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6436006 No.6436006 [Reply] [Original]

>"comb dehs garsons"

>> No.6436019
File: 135 KB, 1481x1057, 2chainz_2nd-run-e1350312473755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mr como day garsone

>> No.6436017


cum des garkones

>> No.6436020
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>> No.6436029
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>come day gar-sone

>> No.6436039
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>> No.6436046

ev san laran

>> No.6436048

3 yrs of college french classes and all i got out of it was correct pronunciation of fashion design houses

>> No.6436050
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>reek ow-ans

>> No.6436058
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>goo chay

>> No.6436059

Américains stupides

>> No.6436065

>comb dehs fuckdown

>> No.6436069
File: 15 KB, 320x239, La Marseillaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goose-fattened, wine-swilling, lily livered surrender monkeys. Pic related, the fine flag of your great nation.

>> No.6436087
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top fucking kek

>> No.6436092

was talking to guy on saturday and he would just call it commes

took me awhile to get use to since it sounds like kohls on its own

>> No.6436094

Who helped the Americans win the Revolution? Who conquered the old world successfully? (minus shitty Russia) Who was the epicenter of art, culture, and fashion? Who helped bring about an age of science and reason Oh, thats right, France (and Spain).

>> No.6436101

>Who was the epicenter of art, culture, and fashion? Who helped bring about an age of science and reason

>> No.6436106

llogi llamamotu

>> No.6436109

>Who helped the Americans win the Revolution?
Brits being untalented.

>Who conquered the old world successfully? (minus shitty Russia)
Ottoman Empire and Spain.

>Who was the epicenter of art, culture, and fashion?

>Who helped bring about an age of science and reason
Britain and the Middle East

>> No.6436113

did you correct him?

>> No.6436120


>> No.6436122



It was the French, English, Spanish/Spanish Dutch (Spain took over the Netherlands under the Spanish Habsburg house) who started the Enlightenment age and France acted as a stage for the minds of Europe.

>> No.6436125

I feel like a pleb, but how do you really say it, I've avoided ever talking about it because I can't say it correct

>> No.6436128



>> No.6436136

Renaissance was wayyyyy before this. The church got its grip on Europe again after (meaning it failed) and the Enlightment freed it just enough to allow scientific (and public) innovation. The enlightenment era was a big part of shaping our modern world, America wouldnt have even existed if it wasnt for the ideas presented by French minds at the time.

>> No.6436145




gar (roll the R if you can)

song without the g

>> No.6436146
File: 22 KB, 204x215, angrybutatleastiamcomfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comb-es days garsuns
That's not how you pronounce it
>it's Italian, it's not English, Anon

I wish I was lying about that story

>> No.6436152


YOU did all of those things! Good for YOU, random French Guy! Just like I personellement, singuliairement, saved you from the Nazis!

>> No.6436155

sure is /pol/ in here.

>> No.6436153

ball mane

>> No.6436156


baal mon

>> No.6436158
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>> No.6436162

Im not even French lel.

My great grandfather was a Spanish volunteer in the SS on Eastern Front.

>> No.6436173



>> No.6436180

take your goetic demons somewhere else

>> No.6436204


>> No.6436208
File: 31 KB, 400x267, stroke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>face tasm

>> No.6436215

>ann de-mew-lay-may-ey-ay-stair

>> No.6436220

i just asked him what he meant since i had no idea at first.

>> No.6436221



>> No.6436230

>implying this isnt the real pronunciation of givenchy


>> No.6436231


>> No.6436242
File: 399 KB, 1042x1562, 1369972881461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's nigh unpronouncable without at least a couple French lessons under your belt.

"Bal" is easy, you just tongue (palatalize) the L more strongly than in English and pronounce the "a" slightly long.

"main" is more difficult, the closest analog most Americans would have heard would be when Mexicans say "what up mang", but drop the g. The vowel sound is somewhere between the "a" in "hang" and the "e" in "penguin".

>> No.6436246

if you ever see the pronounciation videos that actually do it right the dislike:like ratio is really high. like wtf


>> No.6436250


/fa/cist is WRONG

>> No.6436272


Haha. Wow. No. That's terrible pronunciation. "Main" the English word is closer than that.

>> No.6436306

>come they gar son

>> No.6436316


>> No.6436315


>> No.6436323

>comma dess gark on

>> No.6436326

>Comme des Garçons: Cohm-day Gar-SOHN

>Balmain: Bahl-mah

source: http://stchd.com/the-stchd-guide-to-designer-pronunciation/

>> No.6436330

does Bahl-mah seem a little off? everything else on the site seems legit.

