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/fa/ - Fashion

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6443733 No.6443733 [Reply] [Original]

What did you eat today /fa/?

>> No.6443742

youre mums vagina

>> No.6443757
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I marinated the chicken breasts overnight in lemon juice, crushed black pepper, salt, and cayenne pepper. I seared the outside with olive oil and then baked it for a few minutes, preserving the moisture.

>> No.6443764

An omelet and a cup of coffee. That right there in your pic is one of my favorite meals, though. Best meat best veg. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.6443768

looks good
broccoli is a godsend

>> No.6443778
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The broccoli was simply sauteed in olive oil, salt and pepper for a few minutes. I reused the olive oil from searing the chicken which added some more flavor into the broccoli.

>> No.6443785

>inb4 shitty aderall jokes

>> No.6443791

looks really nice. I had a small bowl of frosted flakes

>> No.6443802


A plate of fried chicken and broccoli doesn't really warrant "arty" photographs and elaborate details of the rather basic preparation. This is hardly Heston fucking Blumenthal is it.

>> No.6443798

some chicken breast
some salad leaves
a diet coke

>> No.6443800

don't eat too much or you'll get fat. One meal per day is perfect.

>> No.6443803




seriously, you are just skinny fat as fuck, you are not skinny for fuck sake.

>> No.6443828

sorry bb

>> No.6443832


>> No.6443839

Everything I've seen here is DYEL status.

>> No.6443846
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i dont wanna get fat

>> No.6443887

that's because everyone here just wants to be skinny.

>> No.6443903

4 slices of toast
a cup of black coffee
a "salad" pot from sainsburys - noodles, beans, some cous cous, some veg
a milky way
a coke
2.5 or 3 L of water

>> No.6443917

>2 skinny lattes
>Bagel with avocado, lettuce, tomato and fetta
>A chicken salad
>handful of chips/crisps
>about 4 beers and 2 vodkas

Housemate's going away party

>> No.6443945

It's 19:26 here, and so far:
>two cigarettes before work
>six cups of coffee at work
>a cigarette at break
>two cigarettes after work on my way home

Going to eat some knäckebröd later with some cheese I guess.

>> No.6443951

you already are m9

>> No.6443952

had nothing so far

bout to prob go to whole foods and get some almond milk and stuff though

>> No.6443969
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i ate some dick ;)

>> No.6443977
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>Adderall XR 30 MG
>Adderall IR 10 MG

>> No.6443982


>> No.6443990
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>implying I'm kidding

>> No.6444001

Wow dude, are you really that proud of your 3 step dish?

>> No.6444005
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Have some real good looking chicken.

>> No.6444034

I take pictures of my food when I'm bored too

its okay op

>> No.6444048

this looks gross

>> No.6444054

I failed today /fa/
I've been doing 500 calories/1hour of rowing per day for a whole 2 weeks, and I've lost almost a stone, but today I had a slush puppy and 500ml of chocolate milk.

1200 calories and I haven't even had dinner yet/


>> No.6444057


>> No.6444082 [DELETED] 
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>all these nerds getting mad over pictures of chicken and broccoli

>> No.6444085

Are you fucking retarded or something? Chicken with sundried tomatoes, basil and goat cheese?

You must be one of those "no veggies, no interesting foods" people that have never eaten anything good in their lives.

>> No.6444131

Kept feeling like I was about to faint, so had a cup of expresso, 2 tbsp chia seed pudding with half a tsp of honey, a nectarine and a cup of metamucil.

>> No.6444143
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>> No.6444172


Apparently I can't spell ):

>> No.6444214

see >>6443785

B)) I don't eat le herion chik us my munny to buy dreambox instead
fuk u

>> No.6444223

tiger bread x 1 w/ butter
fried egg/bacon sandwich wit ketchup
yogurt maybe
more bread
a bowl of rice
two new potatoes
two jacket potatoes
omg carbs what am I doing

>> No.6444256

Just had some more chia seed pudding because apparently I can't stand up...


