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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 440 KB, 1078x719, WP_000273 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6440774 No.6440774 [Reply] [Original]

It's my new haircut, bro!

How'd I do?

>> No.6440793

You look like Ginsberg. Burroughs > Ginsberg.

>> No.6440795
File: 833 KB, 354x270, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6440798

My names Forrest. Forrest Gump.

>> No.6440804

I have that same receding hairline. Sucks, doesn't it?

>> No.6440807

Hair is ok, but get a different shape glasses. You look like a freaking 50s milk man or something equally gay.

>> No.6440834


you look like the stork from the vlasic pickle jars

>> No.6440837

My god, you're hideous.

>> No.6440852

pls pic with no glasses

Also, are you doing anything about the acne and rosacea? Not to be unkind but they take away from your facial aesthetic.

>> No.6440864
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I don't fully know what's going to happen yet, I try not to think about it.

Damn fine by me.

Fuck off.

I don't have rosatia, the color balance of those pics are not very accurate. Acne is going away at a steady rate with some tetranoin. Feels okay man.

>> No.6440871
File: 22 KB, 265x265, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like seeing you move around would creep me out.

>> No.6440875

I don't know why you are smiling in that first picture but I'm guessing you must of been pretty excited when your mom picked you up in the minivan.
Nice glasses faggot.

>> No.6440879

you need to loosen it out a bit

and get contacts or a set of frames that doesn't remind people of the halocaust

>> No.6440878


>> No.6440880

>clearly in driver's seat/Okay

>> No.6440887

ooof dat nose

>> No.6440889 [DELETED] 

>not knowing the seats are reversed in europe
>being this much an of amerifat

>> No.6440893

>not knowing the seats are switched in europe
>being this much of an ignorant amerifat

>> No.6440900

Kerouac > Burroughs > Ginsberg

>> No.6440898

Depends on country.
But smiling like that while driving your mothers minivan still makes you a faggot.

>> No.6440905

It's like outtakes from Alien.

Loosen the hair out? Aight

>> No.6440911
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>> No.6440912
File: 91 KB, 568x800, 229995_la[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burroughs > Kerouac > Ginsberg

>> No.6440922

>insecure af

>> No.6440929

>You look like a freaking 50s milk man
I KNEW he looked like something, I just couldn't tell what. 50's milk man is really the best way to put it.
Get rid of those glasses asap, OP.

>> No.6440931

I also look great in a classic sailor's hat.

>> No.6440933


>Above Kerouac

nigger please. Burroughs had one semi-decent book. Kerouac was a much better writer.

>> No.6440956

OP what's your ethnic background?

You look German af

>> No.6440970

>Naked lunch
>the Nova trilogy
>semi descent
go home

>> No.6440981

Show you're fuckin' face then w/ timestamp

>> No.6440982

George McFly?

>> No.6440988
File: 246 KB, 1280x1555, tumblr_ma0nx9fhoD1qzhl9eo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burroughs > ginsberg >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kerouac

>> No.6441017

yea u dumb

>> No.6441025

kerouac was like the one friend in the group who always tagged along and just really wanted to be one of the cool ones

>> No.6441033


edgy experimentation for college English students

I know its cool to hate on Kerouac because he is popular but he alone did things that pedophile Burroughs could only dream of.

>> No.6441040


and yet all he had to say in On the Road perfectly captured the spirit of that generation

Burroughs was the equivalent of this


>> No.6441051

Get off the internet Jack, you're dead.

>> No.6441065


>hurrr durrr I liek drugs there so cool

faggot edgy moron pedophile worshipper detected

>> No.6441066

yea like imagine that one kid in the group documenting what all his cool writer friends were actually doing with their work. so yes i agree and would say that he captured the spirit of the beat movement, but that still doesn't make him a better and certainly not a more creative writer.

>> No.6441067

furthermore i'd say Howl captured the spirit a ridiculous number of times better

>> No.6441071

You sounds mad Jack, got to bed.

>> No.6441072

(not comparing kerouac and burroughs here of course, just saying out of those three's most prominent works Howl does the best at what it's intending to do)

>> No.6441078


do tell, what criteria are you using to say what is "creative" or not?

because while not groundbreaking (the dadaist and surrealist experimented with stream of consciousness years before) Kerouac's book was groundbreaking on subject, style and language. To me, that is "creative"

You think Burroughs is some sort of genius because he wrote a book and then put the pages in random order. How fucking creative

>> No.6441089


Howl and On the Road, whether you like it or not, are the yin and yang. One does not exist with the other. I do not understand what is the obsession on 4chan to hate on OTR (because of the movie? because is a rite of passage to many people, but denying the book's influence and importance is just plain moronic.

