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/fa/ - Fashion

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6457616 No.6457616 [Reply] [Original]

>buying a car with 4 wheels

>> No.6457620

>buying a car
lol Americans

>> No.6457635


>> No.6457785
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I saw a three wheeler like that one give out and flip over on a tiny mountainside road in the seaside town of Capri. It was a sun-faded red pickup with wooden boards extending the height of the cargo hold, a delivery truck for some farmer, perhaps. I was being driven to my hotel in a cloth-topped golf cart of a taxi by a gruff man wearing a black turtleneck and a newsboy's cap that was on its last legs. My stomach was full - there had been an excellent plate of veal braised in white wine and fresh lemon juice.
The other vehicle tore around the corner way too fast, and there was no time for us to swerve or him to make a full stop. My stomach buckled - I'd looked over the edge of the road at the breakers hitting the rock some 200 feet below only seconds earlier. For just a moment I was certain that this was it. I remember that the greens of the surrounding hills became so very lush, so much greener than they were only a split second ago.
In a desperate bid for survival, the delivery driver steered himself into a skid. The momentum of it all tipped him right over and his vehicle skidded sickeningly close to the edge, grinding metal the entire time. It ground to a halt several feet in front of us and the man who'd been driving it (only a boy, really) just sat there (or rather, lay there) doing nothing, staring out the windshield towards the asphalt that was now at his eye level. He shook a little, and it became gradually apparent that the poor man was paralyzed with fear and weeping.
Bellowing a long chain of Italian swear words, my driver turned the engine off and headed towards the crash site. He stood over the downed truck and yelled a few things, but got no response.

>> No.6457791
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His patience gone, the cabbie reached into the side window of the tiny truck and pulled out its occupant by the nape of his neck as if the boy weighed nothing at all. The kid was wailing, terrified. The cabbie wound up, and delivered an impressive slap to the kid's face that sent him reeling to the pavement. In English, I heard my driver say, "Be a man, God Damn it!"
The kid sat there for a while, looking around, coming to his senses and then getting to his feet. Without another word, the two of them righted the delivery truck, shook hands and parted ways.
Starting up our engine again, my driver looked back, smiling knowingly with his other arm over the passenger seat.
"People are so afraid of looking the fool that they will ignore Death standing right at their shoulder."
I think he might have seen me staring at his missing teeth, because he turned around in an instant and kept silent all the way back to my hotel. He uttered not a word when I tipped him graciously, either, instead opting to peel out and coat my anterior in a thin layer of brown dust. Looking out at the sea later on that night, I set down my drink on a glass-topped rattan table and decide that the man was an asshole.

>> No.6457835

Thanks, poet, your work always makes my night.

>> No.6458011

so much this

>> No.6458008

Cheers, brother. It's a real treat to know someone is getting something out of it, even if that something is but a few minutes' distraction.
It's always an odd experience, reading a reply like yours. I write these things primarily for the intrinsic value of reliving a memory that once struck me but has long since been lost to the imperfection of the human mind. Every now and then something like the image in this thread's OP will knock loose a chunk of psychic plaster. When the dust settles, I have the threads of a memory. As I write about those threads the rest of the chain becomes apparent, like when you can only remember some part of a song by thinking of the lyrics that lead up to it.
It's a very enjoyable activity in and of itself, but knowing that someone has read and enjoyed it puts such a different spin on things. It makes me very grateful that I can communicate these pieces of my life to other people.

>> No.6458015

I also enjoy your work and can't always find it on /fa/. Do you have any of it saved on google docs or something similar to that?

>> No.6458027

Please, never stop posting here. I truly enjoy reading stuff like that by you, you should start writing short stories, I'd totally buy your book.

>> No.6458042

No, But I have a few of my favorites on my computer. Unless otherwise stated, I always write them on the spot, and lately I tend to forget about them not long after. They're supposed to be short lived, and I like the idea of them being diffuse, apparently randomly situated and not easily searchable via ctrl-f.
I think scarcity adds to their luster a bit, too.

And thank you, I appreciate. If only fuuka had existed earlier, I guess.

>> No.6458045

I third this notion, poet

>> No.6458052
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Can we have the favorites? I would spend money on this stuff tbh

>> No.6458056

same, i hope they're fashion related

>> No.6458063

you guys should browse /lit/ if you like reading random tidbits of writing

occasionally they're actually pretty good

>> No.6458071


ugh, again?

>> No.6458083


Yeah, unlike this disturbingly calm faggot

>> No.6458088


well I don't see you posting anything substantial you've written

>> No.6458095

>using an automobile
>not using the shear willpower to force yourself to exist in all places at once looking /fa/ as fuck

>> No.6458103


talk shit get hit

I bring post-metamodernism to the table, you new sincerity metamodernist

>> No.6458105

ooh big words!

>> No.6458108

>tfw the front tyre pops

>> No.6458107


thx bby, i needed 2 show that fgt that im smart

>> No.6458116
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Thank you, this is a bit overwhelming. I guess I'd like to see if I can't get some of them published, but I wouldn't know where to start.
I'll keep it to one fashion-related favorite, because people always start getting riled when I share too much of this stuff.

Thousands of hides cut down in concrete walled factories under glaring spheroid lights, the meat's been gone since Iowa and we work with flesh here - long sheets stretched over frameworks like a gossamer wing, longstanding traditions unbroken even though they thin the leathers every year, even though they reproportion solvents and strip away at our welting.
The important thing is a notion, the idea of those thousand strides cascading up a steep and verdant hill some miles outside of a dead Pennsylvania coal town, sleep falling on people in far-lit wooden buildings miles below as night falls and we stay here, ensconced in the cradle of a thousand green miles beneath that full grain hope hand-fashioned in a familiar place.
And a way of life is built like this, a time and a place is anchored like this and entire armies of souls find respite in the purpose and safety of nature's seemingly inexhaustible cradle.

>> No.6458122
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Fast /fa/shion is cancer

>> No.6458132

>I wouldn't know where to start


they shit on everything btw

>> No.6458139
File: 1.31 MB, 1360x768, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thin i have the zip saved somewhere on my laptop, i won't be able to access it for awhile.
it's on a mediafire somehwere...
nvm found it

i think there are at least 300+ posts between what i didn't save and inception of fuuka

>> No.6458144
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obviously cross threads are too advanced for me


>> No.6458147
File: 163 KB, 1242x506, Fast Fashion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6458823

w2c those pants

>> No.6458843

its the arm on sufu find his postq