priest and university professor who sits in a shaded garden during their break to drink tea and read a book

>> No.6460974

hey I said bullshit because I'm not only talking about religion but about things like "the secret" and 12 step ptrograms and the pseudo science my mom believes, there is a lot of bullshit appart from religion.

Plus being edgy doesn't make a point less valid.

brb going to go get my cigarrettes, my suicide songs, my nietzsche books and my black trenchcoat

>> No.6461032

isn't that something you get by wearing rick owens hoodies, jumping off a building and somehow landing somewhere safe?

>> No.6461073

new pope decries materialism.

religion in general is pretty anti - gay. so /fa/gs need not apply.

>> No.6461146


>> No.6461262

Is there a way I can get all the tangible benefits of faith without actually believing in anything in particular?

>> No.6461274

I don't think so. Belief provides an anchor for the self, helps us tell ourselves where we are going in the universe. You don't have to believe in a deity, you can believe in an ideology (of your own creation if you wish) or you can believe in yourself.
The important thing is the strength of that belief. Not everyone has the cojones to believe in themselves all the time, and so they fall back on things like religion or ideology because they are static and provide an anchor to the ever changing compass of the self.

>> No.6461279
File: 115 KB, 1303x670, 06_3ce6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home, White Man.

>> No.6461402

>those beards
fuck im jelly

>> No.6461563

john paul was a ledg he was all
give to tha poor
get shot doesn't afraid
u kno hes the real deal
the next two were smelly af and popes are assholes usually

>> No.6461573

ur a poor ruseman
rick is love rick is life
live. love. rick$ap
long live owens

>> No.6461589

at least hes not wearing shorts and a polo I suppose

>> No.6461703

Yeah I live in South Carolina and I got bullied a lot in school about being an atheist. I know everyone is going to say I was asking for it because most of the people on 4chan are hounded by "edgy atheists". Honestly I just did my own thing with my group of friends and when people asked us what we believed we told them that we didn't believe in God because it never made sense to any of us. Anyway for like two years I got a lot of people who told me I was going to hell or whatever. I know you probably didn't care to hear this anecdote but yeah to answer your question it's a pretty real thing.

I fucking hate edgy atheists by the way... they're probably the reason I got bullied when I was younger.

>> No.6461706

God' wearing pink? GAYEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.6461731


I'm from Texas, and I can back this guy.

>> No.6461798

but it is a kneelength he prolly just accidently washed his red octobers with a dope rick longshirt

>> No.6461900

Another SC here. Atheist harassment is pretty fucking bad where I am. I've managed to make it through 26 years of just appearing an apathetic Christian. It's the kind of prejudice where if anyone finds out your community either flat out shuns you or will aggressively try to convert you until the day you die.

>> No.6461973


Priest clothes rock. I bought a priest suit for halloween once and showed up at the office with like a day and a half of stubble and a priest suit and somebody said, "Hey man, cool vampire priest!" I was just going for regular priest.

After that I decided, fuck it, I'll just be a priest once in a while. It was kind of cool seeing people's reactions.

>> No.6462014

no, you got bullied because you were an atheist in a shitty ultra conservative state

>> No.6462040

>tfw from utah
>tfw not mormon
...I got picked on a lot.

>> No.6462059


>> No.6464334
File: 195 KB, 530x540, this nigga white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga is my nigga. Well said.

>> No.6464349
File: 55 KB, 250x210, a great deal of upset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The Christians are in our fucking schoolboards, editing our fucking textbooks, voting agaisnt gay rights, voting against weed legalization, voting against abortion, voting against, well fucking everything that pushes us forward. Fuck these American Christfaggots. They need to be wiped off the planet.

>> No.6464351

Yeah I want to move out for college and not come back... really don't want to raise children down here

>> No.6464355

Oh yeah there is an evangelical minister on the board of directors for my school district. Also we have prayer at major functions like graduation and what not.

>> No.6464384

Its funny how Christians will persecute people based on their beliefs and their Messiah had the same thing happen to him and he was martyred.

>> No.6464393

Can I pick two?

>> No.6464404

Goddamn we had forced prayer in my school too(it was private so it wasn't illegal). I remember once this kid refused to pray and they took him to the office and just fucking screamed at him and harrassed him for an hour.

Seriously. Fuck you Christians. I know the Christians on this thread are probably decent bros but you're identifying yourselves with one of the shittiest things on this planet.

>> No.6464414

I mean it's really unchristian of them to do that. Like honestly Christianity is about loving people, being kind of people and keeping your heart open to forgiveness. It's kind of bullshit how people "choose" to interpret the Bible.

>> No.6464424
File: 33 KB, 430x306, brotherhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a well-established fact that the most /fa/ religion is Orthodox Christianity

>> No.6464435
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>> No.6464437
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>> No.6464439
File: 27 KB, 349x168, seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no orthodox churches around here

>> No.6464448

Really? Where do you live?

I find that Greeks/Russians/Ukrainians somehow find ways into almost every community

>> No.6464474
File: 83 KB, 434x600, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6464623
File: 16 KB, 350x253, 4927364888_george_costanza_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to prove something based on faith right or wrong
This is where all of you go wrong.

That being said, I'm agnostic, but don't try to equate religion or beliefs to fashion you fucking autists.