Yes Kerouac was a deeply flawed person. so fucking what? I bet you the majority of kewl kids who like Burrough only read Naked Lunch and like him for his image of "badass old man"

>> No.6441102



German on my moms side. Why does it matter?

>> No.6441122


>kerouac was like the one friend in the group who always tagged along and just really wanted to be one of the cool ones

If we're going to judge writers based on their personalities, at least Kerouac wasn't a drug addict moron who killed his wife ("accidentally") and let his son alone with his pedophile buddies

>> No.6441125


What the fuck is Mexican

You mean Spaniard?

>> No.6441132

honestly when it comes down to it, i think it's largely a matter of preference between the three (otr, howl, naked lunch) as - in my opinion - they all do really great jobs of capturing exactly what they're meant to capture.

for me though, i just couldn't get past the image of kerouac as this young idealist full of wanderlust wanting to 'experience life to the fullest' in a really.. i don't know.. cliche tumblr-esque kinda way.
and i think he did a great job at capturing that ideal and that period in the typical life of the 'lost soul' (keep in mind i went through this hardcore as well and it really resonated with me at the time). i really disliked dharma bums for the same reason but actually really enjoyed Big Sur. I had a similar experience once and he was spot on.

so i'm certainly not trying to deny its importance/influence and i was definitely way too absolute (feeling a bit too drunkenly belligerently argumentative as well) when comparing them.

so i suppose i just prefer howl and naked lunch as i felt they were more.. i don't know.. genuine and unique in their writing.

>> No.6441146


Amerindian mixed with Spanish = Mestizo = Mexican

At least that's the interpretation we use here in the US

>> No.6441170



You probably should keep saying Mexican though, that explanation you posted was way too long

>> No.6441175



Doesn't get much more /fa/ than that

>> No.6441206


bro theres no shame in being part mexican. that fucker is daft anyway

>posts whats a mexican, a nationality
>posts dont you mean spaniard, a nationality
>ignores german side, a nationality

/fa/ gets stupider by the fucking second

>> No.6441212

>Coming to the internet for any form of intelligence

>> No.6441217

louis ck is germexican too

>> No.6441243


Hungarian actually, but real close

>> No.6441252
File: 87 KB, 123x136, 1365718780778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6441255


>smart people

Pick one. The only smart people in this industry are the ones who create the trends/brands. The rest of the consumers are just that, consumers.

>> No.6441271

You look like spongebob.

>> No.6441279


Nationality is canceled out when you're ethnically Jewish. One side is Jewish, one side is Mexican. And both parents had to have the recessive gene for him to have red hair, funny huh?

>> No.6441383
File: 84 KB, 539x719, WP_000274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not OP

I'm Canadian/Eastern European

And Jewish.

>> No.6441408

Get rid of those ridiculous glasses and that fucking retarded haircut. Try something a little longer. Your face isn't bad but the shit you're wearing looks fucking retarded

>> No.6441414

I like my glasses, they fit my personality pretty damn well and the mockery over them in this thread is pretty accurate too. The hair is what I'm talkin' about here and it is a neat concept having this short, but it needs a week or two to grow out into something a little less military if you follow my bullshit.

I'm really confused why that guy jumped in the thread and pretended to be me though. It's a little flattering, I guess.

>> No.6441432


Because he wants people to think Mexican mestizos are white kek

>> No.6441438

How strange.

I figured my Jewish nose and weak-ass jawline would explain my vanilla origins.

>> No.6441453

goddamn i want to punch your fucking jew face

>> No.6441459

his face is pretty bad

>> No.6441498

I fucking hate /fa/

>> No.6441514

i hate my face

>> No.6441515

Your face is all wrong for that cut. Not trying to put you down, it just doesn't suit you

>> No.6441528

Well, what the fuck am I supposed to do about it. Every day I see beautiful people and I hate every one of them so fucking much. I walk into a room and they get immediate credibility. People will put up with their shit longer if they aren't good people and if they are good people, well shit's just peachy. Nobody wants to give a second chance to somebody without a jawline and doesn't photograph well. I have to be fucking caricature of myself just to fit my face.