>> No.6444271

Tom Yum Goong

>> No.6444334

shut up fool

>> No.6444368

I had a handful of raspberries and a can and a half of diet coke. although it's only 3pm here. I'm goin to an open mic at a cafe tonight so I might grab a scone for dinner or something

>> No.6444409

Miss ADD meds so much. During the school year I'd take 120 mg of vyvansse every day and wash them down with energy drinks. Made me feel on top of the world.

>> No.6444403

I've had a cup of coffee and cigarette, I'll have a salad at my fam's fourth of July thing later.

>> No.6444405

Wut? I just have asthma + low blood sugar+ I walked 15k yesterday, I'm pretty sure ANYONE would feel like shit after that.

Oh, and no A/C

>> No.6444430
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yesterday i made bison burgers
they were really tasty even tho they were a little overcooked they remained moist
unfortunately the heat caused my rolls to mold fast and i didn't have anything to serve em on :(

>> No.6444436
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Yeah, I think everyone should be allowed to use stimulants and have them regulated. Caffeine is the shittiest stimulant, but for some reason it's legal.

They really just make you feel more awake, completely destroy any fog. Taking a sufficient amount is like putting on glasses for the first time. nb

>> No.6444481

agree, adderral/vyvanyse is so fucking useful

>> No.6444541

Oats and one egg for breakfast,
Remains of yesterday for lunch: some fish and a tomato, wasn't very hungry,
One Kinder Country for the afternoon snack,
Homemade burritos for dinner.

>> No.6445354

just had a 1500 cal breakfast

>fried dat bitch up in some coconut oil

>peanut butter

>> No.6445419

a very tiny amount of cereal and milk
a few hershey kisses
lots of water
a few sips of orange soda

>> No.6445574
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Fat or /fa/?

>> No.6445623

got blackout wasted at a party yesterday, puked up everything I ate and I'm too hungover to eat anything today
bretty gud dieting trick if you're into that whole feeling like lukewarm death thing

>> No.6445628

>1250 calories

Tell us when you moved to Ethiopia?

>> No.6445642

/fa/ eating is like two cups of coffee and half an apple a day.

>> No.6445860

>2 eggs
>117 calories
Try again, buddy. You're seriously under counting.

>> No.6445875

Like 5 25g bags of crisps (chips if you're Amerifat), a 100g milk chocolate bar and two cans of diet coke. I was playing my friends Xbox all day so I forgot to drink and eat properly.

>> No.6446064

Tuna spread on an english muffin, half an apple, and a tall glass of water. 10 minutes after I had finished eating I purged myself.

>> No.6446322

>corned beef and swiss sandwich
>some yogurt
>chicken burrito and chips from a local Tex-Mex place

>> No.6446339

>5 cups of coffee
>2 slices of buttered rye toast
>3 pieces of sliced genoa salami
>1 piece of monteray jack cheese
>6 cans of icehouse beer
>pack of cigarettes

am i /fa/?

>> No.6446360

3 pieces of cheese pizza
6 pieces of crazy bread
3 mint crunch bars

Happy fourth

>> No.6446392

Two pieces of toast and half a bowl of rice krispies with almond milk
some tuna salad with crackers and capers
a can of chili

I think I did okay today.

Question though, how do you guys get by on nothing but coffee and stimulants? I can't even imagine sustaining myself on nothing but coffee, and the crashes from either caffine or stims always feel terrible. How can you do this and not feel like shit 24/7?

>> No.6446416

fatass detected

u do feel like shit, thats why u go shopping to make yourself feel better

>> No.6447425


>Not taking pride in everything you do

Not even OP but ishygddt

>> No.6447458

sorry. that doesn't sound that good.

>> No.6447472


>full crown of broccoli/~10 brussel sprouts
>3 cups black grapes
>4 slices whole wheat sprouted bread (toasted)


>pasta couscous and feta cheese (aka Mediterranean mac n cheese)


>Carl's Jr (chicken sandwich)

...Yeah, I fucked up with dinner.