>> No.6464627

suburbo-rural california
lots of protestant ones and a few catholic churches. saw a greek orthodox one in santa monica though

>> No.6464639

u mad profligate?

>> No.6464642

do people still go to church nowadays?

kinda shocking innit considering most religions are a control/money/manipulation thing

>> No.6464646

Isn't Gnosticism not believing in the divinity of Jesus or something?

>> No.6464654

I'm a druid. Casually, mind you.

>not even /fa/ at all
>pretty weird actually but it just kind of happened
>don't give a fuck

>> No.6464662

>kinda shocking innit considering most religions are a control/money/manipulation thing
You do realise, most religions aren't Scientology?

>> No.6464676

Anti-theism isn't cool anymore, boo.

>> No.6464674


>> No.6464683
File: 113 KB, 960x720, tonsure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat tonsure tho

>> No.6464695

im not anti anything except being brain washed.

ill spare you from details about MY higher power :)

>> No.6464699


>> No.6464800

I live in California which is like the most liberal place in America. I've actually met an edgy atheist. He said that anyone who believes in a religion is a moron. He is also a straight A student, so I'm not sure what to think.

I also know some typical neckbeard gamer who said he was an atheist. That was it and he didn't go all autistic on me even though I've known him for like a year.

Also, I've never seen someone get insulted for being an atheist, but I've seen some people being insulted for believing in a god.

>> No.6464802

You can get my higher power if you know what I mean.

>> No.6464804


>but I've seen some people being insulted for believing in a god

very rare, and if it happens, it's a euphoric autist atheist

i've never seen insults towards atheists, but a decent amount of people don't trust them and would prefer to avoid them

>> No.6464821
File: 49 KB, 960x717, 15826_4048920707987_1553954062_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a muslim, the most /fa/ of religions
>shiggity diggitty woop

>> No.6464837

Das one aesthetic monk

>> No.6464927

About as enlightening as listening to a stoner talk.

>> No.6464956

My fiance is interested in a wedding at an Orthodox church. I was Russian Orthodox as a kid, but it eventually stopped taking a role in my life. We're both atheists, but an Orthodox wedding might be cool. I didn't study hard enough in church school. Are they going to be flustered at the idea?

>> No.6464962
File: 31 KB, 500x375, stop posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying everyone on this entire site isn't agnostic atheist.

top lel

>> No.6464964

Byzantine Orthodox chants are probably one of the best things ever to happen to music.

>> No.6464979
File: 833 KB, 354x270, 1372899346622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Religious wedding

>> No.6464978

/r/athiesm pls go

>> No.6465003

> doesn't believe in God
Hurr durr must be le virgin neckbeard

>> No.6465037

not very rare
christians are the most discriminated people on the globe
I'm believer and people start avoiding me when they find out or if the person is fedoracore autist they try to convert me and always embarrass me with their stupid arguments.

>> No.6465053

as a christian you can avoid brainwashing by reading the bible by yourself and making your own conclusions about it. in some churches the priests don't even read bible, it happens in every organized church and catholic is the biggest.

>> No.6465067

are you serious?
cant tell bc you talk about avoiding brainwash but then imply bible is necessity

>> No.6465355

>christians are the most discriminated people on the globe

That's because you're paying for your Christian ancestors' crimes.

Besides every Christian I've met was a cunt.

>> No.6465365

Watch the start of Deer Hunter.

>> No.6466338

I guess it really depends on how you interpret the Bible. In all honestly the Westboro Baptist church might be the closest to true Christianity.

>> No.6466342

My fellow /fa/ggot I am le maddest.

>> No.6466348

Is this a fucking joke

If anything Satanism/Paganism is the most /fa/ religion

>> No.6466355
File: 94 KB, 500x482, cat bullshit thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>christians are the most discriminated people on the globe

Get out.

>> No.6466497

no, really. christianity is dying at an alarming rate because of how unfashionable it has become. just compare european youth to their elderly. the west is being fucked in the ass by international jewishish capitalism.

>> No.6466507

>christians are the most discriminated people on the globe
>makes derogatory statement about Judaism


>> No.6466517

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sorry I thought we were talking about Amerifats. Yeah in Europe it's fortunately getting killed off. The U.S. is different though.

>> No.6466528
File: 11 KB, 274x290, 1361132430774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee I wonder who's responsible

>> No.6466524

god no, you'd be one of those fat edgy deathmealfags.
Paganism is p /fa/ though, I enjoy some Pagan black metal and dronegaze, plus they appreciate aesthetics.

>> No.6466537

>>>/fit/ pls go

>> No.6466539

I hate fags who "realize the truth" and start proclaiming to be enlightened.
Feelsgood not to be euphoric.

>> No.6466586

Sure is /pol/ in here

>> No.6466603

Satanism, while much edgier, is far more /fa/.

>> No.6466816
File: 377 KB, 2048x1361, Members_of_Neturei_Karta_Orthodox_Jewish_group_protest_against_Israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mirrin the long coats

>> No.6466850
File: 110 KB, 720x576, mormon-doctrine-church.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ned flanders

>> No.6466914

catholicism is /fa/ because it's huge and ancient and doesn't have to give a fuck. notice that they don't really evangelize - people have to come and ask them to be included and go through a bunch of rituals to do it. and they're rich as fuck too.