I'm tired of all of this shit.

My hair grows very quickly, hopefully in a week or so my sides will grow out and I can just keep the new part.

>> No.6441529 [DELETED] 

are you gay or something bro

>> No.6441537

oh my fucking go just stop that shit

>> No.6441550

saying keroauc is your favorite author is like saying fight club is your favorite movie

burroughs wrote circles around that fuccboi

>> No.6441557


Bro never let outside opinions fucking affect you so much. Hear them out, if its constructive, apply it, if its shit, throw it out. You gotta be thick skin around these parts to put up with shit from wage slaves

>> No.6441565

I've done fucking everything in my life to avoid dealing with my genetics.

I built out a career beyond my wildest dreams, I'm dropping it to go to a university with even bigger shit in it, and I occupy all of my time with sexy hobbies that don't involve looking at other people's faces. It isn't opinions.
It's privilege I don't roll.

>> No.6441579

are you really OP? you don't sound like OP.

captcha: are stockgc?
captcha agrees, thinks you're actually Mr. Stockgc.

>> No.6441589


You sound like a wage slave to me

>> No.6441592
File: 92 KB, 539x719, WP_000276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm OP and I fucking hate myself.

>> No.6441610

I love you

>> No.6441620

the beat generation sucked

>> No.6441622


For what its worth I think you look good

(no homo)

>> No.6441624

I think you look good, too anon.

>tfw no gf

>> No.6441654

You're not bad looking the kids on here are just elitists who look like shit and are too poor to afford real cuts/clothes. On that note lose the glasses they really are goofy, get something smaller and squarer, or even better contacts. You have nice teeth but use crest whitening strips for the color. Grow out your hair

>> No.6441678

On the next insurance cycle I;m saving up for a similar style but much, much smaller. Think Patrick Bateman in size and shape.

I can be a little bitch.

Daw thanks, just dropped a fortune repairing them. How costly are whitening strips? I have been heavily considering picking up a box for a while. I am so damn close to being happy with my teeth.

>> No.6441708

Warby Parker glasses op?

>> No.6441714


>> No.6441718

Ouch, yeah I'm not digging those frames sorry..

>> No.6441727

30$ for a box of 10 if you buy crest. It should be all you need. maybe 2 boxes tops. I'd heavily recommend them but if you cant shell that out cvs/rite aid brands are okay

>> No.6441736

OP looks like he is in the air force.

>> No.6441737

Darn, I have been getting surprising feedback from complete strangers over them, I need to definitely do a lot more gathering on these because /fa/ is not digging them.

Only 20 strips to not shitty coloration? Damn, I can afford that easy.

>> No.6441780

ik you think they look good and unique but trust me m8 those frames look like ass on your face. get a different pair.

>> No.6441787

do the full 2 hour application though, i promise it will work wonders>>6441737

>> No.6441796

I can deal with two hours. Get through some Game of Thrones and whiten my teeth in under a month. neato.

Whelp, I'm stuck with these for at least a year or two more for insurance reasons, but I'll see what I can do.

>> No.6441865

I don't know what that is. I mostly come here to laugh.

>> No.6442127
File: 32 KB, 720x398, shiba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6442176

Let it grow in.
Where did you get it done? It looks too thinned out at the moment and awkward. That's happened to me before but let it grow in and avoid any type of wet gel that will make it look either slimed or greased down. Opt for a hair paste, apply when wet and blowdry lightly. Works much better, looks fuller, and will look way better.

>> No.6442186

Just my barbershop, they did a great job last time and my guy said he wanted to try something less conservative this round. That was 7 hours ago. I also picked up some light hold matte pomade to style with, hopefully my hair fills in the rest in a week or so.

>> No.6442203

Dunno if you use yelp but always try to look at your options. Went to a barbershop and all the guy used was a razor and it ended up making my hair look choppy and not shapely. Using scissors definitely helps much more because your not just slaving the hair off and making use of it, textures, etc.

>> No.6443664

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.6443670


>> No.6443675

I didn't post a before pic

>> No.6443681

oh lolol, I thought this was b4&after pics, sry

>> No.6443700

There aren't very many photos of my besides self shots for /fa/, so I did not have a before.

