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File: 103 KB, 500x332, anima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6435281 No.6435281 [Reply] [Original]

does this look alright or is weeaboo-tier. Thinking about copping it on pay day but just wanted to get some second opinions first. Also general Cop or Not Thread

>> No.6435303
File: 96 KB, 468x490, 21e77763722694e550450b097bb7e3cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't look awful, but you're definitely gonna give out weeaboo vibes wearing it. also seems like a pretty baggy fit.

>> No.6435359

I do watch a decent amount of anime but not really so much that i'd be considered a weeaboo. My friends and acquaintances wouldn't judge me over it so I'm not too worried about it.

as far as those kicks go I'd say cop. Not something I could see myself wearing, but if you think you could make them work, then I don't see anything wrong with them.

>> No.6435368
File: 738 KB, 1200x1700, Illu_Vocaloid_Kagamine_Rin_Append-sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it
i kinda want some vocaloid legwarmers
not literal cosplay ones i just like the shape
let's start #otakucore

>> No.6435392


>> No.6435425



they don't have a whole lot yet. i think they are pretty new. They're based in Indianapolis and I'm an Indianabro and I dig what they're doing thus far so I'd like to show them some support so they drop more stuff.

>> No.6435440

cop or nah

heavyweight twill

>> No.6435444
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>> No.6436325
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this is happening

>> No.6437105


i live in southern indianapolis. know of any good stores here for clothing?

>> No.6437127
File: 61 KB, 683x1024, 35_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i pull the trigger

>> No.6437124


>> No.6437151

lela jacobs?

isnt that a nz model?

>> No.6437166

nvm, found it.

yeah, lela jacobs.

imo you could buy wayyyy nicer things for $570 but up to you

imo handle it in person, the shop is open from like 10-5 and is at the top of the k'rd

>> No.6437167
File: 150 KB, 870x1110, WESC Eressa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6437177
File: 36 KB, 369x550, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are some junya arm warmers on ratuekn going for $40USD or s/t that are probably big enough to work as leg warmers

p.s. ffs i saved over my denim duck doll image.

>> No.6437190


yea i can get it for abt 35% off and can return it if its ug tho

im just a bit worried how long it will be in the thigh, i'm 6'3 and not in aucks so i cant try it on :/

>> No.6437204

I've been trying to get started with rakuten but it seems really confusing and I can't find anything but yesstyle-ish garbage. Do you have any tips?

>> No.6437208

yeah there's a private sale code for like 35% off or s/t, I'm sure you're aware of though.

imo email in and ask if you can get more off (if you havent) since 576 is a lot and they're probs prepared to lose on it.

gl i think it'd look good on a 6'3 frame
are you a gurl? if not then dont worry about the thighs since your shoulders will probably be wider so it'll hang away from your thighs

>> No.6437213
File: 187 KB, 1571x2000, jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get this Christopher Raeburn jacket

I already have one in silver

>> No.6437223
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>> No.6437231

yeah there's a private sale code for like 35%
Where i can get that?

>> No.6437239

p-pls respond

>> No.6437241
File: 267 KB, 1390x935, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be honest a friend recently filled me in, in really nice detail too but if you want my shitty version...

there's lots to talk about so if you could specify what you have most difficulty w/ in ratuken
If it's searching then yeah...
Ratuken is a JAPANESE BASED website so I THINK it'd be in your best interested to look at Japanese designer pieces since they'll be most accessible/prominent on the site
Rick, Ann D, cdiem etc all also exist but the pieces are bit more scarce and the prices a little more 'iffy'.

There will be HEAPS of trawling through pages to find what you want, spent like 12hours over the last 2 days look through pages and bookmarking stuff and moving on
You get more efficient trawling/screening through the site as you do it more and more

1. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR (makins searching easier)
2. KNOW YOUR DESIGNERS, *type into searchbar
3. MAKE SURE TO SET ASIDE DEDICATED TIME (it isn't all that time consuming once you get the hang of it)
5. RE-CHECK BOOKMARKS AND BE REALISTIC, IF YOU CANT HAVE IT OR IT WONT FIT YOU DELETE IT (let someone else get it, or send it to a friend idk (better your friends then some fat sweaty ln-cc sales rep who will throw it in a archive and try sell it for 10k))

protip: there are sort of like..ratuken based stories you may come across when trawling; i think it would be in your interest to make a note of these stores and exclusively navigate all their stock, progressively.

The further back you go, the richer the jawnz

best of luck.
hit me up if further questions.
If you want really detailed things maybe ask user, he's the master at this.
also, timber. He's a guru at this shit, fucking og CdG everywhere.

>> No.6437245

I like the washed leather, that looks great. But can't get behind distressed stuff, especially shoes. If it didn't have all that extra scuff marks I'd cop them myself.

>> No.6437248


>> No.6437251
File: 16 KB, 579x337, 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think they'll still offer it if you ask even though it's expired.

>> No.6437258

Wow! Thanks for typing that out, this is really helpful.

I'll look out for those other people too and ask them if I see them, but this gives me a lot of direction.

>> No.6437262


Thanks for that.

>> No.6437269


cool yeah i've emailed them about it prior

the only other black parka in my range i liked was a SGC one but i saw it in person and ew no

i think the lj parka is a far better garm for my cop of the week

>> No.6437273
File: 246 KB, 1000x730, 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kind of skipped over heaps of things so if there's anything in specific you want to ask me then go ahead.

i know its really labouerous at first to go through ratuken but really i think it is the best method as start to pick up on things and become familiar w/ the setting and what you're looking for.

i know i know its really cumbersome but i really believe it's for the best.

iirc user has some sort of sick script that helps him sift though everything and look for exactly what he wants really effectively, unfortunately i don't have access to it.

He's a really kind guy though so maybe if you hit him up he might depart w/ it, idk.

>> No.6437276

Hey, need your attention.

>> No.6437282
File: 186 KB, 1366x768, ss (2013-07-03 at 03.40.52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6437290

user probably doesn't want to share it

honestly, he probably doesn't want rakuten to become a big thing on effay. i know i sure don't, i want my jap brands for myself

>> No.6437291

fuck nvm they don't even ship this item to canda apparentl

>> No.6437300

it doesnt matter.

ratuken is destined for popularity, wether it's a select group of 'internet elites' or the writhing life of some vaguely fashion related image board. At some point both will navigate it effectively.

i would rather people here be first noticed than the #picoftheday posters on my fb.

>> No.6437406

Sure don't. I'm in a small town (population ~3000) about 2 hours south of Indy. I usually shop in Louisville since it's way closer