>> No.6447481


>tfw asthma

>tfw have to stop taking advair/long-acting beta agonists

what am I to do?

>> No.6447493

Had a busy day so skipped lunch at work:

breakfast: bowl of Muesli-style cereal with milk
Morning snack: 6 crackers with vegemite
Afternoon snack: Yoghurt, apple, carrot, 2 biscuits
Dinner: Salmon and wholewheat pasta dish with a salad i made.

I usually have a light workout and run about an hour and a half after dinner. I'm not sure if I should be eating more to make my work outs more beneficial.

>> No.6447499

16 saltine crackers then I licked my fingers

>> No.6447596

just eaten a bowl of porridge with half a banna and lol like a half a breakfast bar crushed into it also had 3 green teas today

>> No.6447632

>5 shots of vodka
>some iced tea to drink

>> No.6448084

>nutella sandwich

>> No.6448559
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2 McMuffins
3 litres of Coke
3 Big Macs
1 Root beer Float
2 Bags of Lays chips
1 Bag of Fritos
1 large french fries with ketchup
1 box of Cheez Its

I've tried eating less but I can't eat any less than this. Any tips?

>> No.6448561

Pizza and a flake for breakfast. I'll probs eat another 1k calories then i'm done for the day

>> No.6448571

an apple, 1 cup of coffee

almost 3pm but I'm gonna cook myself some burgers later and have some beer.

>> No.6448598

>piece of toast with peanut butter
>piece of toast with nutella
>2 cups of coffee

>> No.6448624

replace half of that with a cigarette/2 sticks of gum/a can of fresca or diet dr pepper.

>> No.6448919


The issue isn't the quantity, it's the quality. There isn't a complete meal in your entire day. Eat some vegetables, for god's sake.

>> No.6448924

some pieces of crips bread. i'm getting /fit/

>> No.6448941

a whole pack of cigs is a bit excessive...don't you think?

>> No.6448944

wow sux to be u m8.

Most probably put on atleast 3 stone drinking that shit. This is how amerifats are born man

>> No.6448962

Nothing will happen, stop worrying.

>> No.6449010

>1 apple and a half
>a small bag of low calorie chips (110 calories)
>a flour tortilla with 2 slices of cheese

I'm 6'5

>> No.6449189

>Fried egg and tomatoes

I'll have later
Lunch - chicken & salad
Dinner - cucumbers & cooked squash

>> No.6449203

>I'm 6'5

eat more then

>> No.6449233

fuk u fit

>> No.6449231

not him, but i'm trying to get un-fat as well, does that mean that i can eat the same amount of food per day as long as it includes more healthful/less crappy stuff? or do i have to cut calories AND eat all healthful foods

>> No.6449251

Beans on toast.
About to have Sheppards Pie for dinner.
I might eat a kebab or chicken burger between 1-3am tonight, depends if I'm sober enough to feel hunger.

>> No.6449329

To get unfat, you must cut calories, healthy eating will only help, icE go e on cuts where all i ate was mcdonalds, you just cant eat too much.

>> No.6449335


10g kratom tea, eight shots of espresso, three cigarettes and two pints of water.

>> No.6449553
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>3 weetabix + semi milk
>chocolate & tea
>whole breaded cod, curly chips, mushy peas, cheese, chocolate cake + cream&custard
>toast & honey
>baguette with parma ham/chedder
> it's only 7pm
>will eat more
>Normally do eat more

>Never put on weight...

Cycle everywhere. Do at least an hour of sport every day, some days more.

>> No.6449603

I ate a lot of peanut butter MNMs

>> No.6449666

did a necromancer bring this thread back to life or are you just so fucking proud of your little basic meal that you ust had to make the same thread again?

>> No.6449833

>not vegetarian or vegan
Step it up fatty-chans.