>> No.6443718

I know, I just glanced at it, and it looked like the pics were taken on different days (i hate to mention, but acne more noticeable in right pic). Probably just lighting.

>> No.6443753


Holy fucking shit I'm crying hahaha

>> No.6443766
File: 1.98 MB, 3456x2304, IMG_6805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly noticable, it's a real problem but it varies day to day

>> No.6443780


>> No.6443973

up until now I thought I knew you OP. You look just like this despicable pric who goes to University of Texas. please tell me you're not him.

>> No.6443992

just get a light tan

>> No.6443987


>> No.6444002

The glasses take people's eyes to your nose, you don't want to do that OP. Get ones with a bold high frame and thin lower one or something like that.

>> No.6444013

What's his name? I live in Texas but I'm getting the fuck out of here in a few months.

I wish.

Next round.

>> No.6444038

I forgot his name. He's a dick. busines major aspiring yuppie piece of shit.

>> No.6444043

dat recessed chin
ho damn

>> No.6444050

I bet his name is John.

It hurts me every day. Is there anything I can do?

>> No.6444065

i dunno anon
unless you get some buttfuck insane plastic surgeon to reconstruct your jawline
that's too expensive tho

>> No.6444069


>> No.6444081

i mean, you could go to brazil and shit, but in the end it's better to live with shit genes than to live with a jaw that may fall apart if you touch it

learn to love yourself anon, i also have a huge jewnose but i've learned to live with it

>> No.6444092

I can't. Beautiful people have so much more opportunity in the world. Between my nose and my lack of jaw, the odds are always against me.

>> No.6444107

my nose is worse than yours, man. it's very toucan-like

sure, the materialistic odds may be against you, but im sure you have some quality that can put you above pretty people

i mean, always remember that you're your worst critic (and /fa/). no one is going to criticize you harder than you do (or us, because we're honest and relate with you)

>> No.6444118

I'm pretty good at bullshitting my way into most everything in life. A great skill, but it doesn't get me far at parties because parties aren't jobs. I have never had fun in my life because I pour myself into the one thing that isn't stacked against me, office jobs.

>> No.6444121

what about with your friends?

>> No.6444139
File: 319 KB, 1000x667, IMG_3871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 5 of them. I have esoteric interests, I can't really relate well to a huge portion of people. Also, they are all excellently good looking. Pic related.

>> No.6444149

he's not that good looking.

>wide nose
>clown chin

>> No.6444147
File: 382 KB, 1000x667, IMG_4632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I envy my friends so much.

I even took all of these photos myself.

>> No.6444162

>I even took all of these photos myself

that's kinda gay tho
did ya ask?

>> No.6444163

My standards have lowered dramatically ever since I gained self awareness.

>> No.6444169

Nope, shot all of them at 500mm when he wasn't aware of it.

I designed some recital posters for him a while back/did some senior portraits.

>> No.6444180

haircut looks fine, you look like a douche

>> No.6444177

That's a great pic, bruh. Not very /fa/, but you look gewd. Fuck the haters.

>> No.6444183

that's dumb. you should always look up instead of down. it's a very /fa/ mentality if you ask me.
if anything, your standards should've gone up instead of down. i know mine did.

work towards betterment, anon, be it saving up for that insane operation, or by getting /fit/, or by taking pills for your acne, etc. always.

>> No.6444184

I'm my own biggest hater.
>being /fa/ in an industrial workshop

Better than a doofus, I suppose.

>> No.6444186

So much rape space in the back of dat van. Mirin hard.

>> No.6444192

>implying industrial shoots aren't top glam

>> No.6444194

I've been getting fit, but I've only put on about 5-10 pounds in almost a full year. Nuked my body fat though, which felt good. On meds for my face, they are working slowly but surely. But getting fit won't fix whatever is behind MY FUCKING JAWLINE.
The greatest pain.

I have fit so much shit back there, you wouldn't even believe. Like, two bicycles and some wood sheets big.

We were doing metal casting, wouldn't want to get my geobaskets melted. huehue

>> No.6444205

this guy looks so abysmally average

>> No.6444203

well, good luck in life anon. you'll make it if you put your mind and lies into it.

im gonna go back to eating my lunch bye

>> No.6444216

Thanks, you too.

Going to restart in an entirely new city/state/life in two months. Leaving my job and everything behind. Can't wait to hate looking at everyone there too.