>> No.6436342

>Pierre Balmain: Pi-air BAHL-mahn

found it

>> No.6436352


>> No.6436371

in french the last few letters are commonly more subtle, virtually absent if youve never heard the language before. look for example at the pronunciation for "mains," which is the french word for "hands"


also its very nasal. this depends regionally of course, but french is spoken through the nose much more than english

>> No.6436396

how has this guy not done Ann D yet

also has the pronunciation guy posted a fit or what

>> No.6436399
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>> No.6436401


>> No.6436405

ITT; people who know nothing about about French military history

France surrendered because they had a weak army, Germany was already poised and ready to penetrate their asshole, and their civilians would have been massacred by the millions if they hadn't. The only reason America laughs about them is because they don't understand the value of common sense in wartime.

I'm from Texas, and I hear this all the time and it pisses me off so much.

>> No.6436418

>b-but... muh honor

>> No.6436420

it's similar to the n in bank (american english). similar sound exists in spanish as well

>> No.6436472

It's more the fact that their ignorance in guarding their borders led to the ultimate surrender. Had they used common sense in wartime, France would have been in a better strategic position.

>> No.6436500


>> No.6436515

Dont get me wrong, the French weren't too bright when it came to military preparedness. Despite the "The Great Treaty of Fuck Poland" they should have seen Germany coming a mile away. That being said, them surrendering saved millions of lifes, and made the Reich overextend into England, where they practically carjacked their buttcheeks open post-1943.

>> No.6436528


Ann Demeulemeester is arguably/potentially the hardest to pronounce -- Dutch is such wonderful language, though, I'm personally starting lessons a few days from now (le flemish ancestry, plus direct aunts that are natives)

>> No.6436541

True, plus the French resistance groups that sprang up after the takeover showed that even if they didn't want to, France had no other option than to surrender at the time.

>> No.6436555

Damn skippy. French-haters shut up real quick when you bring up the resistance movement.

>> No.6436561

holy fuck that channel is hilarious

btw how do people in retail stores NOT know how to pronounce the brands they stock?

had a dude in Barneys show me some guh-ven-chee, mar-jella and drys van noten.

at least he pronounced thom browne correctly.

>> No.6436570

>implying this isn't best


>> No.6436573

How to pronounce Margiela properly?

>> No.6436583

actually i might be wrong on the Margiela. I always thought it was pronounced with a soft 'g" like... bourgeois, but apparently that might be wrong.

>> No.6436592

>not butchering the pronounciation of all ur labels when u go to a store and delivering them in ebonics

>ey homie lemme cop sum ball mans
>yo u got them new marjellos?
>hey did that cum de garzon cum in?

>> No.6436637

Com Dehs Garsons

>> No.6436639

its pronounce like

"What's that jacket, Margiela?"

>> No.6436652



So it's not Give In Chee?

>> No.6436651

Yeah, i'm looking at pronunciations all the time, and everywhere's saying it has a hard G/ J sound.

my life is a lie

>> No.6436654
File: 157 KB, 600x913, french-stereotype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to pronounce french houses with a really heavy, stilted accent
hon hon hon hon
mon see muhnkee
hon hon hon hon hon hon

>> No.6436656

>got some dee air kay ess ache dee doubleyou br0?

>> No.6436657

I pronounced it like that at a high fashion store and the dude working there said it with a soft 'g' which made me feel like a fuccboi

>> No.6436659

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.6436663

you're dumb also i don't know why u retards add "h" everywhere when impersonating french people since "h" is silent 90% of the time in the french language (esp after and before voyels)

>> No.6436664
File: 46 KB, 533x800, $(KGrHqN,!iEFChVEHCnkBQp2eeDTJQ~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i liked to pronounced the names of french houses with a stilted accent
remember what i told you about people who are looking for reasons to be offended

>> No.6436670
File: 74 KB, 213x233, stop that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6436671

>i liked to pronounced the names of french houses with a stilted accent
>remember what i told you about people who are looking for reasons to be offended

>> No.6436680
File: 73 KB, 644x1024, Nude-1996-15006-StarTrekKen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course it's dumb, that's the point

>> No.6436689

>i liked to pronounced the names of french houses with a stilted accent
You mean...like every other american i've met (I've lived in Paris for 10+years)?
So original and...funny, right?

>> No.6436701
File: 306 KB, 1186x1471, tyrian-purple-byz-ravenna6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, i don't do it in serious situations, i mostly do it to sales associates who correct my pronunciation :^)
i never really got the stigma of nonnative speakers using nonnative accents tbh tho, of course americans will pronounce french words with an accent even if they nail the pronunciation.

>> No.6436765

>dior hhhhomme

>> No.6436818

>riccardo tiss-key
>pronouncing the name of the lead designer wrong

>> No.6437626

>rolled r

>> No.6437632

Fuck off CAC