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6435932 No.6435932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>walking out of tap ex
>see 5 skaters; one wearing pryex shorts
>as i pass by i say informally without making any eye contact to them "wow what a fuccboi
>guy in pryex shorts: "what the fuck did you call me?
>laugh my ass off as i enter my car and leave while he glares at me and his friends are wondering what the fuck is going on

Holy shit do these people become defensive over these shorts

>> No.6435956
File: 11 KB, 429x410, 1334863139433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People would get angry if you insult them.
Post your fit, you fuccswallower.

>> No.6435963

sounds like you pussied out tbh

>> No.6435961

I don't know who's the bigger autist, OP for using epic 4chin maymays or the skater kid.

>> No.6435972

why do people feel the need to insult strangers

i've been complimented and insulted by randoms, but the latter takes me by surprise every time

it's always rednecks/bros tho

>> No.6435971

>use an internet me-me insult that no but you understands
>waddle away as fast as you can in your sperrys and short shorts

alpha as fuck op

>> No.6435986

its always out of a car window or with a big group of friends too

bitches trying to look tough

>> No.6435997

fuccboi isnt an internet meme...

>> No.6436008

yes it is

>> No.6436011

no it's not

>> No.6436015

op is a cunt lel

>> No.6436035


You sure did show him with that epic meme.

>> No.6436055

the car window is the worst because they don't even get a reaction back

i just look into their eyes, smile, and keep walking generally

>> No.6436115

I have a story
>Walking to uni
>Car full of douches bags slows down near the entrance
>Just as the guy leans out to yell something this chick walks out of the gate
>His head makes contact with her cleavage and his words come out all muffled "hey fagggffflll"
>She gets really offended and slaps him
>I laugh at it for about a year

>> No.6436130


didnt happen.

>> No.6436264

op ur such a fkin looser lmao didnt even hav tha balls 2 look him in da eyes

>> No.6436383
File: 52 KB, 480x640, 1006251_330029750460850_2116904862_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuccboi isn't a meme... It may have a certain meaning here but it isn't a meme. Not everything online is a meme.

>> No.6436402

gj insulting him with 4chin meems and running away to your car like a pussy

>> No.6436413

this still happens? i've only experienced it once in 06 and i still live in a shithole of a city

>> No.6436415

Fuccboi isn't a meme, It's a term used widely by tech n9ne. The only reason fa uses it is because someone from mu spread it a while back.

>> No.6436433
File: 49 KB, 500x667, 1371829691071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian guy always on the same bus as me to my uni
>Always wear expensive, trendy clothes, but outfits look like shit
>pyrex shorts with all-over print brightly coloured shirts, supreme hat matching with supreme hoodie, givenchy T with levis and converse
>Didn't even realize it was the same person, but would instinctively give him a disgusted look
>Now he avoids me, and I feel like a bad person

>> No.6436471

fuccboi isnt a meme you fucking herbs

u only think so because all of you are too afraid of black people to actually learn how slang works

and OP youre a buster lol

>> No.6436478


>youre a buster

hahahahaha fucking white people

>> No.6436482

u r the real bitchboi omankoboi fuccboi moneybouy pussyboi panochaboi fagboi

>> No.6436496

u buggin' ass mothamoth nigga, get out here befo you get retro'd withja dolla bin basket ass.

>> No.6436518

lol chillax tyrone

>> No.6436529

I suppose OP is implying his phrase wasn't aimed at anyone specifically. He didn't look at any of them, he just thrown that insult in the air: and he finds it funny only the pyrex guy has taken it directed at himself.

>> No.6436538

dead at this ho ass nigga sneak dissin like he think he somethin foh bitch

>> No.6436544

How do you understand apes' language?

>> No.6436546

>chilling with my friends outside of tap ex
>wearing my sick as fuck pyrex shorts
>some weird ass sandninja looking motherfucker mumbles something under his breath
>say "what did you just say?" figuring he was talking to us
>shuffles to his car and leaves
>friends and i look at each other wondering what that was

>> No.6436548

>wearing my fake as fuck pyrex shorts

>> No.6436560

exactly. in my group of friends fuccboi has been in regular usage for long asss time. it's funny seeing it here tho

>> No.6436581

Are you a nigger?

>> No.6436598

fuck outta here nigga before u get scrapped lmfao

>> No.6436602

No, "fuckboy" is not an internet meme curtainwearer.

>> No.6436607

He's the niggest.

>> No.6436618

Here, have a banana.

>> No.6436897

>this is what tripfags actually believe

it's prison slang dued

>> No.6436941

>thread posted when 4chan told me the captcha was wrong on my phone

basically this. if anyone else fronted okay fair game on me but literally the the guy in pyrex yelled out. and mind you im Tap Ex so he's surrounded by generic malltier asians
my fit was a white tee, outlier shorts, and suede free 2s no fucks

>> No.6437048

>mfw half of this thread are fuccbois justifying pryex
you probably asked at some point "where can i find flyknits/roshes in size...